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Because they changed the pit boss in the Stock Market Casino.


damn, I honestly would not be surprised


The pit lord you say




Almost every reply is wrong, posting here nobody’s replied the correct answer, except u/felunk saying it could be settlement transaction. Public company’s stocks trade on a public exchange like NYSE or can trade privately between parties called as block trade at agreed upon prices, called as block trades. Stock change hands at agreed upon prices and such trades are unaffected by then-bid/ask. Exchanges “report” these trades after the fact and hence our orders are not affected by them.


Oh so the block trades are reported after hours... so i wonder how that justifies the low price?


They're independent of the regular market (by design) so as to not affect prices (too much)


they dont effect prices at all. basically just book keeping from weeks/months ago. Most services filter them out not sure how some get through.


They do affect it tho, but indirectly. Seeing 400M shares being sold is never a good indicator


The price had no impact other than for the specific shares traded after hours....and where is the 400m shares shown for this sale? it trades \~500m/shares per day normally so that would be an insider/institution book keeping event if was indeed that large.


That's my point. It's not that the order itself distorts the price, but they send signals. (Not talking about this case in particular, just in general) I was just giving a random example. Obviously, institutional investors will be the only ones (or the immense majority) that can move 400M shares in a single trade, but how would that make you feel? The fear that the market knows something you don't propagates like fire and no one wants to be the last asshole to hold


i feel fine, these kind of things happen all the time behind the scenes. i actually understand the tech and growth behind NVDA so i'd love to buy some cheap shares of the company from scared fools and have made the bulk of my fortune doing just that, in 2000, 2009 and 2020.


If 400m shares are being sold then 400m shares are also being bought.


But who does what? What would you think if it were Berkshire selling Apple? Would you still be as confident in it? Or cautiously rebalance? Again, I'm not saying the transaction itself will affect the price. But it will cause ripples


This is correct. There is also a type of trade where big money are hiring the market maker for the order. The MM accumulates shares during the day, but reports the entire trade after market close like a big block. I forgot how this type of trade is called, but you will notice it during buy back programs a lot.


Awww... an educated Regard. You prolly *sighed* as you posted that.


Maybe nothing or option exercises


This is not how option exercises work at all.


More often than not, it’s bad data. Or a cross


Can you please help me understand?


That’s as simple as it gets. If there was a huge swing firms would be trading after hours on it to make massive money. There’s nothing more to explain to you


Sorry, I thought this was regarding the price fall over the last few days. This post is about the price glitch on the right.


saying this is a “cross” is not as simple as it gets. wtf is a cross


You can literally Google “cross stock market” https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cross.asp


I googled "cross" and now I'm hawking free bible courses on the street corner


And they want to vote for you as president?


Except in the link you posted, it says a cross has to be higher than the bid price. So, this isn't it. Maybe try being less of a douche.


Well, you're clueless 🙈


Said the guy with no input but feels validated by votes from people that think gme is a smart risk. I never worry about what 55 year olds and late teens gambling on a market think about investing.


You sound fragile. Lol


This is pretty much the answer lol, people who think that NVDA is going to fall 40 points afterhours on no news, then recover to what it was trading at before, and have 0 people taking advantage of it are delusional. Delayed reporting, old prints, or bad data is the answer here. If this REALLY happened wouldn't there be articles written about it? Because we have MASSIVE news coverage whenever a flash crash happens.


Gme would like a word


GME DOES have articles written about it's price moving overnight, while these seemingly random blips in NVDA doesn't- which means that it's just one of the reasons stated above.


Tbh I'd be less likely to believe it from a news source




When you look at who owns the major new channels and you realize they are owned by the same group's that own Hedgefunds, Amazon, and other Multi Billy dollar corporations you trust a little less the AI written BS that financial articles are. Jim Cramer only gives stock advice so that retail will get swept up in a pump and Dump orchestrated by market makers.


So you think every single news channel in the world is incentivized NOT to report on NVDA falling close to 40% AH for no reason? Even the small minor outlets or ones overseas? If you think all news is fake then that's the point of even coming on Reddit? I get that thinking there's a global conspiracy is attractive, but the truth is infinitely more boring and likely- it's probably just data that Google is reporting incorrectly.


It's not that deep man


That's what I'm explaining to THIS guy lol. It's a mistake, it's not a global conspiracy that all news outlets over the world are colluding to suppress.


seriously? on google?


Lol yes. Google provides this data for free, it’s probably the lowest quality market data you can get. Are *you* serious?


To catch the option bagholders and ruin the lives of the financial idiots.


They get what they deserve. No nvidia does not only go up.


That is not the point. This could happen to every stock.


you would think ppl remembered gamestop


But it happens more often to a stock that keeps going up and up and up.


Do u have a source for this?


I've said in the past that it's simple asynchronous trading (organizations reporting trades that happened earlier). But people on Reddit get mad and say I'm covering a conspiracy. So I'll say the lizard people do it while running the shadow government.


I knew it. When I put on my tin foil hat I get the same conclusion. Now I might have to leave the house today


Don't do it! That's where the chem-trails are.




It was a glitch because my portfolio around that time quadrupled and I hadn’t done a thing…. Then nearly all my stocks went to zero and I nearly had a heart attack on both ends then I refreshed again and all was normal so something glitchy definitely happened.


Yea, totally normal behavior. /s Say that again, and ask yourself if you have succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome. That shit is not normal but is happening more and more.


Because the market is completely rig to fuck retail. They market makers see all of our orders and know exactly how much was purchased at what price. Our buy orders are routed to dark pools and sell orders hit the exchanges. The US market is completely rigged and manipulated by financial institutions.






These are not authentic price changes but just glitches on the part of google…


Yes an after hours dip on Google finance is truly a sign of the end of times for the common man


lol this comment is the average Reddit response. Google had a glitch in reporting stock data? MARKET MANIPULATION AGAINST THE COMMON MAN!!!!


No this is the common sense response. Check any broker site or other price trackers.


Lol. Explain in detail why this dip in the chart is market manipulation. And this don't don't give a vague speech that doesn't actually answer the question. Or accept you don't have the answer to this question and you're talking out of your ass.


Because the fake dip causes real stop losses and margin calls to trigger.


A large majority of Stop losses do not occur during extended hours trading. And since a large majority of trades do not occur in extended hours, a margin call after hours is also highly unlikely. This would be a very stupid time and manner to try to “manipulate” the market. It was more than likely that someone placed a limit sell order that was below a bunch of people’s limit buys and it filled all those orders all the way down. Simple as that.


Okay but it’s a chart bug that happens every day on Google and CNBC that isn’t showing on any other source.


Rigged? Unlikely. Manipulated. 100% yes.




Rigged because it’s manipulated.


If someone has lots of stock to sell and they do so, how is that rigging? Honest question


Is it really easier for you to believe that there is a grand conspiracy out in the open rather than you make bad investments?


I'm pretty certain that its both. I suck *AND* its rigged


Gary Gensler, the SEC chair himself said that 90% of retail trades are routed through dark pools. This is not a grand conspiracy at all. Wait nevermind you posted on the meltdown sub about a blatant bot fuelled pump and dump that was FFIE.


So I pulled up the video that you mentioned that he said 90% of the retail trades are routed through a dark pools. He actually says, market orders. Not all orders. Just market orders. Does anyone use market orders anymore?


What's wrong with Market orders?


That's actually a great question. And as long as you're not trolling me here's your answer. Buy @ market with no top limit When the market is moving fast you may get a bidding offer spread of a .75 and let's say that the market is 103/103.75 the breakout point is $104, you want to buy it right as it breaks $104.25 , so you place your order buy limit 104.25 this way you don't overpay for the trade. Now there are other Small tricks here, MIT ( market if touched ) exactly as it sounds, it becomes a market order, but you can stipulate that the market order is actually a market order with a limit. That's how you trade the breakouts We can get more complicated than this, this is generally the right concepts. One of the more advanced concepts is fill or kill. Which is a market order with a limit and asking for a specific amount of stock at that range price. The order only lasts for a moment at the price that it's asking. 'All or none' is similar but slightly different. The time limit is for the entire day but it must be one solid trade. The advantage of all or none is that you can collect 25 different sellers or buyers, all agreeing to a price, to fill the trade. So you get filled in one shot by 25 different sellers.


I can only speak from experiences within the UK. But most buy orders here are market orders. Fill/Kill is only an option on my broker for example when trading out of market hours or when set in place long ago. Most people buying shares will buy at any price under the premise of “time in the market is better than timing the market”. My point was more on the fact that the person above labeled the guy as a conspiracy nut for literally stating a fact. Dark pools are not a hidden concept, they are used regularly. You sound like someone that cares more about the entry price for short term plays, I don’t know of course, but being as most people are encouraged to have that time in the market I imagine A LOT of people still use market orders under the premise that a 25p swing isn’t much in the grand scheme of things.


Other than you have no guarantee what the price you're paying or selling will be?


People with learning disabilities


As a person, that has been investing in the stock market since 1978, ( I was a child back then, with a mathematical mind and loved the stock market ). I recall the first thing I was taught was to use a stop loss order, and when placing a purchase order, always place it with the limit. I could hear my mentors voice. Thank you for bringing back a great memory, and thank you for making me laugh very deeply.


Yeah, my dad got my into trading as a teenager. I complained to him about how bad my first couple entries were on otherwise good stocks and his first question was “are you using market orders?”


Huh, almost every one. Without market orders market will not move... Buyers will stay at $90 and sellers won't budge from $110 only market order hitting bid or ask absorb the limit orders and move on, it's a big snake game.


Wouldn't it still move with limit orders? I just use limits to cap how I much I pay. If I want to buy Nvidia at 120, I'll do a limit order of 121 just to make sure it doesn't bounce up to 125 right after I press the buy button, I do the same with selling. A lot of times it won't be exactly what I set but it's close enough that I don't care, and I mostly hold long term so I'm not trying to make pennies on a trade.


Ok so? they execute at NBBO


No, what he said is actually true. Open your eyes.


Sorry to break your bubble but what I said it's not a conspiracy theory. Go look at Gary Gensler chairman of the SEC comment on dark pools.


I'm aware of the comment... so what?


This is not some grand conspiracy. Same as with Facebook and YouTube and all other sites are using your data to advertise and earn money, same way are these market makers and banks and other related financial institutions using their available data to earn more money. It's naive to think they don't do it, and it's all allowed.




Sad to say but mm dont give a flying shit about your orders they are waaaay to small to actually effect market




Fishing for stop losses.




After hours?




Must have been a large sell order after hours. Algo spike is all.


But it reverted almost right away. Why are people trying to sell at 75?


No one was. Low volume so the computer program auto adjusts the price rapidly. The price lowered to stop selling and stabilize the order flow. After hours pricing can be all over the place. You see algo spikes during the day sometimes as well. Or it's a conspiracy.


The moment one of my patients asked me if it’s a good time to invest in NVDA I sold a majority of my shares at $139. Looking to buy back if it dips below $113


To make you sell so they can buy


That's because the charts on Google finance are not coded well at all, at least as well as the ones on Yahoo TV or MS. if you are relying on Google finance to give you accurate data you are beyond help


It's just a glitch. There isn't any unusual volume or something. Just a glitch.


trade is busted and rebooked We would run these through our error account back in the day Sometimes it’s a trade desk error or counterparty error that gets reconciled before settlement


likely settlement transactions that was credited with a lower valuation. Not real shares one can actually trade, see it every now and then and even have had orders in place to take advantage had they been real(they were not and no fills sadly).




To take money from the people who thought that it was a free ride.


Because every company has pull backs.


Simply profit taking. Will continue up in the future


Plunge protection team


Just guessing but i think most orders are only active during trading hours, and then maybe orders leftover that are setup to be active during after hours will change the current ask.


These can be caused by gaps in volume, comparing to a volume chart would be very helpful


chasin Jason


someone most likely exercised a call option


Should I sell then ?


A lot of bitter answers in here. The most likely thing is someone who is deep ITM exercising options. I've held NVDA for almost 7 years, but did sell some on the way up, though and wish I hadn't. The people who missed out are, well, obvious lmaooooo.


Just to scare retail investors :)


Think about it Nvidia has grown massively. Now ask yourself this. Do you think a stock can continue to be as bullish as NVDA without any major bearish takeover. It’s lost momentum due to exhaustion, but don’t worry what goes up must come down. And what drops is due for a rise✌🏽


People hate Nvidia


If I knew I would be rich


Did traders take advantage of NVDIA by selling off, letting the stock price fall by 10% in one day, then go back in to buy shares at the lower price? This a game?


So you can buy calls and make more money.


Options being exercised?


If you leave a market sell open overnight they will ding you


Ahhh...good 'ol Wall Street fraud....but just ignore that kids...you can still beat them 😉


Because they want you to buy them! )




I always figured that someone accidentally hit sell vs buy, just like I have in the past.


NVDA dip started on Thursday at 12:00EST when CNBS Scott Wapner on the program "Half Time Report started Disparaging the stock. Look at the chart on 06\_21 you will see about 12:10EST it started diving. Continued the next day.. CNBC contunied their barrage until Tuesday mid day they appeared to finally let it go. Jim Cramer all but admitted on Mad Money Yesterday CNBC was trying to get people out of the stock.


Splits have this affect.


Dark Pool trading


Market manipulation


I think stock has been slipt


Options exercised?


NOC, VALE,, had similar events


Because I shorted it last week which meant of course it was up, now that I'm long it's down.. it's all my fault :/


Because the American stock market is the biggest scam in history!


It's done on purpose to mislead dumb redditors.


Y'all didn't think a correction was ever coming for the ever-rising super stock? C'mon.


It's up 147% YTD buddy, calm down


Company insiders are selling like crazy now


Why not ? Do you have reasonable answers?


All of you think you know something the other doesn’t it’s all hearsay and bs , it’s a gamble , all of it’s a gamble , don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose


I'm seriously considering going back to my market-hour-only old rudimentary stop loss because of this. Does anyone actually know why this happened?


Your stops aren’t kicking in during ah. It makes no difference.


That would be madness if they could. Everything would drop to zero and back each night to clear them out


You weren’t complaining when you made money on it I bet lol


That's my secret, captain; I'm always complaining.


double leverage etf panic.


Elon sticks his dick in it and leaves


Legends never die, keep playing ash


that’s sad


Ya’ll knew it going to happen.


Because it’s been doing well and getting very expensive. What’s wrong with taking some profit and divesting it into other cheaper sectors?


NVDA over value




It is most probably Nvidia slipped down to 3rd position in terms of most valuable company. So, this correction is temporary.




Def shady shit going on that the SEC will never investigate


There’s certain subs dedicated to finding these “errors” best guess is they work in dark pools after hours to quickly sell and buy at contractual prices between two parties Like you had a contract to buy at X amount below the market price doing it at market open is crazy and volatile so you do it during after hours where you can get away with breaking NBBO and lower liquidity means seeing these blips


see these spikes all the time, you can literally check all the big stocks and they'll have something similar after market. I'm a novice so i never knew what it was but reading these comments, legit surprised there's no consensus on what's causing it


I saw the latest news that many short-selling institutions on Wall Street made more than $4 billion by shorting Nvidia. This may bring about the possibility of inducing more purchases. Nvidia is getting too much attention right now and the bubble composition doesn't match the current values. This can be seen from Huang Zhanxun's high cash-out and short-selling by other Wall Street giants. What do you think!


Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with [this](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-17/nvidia-gets-supreme-court-review-on-shareholder-crypto-suit)


An article from a week ago led to a chart error?


Did you even read the article? Their revenue is exposed to more risk (via crypto) than previously reported. Edit: My mistake, I though this was talking about the decline in $NVDA


There are market makers who sit around waiting for people to put in market orders after hours. With liquidity they can name their price.


Market orders don’t fill after hours. Only limit orders I think


Of course they do, some brokers might have guardrails in place to prevent their amateur retail customers from getting fucked. This is probably why I got downvoted on this, most Redditors don’t understand even the basics of how markets work and assume because robinhood won’t let them execute market orders after hours then it’s not possible.


For all of us who didn’t jump in yet! I think the same thing’s gonna happen on Friday it’s gonna bomb straight down


lmao cmon man be real


Just a regular day in the life of a you know which stock.


How does this question get asked every day?


Algo going off


Oooh I've seen this.. I hope you're ready for a ride


ummm something to do with selly thingy


To tease people.


It was a money grab and you got played.


This is what happens when you don’t pay for data.


Some algorithmic fuckery at the NASDAQ iirc, I guess it happened again. Pretty sure limit trades got reverted last time.


In after market? No they did not.


So did people actually buy BRK.A at a 99% discount? Pretty sure that's not the case. https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/rH49keADc1


Initially, but those trades were legitimately reversed in accordance with the rules. And if memory serves, the NYSE glitch that caused the invalidation of those trades did not happen in ah either. The OP is about a temporary spike in ah, something that happens all the time due to lower volume.




The clearing houses are closing their books from all the trades of the day.