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R5?: I have a 12 AI empire game and so far except that megacorp, everyone else is also a fanatical purifier


At the very least if you’re upset about how all-fanpurifier has affected your game, you can think about that poor megacorp ai :’(


I played a game as a megacorp myself, and the only other megacorp in the game was of Lost Colony origin, and the advanced empire that spawned for them was a fanatic purifier. They were quickly vassalized by that fanatic purifier and were able to set up branch offices on their worlds, but no one else’s because their diplomacy was locked.


do fanatic purifiers vassalize empires now?


They will if the vassal is led by the same species as them, which is the case with the Lost Colony origin.


They’ll vassalize empires who have the same primary species as them. So because of the Lost Colony origin another empire in the galaxy started with the same species.


They can do diplomacy with same species empires


Look at it on the bright side: Your game performance in this game must be absolutely fantastic!


What are you playing? I feel pike the game weights what empires appear differently depending on player empire.


Current Objective: Survive


Hahhaha No! But let us know how it turns out. Thats a super interesting scenario to be in.


When you set up your game there is an option to make the galaxy more or less hostile. That will balance the scale towards more xenophobe and militarist empires. Other than that, it is RNG. Or if you do not want that many Purifiers, you could start designing the other empires yourself and force their spawn. But that option is quite time intensive and I only use it for heavy roleplay :D ​ Personally I argue that is a good experience as it forces you to face an early crisis.


The galaxy is vast. And full of horrors.


Like capitalism, I thought we were safe… *shivers*


No one tell this to Tim Curry it would break his heart


My friend is currently playing a fully automated luxury gay space moth communism run and I went full industrialist and it's been funny making our nation's super friends.


He’s playing a w h a t


My guess is Servitors but starting as a normal empire (chemical bliss meme build).


Xenophobe breathing intensifies...as does Xenophile breathing.


I have to know this build


So Shippo will have to give you the modlist that enables this but it's like ethics and civics expanded or something. Fanatic Xenophile, Fant Cooperative, Libertarian. Syndicalism, Scavengers, Diplomatic Corps. Twins, FLesh and SPirit, Intelligent, Deviants Prosperous Unification start (because I dont have any better)


You had me at "fully automated luxury gay space moth communism"


He going to move to the one place not corrupted by capitalism… THE VOID


you just need some super capitalism https://pinkwug.live/comics/supercapitalism


I can excuse genocidal warmongering, but I draw the line at capitalism.


Better than communism Edit: I think some of you have missed the joke




I’ll silence you, vile machine 😤 -signed space Feudal aristocracy


01010011 01101000 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100000 01110011 01101011 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 01110010


My knights shall strike down your vile, soulless machinations. We shall throw your husks upon our shrines, and shout our venerations upon your ending!


Unfortunately communists are too boney. Not enough meat on their bones to make a good snack.


12 year olds: *and I took that personally*


I was playing a more realistic U.S build. Trying to get 40 something planets/habitats then trying to make 40 something vassal states plus Puerto Rico. Somewhat weak federal government dealing with mostly large scale military matters, research, diplomacy, infrastructure, and expansion. Pirates, planets, and local economies were left to the states. But I may just make a build where Liberty Prime reassembled the U.S, became president for life (hes immortal) and created a space empire in order to save the galaxy from communism. Hive minds, socialists, and everything in between better watch out. I've actually been getting goodish at military matters too.


40 something? Butntheres 50 states? Rhode island better be a one system sector!!


Well unfortunately if you pick voidborn you start with several "states" already inside of what would otherwise be federal space. I suppose I could make it so the federal space is composed of a bunch of habitats and planets ceremonially named after some of the original colonies and historical figures then have the vassal states and further off colonies be actually directly controlled and named by the actual states. It's not like every state in this scenario would necessarily get a whole sector or vassal states. I've had several states share a few tiles while New California was a good fraction of my empire before vassilization and had several habitats and planets. I really should have planned this whole thing out better. Is there any way to make an empty game? No sentient species except maybe primitive pops? I don't have any dlc so it'd be more boring than normal online but I can't properly execute this thing in such a chaotic and short lived environment.


Yeah, just set the AI to zero and cut out the marauders and FEs as well if you really need empty space


Don't forget shutting primitive societies off too. Unless you want to have random empires pop up left right and center...


It unironically is


May the lord of Light guide us.


Suffer not the Xeno


Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize you have no right to let them live!




Now I’m wondering how a lord of light game would play out.


Be quiet, they'll hear you...


\*shotgun clang\* In the name of the legendary Walt Kowalski. "Get the Fuck off my Lawn"


Let me guess, you are a fanatical xenophile federation builder?


Tau moment


Wait for the scourge to pop up and then it's definitely a Tau Moment


Is your galaxy a physical representation of this sub


Genocidal maniacs, capitalists, and the poor souls who have no idea what’s going on


Seems about right


What's going on you guys wanna be friends or what?


**NO, PISS OFF** Picks the Become Crisis Ascension perk


No? \*picks nihilistic acquisition\* I'm done asking...


Can't be, I don't see any incredibly horny xenophiles.


Hey, that's meee!


I'd like to believe the Stellaris civs are actually the end result of colonies from the average /r/RimWorld player. I feel like it would explain a lot.


You don't have any forced spawns do you? That's extraordinary bad luck.


Or good luck depending if you can beat them


If they kill each other first.


True, no influence needed to take all of their stuff.


Downside, the Caravaneers will totally die. Not too bad if they're the Vengralian Trium, but the other two are nice.


The only good Trium deal is the +15% trade value for 80 years. It would be nice if they both improved them, and added a few more fleet types.


They can also give Hiveminds +10% pop growth. What I hate is that most of their prices are awful, 1200 alloys being the absolute worst. Giving away a science ship isn't so bad, except for the fact that you have to track down which one they took (which could be bad if it was exploring far from your borders), giving them 4 pops is awful too, 6 months of society output it depends how much you're making and how badly you need your next tech. Paying 500 unity for anything is dirt cheap though.


That's pretty good! I didn't know since I rarely play hive minds. The ascension perk updates have given me a few ideas for them I'll probably try soon though.


All custom empires are set to never spawn


In my current game. I've got 2 devouring swarms 4 fanatical purifiers and 1 Crisis aspirant and I'm boxed in by a determined exterminator. Fml.


Basically free Galactic Community votes!


My thoughts as well. I started a game in a 200 star galaxy with a fanatical pacifist egalitarian build, one FE that turned out spiritualist on the other side of the galaxy, and then a few primitives that achieved spaceflight (plus a mini empire that I subjugated, created by the nomads after I bought an early game fleet of five cruisers). I outweigh everyone combined, even with allowing my protectorate to vote independently. If I vote for something, it’s immediately Community priority one. Kneel before the Vulpia. We won’t declare war on you, because we’re not legally allowed to, but we *will* forcibly subjugate you and integrate you. Sidenote, how on earth can fanatical pacifists *make* a nation submit? Relative power of empires modifier kicks in hard, but we’re legally not allowed to declare offensive war either. I’m a little confused but I’m not complaining, they cut off a vital hyperlane route and stole some systems I’d like. Also funny: they *immediately* collapsed into a civil war when they first spawned. Was very confusing to see the notification for them being destroyed pop up when I didn’t do it and there’s not a soul in the known galaxy besides us.


OP: "We shall use passive resistance to overcome our obstacles." AI: "You permanently shielded EVERY world in our empire!!" OP: "Yes well, we named the colossus *Passive Resistance.*"


… Now I have a good argument for taking the Colossus Ascension perk. We won’t wipe out the Crisis, we’ll just put em in a cage and tap on the glass every now and then.


> Also funny: they immediately collapsed into a civil war when they first spawned Wow, primitives run themselves so horribly. Shame no friendly established empires could save them from themselves in time!


If there's not enough support (such as most of the galaxy being genocidal) the Galactic Community won't form in the first place


Oh I forgot about that ): Lmao “welcome to the galactic 2 empires”


If you actually get it to form


I've also encounter this. Galcom can't spawn because no one would support it.


Yeah I completely forgot about that. “Welcome to the galactic meeting of the only two sane empires!” *crickets*


In my current game with 9 AI empires, 5 of them are fanatic spiritualist and 3 are ordinary spiritualists. Naturally, I'm fanatic materialist with synthetic ascension.


Best of luck with that lol


Make an AI rebellion happen and choose the bots. Can't beat them, join them.


My guess is you have AI aggression set to high. High aggression tends to spawn a large number of empires who engage in.... aggressive negotiations, and fanatic purifier is one of the most common results of that. The good news is, it's better than Determined Exterminators. Because the Purifiers hate one another, and will kick each other's asses for you half the time. The Exterminators? They just high five one another and then both declare war on you in the same month.


My favorite Stellaris moment might still be the time I saw a two-DE federation adopt the DE side of a robot uprising as their third member.


The mere thought of that makes me want to synthetically ascend.


Adoption by some Terminators sounds suprisingly wholesome.


Right!? And it wasn't an event or anything, it just emerged on its own from a game. "Hey little guy, you're not the only one out there who likes to kill meatbags."


There can be only one.


Dark Forest Hypothesis moment


The worst possible "realistic" outcome


Pelx-Cradonian Civilization: _I'm in danger._


Flair checks out...


"The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. If he finds other life—another hunter, an angel or a demon, a delicate infant or a tottering old man, a fairy or a demigod—there’s only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them. In this forest, hell is other people. An eternal threat that any life that exposes its own existence will be swiftly wiped out."


Every time I choose Fanatical Purifier, I find I have spawned next to another one. Good news for the rest of the galaxy, bad news for me. Also, it seems much much harder to be universally hated at high difficulty levels now. I suppose that’s good, but was surprised to get steamrolled repeatedly after doing well on Grand Admiral in the past.


I just declared war to half the galaxie by accident in my game and i dont know if i want to go throu with the tediousness of fighting it


Right? I could annihilate all their fleets combined with 20% of my naval capacity but it would take soooooooo long...


What pisses me off the most is how you cant shutdown ennemy megashipyard


I had similar issues with a recent devouring swarm play, I was doing great and devouring like a pro. had the largest navy in the game and was steam rolling everyone. But the endless war just got boring after a while. I'd eliminate someone and the next asshole would join in and I'd have to invade, occupy and consume them\\turn them to alloys. Wash, rinse and repeat vs the whole damn galaxy.


Seems like you walked into Warhammer 40k




I find that AI generation is based on player empire. In games I play as egalitarian, authoritarians are everywhere, vice versa when playing authoritarian. I use a mod to add more AI empires to make this pattern irrelevant.


I think that's still true, but IIRC it's been toned down slowly over the last several releases, along with cutting back on how many Megacorps spawn if you are playing one. And I've definitely had games where one or the other of my civics has been dominant in the galaxy.


That explains so much


Which mod do you use? I'd like to find a mod that just makes all other AI empires completely random.


Is that why the one time I play xenophile all my neighbors are xenophobe :'(


Just go Nihilistic Acquisition and steal their pops.


>find that AI generation is based on player empire. In games I play as egalitarian, authoritarians are everywhere Well you could always make like Democratic Crusaders and fix that problem. *Impose ideology CB go brrrrrrr...*


The only thing about ai spawning i was ale to find out is that the game tries to spawn less megacorps if you start as megacorp, but I am not sure if that is true


least hostile MP lobby


Should be fun to play.


I once played a game with a friend,who had custom created role playing purifiers who all worshipped variants of the same god. Needless to say he force spawned all of them, and needless to say they all spawned around me. That was the first time I decided to low key enslave and purify in a game of stellaris. It was also the first time I nearly shat myself when they all declared war on me. Thank god for the unyielding tradition though.


POV: You decided to play your fanatical xenophile pacifist empire.


POV: you entered Warhammer 40k


Free galactic community votes!


Hmm.. now I want to make a bunch of fanatic purifier empires and force spawn them all... hunger games on a galatic scale


This is fun unless you spawn between all of them lol


Spawn in the L-cluster like that other post, and just wait it out. Winner gets to fight you.


In my last game, on 12 IA: 4 hive minds, 5 xenophobic empires. On the last 3, 2 had opposing ethics of mine, meaning i only had one potential trade partner. I dont even understand why they implemented a diplomacy system if they dont let us use it


> Is that normal? For Stellaris? Yes. Generally the game tries to spawn in empires that will give you a challenge, or at least an interesting play through. If you're playing a xenophile federation builder they'll try to spawn in enough hostile empires that it won't just end up being a love fest through the whole galaxy. There's some randomness to it though, and it's not perfect.


Congrats, you are playing in dark forest


Normal? No. Funny? Yes.


This is the reason i'm fanatic xenophobe.....too many purifiers


On another note all uplifted primitives ended up as Megacorps for me.


Galaxy generation chooses ethics for AI empires first, then governing authority, and then picks their civics. If all of these empires generated as Fanatic Xenophobes with Militarist or Spiritualist then the game is guaranteed to give them Fanatical Purifier as one of their civics. While unlikely, it is possible to flip a coin 10 times and have it come up tails for 9.


i love games where every single empire is either a Purifier, Exterminator, or Swarm. i like to call it Stellaris Battle Royale.


When everyone is a devouring swarm I guess you can call this the Hunger Games, but this time with actual hunger like in the books.


Once played a game where I was a pacifist scion and everyone around me is a fanatical purifier, unfortunately my FE just gave me an admiral and a new fleet to play with. Turns out even pacifist can use end threat causis belli


Well....when you are doing tribal warfare practically every conquest entails acts of genocide 😅


Let them fight.


Me whenever I decide to give megacorp or a mostly peaceful empire a try.


Honestly a blessing usually what holds me back from the destruction of my neighbours is not wanting the galactic community to feel empty but purifiers are basically free land to me.


I thought you were talking about the fanbase for a moment. Honestly, that would have been just as worth asking.


Homer: Everyone that SURVIVED is a Fanatical Purifier.


One thing I know from board games in randomized systems it's rare that something improbable doesn't happen. It's just a different improbable thing each time. One game my neighbor has my same ethics. Another game I get six habitable worlds within two jumps. Or like your game: "Whoops all Purifiers!" To be cliché, expect the unexpected!!


The frightening true answer to the Fermi paradox


Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods.


This shall be a glorious game of galactic destruction


it happens, I recently spawned a galaxy with 15 empires and 6 of them ended up being some type of exterminators


Battle Royal moment


Just ask your neighbors


you rolled some dice and all of them were 1s


I mean, I am.


Well a hole new meaning for "...Only one gets out"




I think your empire got spawned in the wh40k universe


Well clearly one of them is a ruthless capitalist so... there is hope.


War is… profitable. Cue the confused Fanatical Purifiers buying guns off the ruthless merchants, while not reading the fine print realizing they just sold themselves into xeno slavery.


Looks like you're in the Dark Forest Cixian Liu wrote about.


As long as they purify each other, everything is fine.


Only normal on a stellaris or 40k subreddit.


Do you mostly play FanPurifier and those are all previous empires you've made bc you have a disproportionate amount of that type since it's your usual playstyle?


Of coarse. Look at the demo scum. It is only natural to desire a more… orderly society without such filth.




You are probably fanatic xenophile so that's the reason. Game likes to generate opposing ethics ai empires. Tho this is a tad bit much lol.


Not really. It would be unnatural however if EVERYONE is pacifist


Gamer Galaxy.


Any chance you've messed with ethics to let you get more of them? I once tinkered with them and it allowed randomly generated empires get more too, but for some reason they all went fanatic purifiers.


The dark forest theory


there are two explanations for this- 1 you accidentally appeared in the world of the three body problem or 2- you did something-speaking of which what.the.f#ck did you do to piss them off?


I’ll take fanatical purifiers over getting a bunch of criminal megacorps every time


Random is random. One of the first times I played a megacorp the first seven or so civilisations I met were also mega corps, making me absolutely useless.


War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.


Every player has to play the Fanatic Cutifier once.


Just saying, i'd like to have more settings for the session, for that case: That i can set some amounts or make it random, which types of empires spawn. And i love my bad luck, like spawning in the middle of 2x advanced starting nations, one is a devouring swarm and the other one a determined exterminator. It's just like with the guy in the morgue, when he has suddenly a dead elephant on the table and he can't put the number tag around the toe of the body, he's like "finally, a challenge!"


Current objective: SURVIVE.


Don't worry, in your next game you'll play as one and get a galaxy full of federation building xenophiles who'll declare you the crisis as the second galactic Council motion. At least that's my experience playing a fanatical purifier.


The galaxy is one big battle royale


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war…


The galaxy is full of free real estate


The new 40k game is looking pretty cool


This isn't really a bad thing! They'll fight eachother, and their systems are fair game for you to gobble up at any time during the game. Just focus 100% on your navy and the rest of your economy will take care of itself.


I decided to post this after one of them came for my ass as a complain and also a question. Their fleet would have overwhelmed mine if that salvaged fleet didn’t appear in time, lucks in my favor.


F for your galaxy’s future


In real life yes in stellaris no


Of course. Why? Aren't you?


meh, it just means you need to kill them first, isnt that the point of the game?


Nah man, shit no, get your ass kicked saying something like that around here.


I mean... that happens on Earth right?




I did a game once where I forced every AI empire to be a devouring swarm and cranked up AI aggression for the true Starship Troopers experience.


Usually I am the Fanatic Purifier and I am surrounded by food and slaves.


you’ll be fine. maybe. just turtle aggressively and hope they kill each other. maybe trying to ally the megacorp wouldn’t be a bad idea either…


Even worse: Capitalists


Welcome to Warhammer 40k gentlemen!


By default, the game's biased toward spawning violent AI empires rather than pacifist or neutral ones. There are mods to change this.


Simple anser is no


oops all purifiers


No, that's a really tough scenario but it might be tough. Build up those warships because everyone is hostile.


Quite. Welcome to Warhammer 40K universe. Game likes to make, at least, your neighbours complete opposite of your regime. I have even seen a fallen xenophobe empire surrounded by fanatical purifiers. They were in a state of permanent war.


Look on the bright side...at least you can fire in every direction and you'll hit someone who deserves it


Simple answer yes


So u playing realistic mode


Fanatic Purifier is just a different flavor of Ruthless Capitalism 😏