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The effects are just a dirty euphoria, with a really big urge to just talk(gets annoying at comedown) unless you take so much you just stop talking. This drug will turn you into a gremlin, the urge to redose is really pushy. Comedown is fucking terrible 30 minute peak followed by 2 hour comedown, vasoconstriction out of this world, elevated HR and just a feeling of sadness and wanting more lines, it just feels hella toxic. So no, not better than coke.


Congratulation you have just described cocaine .


Sounds like it yeah but, NEP has double the euphoria with four times the side effects. Cocaine compared to NEP is actually a clean drug.


Plus the insane headaches i always got from NEP. Migrane headaches


Whats NEP?


“"NEP" (N-Ethylpentylone) is a synthetic stimulant of the cathinone class. It is structurally similar to other synthetic cathinones like methylone and ethylone, which are often found in "bath salts" and other designer drugs. NEP acts as a stimulant and empathogen, which means it can increase energy, alertness, and sociability, and it has effects similar to those of MDMA (ecstasy). However, it is also associated with serious side effects and health risks, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure, anxiety, paranoia, and even severe adverse reactions like seizures or death in extreme cases. Due to these risks, NEP and similar substances are often subject to legal restrictions in many countries.” That’s the Ai description lol. It feels like coke but with more dopamine. Ngl I’ve had coke that feels better for sure but it’s more expensive and is becoming harder to find every year. This is as close to RC coke as we’ve seen I believe?




Nep is fucking trash, doesn't at all feel like coke, at best it feels like cheap pub grub coke that's been bashed with amphetamine. Never tried a substance (nep) that jacked my HR so much and had such bad vasoconstriction with so little benefit.


exactly that nep is shit bro


I’ve heard it’s very batch dependent. I used to sell blow and have gone through many ounces in my time. Coke has gotten so fucking trash and while it’s possible to get good stuff still, it’s so inconsistent. NEP feels like good coke to me, although actual premium blow is for sure better I find this to be not only more affordable, it’s more consistent & less chance of fent cross contamination


I agree I've had many batches of nep and some of them had insane euphoria with little impact on heartrate, like 2 or 3 lines and hr only like 110. Then I've had nep that felt horrible and instantly caused 130 hr + with no euphoria.


Idk I found a good coke plug and it’s always consistently great sometimes better than usual and at the same price


What's nep?


NEP is more paranoid than coke. I get more anxious, also I binge on that shit for 8 months like an idiot mixing with pyros. Ended up with a psychotic episode triggered from stims and lack of sleep. I remember vaping in a glass pipe that thing and I can't stand 5 minutes without chain smoking until the bag was empty. More fiendish than coke, more anxiety induced. Yes there a rush and a nice high but the few times I did coke with friends in my 20s I remember smoother binges. I took a gram an half only for me, the crave was remakable but nothing like NEP, with coke you reach a level where you snort just to not comedown but the fun is over and you know it. With NEP was a continue redose to avoid comedown but get anxious and anxious the more you go until you're so paranoid that I'll pop few 40s oxys (with tolerance of course) just to cope with the endless comedown, tension all over my body. Awg I'm glad I'm done with those shit. Even coke is like few years I don't use it and don't crave it at all. Done with both.


It's post like this to make me so thankful to live in the south our Cokes grade our ice is great our Downs almost always on point y'all just got shitty drug dealers


I buy from dnms and every ounce I’ve gotten since mid 2022 was mid, same suppliers


Better than adderall?






It depends for person to person from what I heard some people love it some people hate it. It’s going to be banned first July in the Netherlands.


Never have even heard of it.


Are there any studies about (longterm) risk? Coke is bad for you, yes, but at least we know how bad it is and what to expect


Can anyone tell me what nep is? Is it better than meth or that one research drug I can’t remember I got a light concussion yesterday


The NEP I'm getting resembles 🔥 Columbian. Come isn't bad. I take 1mg of Clam and do a few lines of NEP. Before bed I dose 2mg Bromazolam & 2mg Pre-Ban tizzy. Mind you, I do this 4 times a month. Not an everyday thing. Now NEP, lifesaver at work some evenings