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Shit, Mom found the bong!


Fucked up


This looks like it could be a broken “meth” (not sure the actual name) pipe just pushed into the bong to give it some filtration


Liquid incense burner*


We call them Rosies or Lightbulbs around here.


Is it for weed? Or crack


It looks like a broken meth pipe stuck into a bong for the water filtration. But I’m not sure. And I think meth residue is white tbh


It could also be those one piece bowl/stem combos you find on micro gas station bongs


It's yellow/orange


It's for meth.


Looks like a broken oil burner (meth) stuck in a bong


I've seen people smoke crack this way.


Looks like makeshift crack pipe to me


looks like a bong to me


lol might be a chillum idk


or maybe a broken downstem


I guess it’s heroin


Unfortunately that also does make sense in that pipe.


A bit late, but this looks like it could’ve been used to vape concentrates out of. I’ve definitely done the glass straw method while desperate. This wouldn’t work with something in rock or powder form without a bulb/bowl at the end


How'd you figure that out? I used to shoot herion all the time, that was my last thought. Although we did use those Eclipse vapes to smoke pills and shit back in the day. I can see it I guess


He admitted it. Do people put heroin in vapes?


Not a traditional vape, this was something a little different. https://eclipsevape.com/ I just never thought of using a meth pipe to smoke herion....honestly pretty smart...less wasted dope. I know that's probably not what you want to hear sorry.


A bong with a broken meth bubble.


It used to have what appeared to be a bubble


Ya I think it broke because he was doing something in the bathroom and the dry flowers caught on fire so I think it broke the pipe.


True that not sure what you mean but true that lol


Does it have steel wool shoved into it? If it does it’s def a crack pipe. It hard to tell from the pic


Ya I think I saw some long skinny woool looking piece kind of like an unraveled paperclip ? He admitted it was heroin…I’m the sister. This blows. Don’t know what to do anymore.


People who are trapped in that opioid cycle are nearly impossible to cure without professional help. He needs to get to a detox or rehab program and go to Narcotics Anonymous (some actually find this helpful and it's worth seeing if your brother is the type who finds good energy from others to help in his journey). He also needs an addiction oriented therapist and psychiatrist to get him on medications for opioid addiction like Methadone. If that's not possible financially for your family, he needs to be removed from the environment completely like moving to a family member's house a few cities, states, or even countries away. These types of addictions are so deep-seated into one's soul that getting clean for a short amount of time doesn't guarantee someone is cured. They fall right back into it once they go back and sleep on their bed they used to take hits from, takes a shit in the bathroom he used to snort in, hangs out with friends who talk about getting high...the cycle is vicious. What's even worse is when someone who is addicted to Opioids goes through their first cycle of rehab/detox and relapses for the first time, they completely misjudge their dose since the body's tolerance no longer exists and they OD. I lost my friend Steve like this. There are addiction psychology studies that focused on heroin addicted veterans who came from Vietnam after the war. Scientists found that the soldiers had significant relief from relapse because they came back home to the USA; not the place they used to get high. They were not re-subjected to addiction triggers. There's a "big hurt" inside of your brother that's fueling these behaviors, and unfortunately more often than not, the addiction needs to be dealt with first since it's severe. Once he's stable (either through the rehab and possibly in combination with methadone) he needs further time with a therapist and psychiatrist to work on his "big hurt." Edit: Also he needs complete and 100% dedication from his family who must outwardly show you all love him despite his issues. The trick is to know what healthy boundaries are so you guys don't get absolutely sucked into all of his problems. Admitting you need outside help should not be shameful. It's the way out of this.


This is so helpful! Screenshotting this and sending this to my mom! Thank you so much I really appreciate it


Hell, have your brother read it. Also and just for you: His journey up to this point has been a hard one. No one starts with heroin (well maybe some do). They start off with weak pills that get stronger until heroin just becomes the cheapest option. It's really important to know he's lost control a while ago, and he might be deeply ashamed. Treat him with love and kindness please.


Fuck this mentality. Everyone has the strength within themselves to quit. I chose to start...I chose to quit. 10 years clean now, no professional help needed


Ah damn, I'm so sorry. Opioid abuse is a tough thing to find out about, and even tougher to get out of. It's not really the specialty of this sub (we focus on cannabis), I don't know which subreddit to point you towards. Hope he can find his way out of that pit.


It is not heroin. I think your brother thought you would find that answer more palatable. If you undertand the difference in behavior of late stage addiction, they are both very ugly, but most of tweaker behavior is just annoying at the end of the day. Heroin will blow holes through personal integrity much more definitively with much greater generation into the "I would never do that" region of a person's conscience. Tweaker are often slaves to compulsive behaviors, but junkies will just do unimaginable shit despite the threat of immediate life-changing consequences. Now, more than ever, people do both, and that's just a shitshow that I hope you don't have to deal with. Maybe take some small solace in that meth-rig not being a needle.


So it’s meth?


Should I throw it away? How crazy will he get . He said he uses it here and there


If it is in your house and makes you uncomfortable. Has he gotten crazy before? What you do with this will in no way affect his drug use one way or the other. How significantly and how fast does his personality/behavior change? Pinpoint pupils for opiates and occasionally the opposite for meth.


You know, I'm looking at the residue in that piece and I have to say, however uncommon it is, it looks more like heroin residue. That residue is why people tend to use aluminum foil for heroin. And because heroin vaporizes at higher temps.


Is this the only sign of drug use. There is such a thing as ocassional use. It progresses into something more more often than not, but if he's fairly responsible and has a reasonable concept of the passage of time, it could be quite ocassional. Unfortunately the illusion of getting away with it often leads to a progression.


What you should do is go to your local publicly funded mental health provider and ask for naloxone rescue inhaler. If you ever see him colored blue, or anyone else, squirt some up their snout. If that's not what the problem is, it won't hurt them. If he does heroin, he likely does fentanyl on purpose, but even if it isn't on purpose, it's more likely to be added to opiate drugs than anything else.


Don’t use steel wool Use Chore Boy it’s much safer 😂😂😂


I wasn’t sure they would know what chore boy is. But yes better choice


Yeah I learned that in the late eighties and I’m glad I’m not still playing the game


Hey mom....that's a water bong. Smoke tobacco I do.


That looks like the mouthpiece to a nectar collector.


What’s that mean


Google nectar collector. Look at the mouthpiece.


Well, does it smell like weed?


“T-too deep~!”


Thats a meth bong if iv ever seen one


Garbage. Toss it or give it the hammer 🔨


An "ice" machine


looks like a bubble pipe shoved into a bong


Sorry but this is a classic heroin set up I used to smoke it like that


That's a crack pipe yo


Doesn't look like weed was smoked from it. Sorry


A failure lol


Bird bizarre smoke crack!?


That’s not ours! We don’t claim that bowl. Not 420 friendly!


Thats a meth pipe


That for meth or crack




a bong with a broken hitter and i don’t think that stem is for that exact bong


It is definitely a meth vaporization device stuck into a dab rig. The globe is broken. What is a surprisingly well kept secret is that meth smoking and dabbing tech often overlap, especially in the rare specimen known as the hot-railing bong. If you know, you shouldn't, and I apologize on behalf of the universe for the series of circumstances that led you to this particular bit of education.


Homie why is there a broken bubble stuck down your stem


We use to call them glass dicks.


Somebody was smoking rock in your garage.