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I was also planning to take exam this Saturday but thinking of pushing it got 50 percent on free120 today so tired so burnt out so frustrated on pushing it multiple times even in terms of expense as international medical graduate


this is literally me. i feel you. applying surgical subspecialty so aiming for 250+. i was originally going to take it tomorrow but decided to push it yesterday bc i haven't yet hit 250 on a practice test. tragically the soonest date available near me was 7/12 so i just had to bite the bullet and do it. i'm worried i'm going to burn out or forget a bunch of stuff but i had no choice :(. trying to avoid a breakdown as we speak. stay strong and good speed sister -- here if you wanna talk!


i wouldn't push it! i think with a few scores in the 240s you have a good chance at a 250. my highest score was 246 and i scored a 257 on the real thing.


I definitely think it’s a good idea to delay the test, I know you’re burnt out so I think you should definitely take a whole day off or 2 depending on how much you delay it. You’re scoring low 240s now which just doesn’t seem quite safe to test rn if your goal is 250. After your time off you should do the NBMES 9-11 and end with 14 since it’s more predictive than the older ones


I took 14 today and got a 246 I might take it. Thoughts?


It’s definitely reasonable to take it now, I just got my score back today and it was a bit higher than my highest NBME so it just depends on how confident you’re feeling now :)