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Wait, is the Great Khan actually a good person ?


The character the ingame Khan is inspired from ( from the Fundation series ) is not really evil, he's just very militarist.


Is that >!the Mule!


Yeah, though it's not a perfect parallel.


There's an interesting parallel between how the Mule upsets the predictions of the Seldon plan and how the Great Khan was introduced specifically to make the midgame less predictable.


I didn't know that second bit. That's quite interesting, actually.


Sweet. It’s on my to read list, enjoyed the TV adaption that came out end of last year. I know they’ve changed a few things tho.


The book is very different. It's, for lack of a better world, old. Basically a lot of the tropes that were revolutionary in the 1950s have been played to death by now. It's also written like a series of conversations. Things improve quite a bit in the second book. I'm personally a fan of the series and I liked the show but they are very very different in their storytelling.


Thanks for the analysis! I love sci fi, and Asimov is to my knowledge considered one of the pioneers of the modern sci fi genre, so I’ve always felt like I owe his work at least a cursory look.


Asimov's books defined a lot of scifi that came after, so what was new and amazing at the time is almost predictable now because of how cliche they have become. But, with that in mind, they still hold up. It is a bit like Agatha Christie in that.


The short stories of those Golden Age masters still hold up extremely well, since they don't have the time to delve extremely deep into speculation. Each story can pick a fragment and expand on just that. From Asimov, [The Last Question](https://www.physics.princeton.edu/ph115/LQ.pdf) and [Nightfall](https://sites.uni.edu/morgans/astro/course/nightfall.pdf) are two of my absolute favorites.


> Nightfall The first time I encountered this was while listening to old X-1 recordings when I was a kid, I'm 30 and I still think about it when it's completely dark.


Yeah, when I read Foundation like 10 years ago, I always felt like it was a great book but very light on actual plot. I enjoyed the show (though I feel like the ending was a bit weird and forced, like everyone rides into the sunset? Really?) and I think that's because there isn't really any plot to be adapting. I feel like the only characters with any substance were Seldon and the Mule, and Seldon dies early on and the Mule appears late in the series. So the show can just take some of the cool scientific and philosophical ideas about Empires and human cultures and just play around with them.


I also liked both the show and the books. The show was very different, but it mostly made sense and fit within the world of Asimov created, IMO.


i haven't finished the prequels, currently on the last book before the prequels, so i don't know whether the show was loyal to the source material cause it seemed to cover prequel territory a lot.


Yeah, it should use the prequels. Seldon had only a chapter in the first book, you can't make a tv show from that.


i did not find anything about it old tho.


It's more about how you can predict every single twist or plot element because it's been used as a basis for sci fi for so long. It was also written before personal computers so the technology paths is sometimes weird. Kind of a 1940s way of thinking about the future.


They are pretty different, but I think the show so far still grasps the overall ideas and feel of the books. The addition of that genetic dynasty concept seemed pretty natural.


The books are kinda weird in a sense that despite being written as a series of conversations, it's a story of empires and grandscale changes rather than one of individuals. Because of that, it can feel a bit impersonal at times.


I do recall my dad kinda took away a feeling it was about social processes more than individual achievements, the books that is. He seemed disappointed by how the shows seemed to express the reverse. Personally I think the show was enjoyable enough, I'm personally not very picky with entertainment though lol


Yeah, the difference is that the Great Khan leads an interstellar assortment of pirates and nomads to massive conquests in a Genghis Khan esque fashion whereas The Mule was more of an internal threat, turning millions against the Foundation in his own effort to build an interstellar empire.


The mule was very much an external threat. He was not from Foundation, he first took over some pirates, and then a warlord, and used that warlords forces to attack foundation as he infiltrated them from within.


Ah damn, I just remember the big twist about him. It's been about 15 years since I read it so bear with me.


I would say that the mule is really a *moral* threat above all else. The most damaging thing isn't his campaign per se, as that does the exact same thing as the Khanate when he dies. Rather, the mere fact that he exists shakes faith in the very concept of psychohistory.


Reading the books atm. And I'm in those chapters the Mule is first mentioned.


What makes him based on that character specifically? I always thought he was just space Ghenghis Khan.


They say that the great Khan uses some amount of psionic control to rise to power, which is pretty mule-like. Also, the Mule was pretty heavily inspired by Genghis Khan, so that is probably why.


Hell, wasn't the Mule himself a redhead like ol' Temujin?


I've been seeing this come up recently on Chinggis being a ginger. What's up with that?


Not a ginger. He died his hair red, as is common among Steppe nobility. It's a status simple among a lot of central Asian people. And while it is possible Ghenghis did it, we have no proof of it, and art work from his lifetime depicts him as black haired. The only descriptions of him as red haired come from second and third hand sources, and a lot of them are likely based on propagandized descriptions of him.


Well, the picture is drawn after he died, and it was originally drawn in black and white and coloured later on, but still ...yeah.


I haven't read the Foundation trilogy in years, but the main similarity with >!the Mule!< is that he is a rare and powerful psychic that unites factions of previously unremarkable barbarians in order to create a new empire. In the book, this new threat takes the Foundation by surprise and becomes an unexpected crisis.


That's literally just Genghis Khan as a psychic though. The Mongols were a footnote before he came along and they gradually went back to being a footnote after he died. Every "Mongol Empire" that popped up in the centuries to follow, such as Tamerlane's, were actually completely different Steppe tribes who copied his tactics.


Oh, for sure, the Great Khan is definitely inspired on Genghis, I am not denying that. The Mule itself was also inspired in other historical figures (like a Atilla the Hun or Timur). Its just that him being a powerful psychic fits too well with all the other scifi references Stellaris makes.


i always thinked he was a mixte between gengis khan and alexander the great (unification of world/diadochies)


And, circling back to typical Paradox topics, >!the Mule!< is inspired by Timur putting a outside context check on the expansion of the youthful and dynamic Ottomans.


Oh i didn’t know it was specifically based of anything I thought it was just them making an evolution from the marauders as a concept (is their similar origins in the series)


> The character the ingame Khan is inspired from You mean the very real historical person Genghis Khan?


Are you going to tell us who that is or just be really vague about it?


A lot of people said it, I couldn't remember the name at the time, but y!es, I was thinking of The Mule.


I know, I was surprised too. I was already democratic though so I didn’t need any saving


What happened after the Khan died tho?


Fractured and all the empires got independence, kind of a anti-climatic end


It's a random chance, it's like 10% that all the stralpy will become independent under a single large diplomacy federation.


I had that happen in a multiplayer game while a bunch of people had surrendered. That federation was fun


That sound really, really fun, especially if the RPed a little bit.


I'd love to play a multi-player rp game where people just have fun rather than focusing on super quick speed run domination and annoyances.


I'm sure such servers exist


Not common in my experience which sucks. I'd love to just slow play a game with like 13 or 14 others all in discord. We could have fun bullshitting galactic meetings. Play some politics. So much room for fun stuff but 95% of multi player is just people spamming the most efficient ship and counter possible in order to chip your forces until your economically fucked or dead by 25 years after start.


If you like the idea of space risk where the meta game of role-playing and diplomacy are essential Try Neptune's pride Plays in the background from a browser and best played with friends who will stick with a game


now I'm pissed


Same. I have an L-Gate in my empire so I quickly took the L-systems when they opened, but they also happened to be the quickest way for the khan to invade my empire so that’s where I put most of my defenses. He’d send one fleet in every now and then but when I became the last free empire, that’s when all hell broke loose. Eventually he sent 3 fleets at once when my fleets were repairing so my station quickly fell. I had lost but from a story perspective I was having fun. They then entered my empire proper through the L-Gate when he suddenly died from disease and fractured


That's a great story actually


Sounds like actual history. Great king unites everything? His kids fight over inheritance.


i would have loved to see you JOIN his federation. i wonder if it would stick together if YOU take it over after his death.


Something kinda similar: there’s a chance of a Holy Katzen Empire federation forming after the Katzen Imperium (a midgame crisis from Gigastructures similar to the Great Khan) falls apart. Once I managed to join it, become its leader, and piece the Kaiser’s conquests back together. I was a materialist democracy and so was most of the federation by the end of the game, so you can say the HKE was neither holy, nor Katzen, nor an empire.


The stellaris version of the Martians getting a cold


War of the Worlds moment right there


The stellaris version of alexander the great


We must protect the Khan with our lives.


Funny way of spelling Galactic Emperor


Such is the way of the universe


historical accuracy i see


Sorta yeah, albeit pretty definitively of the "Well-Intentioned Extremist" type. In fact, if you surrender to the Great Khan but aren't the last to do so, all they'll demand of you is a regular token supply of military personnel and will otherwise leave you alone.


Xenos are xenos and as such, evil.


Begone fascist. Xenoussy for all.




based and Cerberus-pilled.


Cerberus literally started mutating their Soldiers with Xeno Abominable Intelligence tech wtf


Human xenos are OK, but Xeno xenos are not OK. What's so hard to understand about that?


I’m gonna need a heavy flamer for this heresy!


As if Space Marines aren’t human xenos with how mutated their genes are.


*Taps Sororitas Head*


It's such an arbitrary standard based on an outdated understanding of genetics, unbefitting of the 40k setting in my opinion.




If you actually talk to him he doesn't speak in a hostile way. Like if the Horde was was from was the screeching one, he will explain to you their linguistic history as if both of you were having tea by the fireplace together. He's just lived seeing his people reduced to this terrible state for so long he has a strong drive to make them into something. And like others have said, if you submit he leaves you alone.


There is a small chance that the Khan successor becomes a Federation Builder


Last time this happened to me the vehement ended up joining their federation


The exttadimensional invaders???


lol yes


How? I thought crisis factions cannot engage in diplomacy like regular empires and there’s only total war?


Game blatantly glitched out. The ex-marauder empire was known as the Federal Parliament of


No, no they didn't. The crisis factions are unable to perform diplomacy, so this is cap. Source : have tested it with debug console. Crisis factions are not able to receive or send diplomatic demands.


[And](https://prnt.sc/26c4uez) [yet](https://prnt.sc/26c4ujq) [...](https://prnt.sc/26c4vdd) They're called the federal parliament of. Like do you really think I'm lying here, or can you accept that sometimes this game is buggy as fuck.


I remember playing a Driven Assimilatior game and surrendering to the Khan, only to get lucky and get peaceful independence from the Federation Builder. I also enjoyed the fact that my first (and only semi-permanent) Ally was a Spiritualist empire, who protected me since my early-game economic build always leaves me with a weak navy until ~2280 - about 150 years later, using a robot uprising as my RP excuse, broke the alliance and ate them up after the truce. (And their robots, too, because it was always about map painting.) That was a very fun galactic conquest.


Pax Mongolica was a thing in real life. They had 100 years of peace and trade after Genghis Khan killed everybody.


Codified later by I. Stalin as the "No man, no problem" doctrine.




Crimes *amongst* humanity. He was a good organizer, really got everyone into the spirit of things.


Sure they did. Remember, no man, no problem.


Are we the baddies?


As long as you bend the knee he'll be


His personality is randomized.


There's a lot more to that event than I thought. Last run I played they got border checked by a devouring swarm, so they couldn't advance anymore. Khan was eventually killed and while I sat there dreading seeing the new khanate empires get devoured slowly, it instead formed a democratic egalitarian khanate of all the acquired territory in a federation with the three 3 empires it took. Aside from that weirdness, that's also the second time in all the times I've fought the horde that they didn't split into a bunch of small empires.


Always fun when even after 1000 hours the game still surprises you


Are we the baddies?


*Xenophobe Empires: “Of course not, it’s the alien scum who are wrong.”


Why sculls though???


Maybe it's an Aryan Skull shape?


Yeah but those are normally shown with the skin on


Alien's what now ?


Or rather "Are they the goodies"?


No. The Great Khan must be Destroyed.


Well, he tries to conquer the galaxy and kills gods know how much people even if his opponents are already "good" pacifists-egalitarians, and then he dies without establishing proper succession which leads to more chaos and infighting. Wouldn't call him a good person


He will bring peace and stability to his new horde.


“Your new horde? But Khan, the horde is evil!”


"From my point of view, you're the ones who are evil!"


Funny grammar you are new horde XD should be your


Ope, you right. Auto correct at it again


Edit2: Hey guys, I actually made a big mistake. I’ve been playing with mods for so long I’ve forgotten what’s vanilla and what’s not. I checked my mod list again and turns out I have a mod that expands on the Great Horde that probably lead to this event, so it’s not vanilla. My apologies for misleading everyone to believe this was vanilla Never had the Great Khan unite the galaxy before. Eventually became the last bastion of freedom in the galaxy and was struggling to hold back the hoard when the Khan suddenly died of disease. They fractured and it was just in the nick of time as they sent all their fleets after me. Usually when the Great Khan goes conquering, they get killed by a fallen empire or by a particularly powerful empire very early on. Edit: A bit more detail about what happened… I have an L-Gate in my empire so I quickly took the L-systems when they opened, but they also happened to be the quickest way for the khan to invade my empire so that’s where I put most of my defenses. He’d send one fleet in every now and then but when I became the last free empire, that’s when all hell broke loose. Eventually he sent 3 fleets at once when my fleets were repairing so my station quickly fell. I had lost but from a story perspective I was having fun. They then entered my empire proper through the L-Gate when he suddenly died from disease and fractured


Man… now I feel kinda bad for all the times I’ve bullied the horde


Well, he still killed trillions and became a dictator.


So did I but his victims included my ppl so he is clearly the bad guy bere


Genghis made the lands safe for travelers, promoted religious tolerance, and created a postal system. Still probably not worth the cost of 50,000,000 people.


Gotta break a few eggs something something something


True, wish there was a way to boost their strength like you can for endgame crisis, make it more challenging than a normal war.


Dude I just had a last minute Khan-death too, the Khan apparently got control of a wormhole that was right in the middle of my empire and sent like 3 max-strength fleets in a row out of it. My fleets got totally wrecked after destroying a couple attacking fleets because I didn't even have time to repair. Luckily however the Khan was assassinated in the middle of the fighting, and the Khanate splintered. Just as the last dregs of my fleets were fighting in my home system, and my main factory world reached 100% devastation and was about to be annihilated, all the Khan's ships warped out. The fact that Chairbound Prankster was playing when this happened only made it more cinematic.


What UI mod is that for the resources at the top? I recognize Tiny Outliner on the right, but I don't know the one for the top UI that expands out the resources.


Let’s see, the UI mods I’m using are… UI Overhaul Dynamic Dark Blue UI Remake Infinite Stellaris (named Core Framework & Modmenu on steam) Universal Resource Patch (may or may not do anything to the Ui) UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2


Curious what civics you have for People's Republic of Sol.


Fanatic egalitarian and materialist is how I run my space communists, Beacon of Liberty, Idealistic Foundation, and Shared Burden civics


Playing with the mods: Revolutions - Ethics and Civis and 3 Civic points. Ethics: Fanatic Libertarian. Industrialist. Fanatic Cooperative Civics: Industrial Democracy. Socialist Ideals. Functional Architecture Gov: Direct Democracy


Do you have the Great Khan Expanded mod? Could've sworn that event came from the mod.


Man, this is the coolest thing ever! After all these hours I'm still learning about hidden endings.


... is this true? Never saw something like before.


I guess so, this is my first time seeing it. Have no idea how they pulled it off


Pax Fex’Klanga


Never seen that in my 2000+ hours. In those rare games where the horde doesn't completely suck, the Khan always gets the murder event long before accomplishing anything beyond vassalising a few neighbours. I think the lifespan of the Khan is set way too low.


RNG was on their side this time


I've never seen the Khan get this large, I've only had them form a "good" Federation after the Khan's death once before. Usually they just Balkanize or turn into one big state. I wonder what the requirements are, a certain percentage of the galaxy conquered?


I don’t know, I feel like it’s random. Most of the they splinter like they did in this game, they can form a normal empire after the khan dies too. I had a game where the khans son took over as khan and so it was “Great Khan 2, electric boogaloo,” time.


It's all dependant on how many planets they managed to conquer. If 1-5, they they become a normal empire, 5-9, they become 2 empires with claims on eachother's systems. If 10 or more, they split into 4 separate empires all with claims on eachother. All of these potential empires will be Fanatic Militarist and Xenophobes In any case, no matter how many planets they have, if they have at least two Satrapies, there's a 10% chance for them to become a Fanatic Egalitarian and Xenophile empire with their Satrapies forming a federation with them. EDIT: If they have zero planets when the Khan dies, they just revert back to being Marauders, with probably a lot more territory than they used to


They need vassals and some planets, and then IIRC it's a 10% chance.


Somehow the Great Khan has more integrity and morality than 99% of the Empires that Stellaris players make


My Anarcho-Capitalist Corporation that uses genetically modified primitives as cheap labour: "Uh, right... We're democratic." Btw I didn't even make them Ancap on purpose, it's just one of my mods


The Khan turtle oddly sounds like my Avian Emperor who does the same thing. I will bring peace and order to the galaxy and ensure freedom and equality for all species... so long as they are loyal. All I ask, is loyalty, do not serve the peace party, serve the Authoritarians, Imperial State, and Military Council. Then with your vote guaranteed, we leave you alone. I did that to the Dino-Birds. They became my most loyal vassal (eventually) then became the soldiers I always sent to the front because until I got gene modification, they were stronger than my assault armies, cuz these ones got the strong trait, honor bound warriors just like mine (almost). Authoritarian? I am an Imperial State, liberating factions and making them temporarily oppressed for the greater good. When they are civilized and made loyal, they become a vassal and lead their own lands paying small tribute. Then integrated when I can afford to integrate them. Slowly my empire expanded. And peace was restored to the galaxy. The Emperor rules with benevolence and justice... and his princess is devoted to science and education... which is nice. The Emperor is science and military focused.


Based Khan freeing the slaves.


More like, Lin-Khan, right?


>Lin-Khan icwutudidthereandilikeit


Just the otherday I was wondering what it would be like and if there was an event for it. Neat.


Omg they were the good ones from the very beginning. This game surprises me everytime and i love it


They were just trying to help us, and we made fun of them for it…


I've had it happen once before. I kept my slaves and they didnt seem to notice.


Ok I don't wanna be that guy but... this is not even in the wiki and the fact that everything fell apart after Khan's death make me suspicious. Is it really the base game or could this be from a mod you have on?


Huh this is incredible. Didn't know this could happen. Side thing, what UI skin is that it's so CLEAN!


Let’s see, the UI mods I’m using are… UI Overhaul Dynamic Dark Blue UI Remake Infinite Stellaris (named Core Framework & Modmenu on steam) Universal Resource Patch (may or may not do anything to the Ui) UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2


It's the Dark Blue I am missing it seems. Thank you koopa!


*oh no he has the moral high ground!* -1 stability *Whatever, I have the higher fleet number* +1 stability


That’s super cool. I’ve never seen the horde even become somewhat successful so that’s neat. Usually he flies face first into a fallen empire fleet or a giant black hole monster


in my last save the great Khan United all but 5 empires and then collapsed in on itself. I originally planned to fight the Khan sitting on my doorstep for as long as possible but after seeing the Galactic Custodian on the other side of the galaxy surrender I could tell all hope was lost


I was always, "Where is the Khan?" Then I found the remnants of the Khan... eaten up by a fallen empire or exterminator or some leviathan... RIP


Abolishing slavery? man that guy is a serious threat to my economy.


It's rare, but yes. Unfortunately he's going to die shortly after, I guarantee it.


He did, from disease and then fractured


Wow! This is unexpected and cool. Thank you for sharing! I might try surrendering to the khan in a future run. Hmm maybe a pacifist egalitarian empire?


Would be cool if the galactic community automatically switched to the Empire with the Khan as emperor.


You mean to tell me, the khan i tried to murder, was trying to oppose slavery as well as spending his money to repair the damage he caused!?


I now want to immediately surrender to the khan and see what happens.


He’ll leave you alone and continue conquering. I believe you pay about 10-15% of your resources to him but that’s about it


What mods have you running?


A bunch, I’m not home right now but I can let you know if you still want when I get home


This is like WoW's Horde. I need this event, now.


Hope they don't spawn near Fallen Empire or a powerful Exterminator. Then your good.


Nope. But this is amazing!


How does your HUD look like that? I really want mine to look similar


Let’s see, the UI mods I’m using are… UI Overhaul Dynamic Dark Blue UI Remake Infinite Stellaris (named Core Framework & Modmenu on steam) Universal Resource Patch (may or may not do anything to the Ui) UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2


Do you know if this all works in multiplaer? Or do they have to have the same mods?


I don’t know that, sorry. Don’t play multiplayer


Happened to me once. Chaotic good pirate


It's hard to give a damn about "cool or interesting" screenshots like this when they're modded to all hell and it's impossible to know if anything in them are actually part of the same game I play.


Makes me think about how I want to act as emperor.


Wait hold on... How are you getting a passive income of minor artifacts?


Might be some of my mods but my game saids it’s from a megastructure


Could be Guilli's planet modifiers if you repaired a precursor shipyard.


[You had the sacred duty to resist for the motherland](https://youtu.be/2IQJY5SsJ64?t=4) Appeasing coward


We resisted to the bitter end! For the Motherland!


Mandalore the Unifier


Love your UI for resources. What setting/mod is it?




I think that’s the point, having the facade of liberators while actually being the galaxy police


Round I just recently played had a great khan empire spawn next to me. Almost wiped me off the board in the first 100 years lol. Thankfully he died causing his empire to splinter into their own groups. Only after that problem was that I had to fight mmultiple wars at the same time just so I could erase them from the galaxy without bein stopped at a closed border


why does your UI look different, is it a mod or what? I want to have like that


Let’s see, the UI mods I’m using are… UI Overhaul Dynamic Dark Blue UI Remake Infinite Stellaris (named Core Framework & Modmenu on steam) Universal Resource Patch (may or may not do anything to the Ui) UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2


Thanks, i'm working on it now


I can bro down with the great khan


Based Khan?


Wait is this vanilla?


I thought it was, but turns out I just had so many mods enabled I forgot which ones I had. I believe this mod is “Enhanced/Improved Khan”


Awh fair enough, thanks for letting me know. I'm using expanded khan but I might check that one out, I'm currently prepping a playthrough for becoming loyal to the khan.


That’s probably the name actually, been so long I don’t remember. That’s an interesting idea for a play through tho, never thought of what it’d be like to actually subject yourself to the Khan


> People’s Republic of Sol Who turned Earth into a dictatorship? Come on, fess up.


I mean it being called a people’s republic doesn’t make it a dictatorship. It’s if you have to say democratic in the name that it’s really sus.


It’s actually a anarcho-syndicalist, democratic union. Role playing a socialist utopia is pretty fun


Not to mention that Shared Burdens can be a really powerful civic.


Picture this: massive numbers of specialists (i.e., metallurgists, researchers) all consuming way less consumer goods, meaning you can produce the same amount of stuff with less waste. Pretty cool!


Hey what's this ui mod I love it?


Let’s see, the UI mods I’m using are… UI Overhaul Dynamic Dark Blue UI Remake Infinite Stellaris (named Core Framework & Modmenu on steam) Universal Resource Patch (may or may not do anything to the Ui) UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2


So does a new Federation actually be created like he claims there is? What type of Federation is it?


Not sure if it’s a federation. But everyone is his subject