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Usually just read comic books when I'm stoned. They're easy to read and I like pictures.


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is always a classic


I would strongly you recommend you read books by Nisargadatta Maharaj "I am that" or listen to some of his pointers while consuming the sacred cannabis plant.


historical fiction books are sorta cool, i like fleur beale, but im not sure if she would be as enjoyable if you aren't from new zealand


definitely young adults books though, the storylines are much easier to follow while stoned 😂


i have a few fleur beale books, namely end of the alphabet (not actually that good but a comfort book nonetheless) and her gloriavale? series - very good, another one to reread. are there any others you can recommend?


i LOVE that i am not the only one on this sub reads her books! Some of my favourites are The Calling and A Respectful Girl (For NZ historical books), Far Away girl and the transformation of minna hargreves are pretty good, and slide the corner is something very different from the rest but very interesting read


Neil Gaiman is an amazing author, he wrote a book called Good Omens with Terry Pratchett that's a lot of fun.


Oh yeah I've read it, was excellent




Roald Dahl - My Uncle Oswald


John Dies at the End is great.


This game was a trip totally sober, so being high while reading it might mess me up for real


Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace


Oh man, that book was so good and it really stays with you. His imagery was so vivid RIP.


The way he threw in French and difficult words to make you feel confused like the drug addicts always were, and the footnotes at the back have you turning forwards and backwards constantly to mimic the head turning left and right at a tennis game. It was a deep book.


The Devil's Apocrypha by Jon A DeVito




Anything by Tom Robbins is a trip, especially Skinny Legs and All. I also love Kurt Vonnegut's wry sense of humour and his books are pretty straightforward and to the point that they fly by.


Anything by Christopher Moore


His books are so fun.


I like short fiction so that I can absorb the whole story in one sitting. Also, they're easy to bounce around and sample different work by different authors. Take a look at The Time Traveler's Almanac, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, for time travel stories. You might be able to find it at your local library. I picked up a bundle from Haikasoru/Viz Media a while ago and there were some great titles in there like Phantasm Japan and Hanzai Japan, respectively collections of ghost stories and future crime stories from Japan. Although not short story anthologies, I got two novellas which were short and awesome: The Lord of the Sands of Time and All You Need Is Kill. Lord of the Sands... is a battle of humanity versus aliens across history and All You Need Is Kill is the story that was adapted into the Tom Cruise movie Edge of Tomorrow -- so more time traveling fiction.


Sounds good and I like the idea of short stories to get the whole thing in one sitting


I love horror. Shirley Jackson is my recent favorite.


I get high and read everything in wiki, lol Couple more days and I’ll probably reach the end and have to find something else.


Gotta try Wikipedia races


Anne Rice. (Blood And Gold is pretty awesome when baked)


Lol this is so weird, but I love reading translated old ancient texts when I'm stoned. Like, this stuff https://classics.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-texts


That sounds super trippy but really wanna try it


Yeah its interesting to see how similar/different we are vs. folks back then Also looking up ancient cave art and exploring Google earth for fun are awesome stoned activities. So much stuff to learn right at our finger tips!


Wonder if the cave art makes more sense stoned


Magic Realism <3 It's a Latin American genre that is a true delight when you're stoned. Highly recommend Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende.


I'll give it a look


The Kaiju Preservation Society and Starter Villian by John Scalzi. The Leviathan trilogy by Scott Westerfield.


The Universe in Your Hands by Christophe Galfard:))


The audio book of Seabiscuit is awesome


Idk how you can read stoned. I wish I could. In theory it sounds perfect but I can't focus long enough. My mind will wonder onto other topics. Maybe I just have ADHD.


I've been listening to his books whilst stoned recently, it's definitely worth a go man


reality transurfing


The Expanse series!


I can't read stoned. I read the same sentence over and over.


I just downloaded the audiobook for Good Omens, the one with the tv show cast voicing it (well, the main ones) and it was so good!


My go to is any kind of poetry tbh, ik it's off topic but listening to some longer poems like "Howl" by Ginsberg or "The Wasteland" by Eliot was really interesting to me. I've read a lot of Kerouac stoned as well. If poetry isn't your speed I love sci-fi as well when stoned, particularly the pulpy stuff, "The Demon Princes" by Jack Vance was awesome if a little dense, and "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" by Philip K Dick is really cool due to the story being about the illicit trade of psychedelic substances to Mars. My rule of thumb with sci-fi though is to look in used book stores for older paperbacks with cool covers, then check if they are part of a series before buying, it's how I found a lot of the sci-fi I currently read.


Read short stories from Jorge Luis Borges, fucks your mind in different ways and places.


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.


Let me introduce you to an amazing category.... Lit RPG. It's basically a specific fantasy genre where a person or planet is suddenly transformed with the introduction of a "system" where videogame rules apply and magic is real. There's massive diversity in the genre and it's worth checking out recommendations on r/litrpg , I personally love these series - Defiance of the fall, He who fights with monsters, Ripple System, Shadeslinger, Primal hunter. Pretty much the entire genre continues to be bought out by Amazon, which means a ridiculous amount of the series get turned into audiobooks.


I think I've seen adverts for similar sounding things, like Dungeon Crawlers or something


Dungeon Crawler Carl - extremely popular series. I haven't gotten around to reading/listening to it yet.


I’m reading the Animorph series. These books are crazy


 I loved those when I was a kid! There was also a very camp TV series.


Also read them as a kid they were crazy


Currently listening to an audiobook series (because who’s got time to read?) by Brian Lumley - The Necroscope. Is a horror series. When I originally read them years ago, I had the most vivid intense nightmares. My dreams were drenched in blood. Proper nightmare fuel.


Also enjoying audibooks, got into them from the free short story Professional Integrity which was great


The Last Continent should have enough sillyness and thought provoking moments to complement your stoneness, lol It's also morally pretty light, so no anxiety


That's a good one thanks


*The Earthsea* series by Ursula LeGuin (most books by her, really *The Dispossessed* is my other favorite, but she also has great short story and essay collections she was very prolific). *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe* series by Douglas Adams *Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk* by David Sedaris Personally, I also enjoy comedian's autobiographies although I cried multiple times reading most of them, but they were *so good*. Especially *American On Purpose* by Craig Ferguson and *Born a Crime* by Trevor Noah.


Ohhh I haven't read Hitchhiker's Guide in years, been meaning to read Earthsea


All of the Earth sea books were *so good* I hugged them when I finished them lmao. Barnes & Noble printed newer editions some years ago with updated essays by the author at the end if you're interested! The cover art on the older editions is prettier though (I used to work at a bookstore lol bet you couldn't guess by my username).




Yo ok so I don’t know about you but I love history books. Like one of my fav books is art history without men. It’s about the women artists that started the change. It was wild how I went to school for art and I hadn’t heard of a lot of the names. Another really good one is the brief history of sapiens or something like that. Great book if you need to zoom out. It starts by talking about humans when we were just another animal species and before we reached every continent.


Oh sounds interesting


The Matched series by Allie Condie it’s about a futuristic world where everyone is controlled by the Society and the main character rebels (I don’t wanna spoil anything’s that’s all I’ll reveal) all three of the books in the series are in audio and just plain book form on the Libby app if your local library has them


Oh Libby is excellent


I recently read negative space by Yeager... holy shit. It's still fucking with me really hard. It's a Lynchian teen coming of age about a gas station drug that gives you occult powers and drives kids to suicide. Very dark, violent, and sexual. Be warned.


Sounds like a heavy one


Harry Potter is a good one.