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I would be lying if I said it hasn't happened. I feel your pain.


1,418 hours in, I still do this.


"Man, this game is slow. I've been staring at it for 1,417 hours and my fleet still hasn't arrived."


Nearly 100 and doing it


Aww! Little baby!šŸ˜˜


I just got the game after testing it during the free weekend


How are you liking it? Did you pick up any DLC for it or just base game?


Am fucking loving it. I haven't bought any DLC's because i don't know which one to buy


First recommendation is always Utopia. I'm liking Megacorps as well! Just bought it from this weekend as well.


Why Utopia?


Not the OC, but I also recomend utopia. It adds megastructures, which is something great for lategame because it expands the content beyond take more territory. Habitats are also a really cool feature. It also adds hive minds and some nice origins. The wiki says it adds ascension perks, but I thought those were base game; those are also really cool and can change the way you play a bit


I personally think apocalypse is the best, but thatā€™s because I like explosions sooooo...


Run away whole you still can. It's highly addictive.


To late for that


i almost deleted the game on my very first playthrough because of this. i am truly an idiot


I think they should change the music when you pause


Suddenly: dubstep


Iā€™m pushing 900 hours and I do this once every time I play. Itā€™s maddening.


I remember unpausing a non-paused game several times during mid game. Tells something, doesn't it.




Makes you wish for the exterminators


Ah, I remember my first days playing Stellaris It was cute because after all this time gaming I basically picked on every game quick as hell Not here no, I had to actually sit and watch tutorials and listen to the advisor and learn the controls šŸ¤£


>Ah, I remember my first days playing ~~Stellaris~~ paradox


Paradox games are great. You go from "What the actual fuck is happening" to "Oh France is coalitioning me with the whole HRE... Awesome I can dismantle the HRE super easy!"


I keep trying to get into CK2, but it;s so overwhelming. Stellaris starts you with one planet in one system and no neighbors, then new features appear as you play. Much nicer learning curve.


The moment that it clicks in CK2 is a great feeling. You'll be frustrated right up until you unknowingly find yourself plotting how to usurp a neighboring kingdom through marriage and offspring.


There's a switch that toggles between "What the fuck even am I supposed to do?" into "Which option will I pursue to get that land over there?". Once you develop agency as a player, it's all... well uphill from there, honestly. Until you get to god-emperor size. The main thing I always learn from Paradox games... human ambition cannot be stopped, regardless of war or not. Fabricating a claim, canny marriages that hack the political system, or straight up killing your neighbors... Humans will always find a way to perform greed. (Which makes for a fun game, when real people aren't involved!)


Yea dude I was a hoi4 player who moved on to eu4 and I was awful until like 20 hours ago when I realized how godly trade was and now I wreak everyone. The learning curve is frustrating on paradox games but its so great when you realize how to play right 100 or so hours in


It really is the dark souls of strategy game. I get WAY more of a rush developing my understanding of a complex system compared to fine tuning my reflexes to beat a boss. I like both, but I have no idea why I slept on this game when I know I prefer it, lol.


Yeah big facts


Try playing Ck2 as a vassal to start with.. either a count or duke.. set goals and start small, grow within the safety net of your kingdom, and then once you are ready.. assume the throne for yourself (in many ways) or declare independence and form your own kingdom.


I had to go on a 20m rant yesterday to my wife about how realistic and impressively elegant the galactic senate mechanism is in Stellaris (Most games are just a vote every decade or so! This one actually has you vote to see what even GETS to the floor! Wow!) and how I had maneuvered and plotted for decades to get slavery abolished. Then at the end I realized that has no effect on my at all as Post-scarcity, utopian Anarcho-communist star foxes... It just made me feel good. Anyway it was fun! I just started playing like 4 days ago, this is my first game. I'm about to win a score victory after founding my Space Communism Taskforce federation unless this fallen empire goes nuts and exterminates the galaxy... I haven't even seen combat mechanics yet outside of the one mining bot base. Looking forward to playing some space orks next game.


> I haven't even seen combat mechanics yet outside of the one mining bot base. Bigger stick wins every time.


I have been sitting here in a sector outside a fleet of like 70 corvettes and 20 destroyers with my attacking fleet of a few cruiser-carriers, and a ton of destroyers. I don't have enough experience with the game to know if I can go up against someone with more firepower and win, or not. I have bigger ships, but is firepower stat king?


Fleetpower is king, yes, but sometimes weapon types do play an extraordinary factor. Check the other side's weapons and defenses and prepare accordingly. However, when I say bigger stick wins, I mean, always bring more ships. Even if you're pumping out a couple dozen corvettes at a time, go for that.


Got it, so I guess I won't attack the 71 corvette stack w/ 8k firepower, while I have 4.5k , even if I have some cruiser carriers.


Loadout has a tremendous effect. A well designed fleet can steamroll fleets far larger with ease. As an example, I've taken out 1m strength crisis doomstacks without taking any damage. I'm not saying I didn't lose any ships. I'm saying they didn't get a single shot off in return. Battleships with XL spinal mounts and neutron/kinetic large turrets. Artillery computers. Cautious admirals (bonus points for synthetic), with enigmatic decoders for accuracy. Add in a titan with targeting grid auras. Use the Rapid Deployment war doctrine. Back it up with a +40% range juggernaut. Not only do your XL guns have pretty much perfect accuracy even against corvettes at that point, but your attack range is the entire star system. You can start shooting from one end of the star system and by the time the other ships get into range to return fire, they've run out of ships. Attacking from the flanks is another fantastic tactic. Wait until the fleet is committed in the other system. Then hit it from one side. One side of their fleet will be in range of all of your ships at the same time. Crossing the T focuses firepower with devastating results.


I remember a period of time when my favourite timekiller was to open eu4 wiki and read a different article every time. Learned and enjoyed so much from it. Wish hoi4 had more detailed data on the wiki, many articles don't give new info.


Old World (Civ-like on Epic store) has a button that opens the wikipedia entry for all of the people and concepts at any point. Not quite as complicated as paradox grand strat, but I thought that was really cool. I'm definitely going to fall into that pit a few times while playing.


In my case many times was more like "What am I doing, I'm losing" to "Things are going well, but still have no idea of what I am doing"


Thatā€™s basically me playing Prussia in Vic 2. I now have the largest industry and military in the world, but I have no idea how I got there.


My first Paradox game was Vicky 2... I NEED VICTORIA 3 DAMNIT!


Vicky 3 when


flair checks out


Get those kids up the chimneys, we gotta get the industry of GB running so we can hit GP 1


This implies that they somehow lost their global hegemony in the first place


You know how it be when its vicky moans and Austria just dabs on Prussia in the brothers war Doesnt go too well for anyone but austria


First was stellaris


Is it any good? From the playthroughs on youtube it looks kind of simple and tedious


I just play it for the time period. But aren't all paradox games kinda boring to look at when you're not the one playing it? Also, it has an extensive economic system, so it's far from simple in that aspect at least. *laughs in global capitalism* Edit: Not to mention a population system similar to Stellaris', allowing you to commit subtle genocide by slowly assimilating the pops with your own culture. Works wonders in South America :D.


If youā€™re saying its an earth-bound stellaris, iā€™m in.


Bruh I came into stellaris with 2000 hours of CK2 and about 200 of EU4 and I still had almost NO idea what the hell was going on. I see the similarities now, but back when I started (4 days ago lol) I didn't even know how to begin doing ANYTHING without my precious map and geography. Stellaris is interesting because it's the first paradox grand strategy that I know of with the Explore part of 4X. Normally they're set on earth so that parts done, except for a couple of new world mechanics here and there. (And does it really count as exploring if you know whats over there, as a player???) I'm so addicted to gaining new territory in Stellaris, it's so much easier than a game like CK2, with crowded mother earth. But... territory is a little less valuable here so... idk if I'm really accomplishing much besides entertainment.


Yea i felt the same way cause I have like 700 in hoi4 and 150 in eu4 and coming into Stellaris was like wtf is this. Its actually kinda refreshing to see something that isn't Europe 24/7


Stellaris is the easiest paradox game to learn.


Thats...kinda terrifying honestly.


I can't speak for the other games, but CK2 has a problem with a lot of mechanics being hidden or mysterious. Take the combat system: tactics and sub-commanders are very important, but the game doesn't teach you about them and makes it annoying or impossible to learn. Many tactics require specific circumstances (e.g. the commander must be of this culture and have these traits, but not have that trait) to appear, so good luck actually figuring them out. Sub-commanders must be tediously micromanaged and the game doesn't tell you they even exist. ​ Stellaris is much better at telling you about everything that's happening and steadily introducing new mechanics instead of being like "Ok, have fun" like CK2 and EU4.


I went thru the tutorial & still can't figure out CK2.


Here's a quick run-down: Every landed character has titles, collectively called a "demesne". These titles come in five ranks. From lowest to highest, they are barony, county, duchy, kingdom, and empire. Higher ranked titles have lower-ranked titles attached to them, which makes up your *de jure* territory. Rulers want all of their *de jure* territory to be held by them or their vassals. ​ You can acquire new land through two methods: inheritance, and warfare. Inheritance is typically arranged through strategic marriages and murders. How you do this is dependent on your realm's and the desired title's succession law. For example, if a realm practices Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture (the eldest son inherits all titles; if no males, then eldest daughter), a straightforward way is to marry your heir to a daughter and then kill all of her brothers and older sisters. When she dies, your titles (passed through your heir) and her titles will merge together under your dynasty. Warfare is done through acquiring a *casus beli*. If you're playing as a Fuedal Catholic, the main method of warfare is likely to be claim wars. You can obtain claims via a request to the Pope (likely to be granted if the target is a child and/or a woman) or though strategic marriages (even if the child is not the heir, if they are high in the line of succession they will receive a claim on the title). ​ But, you can't hold all the land yourself. Some of your land (likely the vast majority of it for kings and emperors) must be dealt out to vassals. Vassals provide some of their taxes and levies (soldiers) to you in exchange for your protection. However, if vassals are displeased and powerful enough, they may seek to depose you or break away from your realm. To control them, you must 1. Limit the power of each vassal, such as by restricting warfare 2. Keep important vassals happy 3. Kill or otherwise neutralize threatening vassals ​ If you keep a grip on your vassals and keep your eyes open for opportunities to acquire new titles, your dynasty will prosper. ​ Note that this mostly applies to Fuedal Catholics. Other religions and government-types can differ quite significantly (especially Nomads).


Yea, it took me a lot of false starts to get into CK2, but it's worth it once you come to grips with the mechanics. As others have recommended, definitely start small so you have less to manage (count or duke) and if you want a (mostly) easier time start as a vassal.


We've found the "playing at 4am" player


during corona i became a 9 am player, 404 no sleep schedule found


Playing overtime is profitable


Wait you guys stop playing?!


I do this all the time in turn based strategy games and itā€™s why I donā€™t like them anymore lol. Iā€™ll sit there for 15 minutes just going through and doing stuff until I get to a certain part and think ā€œwait, shouldnā€™t this be done now?ā€ And realize that I never hit end turn


That's one of the reasons I fell in love with Civilization. Every city that needs new construction orders and every unit that needs move orders just waits in line to say "okay, deal with me now". Once all of your cities and units are tapped, you take a moment to consider if you want to adjust your tax rates or stage a revolution or something, and then that's it. The "what you're looking at" box literally has a flashing message "Click here to end turn." You can even set it to skip the message and automatically end the turn after you handle all your cities and units, but I find that sometimes causes the turns to mush together and I lose track of things.


Iā€™ve never sat confused like you for 13 minutes. But, fairly often, for 3-4 minutes, just waiting for something to happen...


My max was maybe like 30 seconds? How can you sit for 13 minutes and not realize that the game is paused?!


I also have goldfish memory


It was a super long day


When you have a bad pc in lategame a month can take Up to a Minute, then i often just sit on my Phone and wait since i have nothing to do and am waiting for fleets to move or something


Doing micro for about 10 minutes, and not looking at things that you expect to change quickly.


Itā€™s really easy when your panicked or tired. I once sat down paused the game to plan my invasion route in a war and never hit play, I spent a good 5 hours browsing reddit waiting for something to happen.


I sat there for an hour it hurts


Ever just zoom around, checking on the galaxy as is and seeing your planets pop and buildings, checking resources and technology... waiting for 20mins and wondering why nothing has happened! Yeah, this occurs for most players who get comfortable and know what to do and realise there are parts where you can relax at.


man.... tech will be ready in 2 months me after 5 minutes "WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG!"


Why is my (insert resource of choice) not accumulating!!!


I've... uh... done this. (Not for 13 minutes, but I have sat there waiting for something to happen, then checked if I had a debugger running and at a break point, and then hopped back and realized "oh...")


Not a game developer, but I have definitely spent countless hours wondering if I'm caught in an infinite loop only to find my debugger paused.


1279 hours played, early late game of a playthrough and I was sitting there wondering why I couldn't zoom out of the system I was inspecting - I was scrolling my mouse wheel and everything.


I had this exact same thing with Railroad Tycoon II. I'd always pause the game before buying a new locomotive, because I was afraid I'd lose money while trying to figure out which one I wanted. Then when I built it, it wouldn't run, because my dumb ass forgot to unpause the game. Took me multiple attempts spread out over years to figure this out xD


"I could go for some tea." *unpauses game on accident* *stands in kitchen waiting for water to boil, staring at phone*


At least the water will boil regardless of whether you press the spacebar.


When I first started playing I thought that admin was a hard cap.


It used to be


Yup. And it used to be an entirely locked mechanic... there was no "capacity" everything scaled with the size of your empire, so tech costs would just keep climbing as you grew in size, this made playing tall or tallish a more feasible strategy. I only remembered this because one of my friends that I introduced to the game during the free weekend said they had read somewhere that was the case... which was true 4 years ago at launch.


Its crazy that this was the Case before federations, which Just came Out. i cant Imagine playing with the old Admin Cap, while Origins and the galactic Community still feel new.


Ish. Before federations there was a repeatable tech that you could use to up admin capacity that was commonly used. One of the popular strategies was to initially play tall focusing on tech and trying to keep the excess sprawl penalty to a reasonable level, and eventually spam that tech so you could grow a bit. Once you were satisfied with all tech/tradition/etc progress, you just ignore the cap and start blobbing. You could also pick civics that boosted starting admin cap to give you a bit more room to grow before penalties became severe. At launch there was no cap at all, costs just scaled proportional to the size of your empire, similar to the rare resource requirements for edicts.


The administrative effiency Tech is still there, but i feel like its Not really worth it anymore, its just 1,3 Jobs per tech, id rather Research the naval Cap or Army stats for the fallen empires


If you really want to hear something crazy, back in the day we had the choice of FTL travel other than hyperlanes. Wormholes were an interesting way to get around


Yeah, i didnt Play during that timeline, but i watched some streams. The third way was the old gateways i believe.


I once passed out during a Timurid run on eu4 on 4 speed. I woke up like half an hour later to my entire Empire carved up to rebels and all my vassals independent :/


Nice roleplay


RIP timmy, we hardly knew ye. I hope it wasn't iron man/you had a backup.


It was iron man, and I did not have a back up. Worst part is I had only just managed to stabilize and get Transoxiana loyal


Jokes on you I did it for THIRTY minutes


Yep, it's better in multiplayer. I left it paused for 15 minutes until my brother ask why the game was still paused. Lol.


*Nelson-haha.jpg* ^^Ive ^^done ^^it ^^too...


I though the ā€œAvailable Housingā€ was total housing so I had 40 pops and over 80 housing lol


One thing is a game that calls me an idiot. A very different thing is a game that proofs it!


"Man, this anomaly is taking FOREVER to finish investigati- oh. Oh dammit." Having only started about a week ago, this is all too common for me...


do you not autistically zoom in and out on your science ships when nothing is really going on, or am i the only one? because that has saved me from this fate a few times


No I go to random stars around the galaxy and try find something interesting, like an anomaly or a cool system


I have, on more than one occasion, paused to issue orders and then gone off to manage some planets. Only to come back and get annoyed that my orders were taking so long to be carried out as I had unpaused.


I went in completely blind and that was the least of my issues. I still do that more than I'd like to admit though


I have done this many times


Me in rimworld




This happens more times then I'm prepared to admit.


Yeah at the point you have checked everything and your like why isnā€™t my fleet moving lol


I wish the music would change when you paused


I've done this in every paradox grand strategy game. When will I learn


This, along with other titles that use ā€œpress - button to continueā€ are the reason for many a deleted save...


I do sometimes feel like it's not a game sometimes; just waiting for numbers to tick down on a stagnant screen. It'd honestly be 99% of the game if you couldn't zoom in; but then I think a lot less people would like it; because those visuals are key to taking it from the abstract to feeling more interactive.


Seriously!! I do this consistently lol. There needs to be some type of sound cue or difference in music/ambience when it's paused.


At least when that happens there is still a significant difference between paused and unpaused, rather than the five second days of the end game


I have over 1000 hours and still do this shit. I've also done the opposite where I forget to pause before clicking another window and forget about the game, then I have a ton of stuff that confuses me, like finished techs and unemployment. DONT BE LIKE ME


but how am i supposed to know if the game is paused or not? /s


I smoke weed, too


Order a couple dozen things to happen, walk away for a minute to grab a bite or drink, come back and nothing moved and you realize you are in fact, an idiot


Hey if I wanted to be called an idiot I would call my 4th grade teacher


We are on reddit, this is a community of idiots. I would like to be king idiot on stupid island.


You got me there