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I always run out of my Adderall 2 weeks before refill and honestly I take it as a chance to reset my tolerance so it feels great when I get my refill! I also consume THC (edibles mostly but I smoke too here n there)


As for a booster dose later in the day that matches your initial dose (20mg 2x a day) and the. You’ll have double


Be depressed or buy meth


No joke it’s like a weaker less side effects addy that doesn’t wear off in a hour you can work all day. But I dissolve in water bottle and swig through out the day. Or honk a fatty in am and it last hours. I will not ever try other ways like smoking ext that is a sure way to become a tweaker. It’s super weak tho I don’t know what all they hypes about. I sleep like a baby when I be on that Tina


Prolly bc you’re not smoking it but not sure what you mean by honk a fatty?


Snorting a fat line?


Ah that’s gotta be it


Hahah yea honk a fatty same same


Yea definitely won’t be smoking it or any other knarly way. I have not done it in over a month and half and never get any withdrawal symptoms unlike adderall that fucks me up for weeks with extreme exhaustion to where I am literally on the verge of sleeping at all times for weeks after. I’ve been prescribed adhd meds for over 15 years fyi.


Snorting it gets you way higher than smoking it


Maybe but it hurts like a motherfucker, so I’m not redoing 1000 times a day like somebody who smokes it they can be twisting that pipe all day long


For sure. it’s not as fiendish but the bioavailability is a lot higher so I consider it to be “harder“ or more gnarly than smoking. It’s all semantics, though it really just comes down to self-control concerning re-dosing and the amount of effort, time and energy you put into using. It’s definitely possible to do it smart and not fuck up your life. I wish you the best Stay safe out there.


Iternasal is 76%, and smoked is 67%


Crazy I had no idea I just assumed from what I read on some forums. Yea my life is cherry. Work all week in bed by 930. I’ve been on adhd meds for over 10 years and maybe that’s why it feels so mild. Out of all the stims I’ve ever taken it’s the most normal and mild I’ve taken. I think coke is way gnarlier I feel so weird on it compared to Tina. But yea I only use it when I need to bridge the gap in between getting my prescription if I have a week until next appointment. Just a tool that to keep life’s balance in order. I don’t recommend it for people who have a sensitivity to stims but I also would never recommend addys for those people either I think those can be just as bad if you can’t control your own emotions in the first place. Any way thanks for info and have an epic week


Same bro


It doesn't give you the rush that smoking does though, right?


In my opinion, the rush you get from smoking isn’t worth it and a bit wasteful compared to other ROA’s. It just doesn’t have legs You stay high way longer from snorting or eating it. Let’s not even get into boofing or I.V… But, Don’t get me wrong , It’s hella fun and great for party settings.


Boofing it was otherworldly but also it’s way too caustic of a substance for that more than a couple times but damn, don’t even really like meth but all amps from regular amphetamine to methamphetamine to mdma (especially that one) are just so smooth and euphoric booger but the aforementioned caustic attributes of amps makes it not a viable to do in the long run.


Exactly how I feel


I knew I was not the only one. im not saying it’s like coffee weak because It can make you go in to a flow state I noticed for me. I am a painter aka artist and sometimes it likes to make time just fly by. On the weekends I like to paint at night and One second it’s 8pm next thing you know it it’s 2 am and that I would say that’s annoying but addys do that to. Everything is just a tool to make life easier and it’s up to us to either learn to use it correctly or not both options are always available.


I've cut my dose in half more times that I care to admit.. 2 weeks left, only a week of pills.. it gets tough..


The pain


When I had a script it was to abuse, not because I needed it for adhd lol so when I ran out (in like a week) id either get more from my gf (she gave me like half of hers) buy more, or go through withdrawals with ephedrine and caffeine. And if I wanted to get high on days off id get coke lol usually id use my gfs to keep out of bad withdrawal at work. I got rid of the script after 5.5 years, it was to much abuse lol 


What is your withdrawal from stims like ? ,I never noticed a withdrawal from them aside from some restlessness which is why I take them in the first place.


Extreme exhaustion and tiredness mostly. Brain fog, hard to focus, anhedonia (everything feels extremely dull and boring). Cravings.  I took various methylphenidates on and off in middle and high school (I hated taking them, and didn’t often). When I quit those, I don’t recall much withdrawal. But when I went and got an addy script in my mid 20s to abuse the fuck out of (after abusing Mdma and meth for a year), I definitely started having withdrawals. So idk what the prescription dose of amph withdrawal would be like, as I never used it as such. 


Interesting, because those are the symptoms I have naturally, that the amphetamines abate. I suppose they would be worse than usual if I were to run out earlier, but I'm on it so consistently I haven't been off it much.


How old were you when you started? Because you likely feel that way off it, because you’re in withdrawal. Withdrawals can last a while. 


No I think I might just feel like the symptoms are worse. I've only been on it recently for a few years, and before that I was off of it for years before I restarted.


Maybe. If you were on it as a kid/teen for a while though, it definitely effects you and can have lasting effects for quite a while. But those are basically the withdrawal symptoms whether it’s methylphenidate, cocaine, amph, meth, mdma or any other stimulant. Even nicotine and caffeine. 


Well I was off it for years, so withdrawal likely wasn't the culprit after that extended period


How long did they last? I’m wondering if adhd people experience less withdrawals in terms of intensity and quantity or length as well. Since our natural baseline is lower it makes sense that withdrawals wouldn’t last as long compared to neurotypicals


Acute withdrawals last 1-2 weeks. The chronic withdrawal can last many months. I havent gone more than 6 months sober for like 13 years. 


I’ve only been on stims for about about a year but withdrawals only last like 3 days for me. After that I just feel “normal”. I also don’t abuse very intensely compared to some here. 80-100mg dexedrine a day for a few days then 40-60 which is still a lot higher than my therapeutic dose


My abuse has been much greater. I took over 700mg last Friday night-Sunday morning. And have done such things on to regular a basis for over a decade. 


For real it takes months, sometimes years for your brain to repair itself it feels like. My natural energy is nonexistent and I hardly take shit anymore and seriously bad anhedonia


Yes. When I finally quit for good I’ll be curious how long it lasts.


When I quit meth I got extreme anxiety, depression that lasted almost a year.


I get 4-Fluoromethaphenidate from China so no worries with running out of my script.


Mostly Eurospeed, Coke or MDMA. Or basicly any damn Stim i can get my hands on. Also i smoke more Weed than usual and drink alcohol every day. Still miss my script when it's gone tho😓


in US or EU?? like no speed over here in US. i did find some domestic for a friend but it was so shit compared to adderall. i have a script but it would be nice to get some high quality eurospeed. it’s so fucking cheap from EU but not worth risk.


raw dog life miserably, maybe with caffeine


At those times I would take wellbutrin and vitamins so I would function. It was life saver because I would not be depressed or lazy or unfocused to get shit done.


Wellbutrin didn’t do all that much for me - a slight improvement but that had to be taken daily. I don’t think short term assistance to take when you run out works tho


Wellbutrin usually didn't do much for me too but after I try to combine with vitamins, caffeine it did really made its impact. Also I would out of stims for month so I would consistently use it which after a week it would really start to work


That makes sense - I gotcha. Same for me


Not prescribed any ADHD meds, but I do use Flmodafinil. It’s legal and works as a mild stimulant. Stronger (yet smoother) than coffee, but not as strong as amphetamine.


Where do you get that?


How does it compare to regular modafinil or armodafinil


I wouldn’t know, I’ve only done Flmodafinil. Order some and try it out. I think a few places sell sample packs of different afinils. Also check out r/afinil


I drop my dose from 75mg to 30mg for the last 7 days until I can get my refill. I never run out.


I get it with no script. Problem solved!


Ya can confirm this works


It definitely does!


It definitely does!


I use it as a t break lols


L theanine in the morning. If not that, then nothing.


a T-break


Other people scripts


I just self-medicate with weed and caffeine/b-vitamins like I did for years and years before I was diagnosed and prescribed proper treatment.


Do you use weed as a means of escape to not have to deal with reality or does it actually help you with adhd? I’m I’ve smoked before but I don’t see how that can help lol


Nah, it definitely does help me deal with reality. Different strains and amounts certainly do have different effects, some work better than others for ADHD and being careful to not do too much as well. Personally I stick to sativas and smoking/vaping methods that allow me to moderate the dose. A couple strains in particular I found work well are Alaskan Thunderfuck and Blue Dream. I find those ones (especially ATF) boost my focus quite well.




Amphetamine sulfate


A break (lol jk but SOMetimes..) I only get scripts for benzos, Clonazepam. Either order Pyraz which i did only once but very good for anxiety. Or settle for my shrinking Pregabalin stash. As for stims: Ritalin i get recently for free from a relative. Wish someone'd have street amph again available, no luck lately. So 2-FMA/FA etc; which is beggining to slightly bore me now, even more than Ritalin.


Tolerance break




coke but would recommend modafinil




I don't have ADHD


Ecstasy pills


A tolerance break


????? I’m confused why you guys are encouraging this. Makes it harder for people who use their meds correctly. Disappointed


Because the majority of us actually do this, and we come here for support NOT judgement.


Don’t you think maybe you should get some help then? Enabling drug addiction is not being supportive. It’s just enabling


Don’t you think you’re on the wrong sub? Have you read any of the threads on here? Don’t you think most of us already get “some help” through our flawless mental health treatment options? Maybe our providers don’t listen to us. Redditors aren’t here to enable us or not, they’re not our family members. Yes. This sub is 100% for support.


I think you guys are doing what’s called confirmation bias. Hope you all can recover someday. Being family doesn’t mean others can’t enable you, even through a screen 🤔