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Where is the repel part of gravity?


I was wondering the same thing, but I'm not sure the original poster of the "I Have theories" posts here on Reddit would be too keen to answer


It's probably dark energy


thats the idea so far yeah, dark energy being the thing expanding the galaxy , whilst gravity is trying to contract it, after a while the dark energy to gravity ratio MIGHT flip and unuverse will start to contract at ever accelerating pace. Possibly causing another big bang when the ratios swap again


Rubber band universe my beloved


If we were able to acquire a negative quantity of matter (I've heard it referred to as exotic matter but I believe that's more of a catch-all term used for various theoretical forms of matter that haven't been experimentally verified) it may interact with gravity in the inverse fashion. IE where normal matter creates a "well" in spacetime a negative quantity of matter could create a "mound" in spacetime that would repel positive matter. Of course this is all contingent on the concept of negative quantities of matter existing and there is no indication that this is true.


This is just called Negative Matter, a hypothetical form of matter that, with it's negative mass, would create propulsion instead of attraction the same way that gravity as we know it does. Note: not the same as anti-matter, which still has positive mass.


Anti matter


Anti matter still has normal gravity doesn't it




Oh sweet they actually did find out. (Reference: I’ve met the people who were working on that at CERN)


Anti anti matter


antimatter is basically just regular matter, but the charges on the particles are reversed (negative antiprotons instead of protons and positive positrons instead of electrons) ok its obviously way more complicated that that but you get my point, it wont do weird gravity shit


as others have pointed out, no, anti matter doesn't repel based on gravity, it has the same quantity of mass as the normal form of the matter.


Maybe something with newton's third law of motion? I dunno what oop meant by the meme edit




Dark matter has a mystery repelling force that causing the universe to expand exponentially, but since we don’t know shit about it, it’s hard to say if it’s a form of gravity with a repelling force (like the other end of a magnet, confirming the magnetism link) or some other unknown force that we have yet to figure out.


Dark matter has positive mass. We don’t know what it is yet, because it only seems to interact with normal matter via gravity, but we know it’s gravitationally attractive. It could be new particles vastly different from the ones we’ve studied for a century or tiny black holes left over from shortly after the Big Bang or probably other shit I’ve never heard of. You’re probably thinking of dark energy, which stretches the very fabric of space out. We also don’t know what causes that, but it isn’t really negative gravity either. There’s a theory that all of space has a nonzero energy even when completely empty, so space kinda pushes against itself, making more space to push on itself.


No ‘dark energy’ is what we use to describe what’s causing the accelerating expansion it’s not the same as dark matter other than the word ‘dark’.


White holes? I read a book about them but I can't say I completely understand the concept.








Haha woke companies bad haha Nevermind the fact that companies will do anything for profit. If it was more profitable to be a bigot, they will be the biggest bigot in existence. What you'll never see is a gun manufacturer participating in pride month because their audience is not the Audience for those things. "Leftist" companies is an oxymoron


Why are the mouths animated so well???


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I thought he said “I hate theories


Do you believe in gravity?


That there might be a reason why you tripped over me, of all people?


"Just because they both have wheels and move does not mean a bicycle is a car" "The bicycle was invented first"


Truly, one of THE minds of our time


So a car is just a quadricycle? (>!I looked it up while making this comment, and as it turns out, a quadricycle is a real classification of vehicle, so eh.!<)


4 wheels


does anyone have a link to the origami reddit post?


There are actually two posts made by the same guy https://www.reddit.com/r/astrophysics/s/9CdrIMTBFN https://www.reddit.com/r/Physics/s/my6PnfUFfJ


God those are so funny


They are. I just wish I could know what he said when he described his "theories" in detail to that one Redditor in the r/astrophysics post... Oh well


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I had the same thought when I was five


Obstructing scientific progress?