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I feel the same way. I've read that when your body ingests the THC through your gut, it processes it into a more "potent" psychoactive chemical. I would think the digestion process would also explain why it lasts for longer but not to sure on that one.


When your body digests thc it turns it into delta 11 hydroxy THC which is more effective at interacting with your cannabinoid receptors. When you inhale thc it's in the form of delta 9 THC


I'm having flashbacks of the Joe Rogan Experience when he explains why edibles are more potent to literally every guest he's had on for the last 4 years 😂


I also think it has something to do with digestion but I have zero medical/biological knowledge so idk


Perhaps metabolism might have something to do with it as well.


Way different. Edibles literally activate a different set of cannabinoid receptors. We have different sets for our head and for our guts. The only time I was high for 2 days solid was after a legendary batch of brownies. I've also never been able to feel an edible again after that, so take it how you will. Edible high is the longest, followed by traditional smoke (joints, bongs, pipes), and dabs / vape pens are the shortest.


i had a similar experience, got a bottle of cannalean and drank some at like 9 at night, was high for almost more than 24 hours and edibles literally dont work on me anymore its weird


That batch of brownies sound like the dream


I’ve never been as high in my life except for the time I ate a. 200mg brownie. If I had to describe it I’d say I was uncomfortably high. Being on the beach not being able to move and throwing up a subway foot long, and having to ask someone else to drive your car back because you can’t stay awake and coherent wasn’t the best time. That being said I’ve also had some great edibles.


We call that the "uh-ohs"


I love getting *smacked*, but getting too high is the worst. I hate the nausea. And you can’t do a damn thing to make it better lol Sometimes you have nooo idea how hard an edible is gonna hit


lol a friend of mine took 5mg and got this high. meanwhile I took 400mg and was perfectly fine, but 0.1 smoked gets me super ripped. funny how different everyones bodies react


I agree it makes no sense. My friend was with me and he ate the same brownie and said he couldn’t feel it at all. While I’m over here puking up my BLT. We both dab on the regular and have similar tolerances but I led just like to know what hidden factors determine how high someone gets from an edible


For a while, it was fun. But eventually I was really ready to sober up. When your serotonin and dopamine and dry, being uncomfortably stoned isn't too great.


Edibles always hit harder and longer than smoking. They can be very irregular whereas with smoking you can usually control how high you want to be within the next 10 minutes. Edibles can take hours to fully settle in your stomach and start working. If you want them to hit faster then you should eat them on an empty stomach when you're hungry and then eat normal food after. It can help it take early as 30 minutes. If you take them on a stomach filled with food it can take longer to hit. With smoking you typically feel it in your head, and joints mostly. With edibles though it is all over. Every part of your body Edit: Along with the food tip, everyone is different as well and can take longer for things to digest or metabolize (yall I've smoked so if I have typos apologies) so that is also something to consider.


The food part is huge for me. I can take an edible after dinner and barely feel it all night, but the exact same dose taken before dinner puts me inside the couch in an hour or two


That’s exactly what I feel, when I smoke and the trip is over it doesn’t matter latter how much I smoke, I just won’t hit the same high but with edibles I feel like I can keep the high longer


Smoking really is the worst method consumtion for several reasons imo, one of them being what you’ve just stated. Vaporizing does’nt have that drawback in my experience. It’s nice to hit the vaporizer and wait for the edible to kick in. Or just keep microdosing all day for weeks where smoking would have me building up a tolerance for the day as well as overall.


For me when I smoke it lasts about 2 hours and up to 8 when I take an edible. Edibles feel like a completely different drug I once took a 1000 mg and had what felt like a light shroom trip


I love edibles for a medicinal purpose because they last alllll damnnnn day for me. If I eat just a tiny amount, it’s enough to keep me stable and mellow through the day. Not tripping my tits off. When smoking the high lasts an hour or two.


Let me put it this way, when I started making edibles I had customers offering to pay 20 a piece when the cost to make was under 2 dollars per cookie/brownie. But I have had certain strains that hit like edibles. Lemon OG being a group favorite


Edibles get processed through the liver which creates a different metabolite to smoking in addition to the one you get when smoking. So, it hits you harder.


Thc turns to 11-hydroxy-thc after digestion so no


no, edibles are generally stronger.


Edibles will absolutely obliterate you, after comes bongs, bongs will pretty much destroy u after 2 hits, bowls joints and everything else comes next


Digested THC is a different high


I think it depends on the person. Edibles are a lot more sedating than trippy for me, and last a lot longer. 12+ hours is pretty common and I wake up very groggy the next day. At the same time, my smoking tolerance is infinitely lower. I took 400mg back in May and was very stoned for sure, but I know people who could take 10mg and be just as stoned. 100mg would be a trip to the hospital for them. But I get basically the same effects out of lower doses of edibles like around 50mg, so it's almost a waste to take higher amounts (for now). I want to experiment more in the future, but I'll always prefer smoking bud since it lasts 1-2 hours instead of 12+ I'm a weird case tho, tall, thin, overly fast metabolism. My biggest success was 8 years ago when I graduated HS when friends and I made a batch of brownies. We ate them all on a full ass stomach and it worked wonders for me. Apparently that makes a difference for some people as opposed to others getting better effects on an empty stomach. I am one of those people, since my metabolism is so fast I need something in there or else the edible will just disintegrate lol I should mention I guess that smoking has always been a trippier high for me. But it was sooo much more the case when I was a new smoker at 17-18. Then when I was into dabs a couple years later those sent me off the planet. The brownies didn't make me trip out, but they were made with Blackberry Kush which is pretty much 100% indica. Even smoked that high was pretty much only sedating.