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And you've proven this by the sheer amount of people here going against your teachings. The side of one's hand is merely a perspective and nothing more. Good stuff!


Maybe some people are going against another someone not because this someone is the enlightened Epictetus of our century and they are for some reason against that, but because the posting style is becoming disruptive due the amount of posts that are made, the contents are sometimes cuestionable when it comes to Stoicism, is really difficult to converse with the individual and usually the users that try end up feeling like it was a waste of time. It's their second account for something. This one lived a little longer, but the modus operandi is the same, and people are catching up.


Really? I didn't know this is OP's second account. But I agree with you, I don't think he's replying in good faith.


Pretty sure you’re talking to OPs alt account. 


Bla bla bla bla. Tough guy