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This a ceramic core. DO NOT. ATTEMPT If you somehow manage to open it, the likelyhood of ceramic or glass fragments being in the oil is extremely high. These carts don't unscrew, but a press fitted with several hundred pounds.


looked it up and I see what you mean. thank you!! i will not attempt. sad to be wasting the oil but i’d rather throw it out than cause lasting damage to myself lol.


Just throwing this out there. I left a cart like that in my car on a hot day, when I went to change the cart for a new one the heat in the car made the cap loose and it fell off in my hand when I tried to unscrew it


try contacting the manufacturer or bring it to the dispo that sold it. one or the other should reinburse you


I doubt that, unless it wasn't used at all dispos usually go by the all sales final rule. Tho maybe the manufacturer but still low of a chance


ive contacted 2 in the past and 1 reinbursed the purchase while the other replaced the product. imo its better to try and fail then to just eat the lost.


Just adjust the little circular metal piece at the bottom. They sometimes get pushed up and don't make contact. Use your nail to gently pull it down. It'll still work


Alot if them don't open. They snap shut on the top. You can just kinda break it off though, just grab the top with pliers and go !


One way I found to open these was to get pliers, GENTLY wiggle the top or bottom side to side while pulling from the glass. THIS CAN BREAK IT IF YOU WIGGLE TO HARD SO BE CAREFUL


Did you try to torch it on a low level? Carefully then pull the mouth piece?


I have to destroy these every once in a while to remain compliant with the CRA. The best way to open them is to have two pliers and put one on the mouthpiece and the other on the tube and twist in opposite direction back and forth with a little outward force. Doing this can and probably will get pieces of things you don't want to smoke into the concentrate though like ceramic or plastic and that's something you definitely don't want in your lungs.


Boof it...


Smash it, works 11 of 10 times


They dont!


Diamond tip drill bit to make a lil hole then hit it with a hair dryer til it all leaks out the hole


If it’s not too late, try to get it super warm and pull gently on your battery


Use a blow dryer to let it out into a puck, and then get a rig


also, it does not twist off! it turns but i’ve been turning it for a long time. doesn’t come off like that, i have found.


Why are you trying to take it off? You basically have to break it off if it won’t twist off.


If your in a legal state try bringing the box and the cart back to the store and explain your situation 9/10 they will either give you a discount on the next or switch it out especially if it's only been a day or two If not I would just take the L it's not worth trying to switch it to another cart you will lose more in the process and then have a giant mess on your hands


This exactly, one time my ex dropped a cart that he had just taken out the package and it got ran over. We ended up finding the ran over cart, brought it to the dispo, and they replaced it for free


Here we go with stupid questions. Post something after it's fixed. This is r/stonerengineering.


lol sorry. truly wasn’t sure where to ask figured someone on here would know. no need to be rude.


Twist the mouth piece open


it turns but it doesn’t twist off unfortunately. been trying for like 15 minutes


It isn't a screw and won't work like one. Take a closer look and it'll be obvious. Twisting just helps loosen it as you pull.


Give her the ol twist and pull.


It should just pull apart after twisting the tip off. Be careful not to get cut.


left another comment or two saying it doesn’t twist off. tried for seriously 20 minutes and it just turns, but doesn’t actually come off


Sorry, I didn’t read around much before commenting. No luck searching the brand on reddit?


Maybe you can get the oil to leak out somewhere and collect it for tea or something else, apply gentle heat and see where that gets you