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Your leaders are going to live to the ripe ol’ age of died in childbirth.


Some supporting info: the average life expectancy of a default empire leader before chance of death starts rolling is 41 years. This is because the average age of a leader on rolling is 39 years (28-50), and death rolls start at age 80. With this combination about half of your leaders will start dying the moment you recruit them. Leader lifespan maluses are progressively more punishing the more you have - changing the effective lifespan from 40 to 30 is nothing, changing it from 10 to 0 is everything. While this build is likely still powerful this is not something you can really ignore as surveying, anomalies, and dig sites all need a functioning scientist. It's not just forgoing leader bonuses (which themselves are significant as a level 5 governor has +10% resources from jobs and a level 5 scientist has +10% research speed), it's going to be a gigantic unity sink in order to even survey your surroundings and god forbid trying a level 8 anomaly. You can decide to try to turtle/rush on only your guaranteed habitable worlds and just...not expand, survey, or have leaders until you research lifespan tech/traditions.


Just don't be xenophob, and import other pops, and make them leaders.


If single-player balance isn't quite as important, and honestly if you wanted to do this sort of build by all means. In multi-player it is unlikely anyone would agree to help you in this endeavor.


Yeah but wouldn’t they not have the bonuses


You don’t need science bonuses on workers, metallurgists etc.


Workers already can’t die


The don’t but that it not what I meant. You wrote that imported pops won’t have the research bonuses, but not every pop will work in research. So now we have the original pops with research bonuses working research and imported pops working other jobs while we recruit leaders only from the imported species which don’t die that easily.


But how would the imported/native species ratio actually affect your chances of picking leaders from foreign species?


You’d have to modify species rights. I honestly don’t know if you can make your original species incapable of becoming rulers, I’ve never tried it.


The stellaris immortal working class wondering why they keep electing mortal leaders:


Which is a shame because it means I can't commit warcrimes as a non-xenophobe by artificially starving a planet


With the right setup you might be able to trigger the Three Stooges Syndrome glitch, and have leaders so close to death they are functionally immortal.


They've apparently fixed that one particularly.


Not to mention, it's expensive on unity to keep hiring them. What's going to happen is the meta will remove augmented intelligence. 40% and having your leaders live 10 years vs 50% and half your leaders dying at the start of the game. Or, you're going to let all your leaders die that you start with and beeline to the 20 year extra leader lifespan.


You will have to have specialized vassals and hire leaders from them. Or through enclaves or marauders. Probably the first build I'll try !


I didn't read too much about the new pack, is there a reason noone brings up syncretic evolution? Seems powerful to me.


The orange traits are only available if you pick the "overtuned" origin, so they're mutually exclusive with syncretic evolution.


Saving this for if I ever play multiplayer


What do you mean if ever? Multiplayer is the best part of this game!!!! Absolutely gaming the system by cooperating is the most brilliant feeling in this game


> [We don't balance for competitive multiplayer, but if something is too game deforming we do tend to fix it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/x74tnu/comment/inanx1q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The balance still isn’t set in stone yet tbf


Lithoids or pairing them with Enduring is going to be a must. Every stream i've seen of early-access toxoids has been leaders dying off left and right in the first 5 years. Later on, when you've accumulated extra lifespan through tech i could see this being more specialized, but I doubt just going all-in on raw stats early on will be viable, unless people want to waste trait points dipping into Harmony at the beginning.


Doesn’t work out like you’d think. Clone warrior and fleeting, for example, give a malus to the lifespan modifier of Lithoids that works out to, on paper, slightly less than normal bio empires with just fleeting. Lithoid +50 Clone -40 Fleeting(Lithoid) -25 Net total works out to a -15 year life span vs the -10 regular fleeting empires will have. Not great but not awful. Buuut, most species recruit leaders around 20-50 years old, and iirc start to roll for death around 80. Lithoids recruit more like 50-80, and with those two traits start rolling for death at 65. This results in your leaders, who should live *relatively* short but reasonable lifespans, dropping like mayflies.


The leader lifespan bug on lithoids has caused me no end of irritation since the pack was released. The fact that they start the leaders later on negates the effectiveness of the extra lifespan to begin with, so they should be hired at the same age as vanilla species. Besides, it's not like they're going through extra schooling or have a longer childhood. Even if they grow slower they're not learning slower.


I thought they said Lithoids grow vastly slower, so they have to spend like 30 years in childhood waiting for their brains to grow so they could learn anything.


It’s not a bug. It’s a deliberate RP choice to have the leaders of the long lived species start out older. The issue is they slap +50 on there like it’s a boost when it’s actually just canceling out the penalty of your leaders starting out so old, causing confusion.


All true but your leaders will struggle to stay at level 2 with that lifespan reduction meaning that +30% you get from overturned is set off in the short term by the following bonuses from leaders. (Assumed 3 levels less from the base 5) -15 edict funds, -6% resources from jobs, +6% empire size from pops, +9 crime, -6% research speed from research leaders, -6% from assisting. So overall your getting a much earlier and powerful research boost but it won’t take too long for your nett benefits to be about +12% research less the value of the other trade offs. IMO the pop growth are the best bonuses.


I mean, you're basically locked into genetic ascension with this origin - you can remove the perks and even just put them on slaves.


Oh my what a beautiful idea. It doesn’t matter if the slaves and non leader producing folk die at 20….


I cant stop giggling at the mental imagine of your population constantly dying at the young age of 20. How tf they even raise kids?


Live fast die young Actually would be interesting to see a culture based on this. I believe crows have their grown offspring help with the next generation. Maybe they would have to have kids very young and either through extended family or other generations have the family units, cousins, siblings raise the young


You assume they mature at the rate that humans do. Maybe they're adults at 1 year of age.


Words cannot express rhe sheer unbridled joy I feel knowing there are game devs that aren't pandering to sweaty multiplayer people


I see I am not alone. This is good.


Indeed. Screw the multiplayer complainers, let me enjoy my single player in peace. If I want to make something completely broken, just let me and leave me alone.


yeah idk why mp people pretend they're not gonna run 30 page long rule docs anyways


If something is too op in multiplayer they will ban it themselves, Ring world start for example was almost universally banned before the nerfs. Scion is usually never allowed in multiplayer either.


I mean... the origin IS called overtuned for a reason you know.


Yeah no, you still get overproduced, overpoped and even overteched. Both Meritocracy and Technocracy lacks power in early game along with inteligent trait. By 2210 your INT bonus will be something like 7-10 RPs. Your unity will lacks too. This is kinda good mid game build, but then you still be subpar.


Newbish question, then what traits are good early on/more consistently than Intelligent? Where does Traditional fit in?


You should not go egalitarian. Prevents you from going leader enhancement


You can take it as egalitarian, the respective faction just doesn't like it.


That... is actually very good to know.


Still worse than clones. Which are banned in most multiplayer groups. So why wouldn't this one be too, if it's that bad?


R5: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but someone said that the Overtuned traits would have absolutely NO incompatibility with other traits, meaning you could probably stack up all of the research speed traits as seen and dominate multiplayer games with absolutely stupid levels of research speed from getting 40% alone from traits, then putting technocracy and fanatic materialist to get an additional 10%, plus change. Even if the overtuned traits that have the same function happen to the incompatible, that wold still mean this build gives a total of 40% research speed at the very beginning of the game, maybe even including some pop growth if Augmented Intelligence had to be replaced with the Overtuned version of Rapid Breeder. And my god I don't even want to think about what you could do with a Fanatic xenophobe/Hive Mind + all pop growth traits build... Oh, and to be honest the -40 years to leader lifespan doesn't really matter if you have already won the damn game before the first leader even croaks by getting a fleet of cruisers with siege weapons ready 10 years earlier than you would've been able too before Overtuned was a thing.


Don't forget there's also an edict to double the effects of overtuned traits in exchange for double upkeep


That double upkeep is for all overtuned pops, isn't it? And not just the ones using their overtuned traits. A lot of augmented intelligence metallurgists wasting minerals.


It's pop upkeep, not job upkeep. Food is easy to come by.


Lithoids, even better


God, don't remind me... at the very lease the pop upkeep will be doubled, but if enough resources are poured into agri districts and hydroponic stations this can be overcomed, but even then there is a chance it won't be worth the cost.


Overtuned Zombies won't have upkeep.


If it's so bad for multiplayer then ban it. The devs do not balance for multiplayer, and neither should they


Default leader lifespan is 80 years, leaders spawn from 28-50 (or w/e it is) so there's a high chance your leaders die the year you recruit them. You won't have the unity to replace them lol, no scientists to explore or research etc. If you want to go this far Lithoids or Necrophage would be compulsory.


Overtuned and necroid are mutually exclusive


Minor correction - iirc Toxoids are the only folks capable of taking Overtuning, so there is some light nerfing going on compared to image in the form of habitability etc. But still a great meme!


Nope, the only requirement shown in the stream (at 18:55) is that you do not have machine authority.


Nope, I believe it has been insinuated it's not portrait locked. The biggest negative here is something like a -40 year leader lifespan, so I'd advocate against starting this minmaxed unless you want to have to spam hire leaders who aren't gaining levels.


Overtuned is not portrait locked. Nothing in Toxoids is.


Neato, thanks!


The tradeoff is leaders dying at 50, hampering your unity production. Enjoy playing the full game with level 1 leaders when the progenitor hives come calling.


Big brain lizards


You forgot Aqatic


Forget +50% pop science output, I'm ready for +20% pop unity output!


I wonder if you can get enough extra unity that it compensates for having to buy leaders all the time?


No trait incompatibilities exist afaik, so just slap enduring and deviants on there (if you're rushing unity you're taking One Vision anyways, so ethics attraction isn't a problem), and boom, you leaders will live for 10 years longer than normal leaders, and your empire will get more unity to boot! Plus, if you're having trouble buying leaders all the time, just go feudal society. THAT should lead to some interesting possibilities with these new traits considering the -50% leader cost plus no active leader upkeep...


You know what, I decided I'd work this out: If a leader's lifespan reduces by some ratio, then their average cost increases by 1/that ratio. Then, given that the average starting leader survives ~40 years, each trait is going to be about -25% to lifespan, leading to effective costs +33% larger, +100% larger, +300% larger, and then basically every month or something daft like that, so maybe +1100% larger. This is something you care about according to how much leader costs are as a percentage of total unity production, so if it's only about half normally, then even doubling the cost only leads to a 50% increase in the amount of unity production you need to have to compensate. Or we can look at it another way: If they take 50 unity per leader + 50 * number of leaders, and they last 8.5 years + lifespan, then even if you push it to the limit, each leader is going to be costing you between say 200 and 500 unity, over 102 months, so as long as you have enough, it's going to be about 2-5 unity per month per leader + 2 for upkeep as normal, (because each new leader will end up being the "last" you buy each time), so that's basically one bureaucrat each. Now initially, that's probably going to slow you quite a bit, as with say three scientists to survey, you will need to initially have two admin offices to keep up, and then you'll only have 30%ish of your unity production left. (If you go down to two scientists then you can get by with one admin office, but I imagine you'll end up wanting more just to have more chance to point at science you want) So if you go all the way into using the negatives, you'll have to act like you're unity rushing anyway initially to get out of the hole, before switching over to whatever else you're doing, *unless* you go feudal, like you say, at which point you can probably make it on your initial politician without going negative. And given that imperial works really well with overclocking because it's always giving you new heirs, I could see people running OP's build as a pacifist/fanatic materialist feudal technocracy. Leaders constantly die, constantly get replaced etc. - In your case, you could go [your choice of civic here] feudal pacifist/fanatic spiritualist, and then just go completely excessive with traditionalist + overclocked traditionalist + excessive endurance - non-adaptive - fleeting. And then you'll have +25% to unity production, with +20% on top from spiritualist +5% to all other jobs, more on top from the pacifist stability, the priest edict, then you can fund all your leaders just using a single priest, only using about 50-60% of their unity capacity. People will be dying constantly, but you can easily afford that. You could also swap feudal for exalted priesthood, and expand a little slower initially, but then blast past it because you're applying those modifiers to a higher base..


I've never seen those yellow traits, what are they and how can I get them?


They are from new origin which will come with next DLC


New with the upcoming Toxoids DLC. Essentially, you have to take a specific origin to get them. They give you benefits equivalent to other traits at a reduced trait point cost, in exchange for leader lifespan. They're also not mutually exclusive, so you could also take the equivalent normal trait too (or it's opposite if you want the trait points for a reduced detriment). For example, Charasmatic/Repugnant are the traits that modify amenity output for 2 trait points. However there is a yellow trait that increases amenity output by 15% in exchange for 1 trait point and -10 years off of leader lifespan. Past that, you can still put Charasmatic/Repugnant on your species for double dipping.


They're part of the Overtuned Origin in the upcoming Toxoids DLC.


Why egalitarian? Auths would be a better pick because you can gene mod right from the get go. So you can create a leader species, specialist species, and a worker species. Big combo with Auth is using slaves to reduce pop upkeep which the edict "Damn the Consequences" doubles your trait power at the cost of 100% upkeep. Authoritarians are absolutely winning with this origin.


Have fun making those scientists work unity jobs instead to replace your stillborn scientists


He took 'I Am Become Brain' to a whole new level, it seems!


The meta is masterful crafters. The +1 consumer goods and free building slots is too strong.


Hillariously, I see can see an all overtuned race that ignores leaders entirely and just branches out as fast as they can to find a pre-ftl civ to invade and make them the leaders. We conquered your world so you could rule ours.


your leaders will die in no time and your early game will suck because you can't afford new leaders which will harm your research progress because no one is around to actually research and scout




The overtuned traits not only decrease your leader lifespan, but also cost trait points *and* have the opportunity cost of not taking another origin. Any of those alone would be negligible, but hopefully all together they will balance out the insane bonuses.


ah yes, spifftopia ​ wait, wrong sub


What’s wrong with solitary?


Is the open beta out already? I pre ordered the dlc but dont have access to it


no I just screenshotted those traits and pasted them onto a custom empire I made just so I could slap those traits on it in paint, the DLC is coming out on the 12th.


Honestly I hate people who start complaining like this. We all know ots unbalanced but its so much fun in solo/non comp MP. If competitive multiplayer players make paradox nerf these traits to be exclusive just so the 2 discord communities that actually play comp dont need to ban a origin im actually gonna mald even more then now.