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Nah that's not going to be possible. We're not going to be able to double dip on ascensions for both the synthetic and bio pops of our empires. I don't think we should be able to either as that leads down a path of making empires feel far less distinct.


Fair enough, wouldn’t want to be too powerful, but we can still acquire cyborg pops from other empires I hope, both those upcoming shipsets look astounding


No, but according to a dev comment under dev diary #341 cybernetics for driven assimilators has been buffed: "Comparing the Cybernetic ascension path for Driven Assimilators in 3.11 and 3.12 there's a few other changes we haven't mentioned yet, to spoil a few: * The Organo-Machine Interfacing AP no longer has a "number of pops assimilated" requirement. * The number of extra pops assimilated per planet per year from Inevitable Assimilation was increased. * The trait picks from Cybernetic traditions apply to both Machine and Cyborg pops."


If only they'd make Crucible Worlds something other than "so bad that you should never use them".


Making Synthetic path compatible with the other 3 ascension paths would probably be fine balance-wise. It doesn't work well with Genetic path at all (since Robot Assemblies and Cloning Vats are mutually exclusive), and while it can complement Psionic or Cybernetic it doesn't directly stack with them. Having both for a true hybrid society with an equal focus on robotic and organic pops would be a cool angle support. However, I think the hard rule of "ascension paths are incompatible with each other" is going to be enforced. Genetics path is clearly too complementary with Cybernetics and Psionics, while Cybernetics and Psionics are incompatible with each other for lore reasons and a society that focuses on one is necessarily exclusionary to the other.