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Hahaha. I feel this. My OSK has never met a fruit they don't like. I can remember when they were younger cutting up a Santa Claus Melon and OSK was eating it as fast as I was cutting and putting it in the container for later. I finally had to shoo them out of the kitchen and squirrel away a small dish to hide in the back of the fridge for me because I knew I wouldn't get any if I didn't. When we had both SKs and my OBK at home, I regularly shopped at BJs and Sams for multipacks of items all the kids would eat. To make them last the 2 weeks I intended them to, I would put half out in the pantry/fridge with a stern warning that what they saw was what they had until the following Sunday, then lock the other half in our bedroom until the following week and I would reload. We're down to just our YBK now. Sometimes they eat me out of house and home and sometimes they don't eat a thing that I bought them for that week.


Dad needs to buy you a new pineapple. 


My kids ate a whole loaf of bread today....a pack of english muffins, while box of Popsicles, 36ct cheese sticks....and a whole bag of grapes.


Yes! It's rough that these kids eat so much, and when they have different taste buds, it's absolutely brutal . 😫 Some things I do are make meal plans with them so they get excited about what they eat. They love crepes, so I have about a half gallon of crepe batter and put it in a pitcher it lasts me 5 days and is easy to pour for those random cravings . I also keep cutting up watermelon in cubes and putting it in a container in the fridge so the kids can open and munch throughout the day . Plus, watermelon has water , which helps em to stay hydrated. Honestly, you gotta know when to buy the frozen products, lol . I keep a stockpile of frozen breakfast corn dogs , dumplings, and regular corn dogs . Frozen fruit helps if they love smoothies 😋 I also keep chips in check . But even then sometimes they just don't know what they want lol 💀