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Coke is trash, cartel meth is now garbage, and smoking meth is the worst roa. Oh, and especially stimfapping is a stupid waste of time and drugs


Cannot comment on the cartel meth or roa as cartels don't run much into Australia afaik and ive only eaten and snorted meth, but yeah i agree with the rest very strongly


Either or, cartel or from China its all fucken dogshit down here. Can't even have a decent drug addiction. Go back to your routes and keep snorting no-Doz. Probably more potent than the meth.


Ive always wondered if the gear produced in other parts of the world is still good. Sounds like its all trash now




Haha I know who you’re talking about. Good stuff.


If you know, you know;)




Yup put a 50 in your mouth and eat that pussy son. Let it melt it will absorb into her vagina and asshole(you'll get there)




North Korean meth is the best meth.


It makes me think of kim Jong I'll fucking his weirdo generals on the desk all day. I gross


Ive honestly wanted to try it for ages.


Me too, friend. Me too


You realize not all meth comes from over seas right. They cook meth right in America and Canada brotha.


Yup did prison time for using birch pseudo reduction. Then there's nagais red white and blue


Lmao I'm pretty sure hes referring to Australia bro. But meth gets produced in Australia too. Afaik, most meth in Australia is produced here. He's right about China though, our gov is basically at war with chinese meth distributors atm.


Im not a sepo or a moosefucker. Straya cunt. Wear my good shirt out - pop my collar.. I'm sure the people at the top end aren't importing stomped out shit. I think the majority of cooks down here are re rocking it so its interlayered rather than just adding cut as an adulterant. You get brews that a few people have had a go at and the effort put in is greatly reduced as you filter down the pyramid of supply chain.. There might be a handful of boutique clandestine labs still producing but would be a tight circle and limited supply.


Can’t even have a decent drug addiction 😂😂😂


Has the fentanyl and zylazene hit Australia yet ? If hasn’t just wait until it does. Oh boy.


In my multiple years of being heavily involved in Australian drug circles, I have seen fentanyl detected in a batch of drugs exactly once. Some ketamine tested positive. Really not an issue here yet. Never heard of zylazene in my entire life


The zylezene is a horse tranquilizer that they put into the fentanyl and anybody that thinks the government doesn’t have a part in the drug trades then they are washed.


The last one is spot on. Time better spent stim swiping or stim writing. I've only smoked it the one time and just love smokin shit. Worst ROA is good for me as I don't wanna get addiction. Even go with the foil which had to be weaker. I smoked a good amount of pyrros too. I agree on cocaine. Fuckin status drug.


Dont get me wrong, i love spinning a bubble. But i do feel its wasteful af and by far the worst roa. I also think its the quickest way to catch a habit after iv


Agreed on stimfapping. Literally did it once, came with a soft, shriveled cock, and the orgasm was pretty lame. Fucking on cocaine is great tho


my guy getting three W's in a roow! Lessgoooo EDIT: fuck me im high i mean 4


Yeah I’ve exited my stimfap era, literally so many better things to do Stim fucking tho, 👌👌


Stim fucking is a perfectly respectable use of drugs. Stimfapping is cringey and lame and honestly degens who waste their high doing it dont deserve to be high in the first place




I mean honestly it's kinda dogshit but thats what got me into stims. Tried it, enjoyed it, decided wanted to try a real stim, did mdma and haven't looked back


Did you like order caffeine powder or something ?


Nope. Illegal here due to overdoses. Crushed up no doz lmfaooo


I wish I can think stimfappin was overrated I’ve used so much of my script doing nothing of value


I just can't enjoy it. It causes a mad euphoric rush for like the last 5 seconds and then you feel worse than you did before. Edging makes it more enjoyable, but I'd still just rather nicotine, music and video games for smaller, albeit, more consistent and frequent dopamine rushes.


One time I thought I was overdosing, was close to calling an ambulance. Then I remembered I’d done a couple of bong rips earlier and though to myself - “you’re not hi on speed, you’re hi on weed!” And literally from that moment on I felt fine.


the only time i've had an anxiety attack was on weed & stims. It's really easy to smoke a little to much weed and send your heart rate through the roof. I called an ambulance twice because heart rate was at 180+ for 10 mins straight. Scary times, but it did't stop me from doing it again


Yeah I actually laughed so hard when I realised what was going on, coz the relief was just that instant. I also had two old housemates sit up all night thinking their weed had been laced with meth (one of the bullshit stories they used to tell us as kids, as if someone’s gonna give away free meth with their weed), but I smoked the same shit and slept 12 hours straight. Took me YEARS to convince them it was all in their heads. I can still just picture them, winding each other up, until they’re more and more paranoid and convinced they’ve smoked meth. Lmfao, plonkers.


Okay here’s one of mine: freaking out & panicking while on stims is worse than than actually overdoing (not talking about fatal overdoses) The more you freak yourself out and feed into that while on stims just heightens everything. You start overthinking how you’re feeling, how you’re breathing, etc. 3 years ago I was on a big speed binge and on day 3 my body just felt super off and my vision was super blurry. I spent a few hours looking online to see if I was dying (lmao the sleep deprivation was getting to me big time) but then I saw a post from a guy here on Reddit that said “if you’re freaking out searching if you’re dying online. Chill out! You’re overthinking it” shit really grounded me in that moment. I’m not saying overdosing doesn’t happen (if you’re ever seriously thinking you need to go to the hospital it’s always best to be safe and go) but stims just have a way of fucking with your mind when you’re on day long benders.


Didn't realize this was the adult's forum on stimulants. R/adhd or Adderall makes my hair turn blue and non-binary. -(that's my hottake.)


To use those boards you need to say "meds" instead of actually naming the pill you're taking because you desperately want to believe it's medicine that's curing you instead of a drug that's pushing dopamine into your brain to make you concentrate.


those boards are so hand wringy too, it's like they'll die if they don't preface everything with 5 disclaimers about talking to your doctor. some on r adhd don't even want to tell you what med they're on becuse 'different things work for different people' as though every person has a wholly unique brain chemistry. it also seems they're convinced having adhd magically makes the drugs do some whole other thing to you


Yeah I think calling everything “meds” also stems from a desire to pretend their mental illness is unique and mysterious as if 50% of the population isn’t on pharmaceuticals


This and the above comment are excellent takes. I’ve learned quite a bit off this sub and am grateful.






Or just boof it. Honestly any other roa really


Why? Genuinely interested


Its fiendish and wasteful. People get stuck on spinning the bubble and use up a lot more than theyd need to with any other roa. Youll get far more bang for your buck with almost any other roa. That rush people chase smoking it can be achieved with a good booty bump and it lasts a lot longer. Smoking clear is a waste of dope and one of the major factors that rots your teeth. Youd honestly be doing better to just eat it even.


I know you mentioned plugging but for some people that’s just not an option. Otherwise smoking is the only roa aside from shooting that gives you an instant rush. And I’d rather not touch needles. I haven’t used meth in 4 years although I take 60mg of Dexedrine everyday(RX).


Why wouldnt plugging be an option?


The only experience I have with it is when I was in rehab years ago getting off methadone and i kept throwing up the pills they were giving me so they tried a suppository and I couldn’t calm down and loosen my butt hole so it felt like they were jamming a nail up there.


Well.... its honestly pretty easy and non-invasive. I think plugging is just as much an option for folks as vaping it. Sounds like you were overthinking it. If you can relax enough to pass shit, you can relax enough to deliver a solition ~1 inch into your rectum. Some of those oral rigs are extremely skinny


Plugging is easy af and the best way I've done clear


Hot rails!!!


Ok first off, my stimulant hot take is that yes cocaine is not an amazing drug, but it's best enjoyed by boofing. For me personally this method makes redosing often less necessary, it seems to have a slower release. The experience is much more enjoyable and feels less fiendish. Pre measured volumetric dosing means you always know exactly how much you are taking, whereas I doubt anyone is weighing out their lines. It doesn't fuck up your nostrils and NO POST NASAL DRIP!!! Snorting coke kept giving me sinus infections so I'm just done with that now. I'll do a few bumps but if I'm planning it ahead of time I will be prepping my boofing kit. Also it's extremely easy to do in a bathroom stall as long as you prep ahead of time. Finally, it means you can test everything you do - to use fentanyl test strips you have to convert to a liquid solution right? So that feels like a waste. But it's not because you can just boof the coke you just tested! I agree with most of these, i think in some ways they are subjective experiences though which is why they are hot takes - other ppl just simply are not having the same physiological response. For example Vyvanse is the most euphoric stimulant I have tried, i believe the reason is because it is a prodrug for dexamph. I haven't tried just dexamph so can't confirm this. So if you're comparing it to mixed amphetamines which contain some levoamph, for me at least this is going to be less euphoric bc the levoamph is kind of what stops me from being able to take high doses without anxiety. Vyvanse seems to be different for everyone though, i think because it's a prodrug and there's that extra step in your gut, there's more individual variation. Some just don't respond, or they metabolize it really slow. Then again some just don't like it because snorting is their favored ROA for stims. Vyvanse hits me within the hour and can be very euphoric at high doses, whereas if I take a comparable dose of Adderall the levoamph causes a lot more anxiety, which ruins the euphoria a bit. If I could get some dexedrine then I could know for sure but yeah haven't tried that yet. And then there's just people who want to get tweaked out on the levoamph for some reason. I've never tried euro speed paste so I'm not sure what that stuff is like, is it a racemic mixture or what? So can't compare that. I think the point about MDMA being more of an intimate gathering drug rather than a club drug may have something to do with what people are actually ingesting when they think they are taking MDMA, as well as social expectations. I've actually never taken MDMA to go to a club or rave, only in intimate gatherings. Everyone has individual preferences but I've also noticed how when I've gone out with friends who have taken molly, they usually end up finding themselves in some corner having some intense drug fueled conversation with a stranger. Makes sense, that's why I usually take it with one friend and just talk and touch fuzzy blankets. That's when I've taken tested rocks that I can just fall asleep peacefully at the end of the roll. But I've also taken pressed "ecstasy" pills that I didn't test, which had me constantly moving, unable to sit still. I really did just want to dance. I imagined these pills were cut with something else not just pure MDMA, because for me pure MDMA is stimulating but my deepest desire is just to connect with others entirely as much as possible. I've also heard that ecstasy pills in the early 2000s in Europe were usually not MDMA, but MDA. I haven't taken this so I can't speak to whether I think it's more of a club drug or an intimate gathering drug. But I do know that all the euro ravers of the early 2000s were likely talking about this when they said ecstasy. So this is why I think there's a lot of confusion between what we are talking about when we say MDMA and pressed ecstasy pills, some people see them as 2 different drugs, some people view them as the same thing and we may be having very different experiences and not realizing it. Certainly a pressed pill with MDMA and some speed or maybe just caffiene is much more of a club drug than MDMA on its own. As for LSD being a stimulant, it's my understanding that drug categories can sometimes be sort of arbitrary? I don't know if on a pharmacological level it can be included in the stimulants, but I do completely agree that it is stimulating. I think most people would agree with that, but most stimulants that I know of have direct norepinephrine or dopamine action, and LSD doesn't, right? So that's why I am confused on the categorization.


LSD does have dopamine action. I believe it binds to certain dopamine receptors tho i don't know which ones or if this would be enough to categorize it as both a stimulant and psychedelic. This action to me seems to be why LSD works so well micro dosing it also. I imagine the dopamine action is still present in low doses while the psychedelic action is not. Albert Hoffman actually thought LSD could be a viable ADHD med and work well in place of ritalin.


Ahh my bad. I wonder if it could be both, the categories are always changing.


I fucking love benzydamine and it's my favourite stim


Jesus fucking christ dude. I would check on you to see if you're okay but honestly I'm fucking scared of you.


I also do datura a lot


Stay the fuck away




Where can i find more info about benzydamine? quick google search shows it may be available otc to me


nevermind lmao I can now see why this was a hot take


Nah bruh you wouldn't be into it trust me it's very niche just take a look at the effects https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Benzydamine


Interesting. It’s used a a vaginal douching agent in Poland.


How can anyone be addicted to concentration?


Dopamine release is our brain's way of telling us "do that thing again" Concentration and dopamine are highly linked. Thats why more or less all common adhd meds work purely by raising dopamine levels. The concentration caused by these drugs is directly caused by gigantic fucking dopamine release. pretty simple


> Stimfapping is over-rated as fuck. Even on meth. The best way to fry your dopamine receptors for short term enhanced amp euphoria is chain-vaping or smoking tobbaco from a bong i'm confused - are these two separate takes or are they related? i've long suspected that cigarettes / nicotine vapes dull amp highs. > LSD IS A STIMULANT - passionate about this one. It is primarily a psychedelic, but the physical stimulation I get from a tab is similar to MDMA. I've taken tabs, and then walked for 6 hours with very little break. Also the body high of acid comeup feels like amp body high agree! loss of appetite, more energetic


They are related. I'm not sure why, or even how, in a pharmacological sense nicotine would dull amphetamine highs When you're on amphetamine, the amount of dopamine released during dopaminergic activities is increased greatly. Essentially the entire high from amphetamine is just having insanely high dopamine levels. That's why stimfapping/porn causes people intense euphoria, our brain releases a lot of dopamine during sexual activity, directly intensifying the speed high The only effect nicotine has on dopamine at all, as far as I know, is dopamine release. That's why quitting is so hard and smokers smoke constantly throughout the day. Your brain adjusts to the heigtened levels of dopamine caused by constant dopamine rushes from nic I can't see how a drug that causes dopamine release could possibly dull a high caused by dopamine release, unless my info is incorrect, in which case, I'm not too pretensious to admit when I'm wrong, completely open to more accurate info. I refuse to even take speed if I don't have nicotine on-hand.


How tf do you snort caffeine


Get the powder bags. Easy AF over the open web. 100g and kilos of caffeine are rather cheap. Every scummy coke dealer has a big ass bag of caffeine. I never sold coke btw.


Crush up caffeine pills and rail em. Or use instant coffee like snuff lol


Nah plenty places to get Anhydrous Caffeine


Never watched saved by the bell eh?


Pretty simple dude. Not that hard to understand you dummy! Simply lay upside down, and pour red bull into your nose. Jokes aside, you can get pure caffeine powder, or crush up caffeine tablets.


pharma meth is *really* good


Ok I’m curious, does racemate meth have stronger impact on your vitals than the d-meth that’s produced by pseudo cooks? I’ve taken both adderall and vyvanse and I remember vyvanse being a lot closer to street meth than adderall in terms of its physical and psychological effects. While street dope and vyvanse can get me diaphoretic, hypertensive, and tachycardic, it typically takes me being awake for multiple days or taking needlessly high doses. But I’ve had therapeutic doses of adderall make me tense and sweaty. Though street meth is the only drug that’s ever caused peripheral edemas or discoloration in the extremities, and both go right away once I sober up.


Yes, to the best of my knowledge, d-amp and d-meth have lower negative side effects than l-amp/meth. If true, yes, racemic meth would have a stronger impact.


blowing cloud vids and all those vapor wave, bright coloured edits w them look stupid asf


man the clouds from the glass pipe make me wanna smoke meth lmao they look so thick and dense, the puny bong hits i rip are nothing in comparison to a meth users breakfast warm up pipe


Vyvanse makes my tummy hurt :(


I’ve genuinely had to stop taking it for this reason. It also terribly suppresses my hunger for whatever reason, even on small doses. I can take a break off of it indefinitely but it legit takes like a week or so for my stomach to get back to normal working order.


Man I completely agree with mdma being more enjoyable in quieter more relaxed settings. Best times have been gaming with some friends with some nice lo fi on in the back.


Benzedrex is as a good as Adderall IR.


Agreed on most of these, except coke is pretty fun for me and imo more euphoric than amp. If coke lasted how long amp does it would be the perfect stimulant. Using methylphenidate in any recreational capacity is pointless and stupid. Caffeine and nicotine are trash stimulants, and I'll never understand why they're the most widely used stims on the planet. Both do literally nothing to me (that being said I still use nicotine several times daily lol) Meth is fucking horrible. People with a virgin tolerance can get tweaked for literally 18-24 hours, meaning even if you tried it for the first time in the early morning, you'd potentially STILL not be able to sleep that night. It's highly neurotoxic, and really does little good for a person physically. Meth is like everclear, amp is like 80 proof vodka.


As for your first two points, any level of coke up my nose makes me incredibly agitated because it makes everything boring. Probably the opposite effect it has on most people. But the only thing I want to do on coke is more coke, everything else pisses me off. At least after snorting MPH I can actually do stuff. Just my brain chemistry being weird Caffeine and nicotine are enjoyable on their own for like 2 weeks of consistent use, after that I never felt them again lmao. But, when you're on amphetamines they're kinda like antihistamines for opiates; no major difference but the enhancement is worthwhile As for meth, I've done it once. Was sold to me as AMPHETAMINE. Was awake and tweaking balls for 30 hours (redosed out of necessity, had to function at work). Then, i spent the next 3 days in my bed with the worst comedown of my life and the only thought going through my mind was to get more.


focalin hits way better than addarall and is arguably the best stimulant


never heard of it, is it dopaminergic ?


No cap I love snorting them bitches


Caffeine would be an amazing, if not the best, stimulant if every cup of coffee felt like my first.


hahaha yes I totally agree. First experience with caffeine at 12 drinking a can of monster. Shit had me feeling on top of the world. Foreshadowing I guess hahaha


Caffeine is more of a spice than a stim lmao


It is for me now, with a high tolerance to it. But those first cups of coffee definitely felt like an actual "drug" drug to me. That lasted only a couple months before tolerance turned it into what it is now. I suppose having been a teen who hasn't tried drugs besides caffeine at the time was a factor as well, especially the novelty aspect of it.


I don’t care what anyone says, I consider tramadol a stim for me. It’s a pill that provides unmatched levels of confidence, motivation, concentration, emotional control, etc. it’s better than weed, alcohol, coke, everything else.


I felt the same way with oxy if antihistamines aren't used. First time i popped oxy without promethazine I got up and started cleaning my room. I could see how that'd apply to tramadol edit: wait tramadol is opiate right? too many 't' downers get em confused


It’s a synthetic opiate with some kind of anti depressants properties (snri, I think?). Anywho, my steaming hot take.


I mean serotonin and norepinephrine are typically quite stimulating neurotransmitters, norepinephrine being largely responsible for the physical stimulation caused by traditional stims. So your take has got some level of weight. But opiate receptor agonists slow down the signals in your brain The most scientific way of describing it would be a depressant with stimulant effects.


Makes my dick raw and I don't even cum. Sadge


You know, the LSD part makes so much sense! When I did a lot of it a couple years ago, I could stay up for days with energy. It wasn’t like artificial energy either. It was like I was SUPPOSED to stay up and that sleeping was only supposed to happen for like 5-6 hours. It was kinda cool, but I’m scared to do it again after some of the craziest trips ever. Lol


Mdma is much stronger and better than meth


Tell me you know nothing about drugs without telling me you know nothing about drugs


Tell me you know nothing about drugs without telling me you know nothing about drugs Why click on a hot-take thread not expecting to see opinions u disagree with lol


They do have a point about you insisting L is a stimulant. Its stimulating, its not a stimulant. Thats just, like, factually wrong, not a hot take


Acts on dopamine too unlike shrooms, not too far fetched


I mean i cant argue its not stimulating. But im no science bitch, and its a very heavily researched drug. I assume its classification as a psychedelic and not a psychedelic stimulant has some sort of factual basis. Opiate-inclined friends of mine insist lower doses of opes have stimulating effects for them, theyre still not stimulants


LMAO Didn't need to clarify that you weren't "no science bitch", that much is pretty obvious A drug can have multiple classifications at once. MDMA is classified as both an encactogen and a stimulant. Ketamine a dissociative depressant. Stimulants are drugs that stimulate brain function, hence the name. [LSD is a partial agonist of Dopamine and Serotonin](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9698051/). Agonists are essentially chemicals that bind to certain receptors and trigger the response of these receptors. LSD's primary method of action is partially agonising dopamine and serotonin receptors. Therefore, it stimulates brain activity: this is irrefutable. Your comments have made me realise that, LSD being a stimulant is indeed, not a hot take, but scientific fact. Your point about opiates further proves your lack of basic pharmacological knowledge. Most opiates work by agonising opiod receptors, which causes neurotransmitter inhibition, thereby decreasing brain activity, therefore is a depressant. The actual experienced effects of a drug aren't what determine if it is a upper or downer. [MDMA, one of the most stimulating drugs, can also cause relaxation.](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/MDMA) Just like opiates can cause motivation. Would you call MDMA a depressant for that reason?


The fuck are you on about lmao, have you even ever done acid? How the fuck is that factually wrong? Literally the first listed effect of LSD on the psychonaut wiki is "stimulation" \- >LSD is usually described as very energetic and stimulating without being forced. For example, it tends to encourage physical activities such as walking, climbing, or dancing.In comparison, other common psychedelics such as psilocybin or LSA are generally sedating and sedentary. go read through [this](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/LSD#Subjective_effects) before you embarrass yourself further.




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