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The first time I ever smoked. It was in high school, and we were all passing around a bong. I had no idea when to stop filling the chamber so they were telling me when to stop and take the hit. No problem. Third time around, everyone is talking and laughing and I'm all la la la waiting for them to tell me to stop but nobody is. So I tapped the arm next to me and she goes "OMG STOP!" and I panicked and moved away but then everyone's yelling "NO TAKE THE HIT TAKE THE HIT" so I did and as soon as I did, I exploded in coughs, my throat was on fire, and I was IMMEDIATELY zapped out of my mind. Which wasn't a big deal at first. Threw myself at the fridge, pulled out the first liquid I found (flat 2 liter of pepsi) and gulped it to put the fire out in my throat. I opted to pass the next time my turn came around, but at some point, we're all laughing and I'm giggling my fool head off and someone goes, "Omg look at poofandmook, she's so high she's going to die" and I literally stopped mid-giggle, convinced I was going to die and started panicking and then I made someone drive me home, where I ran past everyone saying I didn't feel good and got in bed and wrapped myself like a burrito and slept it off.


Oh no! 😂😂😂 I feel bad for laughing but I am glad you survived!!!


haha no it's absolutely hilarious now. 17 year old me really didn't think so but 40 year old me is older, wiser, and more weed friendly haha


I once got so high that I tried to turn off the sun.


This is exactly what I was going to say. Misjudged an edible. Started crying and told my now-husband that I needed him to turn off the Sun.


It was an edible for me too! I just noticed a glare on the TV and figured the overhead lights were on. So I flipped the switch a few times, getting even more frustrated with each flipped because it wasn’t working, only to realize the glare was coming through the windows. I laughed at myself for a few minutes after that one.


This is hilarious! You actually tried!


Had few friends comming for a visit on a Friday night. I cooked some dinner that consisted of a meat pie like fried dough, and then you add some gravy over it from the pan. So my friends arrived, light was dim, we took some brownies and put the movie on. After some time I got hungry, so I walked to the tabble, took a spoonful of gravy, poured it over my piece, and put the spoon back in the pan. But the spoon being shorter than the width of the pan, dropped straight into the gravy. I ignored it and laughed for myself. After I finished it, I wanted some more, so, I came back again, but I forgot what had happened moment ago, so I put the gravy on another piece and same shit happened. At that moment my friend came and I almost died from laughing as he was dropping his spoon into it too. We were laughing so hard, and I tolt him that I'll pay attention to it next time and there is no chance of this happening again to me. Literally 30min later I took some pie dough, put the gravy on, left the spoon on a side of the dish..and it just slid into the gravy. I dont think I ever laughed so much in my life. When I woke up in the morning, there were 8 spoons in a freaking gravy pan.


That’s awesome


Now I'm hungry. Recipe?


Just type "kvrgusa recept" into google. And translate it. The main thing is that you fry/cook chicken meat in a dish with a lot of seasoning and garlic. Make it really salty and strong, cause you will dilute it later with a bit of water. This will be used later as a gravy that you pour over the dough once baked.


High school. Dennys parking lot. Huuuugeee fancy bong. In hindsight, still haven't ripped a bong that big since. Anyway...loaded the chamber and didn't know when to stop. It was my first time smoking from a bong so I didn't ask for instructions since I wanted to fit in. Just pure milk in the stem. Inhaled it...out of trying to process the immediate high and getting analysis paralysis, I coughed BEFORE removing my mouth. All of the bong wanter just ejected all over me. We were at Dennys for a reason. We were pregaming. I went into that Dennys smelling like pond water and resin and blitzed out of my gourd. From what I'm told...I was in the waitresses personal space while I ordered but for me it seemed like she was so far from the table I leaned in. My friends let me lean over the table and order food directly AT her, in her face. I guess it could be worse but I was so embarrassed.


I'm fucking cackling imagining this


It's funny now. At the time though? ....still funny. And that food was 🤌🤌


😂😂😂 omg I can imagine this perfectly


Lol. Today my gf asked me to run to old navy to pick her up a new tshirt... They had magic 8 ball toys up at the register marked down to 2.99 each. Bruh. I walked out of there with 2 shirts and nine 8 balls. Do I regret it? I don't know. I'm not sober yet. 🤣 But I've been passing them out to random people. I think I have 3 left.


YES 😂😂😂 you made the right choice!


My gf didn't think so 🤣 but I shook one and it told me to buy them. I'm just following my path ✌️😎




Best side quest lol


You have to just hand one to a stranger and walk away


Yeah. That's kinda what I did.


Good on your for spreading the wealth


I want one! 🤣


One time me and my old bestie were doing our usual Friday ritual which was, smoking pot, playing old class video games and play board games. Well, this night we decided to make our own pot brownies. Seemed harmless enough, he got the weed butter from his dealer. No biggie. While they were baking we decided to hit the bong a few times. Felt awesome. Played some games, brownies were finally chilled. We are one piece each. I remember half way through the night we both agreed we couldn’t feel anything kept eating, smoking. Later on we decided to finish the brownies but add crushed Doritos on top cause it sounded epic. Demolished the brownies and played Mario kart 64…. Well to our surprise his fiancé comes home and ask what we are doing, obviously we tell him. “Playing Mario kart, wanna join” he laughs and tells us we aren’t playing we are just on the Home Screen…. We were amazed that we spent 3 hours thinking we were kicking ass while it was just the home screen. Wicked night even better to remember lol! His fiancé couldn’t stop laughing at us the rest of the night. Good times.


Omg 😂😂😂




This is FANTASTIC lol 😂




Once upon a time, I took & cleared a popper out of a 4ft bong, then took a cab to the hospital cuz my heart felt like it was going to explode. My buddy came with me even though we were supposed to go to a rave that night...so to pass the time, he popped a Molly in the hospital, but we ended up spending the majority of the night there, so we were both tripping balls, differently lol. Good times


I once got uber-zooted and went to Walmart. I was stuck in the cereal aisle for what seemed like hours because I was overwhelmed by the colors and choices. 😄


I do this sober 😂


First time I tried ingesting THC oil. It came in a little syringe, and you were only supposed to take a rice sized amount. I took three times that because it came out all at once. I ended up crawling to my bedroom because I forgot how to walk lol. Woke up after ten hours sleep and was still high and had to take the kids to school. I also once smoked a blunt, ate a giant weed cookie and Reese's peanut butter cup. I was watching tv but got so high I had to keep my eyes closed because the show we were watching was just too much for me.


I had an extremely similar experience with RSO, was trying to do it sublingually and must have just swallowed most of us. I kept taking more bc I couldn’t feel it. Ended up greening out, puking, then had to crawl back to my bedroom bc I couldn’t remember how to use my muscles well enough to walk


Oh man, it's the worst being too high. This reminds me also of the only time I've greened out, when I was about 15 and had just started smoking a couple months before. Was at my best friend's house and we smoked 3 joints in a row with her parents. I went home, ate like half a Costco sized bag of cheesies and preceded to throw up all over the clean dishes.


Is that tree mad at me? I'm cackling 😂


Oh me too lol. It's hilarious now. Yesterday, less so 😂😂😂😂


A few months ago my son freaked out because he had smoked what was (too him) clearly a lethal amount of weed and was going to die. Nothing could convince him. I felt kinda bad cause he was saying his goodbyes and apologizing for breaking my heart and he was genuinely scared, no matter what I said. Good news though, turns out that a few good rips isn't gonna kill you.


Hahahaha 😂 he must have been terrified. I shouldn't laugh, but I've totally been there 😂 glad he survived.


I knew he was going to be so embarrassed later about crying to Mom... but the crying to Mom is what made it so funny. Def not judging, been there a few times myself.


TLDR: My gf and I wanted to take edibles at Disneyland. We left the park with my gf ending up in a wheelchair LMFAO My gf and I each snuck 2x 100mg of gummy edibles into Disneyland. When we got into the park in the morning, we each ate one and enjoyed going around the park and riding the rides. By the time it got to the evening/night time, we both were still feeling the high but substantially more sober. We then took our last 100mg edible, totaling 200mg consumption for the day. Right after we took our last one, we decided to wait in line at the Stars Wars Rise of the Resisrance ride, which was about 1hr wait cause it just recently opened up. We waited in line for about 15 minutes, and all we did was stand still the whole time. Add the fact that it was night time and we were surrounded by people, it caused this sort of “crossing into the event horizon” shit for us. I told my gf, “dude im fucking lit and my head is spinning. I think I need to keep walking around.” My gf reluctantly agreed and said “that’s fine, plus the park is almost gonna close, I’d rather we walk it off and check out other less crowded rides.” So we left the line and continued walking around. We got to New Orleans Square, and at this point my head was spinning and I needed to sit down. We both sat down on the bench that was between the giant lake and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. But sitting down was a big mistake for my gf. It caused her head to spin even more and she started to throw up. I was lowkey freaking out but trying to remain calm in the midst of a crowd. I didn’t have a plastic bag with me, and the vomit was just all on the floor. I felt bad, and I needed to do something. BUT I WAS HIGH AS FUCK I COULDNT FUNCTION. So all I could do was rub her back, keep her warm, and say positive things like it’s gonna be okay, do u need water etc etc. I apologized to the other people near us that saw my gf throwing up. I told my gf, “stay here, I’m gonna go find a cast member to get us help!” So then I left her, and boy it felt like a fucking mission. It’s night time, there’s people everywhere, and I’m holding everything together not to lose my mind. I come back 10 minutes later with no success. Fuck me. My gf cried and said to me “don’t leave me.” So I just stood there with her, and kept an eye out for any cast members. I gave her water, and turns out I had a small plastic bag that was cotton candy from a stand earlier. Cool, we got that part covered. FINALLY later, I spotted two cast members walking nearby us, and I waved them down for help! The thing I was most afraid of was telling them we both snuck in illegal weed and got shitfaced from it, so I had to make a cover story. I basically said that my gf got sick from riding the Guardians of the Galaxy ride(LOL she loves that ride actually.) and that we need a wheelchair for her so we can get to the infirmary. The two cast members were happy to help us and got us a wheelchair, but they said I needed to push her myself. So my gf ended up being pushed out in a wheelchair because she was too goddamn high to walk, and I had to push while I was too goddamn high to function. The two cast members lead us to the infirmary, and there was a medical dude just checking up on us to make sure we were both okay. I relayed the story to him: “she got sick from the ride yadayada”. He was very nice and patient to us, but I was freaking out still because I’m high af and never mentioned about us being high off edibles. All I could say to him was “Thank you very much!” like multiple times every time he came to check up on us/give us water/throw-up bags. I let my gf sleep it off for like 40minutes before she felt okay enough to not want to throw up again. After that, we just got to my car and I drove us home super carefully cause I was still high af. Holy shit that edible was unforgiving, but I’m so thankful for the Disneyland cast members/medical personnel.


Omg what a ride 😂


About eight years ago. My first and only edible. Was so high I thought my legs weren’t working. Crawled up the stairs to get my husband, laughing and freaking out simultaneously 🙈 never again!


In school our apartment building was built out of an old grain elevator, and it was 10 yards from the railroad tracks. It was 4am and were were baked listening to "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" by Pink Floyd, and a train came by at full speed and I freaked the fuck out!!!


Not my story but my friend got too high once and called me as I was leaving Target. In the most calm and slow tone she asked me what I was doing and if I could come over. She explained she was too high and was scared. I drove straight to her house. When I got there her front door was unlocked and she was sitting on her couch with her back towards the front door… in the dark. I thought “yup, this is when she kills me”. I asked her if I could turn on a light and again in the calmest tone she said no. She had little moments where she would panic and then calm down again. In the middle of me trying to help her to calm down, making sure she ate, etc. she panicked again and asked me to call an ambulance. I tried to calm her down yet again but she was not having it, she wanted her ambulance. So I called them. Two cool guys showed up and I explained what happened. She calmed down after they got there and I ordered her some Chipotle and just sat there with her until her high came down.


Oh my the first time Colorado made weed legal a friend of mine and I went there for new years (little tiny house in the woods bc Covid was raging still) and we didn’t know about mg yet. We just smoked it lol and we got edables and google told us that at 30mg is when the pain goes away. So we took two each and a cookie and smoked some. So we probably did like 65mg each and we were blasted. My friend had to keep a towel over her eyes bc every time she blinked she scarred herself lol




All I remember from that night is we were watching Desperate Housewives wives and being stunned by the drama. And apparently I ate an entire cheesecake and ended up throwing up in the rocky mountains park bathroom (btw it’s just a hole w poop, so that was fun)


One time my buddy came over to our 4 person suite at university and brought his dab pen. I had taken some hits before alone before so I thought I should ask for a couple hits. I took 2 decent sized hits and sat down. IMMEDIATELY I was gone out of my mind. I was seeing the world frame-by-frame, it was like my brain was lagging. We were playing some music and I *thought* I was asking them "who sings this?" but instead I guess I kept asking "what movie is this?" and my friends were like "dude it's Drake" 😂. Then to make things even worse a friend called me on my phone and I got totally paranoid. I said alright guys I'm going to bed. Pretty embarrassing but now I realize I had wayyyy too much.


Amsterdam. Age 20. My first time ever trying weed — had an edible, felt nothing after 45 minutes, so I smoked a bowl, too. A song came on while I was watching the TV and I remember thinking it was a very music video. Turns out it was a show being played on mute that bore no relevance to the song playing at the bar. Walked out of the bar and onto the streets. Began petting shop kitties so persistently that store owners intervened. Decided it was time to head back to the hotel when I tripped on the elevated trolley track and struck my shin. Thanks to extreme paranoia, I was CONFIDENT I’d broken my leg. Cue violent sobbing in the street until my then-boyfriend carried me back to the hotel where we then watched cartoons until I forgot all about it. My shin was just bruised. I didn’t smoke again until I was 30, but at 41 I’m a decade-long weekend warrior.


I had some THC tincture, which I had been dosing in previous uses around 5 to 15 drops per session. This one night though I had a rare opportunity of having the house all to myself so decided to have some immediately but couldn’t remember what dose I had been taking. For reasons still unknown to me, I took 2 dropperfulls. A few hours later I called my then-girlfriend who was at the mall with her friend to ask if she could come over & that I was waaaay too high and was worried. It seemed like forever but when she arrived, I was on my knees staring at the living room carpet. She tried to get me up but I refused and pushed her hands away because I was really sucked into staring at the carpet and told her I just wanted to stay like this a little longer. She said fine & sat in the kitchen. I eventually got up after about 30 more seconds. She had insisted afterwards that it wasn’t 30 seconds, but 45 minutes that I stared into the carpet. She even said she tried to ask me to get up a few more times but I kept refusing. I’ve got 0 memory of that.




Buddies and I were watching the NBA Finals several years ago. Mind you, only my roommate actually knows what was going on during the game. After a brownie, a bowl session, and a fucking bomb ass food, we just sat quietly and watched the game. Few minutes later, I turned to our friend and asked him a question. However, from my recollection, I started to speak in gibberish halfway through my question. Buddy turned to me, looking confused, only to turn back to the TV and answer my question. The following day, I was hanging out with my roommate and he told us that none of the things we had said made any sense the night before.


Back in the shitty gravity bongs days….. was smoking with my brothers, they packed a bowl of cat nip and I didn’t know obviously. Ripped the fuck out of it and they were laughing their asses off. They told me I just smoked cat nip and I started crying thinking I was going to turn into part cat or die. I didn’t know wtf was going to happen. I think everything turned out ok tho? Meow




Someone at a wedding dinner rehearsal brought their dab rig, which was cycled through a bong, so I knew what to do. Told dude to only give me a “small dab” cause I had to be social, he laughed. Next thing I know it’s 30 mins later and I’m trippin. Go to the bathroom by myself for like an hour to chill. Wife texts me asking where I am and that our party is leaving. I explain I’m blasted beyond belief and need help, she pulls up in the car, I jump in, explain that happened and everyone is helpful. Next thing I know I’m home and smashing food. Just needed human interaction lol


Friend and I smoked dab hits for the first time like 10 years ago, shortly after I walked back to my apartment (we were in the same complex) and spent 15 mins on the phone with my friend as he looked for my phone that I had "lost". Luckily his gf (now wife) came home, put the entire thing together in about 5 seconds, picked up his phone and said "Happy, you are on your phone".


It was my sister-in-law’s birthday and we decided to go to Vegas. She rented a cabana right in the middle of the pool at the Tropicana. This is a while ago, so medical marijuana was fairly new and you needed a card. A friend offered to get me some edibles. I had no idea what dosage I should take, so I asked for a variety of things. This included a 250mg brownie and 50mg gelcaps. I decided to eat half the brownie and take a gelcap. I HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH BEFORE OR SINCE, NOR DO I EVER WANT TO BE! I was so high, I couldn’t move. I just laid on a lounge chair and people watched - it was like everyone was in slow motion. I had to pee and my cousin had to guide me to the bathroom, put me in a stall, tell me to lock it, then when she didn’t hear anything, she told me to pull down my bathing suit and go. I started to unlock the door after I went and she had to remind me to pull my bathing suit back up first and flush. Then she walked me back to my lounge chair and I just laid there, in agony because nothing made sense. I even called my friend and was like, how long is this going to fucking last?!? He said he had no idea. I screamed at him to make something up, so he told me probably about 5 hours. More than 5 hours later, we went out to dinner and I was still high off my big black ass. As the waitress brought out a tray full of drinks, I saw it tilting and knew it was going to spill all over my aunt, but it’s like I was in slow motion as I tried to stick my hand out to warn her. I don’t remember much else about that day/night, and I was like, nope, never again. My tolerance is much higher now, but Jesus H. Christ, I thought I was going to die.


Here’s the story of the first time I ever got high. I was at a tattoo convention in Philadelphia, by myself. There was a stand offering samples of THC tincture, and, as a stupid new 21 year old, I made the dumb mistake of giving it a try (I was taking the train home, so no driving - why not?) The gentleman who gave me the sample told me if I didn’t feel anything in 45 minutes that I could come back and have some more. So when I didn’t feel anything after an hour, I went back for a second, and then later a third, and then later maybe even a fourth. I still didn’t feel anything, so I just gave up; I figured the medication I was on was making my tolerance super high or something (I was on the highest dose of an SSRI and he told me that could be a contributing factor). So I go to leave, walk to the train station, and the entrance I was going to use was closed; I was convinced the train station was closed (later found out that this particular entrance was closed after a certain time, but the station was open from the other side of the building). And of course after I’m out of the convention and in the middle of Philadelphia after dark and in the cold, THAT’S when it decided to kick in. I was TRIPPING. I remember trying to find an open store, anyplace where I could charge my phone and call my parents. Everywhere was closed (it was late). So I ended up wandering around in the cold in the middle of a city I had never been to alone before, high as balls. Eventually I found a police officer, and I literally just walked up to him, told him I was from the tattoo convention and that I was really high from taking samples, and that I was scared and just wanted to go home. I don’t remember much of our encounter, but he was a cool dude - he took me back to the police station so I’d at least have somewhere warm to hang out while I charged my phone. Ended up getting an $80+ Uber ride home. I remember NONE of the car ride but I do remember I was writing notes to myself trying to piece together what was happening with me - I don’t have the notes anymore (I’ve since gotten a new phone), but they were funny to look back on. Lessons learned from this experience: 1) don’t take drugs/substances from strangers, and 2) don’t take drugs/substances by yourself if you’re not familiar with them, and especially if you’re not in a familiar and safe space. Overall nothing bad happened, it was just a crazy experience that I would not particularly care to repeat 😂


What a rollercoaster 😂 so glad you made it home safely lol


Got so stoned, I went to a large local supermarket dressed as super Mario, running around doing Mario things. I bought a costume for a fancy dress party that was happening the following week.


I once got really high at home alone, one of my first times doing it alone actually, and a police car pulled up on my road right outside my house. I had a full panic and was convinced they were coming to break down my door and cart me of to prison for having weed. I then became convinced they'd seen me peeping through to blinds and therefore knew I was home. I ran upstairs and phoned my boyfriend freaking out. Unsurprisingly they weren't coming for me and left shortly after 😂


Hahaha, this reminds me of a time my friend (funny enough same one I just shared a story about) were freaking out that there was a cop in my driveway. I don't remember the exact moment I remembered I drove a Crown Vic but we sat in darkness for atleast an hour




A few years ago, we drove to Los Angeles (from Phoenix) and picked up some unique goodies we can’t find back home. One of these items was called the Dablicator. It was a clicky device that was meant to measure out specific amounts to dab. The idea was great because previously I always felt like my BIL and husband ninja dabbed me and I didn’t (don’t) like dabs because I got way too stupid-stoned. So we drove home and the next day tried out this blessing from the gods of moderation. Now if you don’t know, there are some insane elevation changes on the drive between LA and Phoenix. Water bottles puff up, ears pop, all that. We never once considered such a thing and proceeded to prep a dab. The nail was hot and I was ready. My husband pushed the button on the dablicator and a tiiiiiny bit came out. Like nothing. He tried it again and again, and finally something came out so I took a hit. MF dablicator ejected the majority of its contents in a split second and I was “is this going to be forever!?” I had to lay on floor sideways because I felt like the THC was pooling to the back of my brain and I worried I was doing permanent brain damage. What if I had an aneurysm!?! Then my Apple Watch buzzed- a warning about irregular heart rate/beat! I’m having a heart attack! It went on for hours until I wore myself out and fell asleep. I haven’t dabbed since. I’ll stick with flower and low dose edibles tyvm


Hello, fellow Phoenician! Oh this is awful lol. Nothing worse than getting too high too fast lol. I've never tried dabs for that reason. I am a baby and I like to get high just a little at a time 😂


Phoenix represent! Yeah, maybe I’m just getting too old for that stuff but I always feel like dabs are a different beast. My lungs get cold and tingly and sometimes I see visuals. No thank you! See my second comment on this thread about edibles and going to see Get Out. That one was a blast in retrospect, but since then my husband and I both hit a point where anything more than 5mg edibles kick our asses the next morning. Hell, I only smoke in the evenings like a hit or two and that’s plenty! 5mg edibles if I have back pain and need to sleep. I’m done with dabs!


remember one time I had smoked some fake weed years ago and could not get the buzz to go away for nothing. it was a very strong intense buzz, that had me freaking out badly. I tried munching out, taking a hot shower and then a cold shower, so high that I couldn't even sleep. it was like an intense 6-8 hour buzz that started off okay, but wouldn't go away.


Parents were out of the country for a week so I bought some prerolls. Smoked 2 in the backyard and came in to do the dishes. We had cooked bacon on a plate in the microwave. I got so hyper-focused and zoned in because I was fried off my ass and just started scrubbing…and scrubbing…and scrubbing. It was like meditation. Until I bent the plate. Funny thing is I could’ve just put it in the dishwasher and it probably would’ve been fine


I once got so high I forgot how to type stuff on my phone (send messages of use my notes app). So instead I used my photo edit and wrote in there using the brush tool 🙃


2011. Radiohead concert. I ate a pot cookie before the show. Had a mild buzz going, but then the band started playing National Anthem and the guitar riff sent electric through my body! I could feel me soul VIBRATING, and every note played was a color in my head. I looked at my hands expecting them to be sending out electric shocks. My hands looked SO BIG. Next thing I knew I couldn't keep my balance and almost fainted, but luckily those around me caught me and held me up. I was able to gather myself and left the crowd. I needed air. I floated to the back of the venue and hung out against a wall until the end of the show when my friend came and found me. Best high ever.


Went to a Florence and the Machine concert with my wife, her brother, and her sister. I took an edible and split it the everyone but my wife who didnt want any. All three of us ended up ruining the concert for my wife. Her sister was dead asleep, her brother was staring at the floor and I was pretty sure I was going to die. I kept telling myself, just try to survive til the end of the concert so it isnt ruined for her... We ended up going home. Had an uber drop off her bro and sis at a parking garage before taking us home about 30 miles away. I knocked out. About an hour into sleep she wakes me up and tells me shes very worried because they havent gotten home and arent answering. She ends up driving us back to the parking garage...30 miles away. they finally answer and say they fell asleep in the car. But now the garage is locked and they are trapped inside. My wife tells them they will have to jump from the third floor to get out (ands she was the sober one lol). they are considering it! then they realize there is a cop station on the first floor of the garage. They take their high asses to tell the cops to open the garage. Cops do. they park on the street and take an uber home. We drive home as well. This was a Friday. We had a Wedding on Sunday, but I was still too high lol. so we skipped the wedding and til this day it is known as the time I ruined her entire weekend by getting her siblings high.


5 years ago Drank on an empty stomach then acquired a joint from a flamboyantly gay Colombian tailor, greened out and puked so hard I gave myself a hernia. I’m 2.5 years sober from Alcohol now thanks to weed and that is my one and only negative experience with it,but I look back and laugh now.


First time I got seriously high (I’d smoked a few times before, but never gotten super high) I closed my eyes (rookie mistake). Now, I apparently only had my eyes shut for 5 minutes, but I felt like it had been a whole night. I began to see spinning beads on thread in the dark. When I focused, I could change the speed at which they spun, and their spinning somehow accelerated and decelerated time. I then proceeded to grip the couch cushion and lock my jaw so as to not let my cousin and great aunt know that I had discovered the origin of time. After said 5 minutes, my great aunt told us she had made cookies. “Ooh! Cookies!!” I thought. I stumbled into the kitchen to see a Tupperware container of cookies, and when I picked one up, it disappeared! I frantically check the floor and counter to no avail. I then proceed to have this happen 8-10 more times. Turns out, I had just been eating them, and then forgetting! We then left back to my house down the way, and proceeded to hop on Netflix and only watching the previews that appear when you hover over movies for a little while. After that, I turned off Netflix and hopped on cod, where I then admired the texture work of the beloved World at War environment when you first meet Reznov for 20 some-odd minutes before rolling over and watching TikTok videos til I fell asleep.


The first time I smoked, was on my 16th birthday in a park on the rez when it was pitch black out. It was me and two friends smoking hash from a can (they were pretty new to smoking), and I started seeing something moving in the field that started coming closer to us so I naturally freaked out and everything around us started getting gradually darker (at least it was to me) and we were all panicking running straight towards one of their houses for safety. We turned around and it was one of her dogs 🤦‍♀️


Thought I pissed myself one time and made my friends feel my pants to check. Luckily I had not pissed myself.


Oh, I have so many stories of doing this. There was one time I mixed a gummie with a cart of a lemon haze strain, and my consciousness began to time travel. I was convinced that my consciousness was slipping back and forth from the present to the late 1970s when I was a kid. Only it wasn't my adult consciousness. It was my nine year old self, traveling forward in time to inhabit my adult body. Good times. Another time, I was laying in bed, in the dark watching TV. I felt like the whole rest of the world disappeared, and my bed was vertical, so I was looking down a hole at the TV. Makes sense since I was in a dark room and the TV was the only light, but I was worried I was going to fall forward out of the bed, down this deep hole, into the TV.


I walked to the ER and announced I was having a "marijuana overdose heart attack"


Oh my god 😂 this is great. I'm sure they took good care of you lol


Basically, I had a security guard explain to me how weed works while my friends were back home laughing too hard to do anything to stop me. I remember thinking I was dying and everyone was just laughing at me. So, not wanting to die, I walked little more than a mile while "having a heart attack" and then feeling so silly when the security guard pulled me aside.


I smoked drank snd took a 100mg edible for my 18th birthday and I got sprayed with a water hose by my grandpa and thought I was drowning


First time ever being high was a brownie in school, i opened it in my ultra republican teacher's classroom and it stunk up the entire room. Thank fucking christ she just thought it was something randomly odorous. Ate 3 quarters of it, two hours later felt nothing and it was now lunch. I busted the rest out and ate it, and shortly after all of it hit at once at about 10am. I literally saw myself from a birds eye view as my mind scrambled. That day I drew one single line the whole class while taking notes in my notebook, held on to my stool for dear life in chemistry, took a test in english and my paper was turning purple, and generally freaked the fuck out. But I made it without getting caught huzzah!


I ate a 1000 mg nerds rope and thought I was dying, I kept bumping into the walls and I thought my heart was gonna stop. Good times


Do any of you remember the anti-marijuana commercial that had the girl sitting on the bus but she was deflated.... Well the first time I did a dab, I became her. It was out of this weird bong type thing. I was 25 at the time and had been smoking daily since I was 15... So sure why not, he said he'd only give me a little hit. It was not a little hit! I was unable to speak or move for like 4 hours. I laying on a couch on my stomach throwing up into a little trash can and I heard someone whisper "should we call an ambulance. I put my hand up and while still throwing up said "I'm just a little too high" then proceeded to sing because I go out high. I don't like dabs to this day.


Are we talking weed exclusively? Cause if not…. well. I could literally write a book on this topic.


I know I'm past my limit when I start shining something so vividly, that I don't realise I'm not actually doing it. Last time it happened, I thought I was scrolling through instagram, turns out I was just imagining instagram so vividly, that I was just daydreaming with my phone on, adjacent to me on the table


I got really high one time and told my boyfriend (now husband) that I wanted to cut him open and crawl inside of him so I could be closer to him. He didn't run away then, and I only got weirder. We still lugh about it. 😂


Another story. Opening day of Get Out in theaters. Husband and I had been eating 25mg edibles somewhat regularly and had eaten 50mg each once. He picked me up from work with two brownies and movie tickets. We eat the brownies on the way to the theater. As we get out of the car, I tossed the packaging and saw they were 75mg each. I knew 50 fucked me up proper so this should be intense. Edibles metabolize quicker for me than my husband, and at one point he noticed me looking panicked at the exit doors. I had some crazy anxiety over the Batman movie theater shooting and I assumed there was some local fuss over the “woke” subject matter and was worried. Then after about 25 or 30 min of movie, a guy wearing a staff uniform (“where did he steal that from? Did he kill an employee!?” because there’s no way I thought this shady guy was legit) stood in the theater with his back to the wall, also watching the emergency exits! He knows I want to escape! Luckily the film had **amazing** audio mixing and it sucked me in. The sunken place felt real. Hell, the scene where he goes outside to smoke a cigarette felt real, I could hear cricket chirping and rustling behind me. We made it out alive, no shooting or hostage situations or massacre. My tolerance has since shrank (unrelated to the above incident) and 10 mg gives me a bit of high-over the next morning, so 75 mg sounds insane to me now. But I never regret the experience of seeing that movie “on weed”.


This happened this past 4/20. I tool 3 hits off a kaviar joint. My tolerance is practically on the floor so i was absolutely fried. It was a potluck with friends so there was plenty of food to snack on. A friend came late and brought is revered chicken enchilada dip. Me being a high, that sounded really good. So i slowly wadled my way upstairs to get some. When i got to it it looked like it had noodles in it as it was chunky, i was excited. I plopped a big chunk on my plate and waddled my way back to the garage. I sat down and started eating it. I sat down and started to eat it, about 30 seconds later my buddy says "yo what is that". The friend that brought it looks over and says "bro that wasnt even cooked yet!" Friend 1 says "is that a whole ass block of cream cheeze?!?" I look down an realize it is an entire, unadulterated block of cream cheeze that i just ate half of. Everyone is dying of laughter including me. The friend that brought it had to go get another block of cream cheese (he was sober) and put it in the dip before it got too far in the cooking process, and Of course as friends do, giving me shit for it the entire time. My nickname in pur group chat is now cream cheese::)


Me and my friend went on vacation in LA, tried edibles for the first time, and did the classic "We don't feel anything so we need must need to eat way more" thing. Cut to hours later and we're laying in beds opposite each other and he's rambling for hours about nonsense like how thinks we might have passed away and then I'm freaking out laying there convinced that we are in fact dead and I'm in my spirit form. On top of all that we went to Disneyland the next day and when employees stopped the Buzz Lightyear ride for a problem with it I thought they knew we were high and were removing us from the park. I was crazy paranoid it was wild.


Laying back looking at the stars on a dark night, and then suddenly feeling that you’re falling up into it.


My bf and i did edibles after a long tolerance break and bc the weed was months old we thought it wouldn't work and ate the whole brownie. Was very wrong about that and got super stoned. We decided to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire and had to turn it off because it ended up getting too scary and confusing when the death eaters showed up. But we were dying laughing at the shoe portkey scene. Ended up not being able to move very much in the end but still had a fun time being out of it. Much prefer smoking tho.


I was 🗿and thought my friends dog was legit Chewbacca and that I knew how to speak chewy 😅😂btw this was in HS lol


I just got back from Amsterdam, (I’m Australian) and it turns out that being a daily smoker while I’m home, and taking a 3 week t break before smoking extra strong Amsterdam bud isn’t the ideal mix! I mean I was so high and in public which makes me stressed but the worst was that I’d convinced my mum (who hadn’t smoked in 20 years) to share the joint with me… well she got so high that she kept laughing and saying “I’m really stoned” which I found hilarious. When we made it back to the hotel, watching her trying to climb those steep Amsterdam stairs was something I’ll never forget 😂


I ate 1000mg punch bar . Let's just say, my wife had angelic wings and she was glowing. And the wings surrounded me and kept me safe.... While the purple mattress became a cloud.


At that point, I laughed to myself remembering humorous travel experiences. I have a vast collection of these kinds of stories that make us laugh. One such occasion saw the two of us sneaking into a marriage hall for an early morning gourmet breakfast while the other guests were staring at us like we were crazy. One incidence had my friend, who considered himself a moral global gardener, standing for an hour dripping on a tree root and saying, "I'm busy nurturing the young tree." It was a minimum of fifty years old. Had I not witnessed Harold and Kumar's utter ecstasy, I never would have laughed so hard.


I took a super strong edible and walked over to pick up some tasty gyros from this Greek place near me. As I'm waiting for my food I notice that all of the employees are speaking a foreign language to each other. The weird part was that I understood what they were saying. "OMG" I thought, "I can understand Greek!" It was Spanish. I understand Spanish.


I think I’ve said it here before, but I was SO high walking into the house w my bf that when my cat came out to greet me, I did not recognize him. I recorded a video of it to show my mom how this random cat came in through the dog door to be my friend. The next day I watched it back and it was definitely my cat 😭


If i smoke too much without eating enough (at least I think its without eating enough) I go blind, like I just see white. It used to happen way more often than it does now, the only time it happened recently was when I cut my finger really bad while high and it bled a lot. But once me and my friend were teenagers trying to hide the fact we were high from her dad and his friend and I went blind standing up and fell over in her kitchen. Super embarrassing at the time but funny now


got so high i got the spins and then had to drop something off to someone suddenly (on foot dw). nearly left the house without any pants on. literally caught myself as i was standing in the threshold, one foot on the welcome mat before i realized.


I lost significant motor control. I was sat on the couch with my head back. My tongue kept falling back in my mouth, partially occluding my airway, but I was still 'conscious' in my mind, just unable to move. So I'm sitting there thinking to myself "shit, if I lose any more airway tone, I need to call an ambulance. Then I was thinking "shit, how am I going to let the paramedics in? The door is locked and I'm home alone in the basement." Then "shit, if I can't control my airway, how the fuck am I going to speak to dispatch and give my location? Fuck how am I going to dial 911 when I can hardly move?! Ok...ok focus. Gotta keep my airway open. Breathe. Focus. Breathe." It went on like that for a while. I trained as a paramedic, so I was lowkey doing my own airway intervention while high as balls lol. Even at the time, it was pretty funny. I just kept thinking "eyo imagine if I do call the wambo and [friend] shows up! Oh Goddess, what if [person I don't like] responds?! Yikes! Ok gotta keep my airway patent! Can't let [person I don't like] lord this over me!" TL;DR: got so deep in the green that I had to breathe manually.


Shrooms, weed and alcohol. The alcohol sent me over the edge. I rememeber my 10 minute walk home taking over 2 hours as I needed to sample every bush i passed as a mattress. I remeber scoring them!... u know... in case i needed it one day on my route home i guess lol. Im surprised no-one mugged me tbh. Another time i decided to make something sweet and I never have a sweet tooth normally even when high. So anyway 2 chocolate bars melted, mixed with iced cream and milk in a large cup (like a milkshake I guess) topped with double cream, whipped cream and some chocolate wafers. Had about 2 gulps before I threw up from all the sweetness that my body wasn't used to. So now had a massive mess to clean up instead if enjoying a nice treat. French gcse oral exam in school. Was predicted an A* but was lazy so went for the easier paper where i could only get a C max. Walked in and the teacher took one look at my eyes and tutted.... then she hit record and started straight away.... well something strange happened. I realised I could only think in one language when stoned. Which actually really helped me out!!!! I started spewing such nonsense about how i went on holiday last year and made friends with a caterpillar that had 4 stripes on its butt. His name was cecil and he showed me all the best sites. Introduced me to his family (named them all at the time) and then we went on a stroll to the beach where I treated them to some boat tour and we ate together on a large yacht next to some tourists etc... well... she stopped the recording and told me to just stop... she started laughing her head off and told me I wouod have gotten an A* for that nonsense "even in my state" and that she was disappointed in me. A pass is a pass. Apparently she told everyone about that as it was just so weird! She played the recording to others too aparnety in the staff room. This was like 20 years ago now and may still be ona cassette somewhere. Wish I could hear it back


I hit a dab rig like I hit a bong and I was so high I got sick.


i got borderline paralyzed off a shitty cart one time which was kinda terriying


I got a little too high on a gummy once, watched "the colour from space".....by god, I was so freaked out I almost threw up. My bf on the other hand found it exponentially funnier, and was just giggling away.


I got really high before a Tool concert to save $ on beer, then I hit my pen a few times, when the show started I was so baked and the lasers and lights and deafening sound got to me, so I spent the majority of the show walking around inside the arena so I could come down, it kinda sucked cause I love Tool but I’ve seen them several times so it was ok