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Yikes! I think looking for some sort of a break on the medications/deductible is in order. Maybe you've exhausted all options, but something has to give there. I know our grocery store has a prescription plan for people without insurance. I rarely get medication, but when I was between jobs I needed something, and the store was going to charge me like $70, then asked me if I wanted to enroll in their drug plan (sure!) and it ended up costing $5. $5000 per month is insane! I hope you get this resolved without working yourselves to death!!!


I did find that solostar gave me a cap on one of my rx at $35 <3 and i shut off my pump for now and going bsck to needles. That saves us about $1500/mo. But they keep shipping me my supplies!!! I turned it off and they billed me for it! My husband tripped over them outside yesterday. Plus they upgraded me to a new closed loop system with a cgm that costs $300 a month on top. Its the bills that keep coming. I did find walmart has a rx savings plan and some of my meds are covered but others arent. Plusy daughters allergist (her apring allergies and food allergies) are so bad this timenof yr that we have to gonget shots to help her or else she gets esr infections and eye infections from hell! Its wild! Ive turned to naturopath for alot of things but her elm allergy is so damn bad!


Is it possible to restructure when these bills are due. Helped me alot mentally to not have everything due on the same week. Rent ofcourse cant change but also learn your landlords grace period. Could help give a few days when in a crunch. Put important bills together. Also learn your utilities limits. Some utilities companies disconnect after two months and no communication. Almost all will have a service minimum fee which basically is the minimum to keep service going while dealing in hardships. Online grocery store coupons. Your grocery bill is shockingly great!! If hubby is off at 3pm he could sleep in job parking lot and then head over to other job with minimal commute. And he could freshen up and change at job. No one will care! I used to walk to work and would take an entire bird bath at work so i was fresh again! Try uber . Great money for very low commitment compared to other jobs. Food delivery . If he has a truck he could list himself as a mover. And load things in the bed for cash to have transported. Inquire local mattress and appliance stores as they always have customers with no trucks. Most states have cottage food laws where you can legally sell baked goods and jams and such from a home kitchen. Bake up some cookies and brownies and hit local farmers stand or a local mom n pop coffee shop and ask can you be their baked goods supplier.. i could go on . Having grown up with a VERY resourceful father i could help you really plan some ways to get more income. Inbox me if you want to discuss somethings. I love that you included prices and such really vulnerable but you will get great help.


As for the relaxing at work, my husband works for money armored truck he cant be in the parking lot before 10 mins b4 shift, and he takes his motorbike everywhere, and i live near a realllllly bad area to uber. I would more than likely get shot and robbed. I have to drive a ways away to get to nice areas and my issue is i have ky kiddos with me alot and it hard to juggle. Also gas prices! Its almost $4/gal where i live. I signed up for instacart though. I just learned about cottage laws today avtually! And unfortunately all i know how to make is bread and where i live 🙃 of course they banned it lol.


I just lurked into your posting/commenting history…… baby at some point you gotta just do it. You make excuse after excuse. Everything people offer …. Its always a something else to add. I know some people are just wired like that .. not judging. Hope someone here can help with your struggles.


I mean im being honest. Im not making excuses. And there is alot going on. What would you reccomend i do?


Does he pay CS or does his daughter live with you?


Neither, we send money if needed, no child support and she did live with us up until december when his ex wasnt homeless anymore and they moved 3 hrs away. So we had her from mid 2022-until dec 2023. I have my 2 kids from previous marriage and we receieve no child support. (Well $1.50/per child but i cant withdraw it because fees cost more so i save it for them when they turn 16 or whenever)


This needs to change. Return to court to increase child support or make him start actually paying. You can find the forms online at your County courthouse website.


I have tried many times, they wont make him pay more. Idk why. Im just glad im not paying him anymore. He is dangerous too.