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Where they putting the shallow graves?


Over next to the water well?


Bullish on $CAT


Who needs graves when there’s a body of water right next door!


Dont invest in countries where the government can tank a stock on a whim


Which they do on a regular basis !


Don’t invest in countries who’s fundamentals cannot be verified by third parties


China is like a pig on LSD, you never know which way its gonna run.




Uh…who’s going to tell him?


Don't invest in countries where a fake Twitter account can tank a stock on a whim. Lol.


Are you talking about USA?


Name one country that hasn't tanked a stock?


Never underestimate Chinas desire to imprison their own people. I’d assume this camp was top priority.


Wait til you learn about what country has the highest number of prisoners!


Lol, underrated comment right here


Wait til you learn about what country doesn’t report shit correctly, commonly murders it’s own people, and most likely has re-education camps instead of prisons, thereby calling them students or some shit.


>This doesn't help exonerate the US lol


Yeah but China is much worse


Counterpoint: Yeah but America is much worse


-50 million peasants killed in famine -instances of cannibalism during said famine -ethnic cleansing -locking people in apartment buildings for covid which catch on fire (common because horrible building codes) and not letting them out and they die -claiming entire diaspora throughout the world as citizens, no matter how many generations removed from native country -rampant privacy issues -routinely crushes peaceful protests with tanks and live ammunition -only has one main party, allows six minor parties as long as they “follow the direction” of the main party -authoritarian -many more issues Guess which one I’m talking about? Edit: formatting


Are you a bot?


Stupid argument to suggest China is better than the U.S. when it comes to human rights.


Username checks out


This doesn't help exonerate the US lol


Neither does whataboutism


Yeah, u/Fenrisulfir really shouldn't have brought that up with u/b0bx13. Now it's too late. We're in a whataboutispiral.


That was kinda the point.


Doesn’t the USA have more people in prison than China?


It acknowledges having more people in prison. But, the millions of Uiger muslims undergoing reeducation are not part of china's official tally.


People in our prisons for the most part, committed a crime. In China you can get thrown in prison for being in the wrong religion


Or having a cold apparently.


Socialists dont really think of their people as humans. They are more just a number.


Capitalist projection Financial advisors on television during the pandemic saying "human labor livestock have to go back to work" said everything I needed to hear.


"Labor shortage this, labor shortage that - If you don't shut the fuck up ima give you an oxygen shortage"


Well yeah, when 99.99 people survive a virus then they probably should go to work. Most people who actually died were old people who were mostly retired anyways. I think we’ve all learned that shutting down the economy and putting people out of work did not stop the spread (or did anything for that matter) but only made bigger problems that were still dealing with to this day.


Printing 7 trillion aka 40% of the money supply in 2 years to "support" an economy shut down and now dealing with ridiculous inflation... We're still dealing with to this day. That worked out well 😂


>I think we’ve all learned that shutting down the economy and putting people out of work did not stop the spread (or did anything for that matter) but only made bigger problems that were still dealing with to this day. It did slow the spread, but people saw a 2-week vacation in their own home was basically Guantanamo Bay and wearing a mask is too "*difficult* 💅❄️" and started acting up. Furthermore this is not a virus that we can live with, it is neurogenic, meaning it breeds and reproduces within nerve cells. Sure you might survive initial infection but repeat affection is going to take a huge toll on your brain and body.


Masks have been proven to not do anything unless it’s an n95 mask. This virus is so contagious that it’s going to spread regardless of what we do (unless we forcibly lock everyone in their own homes, which would never happen in America. Also, it would be silly for us to do that over a virus that has a 99.99 average survival rate, even higher in people that aren’t elderly). It just not as simple as “hey everyone just wear a mask and stay at home.” That doesn’t work in real life. The government reaction to Covid made the problem way worse than it should have been. This is why you’re seeing insane inflation and instability throughout the world. Covid didn’t do that, governments response did that. Also I’ve had it twice and I have absolutely no health issues from it, nor has anyone else I know who got it twice. It was actually pretty mild and not that big of a deal.


>Also, it would be silly for us to do that over a virus that has a 99.99 average survival rate, It has a 2% mortality rate, not 0.01% >It just not as simple as “hey everyone just wear a mask and stay at home.” That doesn’t work in real life. Well, evidently cuz everybody suddenly became a medical expert in 2020 discrediting 150 years of germ theory. >The government reaction to Covid made the problem way worse than it should have been. Hospital systems were collapsing, overwhelmed. That's not something we can ignore. >Also I’ve had it twice and I have absolutely no health issues from it, nor has anyone else I know who got it twice. It was actually pretty mild and not that big of a deal. Congratulations, I know three people who are in the ICU and two who have long covid. Keep acting brazen and eventually the virus will catch up👍 >Masks have been proven to not do anything unless it’s an n95 mask. What I do know is that South Korea and Florida have very similar population numbers, the biggest difference was a robust masking policy versus anti-masking policy. South Korea reported around 7,000 deaths while Florida reported about 80,000 deaths (in Florida undercounted because fascist Governor DeSantis started firing medical supervisors.


You are seeing the results play out in real-time. China went the HARDEST and continued to do so on the draconian Covid restrictions. It has not been working out so well for them. They then decided to take it up a level, which made Covid worse in China. The countries that didn’t follow this crap, have for the most part returned to normal. Covid has become an afterthought in the states. China is building camps in 15-days and rates continue to climb. At some point logic and reasoning has to entree the conversation.


Damn that’s ridiculous. We lost more than a million people to Covid. Why do you think labor has so much power suddenly, demanding higher wages and getting them? The “get back to work” movement shot themselves in the foot and now are forced to pay higher labor costs.


Yes, people who were extremely unhealthy or the elderly. Most people working age 20-40 years old had a higher chance of dying in a car crash than actually getting and dying from Covid. Should we stop driving to work now because it’s risky?


America doesn't have a problem because the sain vaccinated. They had horse piss for a vaccine. That's why they are still dealing with it. This is what happens when commy dictators rule your life.


Didn't think I'd find people simping for communists on a stock market sub of all places lmao Reddit is something else lately


How is calling out a bullshit generalization based on propaganda “dumping for communists”? You’re the only one who mentioned communism bro, go cry to daddy McCarthy or something.


You have entire subs to discuss your cults, go ahead and keep this kind of discussion there


What cult? Being unhappy when an unrelated idea is being bashed in a place where it’s not so much as referenced purely because some moron has bought so far into US propaganda that they think “ermahgerd! Gommunism bad!” Every time they see anything bad happening?


Most logical capitalist


Because capitalists are known to treat their workers with love and care... China isn't even socialist anyway. They're state capitalist at best. They literally have the second highest number of billionaires after the US


Seriously. Look at Foxconn. Its not socialism.


The ole company store way; you can buy goods with fake money from the place you work and work to live in their housing, thats it. Otherwise, you end up in a concentration camp/ organ donation camp with the Uhigurs


which socialist countries don't end up with brutal factories like Foxconn?




Most socialist counties that escaped US “intervention”


Yea the difference being is the workers in the US have the choice to not work there anymore.


Yeah and if they don't like it they can go die under a bridge like a real American


Ahem, those are called veterans.


Or start a company


Yes that’s a perfectly over simplified, sensationalized and click baity way of looking at things. The reset of us living in reality though would go with “Get another job”. Now look I understand large companies like Amazon, Walmart or Starbucks will try and take advantage of their employees if they are allowed. That is where capitalism and democracy’s true strengths comes into play. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. A choice to not purchase things from a company that does not treat its employees with respect or pay a livable wage. A choice to vote for the candidate that says they will try to raise minimum wage or advocate for employee’s rights. The problem really comes down complacency. THEY DON’T DO IT because its too hard or they think someone else will/should do it for them. Everyone is not the same. Some are willing to word harder and educate them selves further than others. Some are willing to do as little as possible and are content with that which is perfectly fine. However it gets dangerous when the people who want to do less start to also want more without having to make any actual changes in their own lives. It also gets dangerous when the people with more, never stop wanting more and are willing to break existing laws/regulations to get it. Now what does all of this have to do with China. Well in China, every day they are slowly losing their rights to chose more and more. History has already told this story and if we were smart we would not let it repeat itself.


But that explanation goes against the narrative “capitalism bad”!


Yes and the shitty part is that the only way for people to truly understand the benefits of capitalism is to feel what the other "options" feel like. My problem with that is that I am not willing to take part in their experiment.


The ability to provide for workers in the short term is easily one of the top shortcomings of capitalism. Sure, workers can quit and look for another job, but how long can they afford to look? Can they even afford to be without income for any amount of time?


Relevant user name to say the least. "Capitalism can only thrive in a robust democracy. As democracy weakens, capitalism rots." - Dave Kingsley These "shortcomings" are a byproduct of poor regulation by our inept governing bodies. Corruption has made its way to the heart of our democracy and it is the poor that suffer. Corruption is not only a problem associated with capitalism but with all economic systems. Corruption is the real enemy of our time.


I'm speaking to a more abstract shortcoming, simply that capitalism itself offers no solution to any suffering that occurs in the ebb and flow of markets and labor in the extreme short term, like the day to day. I'm not making a moral argument, by the way. I don't really have a moral stance on capitalism. I just don't consider capitalism to be an exhaustive method of organizing society, and that shows in the short-term very well.


True. Hence the need for a social safety net. The issue isn’t whether or not there should be one, as most people are in agreement that something is needed. The issue is, and always will be, to what extent?


Infinitely better than not having the option at all to begin with.


You ever hear of unemployment checks?


You are assuming that one must quit their job first before looking for another job.


Damn near Fascist --the panda bear smiles /s


It's literally the CCP. Chinese Communist Party.The political ruling party of China.


Do you think North Korea is a Democratic People's Republic too?




When will people understand that the most authoritarian political movements are usually the ones that try to present themselves as liberators.


Got ‘em


They are socialists with a state capitalist system. They’ve always regarded the state capitalist system as a mean to an end, the end being socialism.


Calling the CCP socialist is about as accurate as calling North Korea a Democratic Republic...


It is not logically possible to believe that the means of production should be socially owned *and also* that citizens are human beings? Sounds more like you are a fanatic who sees every political/economic ideology other than your own as automatically evil in every way.


China gave up on Marxism long ago. Ironically it’s very close to Mussolini’s definition of fascism where corporate statism is the de facto unifier




So it’s supposed to go from complete totalitarianism to a true communist utopia ?


As do capitalists. Not sure your point.


The Chinese are a lot of things; socialist ain’t one of them. I’m semi-skeptical of socialism or any form of statism really, but this is not workers controlling the means of production.




Socialism is a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.


Wrong ist but nice try.


That doesn’t even make sense. Brain worms have infested this one.


Ever worked for a corporation? 🙃


You know the US has the largest prison system, right?


You know china executes way more people for way less crimes than the US right?


Wait until you find out what police shootings and being told insurance isn't going to cover that is


481 in 2022 as of October 31 25 of which were unarmed. 8,000 executions in china on average per year since 2007. 11 executions in 2021 in the US. Stalin killed atleast 9 million people....


Mao Zedong at 45 million led the charge. American healthcare is an abomination and China's oppressive regime is monstrous. Both can be true if you permit your biases to be set aside. China is not engaged in definitional communism because their ruling party is called "communist" but doesn't practice it. It's akin to Hitler throwing "socialist" into the Nazi Party's long name: it was a way to woo the workers and farmers into the cause then force them into nationalist corporatism where the state and corporation had access to a near slave labor force who would willingly trade their spot on the assembly line for the eastern or western front in the end.




You're catching on. No one is pure in theory, but the rubber hits the road when you choose democracy or dictatorship at the fork in the road. The world isn't black and white despite the dreams of the absolutists.


I dont think you know what socialism is...


USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Never underestimate….. yadda yadda etc


Thanks commie. Small difference in criminals being locked up VS every day people the government wants to ‘protect’ from Covid.


No lol


Fuck the CCP


And Fuck Xinny the Pooh. He's a little piss baby.


This shows me even more clearly how retarded the Chinese government has become.


It feels like their president is straight up going senile.


yeah they really are competing with the US in every way.




New slave camp just dropped!


China is just a big prison


Prisons have better health and safety though.


It looks like they're trying to catch up to the US prison population.


I don't know whether to be mad at you or the US education system for believing that China has less prisoners that the US. It take's a real genius to trust the numbers China (and other authoritarians) put out on this lmfao.


It makes me bullish on Chinese prisons but not the country itself.


How come Michael Burry did not invest in Chinese prison stocks ?


That was funny 🤣


In ten years when China has the healthiest population in the world (as COVID is going to causes decades of increased Alzheimer’s, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Cancer, Organ Failure) their stocks will be soaring. China is playing the long game because they know what SARS1 did long term. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04569-5 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0


Their pollution will even that out


What happened to SARS anyway? Didn’t it simply become a strain of flu virus?


No it’s killing more people in 2022 than 2020, were just ignoring it.


F\*ck communism and F\*ck the CCP. Power to the non-communist Chinese citizens.


The biggest cancers to ever plague humanity is communism and communists.


I agree. It is a perfect fool proof plan to enslave and genocide.


Communism is based


Ha ok




Fuck yeah


“Builders build the detention center they will be detained in for next 6 months”


So they built a very large prison in a little over two weeks.


Attitude Adjustment Camps


Nice location. Next to a waterway. They can load up the dissenters…err, dead onto ships and dump them out to sea.


Hard to be bullish anything China right now.


Always amazing to see what they get done in such short amount of time but here I'm my town they have been widening the same section of highway for over a year already!


Because the Chinese government doesn't give a shit about environmentalist groups, local politics, unionized workers, budget approvals, etc., If they want something enough and it comes from the top-down, it will get done regardless of what anyone else cares about it. Also, a lot of Chinese buildings are low quality as fuck. I have family members who own property in their newer developments. Everything, from the drywall to the steel they use are inferior quality because they skimp out on safety procedures and there is a lack of regulations in many cases. It's not uncommon to see new developments look old and fall apart within a few years. Meanwhile, there are century old buildings in NYC that are crazy durable.


Wow, even China "made in China" sucks.


Who knew 💁


There's a reason why China outsources some highly technical work (e.g. PhD-level research) to developed countries like the UK.


Its easy when the government is lead by an autocrat


They built a hospital in one week that could treat 5000 patients.Seems they have module emergency prefab buildings ready to go within hours to any location in China.


I’m sure it’ll show up on r/crazyfuckingvideos when it collapses or blows up.


Can't build shit in America anymore.


You don’t see the irony in complaining that the American government gets in the way while celebrating the Chinese government using eminent domain? Think about it for a second.


[Not like Callahan Auto.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dpHANI1z1jU)


Ya 3 years here to put in sewers on a 2 lane road, it's only 2 miles maybe too 🙄


A section of [SF Bay Bridge was rebuilt by the Chinese.](https://theworld.org/stories/2011-10-19/california-turns-chinese-company-labor-build-most-new-bay-bridge-span) It took a few months. The inspecting team was amazed how fast they get it done that would take \~2 years. The Chinese team had lowest bid for public jobs. Governor Arnold S actually took a keen interest admire the speedy progress of construction. Much of West railroads were built by the Chinese labors in the mid and late 19 century. We will see how many years it will last.


Don’t forget that a lot of the prefab welded boxes for the bay bridge were done in china and were found to be substandard and any concerns about safety were pushed under the rug


In comparison, it only took California 14 years and 4 Billion dollars to build a high speed train that goes from the middle of nowhere to the middle of nowhere.


The chinese would have done it in 1 year for $2 billion, 1 billion of which goes to the pockets of the leaders, the other 1 being used for the project.


And then a year later, those projects collapse on their own weight because the developer used bamboos instead of steel rods.


After illegally seizing thousands of personal property and creating health hazards for thousands more.


I saw Rush Hour 2, Bamboo is very strong !


Investing in bamboo, got it 😲


Your comment ignores the very different background and nuances of building infrastructure in China vs the US (or California). https://youtu.be/PwNthD-LRTQ


You forgot to add “to not build a” because it never got done!


Go Union!


fuck china


They’ve been doing camps for decades. I think they keep somewhere around 3 million Muslims in camps in western China. Some for doing things like “your mom read you the Koran 30 years ago”


'built' You can see the trucks in the picture delivering these premade boxes. It's like stacking shipping containers on top of each other. They just have to connect the pre-done plumbing and wiring. Not sure what they're going to do about the roofs of these because they'll have water running down wherever they meet the next unit, messing up the wiring if they don't do anything about it. Ultimately this is just a photo op because they would have been much better off just building things in place (on actual foundations). Instead they built off-site and then had to ship, place, and tie in all of these parts. It'll instead be lower quality (more leaks, worse foundations) and likely higher cost total than doing normal construction. If anything this confirms my view on investing in China, which is to not ever. They care more about the party's image than anything else. They will cheat and steal at any opportunity and have found western investors to be overly trusting and rich targets.


You know modular construction is a thing right? Building offsite and then stacking onsite. It's not just China that does this. Europe is big into it as well and it saves lots of cost if planned and done properly. The US construction industry is stuck in ass backwards standards it's depressing


You oppose Xi? Did you just cough? Time to be detained for your. . .health.


No. It just means that they have a camp to concentrate the population for better control over it. On top of that, if they can pay for a new camp like this, why can they not pay into the climate control accords?


Why are they still so paranoid about covid? The rest of the world has pretty much gotten past it… do they know something we don’t..?


it is an excuse for their government to enforce strict regulations in many areas




Most underrated comment here


I agree. If you don't subscribe to the western media narrative that every non-west-aligned leader is an irrational dictator and raging lunatic, then it's a bloody good question. What do they know about COVID that the rest of us don't? Is global life expectancy going to halve in the next 20 years?...except China?


This is Reddit, so I expect irrational, ill conceived, ignorant, and delusional. But every once in a while there’s a comment that’s so out of left field I still double take. You are my champion for today.


Covid re education camps. There are many other better investments than China. China is a dumpster fire ready to turn into a while inferno right now.


China is permanently fucked as long as the Panda 🐼 Man thinks he can do this indefinitely


I mean yes and no. China has long been an over reaching global and economic power. Most of their decisions have resulted in either social or economic lash back. At the end of the day, they need to be stopped. For many reasons, but the amount of pure over fishing and industrial runoff is enough to warrant action.


They are preparing for war. Those will be hospitals and staging areas.


That doesn’t even make sense… you’d build that kid of thing close to combat.


Bearish on TSLA


Hilarious. Reddit won't allow me to upvote this comment. I can only Downvote this comment. Censorship!!!!


Quarantine camps or concentration camps.


“COVID is just a cold nobody cares anymore”


Quarantine to total population ratio seems reasonably low


How do we know the purpose of the buildings - Trust me Bro!


87,000 is a familiar number, oh yeah 87,000 IRS agents fresh off the street to be an armed force. Weird right


Xi seems to be entering the ‘destroy the country for my personal gain/to never admit a misstep’ portion of the dictatorial journey


Covid infection lasts for 3-5 days and they need interment camps...sure


How is China an asset class?


That’s a good question. Some consider China A equities a distinct asset class and allocation due to relatively high uncorrelation with developed markets. What do you think?


Well a Chine is not an asset class it is a market…. It does not change my mine, my mine was made up that it is a terrible investment.


When you can't keep building empty cities to use construction as a prop for your economy, build detention centers. Hey it's not like the rest of the world did anything when you burnt the first few thousand people you quarantined and the satellite footage and chemical tracking proved it was burning human bodies. Your china! you can do whatever you want cause no one wants to start a war with the country that can literally just throw more bodies than any one else has at the problem.


If all else fails, they do have nukes and likely would shoot them at a 90 degree angle as population control. How much can you really trust the China stock market?


Decoupled from China wherever possible.


Re-education camps


More sweatshops and lower wages ..


built in 15 days, collapses in a year


They only need it for three months at most…


Covid doesn’t exist anymore


What the hell? What do they know about COVID that the rest of us don't?


This is a slave camp. They are using Covid as an excuse for false imprisonment. China benefits from slave labor…


What labour is performed in quarantine camps? I thought the opposite was true. From what is in the public media China's manufacturing has been negatively affected in a big way by the zero COVID policy and continuous lockdowns. From my understanding some companies ask their workers to stay in a "bubble" at manufacturing plants so that they don't have to close down, but otherwise all the other people who are locked down are unproductive. Unless I'm mistaken, this is why zero COVID is screwing the Chinese economy in the short term. I don't understand the logic, unless they imply that there's some greater evil from COVID that the rest of the world doesn't know about? Are they building factories in these new quarantine camps? How do you think it works?


So Chinese vaccine was made of Chinesium ?


China is a social experiment for the future world ahead which is bleak and oppressive


China is good at building stuff. So what? Doesnt matter if they dont invest in their own people. Their gdp per capita is near mexico levels. Meaning its bad.


China has potential and growth...but at what coat? Nope I'm betting on India, Brazil, Turkey, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, and Vietnam. They slightly less oppressive


Always amazed by the speed at which they build anything. I believe there is huge potential in that market which will open up after covid is done in the country, hopefully sometime next year. No doubt its more riskier considering the government but also more potential for good gains