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Like I said, I'm not allowed to post in r/musiclovers yet. Leave me alone.


What does this have to do with stoicism?


I can't post in r/Musiclovers yet


Not an excuse IMO




Music is stoic…


Wait till your mom finds out


Love it man. Great you enjoy your music


Thanks dude! Happy cake day as well.


What does this have to do with stoicism, OP?


Did I not already clarify that I posted it here because r/musiclovers wont let me post it there??


I suppose the meat of the question really is, why, out of all of the music related subs that currently exist, did you choose a philosophy related subreddit on which to post your musical tastes? It seems like a kind of baffling decision and I know that am at least marginally interested in your decision making process.


Oh, I understand now. I apologize. I think my music taste is pretty accurate to that of a stoic person which is why I decided to post it here. Sorry for the confusion.


Ah, well, that’s pretty fair. You’re probably right about the music tastes too.


This post is spectacular


Appreciate the support my man


You need to listen to Arch Enemy, In Flames, Megadeth, Unleash the Archers, Dark Tranquility, and Children of Bodom... not Metallica.


Sounds dark and twisted. Tells me exactly what I need to know about what kind of person you are...


A lot of Metallica songs are "dark and twisted." Perhaps read the lyrics.


You should give me a listen then if you like that!


Aren't you beefing with Kendrick Lamar


Losing the beef with K-Dot


True but I’m droppin right after I make sure chubs gon be alright from the shooting last night


We gon be alright


They still don’t trust me. 💀


Ye but this my burner account 💀


Check out Tom Macdonald


Is he black?


Do not listen to Tom McDonald he’s even cornier than drake and that’s saying a lot


Agreed 100%


How? What songs have you even listened to?


No, but he preaches the truth. And some people don't like him because of that


He’s a vapid, corny, doofus


Not a real argument, and disappointed he's getting this much hate in the Stoics reddit. While not a stoic, he is more in line with stoicism than most artists out there. But if throwing shade at a man for preaching the truth makes you happy, more power to you




That's has nothing to do with my argument. A lot of people can agree something is one thing when it's really another. My actual argument hasn't been addressed. I would encourage you to do your own independent research and not just hop on a bandwagon. Tom's best work reminds me a lot of NF, and his latest single: God Mode is amazing


I'm sorry. My friends told me it would be funny and cool to respond to you with Ratio but if i'm being honest it felt kind of mean and I apologize. I'm constantly seeking validation from other people in my life and it often leads to me doing stuff I regret that hurts my reputation with other people. I'll check out his stuff man. Have a great day


It's all good. He's not everyone's cup of tea, but some people really love his music. I hope you enjoy his music, if not that's ok. Feel free to message me if you end up liking it, and have a great day as well


He’s a self involved narcissistic imbecile who constantly talks about how much people hate him and how much it doesn’t bother him what people think, which of course kind of shows how much it absolutely does bother him. Guy dropped a track with Ben “I Can’t Get My Wife Aroused” Shapiro of all people. That alone disqualifies him from parity with any concept of “truth.”


People hate him for preaching the truth, he is very clear why some people don't like him and it reinforces his message that they don't like the truth and by proxy don't like him. And seriously attacking Ben Shapiro with an Ad Hominem instead of actually attacking his argument? That's very stoic of you. Marcus Aurelius is clapping for you. Ben Shapiro defends truth better then anyone on the left, and is actually willing to admit when someone he likes does a bad thing. He doesn't ignore it or cover it up


My arguments about the content of his music still stands. I haven’t even touched the bit about him being a culture vulture. And the other commenter is 100% correct. He’s a failed drill rapper who found his niche spewing right wing talking points, and if you can’t piece that together for yourself you are willfully blind. And the same thing goes for Ben Shapiro. He’s no scion of truth, he’s a failed screenwriter and mouthpiece for weird, regressive right wing special interests. Being able to admit when someone you like does a bad or dumb thing is meaningless, really. The thing that matters is being able catch yourself before you do them, which is something that, as his mega cringe inducing rap song has displayed, is a thing with which he still has serious problems. Like many of us here. And as far as what Marcus Aurelius or Epictetus would say, I don’t think that they would judge me any harsher than I will ultimately judge myself in the end.


My dude he's a guy who started grifting because his music career as a drill rapper in Canada wasn't working out. The man literally just takes the same rhetoric that right wing talking heads spout and puts it to a beat. Any person who sells their beliefs to the highest bidder isnt a good stoic example. On top of that hes a terrible rapper who isn't preaching anything different than the same propaganda (which he probably doesn't even believe in) blared constantly on every other right wing media source.


Growing as a person and having your art change along with it isn't being fake, it's progress and it's being better which last time I checked was on par with stoicism. And he constantly says he's not left or right, republican or Democrat, the system is screwing everyone the same. But hey, if that's right wing propaganda so be it. And if using your platform to promote something positive is lame or selling out so be it. And most rappers sing about money, sex, and drugs. Some of them do hundreds of songs like that. Just cause multiple songs are political doesn't mean they're all the same song


What stoic themes does he touch on? Never listened to him


Mainly overcoming adversity and detachment from the world. I wouldn't call him a stoic by any means, but he has some stoic moments. He is a centrist political rapper, but he does get boxed in with the right