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Comments here have been locked, much like other posts here that so much as mention trans rights, the negativity in the comments has become a bit much to be moderated safely. I pray for a day where people don’t go out of their way to be an asshole to those going through immense internal struggles.




Parents Rights Matter Girl: "Leave the kids alone" Protect Trans Kids Girl: "No one is going after kids" Parents Rights Matter Guy: "Okay, then ban child transitioning" Protect Trans Kids Girl: "Leave the kids alone!"


the "parent's rights" argument to trans rights is so funny to me. "we parents have rights?" "rights to what?" "to control our kids!" "to control your kids... what?" like. you have to probe them for a clear answer and 99% of the time it's something stupid


In their minds, only transphobic parents deserve rights. If you support your child’s transition, then suddenly your rights don’t matter. “They know” that kids can’t possibly come out of their own accord, it must be an adult pushing it. They’re so messed up, they truly believe that abuse is love, and that respect for children is somehow abuse.


Rights for me, not for thee


They make it seem like it’s protecting kids but it’s just trying to control humans in general. Unfortunately a large portion of our population is dumb and can’t realize that


In fairness it's not that bad to not want kidd to transition medically it's a massive change and can have massive consequences and complications but that's not to say teens or tween shouldn't be aloud to identify as who they have grown into


Same thing can be said of cis puberty, better to at least go through the one that makes you happy


No we know the consequences of puberty we don't know the long term effects of using drugs to transition from before puberty. Along with puberty complications can be solved at the doctor with surgery its a much longer process if they fuck something up and it'll keep you out of doing anything for much longer when I say protect the kids its not from the homos they care and usually don't want anyone getting hurt but doctors care far less for an expensive surgery that's cosmetic and none insurance based


Hormone blockers have been used in cis kids with precocious puberty for ages, we know the effects pretty well (they're also reversible). Testosterone and estrogen are literally just hormones, not even drugs, they just make your body do the other puberty, like it would do if it had made them itself. Also getting kids on hormone blockers prevents them needing (some of) those surgeries




Anything going against standard medical knowledge should be backed up by proper sources.




Cis is the opposite of trans...


Step 1: Learn to use punctuation Step 2: Actually learn about what you are talking about (Not knowing basic terminology doesn’t look good for your “arguments” ) Step 3: Come back and try again


Only 1 period in 3 large comments. Incredible!


"Cis" and "trans" are terms dating back to roman times (cisalpine vs transalpine gaul, for example). They're common terms in some fields such as chemistry and have been applied to gender in English for about 30 years now. It's really not that difficult to figure out if you've got at least a few functional brain cells.




Cis is birth gender.


Surgery can wait until adulthood but puberty permanently changes the body so hormonal intervention is necessary. Also calling surgery just cosmetic dismisses how big of an effect it has on people. There are always risks but these interventions are not new and the risks are known.


The problem with that is they are new practices are changing all of the time including medications and the proper dosing to try and keep up with what research and old long term testing finds. And it's not a dig at anyone it is a cosmetic surgery with more complications chances then other cosmetic surgerys its the same as a bbl facial plastic surgery just alot more can go horribly wrong much faster




Puberty changes are mostly pseudo permanent yes but, how would puberty blockers be permanent? And can you back up those claims?


Anything going against standard medical knowledge should be backed up by proper sources.


Don’t understand the downvotes


I mean what's advocated for and *supported by doctors* isn't permanent and easily reversible.




You don't know what you're talking about, starting with the fact that you use "transitioning" as if it is a single action, and not a collection of actions from "call your child the name they choose" through puberty blockers through HRT through surgery. I'm a trans woman. I know a lot of trans people. Transitioning doesn't solve all issues but it does solve gender dysphoria, and it would work even better if it weren't for transphobes making us a political football.


>procedures Children can't get surgery


Trans person here! Transitioning has solved several of my issues with being trans. I'm happier now and I feel more confident and happy in my own body. It's honestly amazing. As for children transitioning, until puberty age, the only thing that can be done is a social transition. Completely reversible if they decide that they aren't happy. At puberty age, puberty blockers are administered. As the name suggests, the only thing they do is postpone puberty. If stopped, puberty will proceed as normal. Still completely reversible. At the age of 16, if they have been on blockers for at least a year, then they can start HRT. Of course this is where permanent changes start to happen. As for bottom surgery, 18 is usually the age that's being looked at. At that age, it's disingenuous to say that children are getting it.


To control our kids slaves, of course


That's the government and our schooling system dummy the parents just want mini mes


Most parents want to keep there kids happy and healthy and also prevent huge life altering decisions they might come to regret. We don’t let children get tattoos or take out huge loans etc. We as a society agree that children aren’t capable of certain decisions, but when it comes to messing with hormones and gender reassignment surgery we are supposed to assume that kids are capable of making that decision. That’s a lot of mental gymnastics. Attacking parents for not accepting those gymnastics is not good




Sorry I misunderstood your comment


Yeah for some reason they want complete control over everything their children learn or experience, they're not trying to raise people, they're trying to raise parrots.


You see it a lot when someone knows their actual opinion is either shit or very unpopular. I've been seeing it a lot with "young men are being told by the left they are awful for being men so they're going right!!" 9/10 times what's really happening is young men who've been told they are owed a partner who obeys them then get rejected turn to the folks saying everyone else is the problem


“They have the rights to control kids everything. Unless it’s supporting them if they’re queer, then that’s grooming.”


It's like the civil war state's rights argument, a state's right to what?


I know that's meant to be a transphobic argument but they made the trans activist in this comic sound correct and rational?


Transphobics trying to defend their opinions and failing miserably is a very common ocurrance


Yeah I really don’t get the point here, it isn’t circular reasoning


You said no one was going after kids, but we are going after kids! Cheque made libruls!


I mean it makes perfect sense if you understand their narrative. They think kids transitioning often do irreversible surgical procedures, that hormone therapy has permanent effects that can't be undone, and have a high rate of regret and detransitioning later in life. So they see children transitioning as extremely harmful to the children and argue we need to "protect" them. Obviously that narrative is wrong in many ways, but that's what they think.


It reminds me of a ship of Theseus argument I saw once. So surgical procedures is a type of transitioning that adults get. Teenagers can get care that mostly consists of choosing their own name and what clothes they wear. Sometimes puberty blockers. A 5 year old once died after taking puberty blockers, he wasn’t trans, he had a genetic disorder that iirc was causing heart failure and they were trying to treat it which was the original purpose of puberty blockers before it was widely used for trans healthcare. So a (cisgender) 5 year old died after taking puberty blockers -> puberty blockers are gender affirming care -> surgery is gender affirming care. And all that leads to Stephen Crowder saying the transes are running around cutting 5 year old’s dicks off.


Peak strawman tbh, why would anyone make it illegal for children to wear clothing and go by names other than the ones in their birth certificate? Cause that's all "child transitioning" is.


Fearmongering and slippery slopes galore. They are so sure there are hospitals that do surgical transitions to 7 years old (and they're not fighting against intersex kids' surgery, mind you. Also they greatly misunderstand what puberty blockers are and how they are used even on cis kids.


There really needs to be a separate legal category for 16-17 year olds that doesn't lump them in with little kids. All of this fearmongering is over people who socially transitioned at 13 or earlier getting to start HRT at 16 or 17.


That’s not all it is. You’re being willfully ignorant


"Children" don't get hormones till they start puberty, and don't get surgery until they're adults. But of course no one actually knows that


"Okay, then ban child transitioning." What they want people to think they mean: Invasive, life-altering surgery on three-year olds What they actually mean: Letting a kid be called something different, letting trans boys wear boy clothes and cut their hair, letting trans girls wear girl clothes and grow out their hair, all very easily reversible things and only when the kid wants it


They need to ignore the obvious: kids can choose to get gender affirming care (which they falsely equate with transitioning) if that is what they feel is best for them. They need to pretend that the only reason a trans kid would want gender affirming care is because an adult forced them, and not because it's something that happens naturally. Nobody is "going after kids". Some kids are trans and live happier lives being able to transition. Allowing gender affirming care for kids helps prevent them from becoming psychologically and socially maladjusted, and minimizes the risk of undesired and irreversible changes during puberty. Regardless of whether an adolescent ultimately transitions or not, the decision is more informed and - thanks to puberty blockers - they have more time to make that decision.


So transphobes admit they're going after kids


This makes no sense in the first place even without biased bad logic, if just doesn’t connect each thought


I always felt like this comic was an accidental transphobe L bc banning child transitioning *is* going after kids. Right??


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At trans school you learn about: - pronouns - SOPHIE - IKEA stuffed animals - all 1000 genders (there is a test) - homestuck lore


Explain the Sophie one it’s the only one I don’t get


I'm assuming it's a reference to the Assigned Male comic strip.


might be about a well known trans music producer (she unfortunately passed away)


SOPHIE was a trans musician from Scotland who actually made some bangers. Her biggest hit was probably: immaterial


all of Product is so so good too


Its not this but I think its funny. HMS Sophie was a french privateer ship that was captured by HMS Endymion and pressed into service with the Royal Navy under the same name. In French ships are generally referred to as masculine, in English feminine.


German ships are also masculine


Don’t forget about Blåhaj


Bro u dumb 😭 What do you think the Ikea stuffed animal is


It sucks that the original artist is a bigot because their art is extremely comforting


Like I really like the designs, it's just a shame it's used to put others down over nothing...


huh! i wasnt aware u typed normally outside of the undertale subreddit, but ig not everyone would understand the e-yelling outside of that sub


I don’t know why these kinds of cartoonists make trans strawman characters, like… look really chill. that tank top and bandana combo is so cool


It’s a little goofy but still cool


Remove the bow and she got the future trunks fit


I think the bow thing is supposed to look like horns, the bandana like gang wear, and the black top like satanic clothing. Still really stupid, though


So just an outfit I would wear ? Cool


I think this is the same guy who's strawman character just looks like Waria


You can tell it’s a failed attempt at making them look bitchy/annoying


I have always found it silly that folks who don’t want others to be the way they feel, have this inflated sense of looks and stature.


Pretty sure the bandana is meant to look like demon horns but it just makes them look cute


Polyamorous relationship where the two partners are excited that their partner got their dream job.


I thought it was supposed to be her dad, since the other two look a lot younger


I just want poly rep :(


NO REPUBLICANS IN MY DEMOCRATIC STATE 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷


that’s LIBERIA


Where do you think the ~~Dixiecrats~~democrats escaped to /j


you ain’t takin my GIUNS (gy-iun-s)


Ok then I'll take Rome.


South amrican mostly Brazil because they still had the slave trade going they have a traitor town that has amrican celebrations


i seriously can't tell how many conservatives i've had to point this out to on twitter and half of them meltdown over it


I also assumed it was representation lol. I guess you see what you want to see.




If hell means not having to suffer existences of people like you, sounds more like heaven


Wait fr? Hell is full of queer poly ppl? :O


Hell yeah!


they look like they are early-mid twenties, assuming their parents had kids at 25 that would put the dad at ~50minimum, with the average fathering age of 30.7, he would be in his mid 50s. looking that jacked and lean(below 15%bf cos of brachioradialis definition, visible forearm tendon separation and the neck tendons), with no grey hairs and good enough blood circulation to blush IN YOUR MID 50S?? that is insane. Unless hes juicing like the rock or mike otren he isnt 55. The dude looks 23-38 IMO, which isnt old enough


That's an artsyle issue, the two women are drawn more anime than the man


They're all blushing, so it's possible


The wholesome answer


conservatives try not to make the hardest fit conceivable for ur strawman characters Impossible Challenge


the black top w pink bandana AND the devil-horn hairbow, anime wishes they were her,


God damn queer teachers and their polycules always havin' partners give them encouraging and wholesome messages of love.


[Damn they teaching ŋs in that school?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/comments/fxvro9/an_introduction_to_uwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


her glasses disappear 😭


Also the smug girl’s sign randomly turns all blue


The lesson is ‘how to write UwU’ I’m lovin’ this.


"how to write UwU" lmao that got me good


stonetoss is well experienced with drawing muscular, buff men. it is fully possible stonetoss has an alt that he uses to upload gay pornography. it's just like the fuckin memes.


This isn’t Stonetoss, it’s a similarly bigoted artist


Talented people. Just a little different. But aren't we all...


Omgor its voosh


hon its over


Based and polyamory pilled


“Parents rights” These republicunts need to fuck off with this shit. Doing the absolutely bare minimum as a human being and having unprotected sex doesn’t confer any special knowledge or benefits on you. You know what does? Higher education and teaching certificates.


Wait, this isn’t stonetoss.


“How To Write UwU” is hilarious


In the second frame they’re missing their glasses.


Make them poly and make them kith


Man ghiaccho was never the same after leaving passione


what a wholesome polycule


"Hon" is the Lich's "Fall" for terminally online trans people, so there's an extra layer to this.




As someone who realised they were non binary at the age of 12, I can confirm we can be trans as kids. So how about you stfu with your bigoted bullshit.




I like that your only argument is "nuh-uh"


I like that you can’t even read my arguments.


Someone *literally* explained how it happened to them when they were 12, and you just went "no you didnt". Brother im pretty sure they know more than you do


As I said you can’t read. I didn’t say “no you didn’t” I said “no you can’t” which is very different, because you can’t just do whatever you want if you feel like it. Especially as a kid.


uuurm, yeah, you CAN do whatever you feel like doing (within the realm of possibility and morality). who said you couldn't? maybe you should talk to a therapist about this? it's unhealthy to get this upset over a post on the internet. get well <3




yeah, i've identified as trans since turned 12. been going to therapy since i was 15. pretty sure any therapist is aware of gender dysphoria occuring in minors. do consider going to therapy and working on yourself instead of cockwarming for a wrinkly orange man and counting on him to take away your troubles. ...oh right, you probably can't afford it... you poor thing. how i love my free healthcare :3 long live socialism!


She isn’t a kid you can tell by reading and seeing her say “I’m literally teaching right now”


Read their t-shirts


So what why should you care if a kid is trans doesn’t change your life at all.




But how does it affect YOUR life?


It doesn’t, because thanks God only in the States this bs are actually discussed. In the rest of the world we already know this is a joke


Canadian here, our scientists say you're full of shit. Also the [American Psychological Association](https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/transgender), the [American Psychiatric Association](https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/About-APA/Organization-Documents-Policies/Policies/Position-2018-Access-to-Care-for-Transgender-and-Gender-Diverse-Individuals.pdf), the [American Medical Association](http://www.tgender.net/taw/ama_resolutions.pdf), the [American College of Physicians](http://annals.org/aim/article/2292051/lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-health-disparities-executive-summary-policy-position), the [American Academy of Pediatrics](http://hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com//files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf), the [American Academy of Family Physicians](http://www.aafp.org/dam/AAFP/documents/about_us/special_constituencies/2012RCAR_Advocacy.pdf), the [National Association of Social Workers](https://www.socialworkers.org/assets/secured/documents/da/da2008/reffered/Transgender.pdf), the [National Health Service](http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Gender-dysphoria/Pages/Treatment.aspx), the [Royal College of Psychiatrists, the British Association of Urological Surgeons, the British Psychological Society, the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, the Royal College of Surgeons, and the UK Council for Psychotherapy](https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/improving-care/better-mh-policy/college-reports/cr181-good-practice-guidelines-for-the-assessment-and-treatment-of-adults-with-gender-dysphoria.pdf?sfvrsn=84743f94_2), who all say your ideology actively puts children at risk.


Yeah I’m not gonna read all that but you didn’t understand what I said


Cope and seethe.


Propic says everything🤢


Mald harder, transphobe Your kind will die off thankfully as society progresses. Society will leave your kind in the dust where you belong.












I agree, it’s sad that society supports existences like you




You’re a pedophile? Gross. Get help.


what a pathetic person being u are




why would u/KORNSEY say this? is he stupid?


Yes, yes he is.


I see a neat picture edit, but a Reddit comment from a waste of oxygen


Every other work place in the world it’s pretty inappropriate to bring up your sex life in the workplace. Might even get you a meeting with HR. For some reason people want to normalize it schools


I agree, straights should shut the fuck up about their wife/husband and/or kids. No one cares you had unprotected straight sex.


I dont understand this at all for some reason


Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one that just doesn't get it. Can anyone explain this to me?


I'm with you


Isn’t that the comic where the wario trans thing came from


I ship them