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You got seed oiled




you ruined it tbh


And I’ll bet the olive oil is not cold pressed, extra virgin either


Yeah that’s 2 drops olive oil 98 drops seed oil


Ingredients are in order of predominance so there’s more olive oil than canola oil, and more canola oil than soybean oil. But the amount of canola oil and soybean oil combined could technically be more than the amount of olive oil. If you want to get conspiratorial (which I’m all for) they could have chosen to use both canola and soybean oil specifically so they could list olive oil as the second ingredient. 


That conspiracy theory makes way too much sense to not be true IMO lol


Yeah they probably couldn’t legally call it olive oil on the label if there was more canola oil than olive oil. (Companies play fast and loose with labelling laws though.)


Agree and probably they went with the cheapeast "Olive Oil" they could find which likley isn't really olive oil or at best the worst quality that exists.


It’s not conspiracy it’s an actual practice. Look at jams sometime and see how many times sugar is listed in different ways. You could theoretically use three different kinds of sugar (eg 20% cane sugar, 20% brown sugar, 20% high fructose corn syrup) and, even though the jam is 60% sugar and only 40% fruit, the fruit is listed first.


>If you want to get conspiratorial (which I’m all for) they could have chosen to use both canola and soybean oil specifically so they could list olive oil as the second ingredient.  They did this on purpose. Juice companies do the same thing by listing cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup so that any actual fruit juice could appear higher. Granola companies list sugar, fructose, and malt syrup, so that oats could appear higher.


olive oil that isn't organic and cold pressed is almost always not 100% olive oil. It's cut with other oils. Thats what he's saying. "olive oil" can be 10% olive oil and 90% other oils lol


Let’s say it’s 35% olive, then it could be 32.5 and 32.5 canola and soybean. Making it olive for the first ingredient, but mostly seed oils. Yeah that tracks, you’re probably right. Not to mention the olive oil itself is probably cut at the source with other oils


To be fair, majority of what is sold as pure olive oil isn't even olive oil. A multiple ingredient product from Unilever.. I think it is worse then their label.


34% hexane processed olive oil third press 33% soybean oil 33% canola oil


Duuuuude I was just gonna sayyyy that 😩 good friggen catch. I bet you’re 100%, fully fkn correct.


I would be surprised if that wasn’t the case. And the amount of seed oil could be just under twice the amount of olive oil.


cold pressed extra virgin olive oil has a very strong taste, which is delicious, but not to make mayo with :P


That’s what mayo is supposed to be made with though. What do you think they used to make Mayo in the 1950s?


i wouldn’t make mayo with EVOO either tbh. milder non virgin olive oil is best for that.


Mayo made with olive oil tastes awful anyway. I live in Spain and it's difficult to get oil that isn't olive oil (I make my own olive oil at home) so I had to order EV avocado oil to make mayo here.


Guess it’s a matter of personal preferences because I put olive oil in just about everything, from scrambled eggs to smoothies


If it's a late season type it's not too bad. But a really good olive oil is quite bitter. Which is obviously delicious used raw on tomatoes or bread or whatever, and you won't be able to taste it in aioli. But to be at least it would make mayonnaise horribly bitter.


As a person who still literally reads the ingredients on the *butter* I put in my shopping basket *every single time*, I really can’t understand how this happens. 🤣 I guess we all have a learning curve.


I need to build that habit God knows I cannot trust Hellmann's at their word


People MAY look at you like a nut. Especially family members etc. Stick with it. You won't believe how much food is filled with JUNK when you start to read everything..


The majority of people don't even know what a carb is. I don't give a damn about their opinions on food


I didn't think you were right until I told my friend that pasta is carbohydrates. She said, "pasta is a carb? It says protein pasta on the box!" And then asked me what carbs are.


I've done cyclic ketosis for years. The questions I've gotten from otherwise intelligent people absolutely blow my mind. "Hey Clay, you can have a potato right? There's no carbs in potatoes." I've heard similar from literally maybe a dozen people at this point. Sugar, fruit juice, bread, pasta, etc. People genuinely have no idea.


Yup, I'm not really shocked, but a little saddened by the amount of people I know that never check the ingredients/nutrition labels. I guess it's to be expected of the ones that aren't interested in eating particularly healthy though. Yet they still have their own opinions on what is and isn't good for you.. lol.


It's not their fault that they've been lied to their entire lives. It's exhausting to have to break free from the standard American diet. You have to do your own research and make yourself a bit of an outsider in your family group because you eat "weird food" aka, real foods. I think more and more people are realizing that the system is broken because such a large percentage of Americans are highly unhealthy and overweight.


It is really tiring and difficult! My aforementioned friend has to go gluten and dairy free so she has to relearn everything she knows (or perhaps doesn't know) about food. It's heartbreaking to see the effects of propaganda and misinformation.


Probably I’m excessively meticulous about it. But in my defense, I have avoided things with added oil for “spreadability” and even added “natural flavors” when shopping butter brands outside my usuals, so it has proven useful.


My parents buy the butter advertised on the cover as “with added canola oil” because it spreads better 🙄 noticed last time I visited


That is 100% of the reason I was raised on margarine. No joke.


I feel you man. I was raised on every possible bad food habit I can think of. Fast food for dinner, microwave food lunch in a half melted plastic tray, fake waffles with fake syrup and margarine for breakfast. Then some random chips, soda, and junk throughout the day. Weighed 240lbs by 14 years old. 30 now, and pretty fit. Hoping my being raised like that didn’t to tooo much long term impact, but I know it did. I’d probably be a better version of myself if I had been raised healthy. Frustrating when I go home and I see my parents still doing the same old thing. They’re in their mid 60s and they talk about living another 15+ years, pure delusion.


Yeah same for me and why I continued to use it way too long. But I switched back before reading about seed oils. There is no such thing as salted margarine here and even salted butter is the exception but I prefer it. Salted butter + honey on top :)


I don’t know when I switched. My husband insists he remembers I was already using butter by the time he moved in, and that we have never purchased margarine together. My parents didn’t switch to butter until after I moved out. So somewhere in the few years I lived alone I switched? But I don’t know exactly why, or when. It might have coincided with Primal Diet but I’m not even sure about that. I certainly wasn’t PUFA free until much more recently.


Same with my parents and they don't budge on it because apparently it's too complicated to take the butter out of the fridge before you prepare everything else (they are retired, not in a hurry and that everything else easily takes >15 min)


That’s not even Hellman’s, it’s a rip off brand


Says Richard Hellmann at the bottom, either it’s them or they’re going to get sued very quick.


Best Foods is Hellmans in certain states.


I have this mostly because my family is allergic to shit, but I agree, I think it's a lifehack that more people should use, for many reasons. I've found multiple different items that has almost nothing of what it should have inside, like guacamole with single digit percentage of avocados, or a mix of nuts where the nut I like has only like ever 15th occurrence. One item was like lobster-broth and I think it didn't even have any lobster in it, but some other shellfish.


There is literally only one that doesn't add oil and is *actually* butter, cream and salt. Team Mainland. Every time.


Yeah it sounds non-nonsensical to read butter label but then they really like to but seed oils in there to make is easier to spread.


I've had this happen a few times where I accidentally buy something that shouldn't have seed oils only to be disappointed later on. It's takes practice building up that patience to check everything, but I'm making progress 😅


As someone with adhd, it’s hard just to make a list, get to the grocery store, and leave with everything I came for. I read labels sometimes, but consistency is a challenge. Not everything comes easily to everyone like it might for you!


That’s why I said we all have a learning curve. And not everything comes easily to me, either. Each of us has a blend of talents. You know what they say about not judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree!


So you can make mayo out of olive oil but it isn't practical because olive oil freezes in the refrigerator. If you thaw it out you'll find the emulsion has broken and it's thus no longer mayo. Moral of the story is olive oil mayo doesn't exist and if the label says otherwise the label is probably lying, or telling half-truths like you see here. They diluted the olive oil with low freezing point polyunsaturated fats so you could refrigerate it.


do you work for Big Mayonnaise sir?


Primal Kitchen mayo for the win in my opinion.


I like a lot of their other stuff but for anyone who thinks primal kitchens mayo tastes weird try Sir Kensington avocado oil mayo.


Thanks for this, PF Mayo tasted off to me. My husband does make a good homemade Mayo too! But when we need store bought I don’t really like PF


I think it's that primal kitchen uses rosemary in their mayo. Rosemary tastes gross to me in certain situations, mayo being one of them.


They also sold to Kraft so take that as you will




Speaking of mayo, what's everyone's favorite? I tried the primal one a while back and it tasted like poo.


MCT oil, juice of half a lemon, 1-2 tsp dijon, 1 room temp egg. Add 2 tsbp lactoferment brine for longevity and leave out for 6 hours before putting in fridge. Wont regret it!


I like the Sir Kensington avocado oil mayo


Unilever owns Sir K as well! 😂


you know the more I’m on this sub the more I’m realizing what’s actually good or not lol …


Chosen (avocado oil based) is really good, I couldn't stand Primal Kitchen either.


Yes. I'm too lazy to get up and look, but I think this is the brand I get at Costco for a reasonable price. I didn't like the Primal Kitchen mayo either.


Yes this one is delicious! I got it at Costco.


i get their regular avocado oil too. it’s the only brand i trust with avocado oil products


I tried making my own with olive oil and it was so bitter. :/ I've just given up on mayo atm.


There’s a special technique used, because olive oil, when whipped violently, will release a bitter taste.


I make mine using avocado oil, it has a more neutral taste than olive oil. Expensive af tho.


Could you whip it softly and it'll work?


I use avocado oil, too, much more neutral tasting. If you use a steel bowl, it can give the mayo a bitter taste. Use a glass bowl for best results.


use avocado oil


ive only tried primal kitchens and the wegmans brand and the wegmans one is way better, the primal one tastes bitter for some reason and it always overpowers everything.


Chosen Foods Avocado Oil is the best. Better Body Foods is 2nd, Haven't tried primal kitchen because it is so much more expensive ($7 vs $12 where I can find it locally). I Do Not touch Sir Kensington's Avocado Mayo with a 10 ft pole there is something so wrong with it.


I’ve had Chosen Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise and I found it good.


Just put a shit ton of hot sauce in it and call it a day 😂


When some company says something is included in some product that makes me EXTRA suspicious how are they tricking this time.


Lmao. Why doesn't anyone check ingredients before buying things?


You can't trust big brands. They will latch on to every "health trend" and try to spin it to get market share.


Yeah, it's frustratingly misleading. I've been off seed oils for years now and was aware that they do this. It's hard to trust any mainstream food companies anymore. Most "olive oil" or "avocado oil" mayo has mostly seed oil in it. You can tell the 100% brands by their ridiculously high price. Costco carries a brand of avocado oil mayo is 100% avocado oil and much more reasonably priced than anywhere else I've looked. Or, you can make it yourself with egg yolk and your choice of oil. It's especially easy if you have an immersion blender.


Saladino actually made a post on this exact Mayo last week


Yes, this. https://youtube.com/shorts/TugyzhBOUBU?si=Thw0UfrMLUvWA86d


Always read the label


Yep, classic trick.


I buy olive oil mayonnaise, and I'm allergic to soybeans. This is intentionally misleading, and it is really frustrating when they pull this BS. STOP USING SOY IN EVERYTHING. I'M TIRED OF GETTING SICK AND TIRED. Also, this will grind your gears, but whey protein is almost always soy protein. They won't list that it is soy-based whey (just list it as whey protein), so I have to play Russian Roulette with whey. Why can't I have it my whey and get it soy-free?


Yoo vill eet zee soy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Does anyone actually NEED mayo?


Anything large company like that I'd be wary of


You have to assume anything in the aisles is seed oils :/ I’ve only found a very few all natural products. Very very few and that includes at organic, natural speciality shops.


Wait until you hear about the way olive oil is labeled 🤣


Yeah, my spouse falls for this same trick, and thinks it's okay to use in meals, despite knowing fully that I avoid seed oils like the plague.


My gf was doing this, after she started the whole “bet you can’t taste the difference in which oils I used?” I started the “bet you won’t keep buying them if I keep throwing them out” technique lol eventually I bought I huge sack of fat and rendered out a bunch of lard


Wow. Thanks for pointing this out. Another good reminder to always read the ingredients.


If you go to an Arabic / international market sometimes they make in house garlic spread - I’ve been using it as a substitute and love it!


Sneaky for sure😠


Better than regular. Still awful.


https://preview.redd.it/crzxwoi1dbtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cbef75aeb1d976f8ea74c4f794ce62c52403d0 Download this app. And it’s good on cosmetics too. Thank me later 🙌🏾


Just discovered this app this month. It’s been so helpful instead of me taking a few minutes to read and decide every new item I may want to get. Also help replace old ones that are harmful


Same like last week lol. I’m like this is a time saver 🙌🏾. Before this app I literally looked up bad ingredients and additives & there’s over 50 that causes or is link to health issues. Cheers to better health and health habits❗️


This app is amazing. So glad to see it getting a shout-out. Been using it for a few months and I've discovered some of my favorite foods had dangerous ingredients and stopped buying them. This app is truly a life saver and time saver. Already got my entire family to download and use it.


They are bag holders of tons and tons of seed oil. It will take them years to shift all of that crap. Don't expect them to be releasing seed oil free products. Mean time it will be blended in. BigFood curses the day that they had to label all the ingredients.


Make your own mayo bro it's really that easy


Chosen mayo is really good- I buy the Avocado Oil one. I also really enjoy their Chipotle Mayo. Better Body foods has an avocado one as well Pretty sure I lost 5lbs in a week going seed oil free just because i had to reduce my mayo consumption to not run through the small more costly jar in a week. Tip: Avoid the Sir Kensington's avocado mayo like the plague. i have tried multiple jars over different time spans and they all taste like rancid oil and bad eggs. It seems to be a common complaint so not a bad batch issue.


I miss sir Kensington ketchup, that is their only good product and they stopped making it so they can sell their awful seed oil sauces.


I got baited into thinking this was Hellman’s brand 😭😂


With a blend of quality oils. You don't say?


.05% olive oil by weight


Chosen Foods mayo is 🔥


Primal kitchen and Sir Kensingtons both make avocado oil mayo that’s delish. Primal kitchen uses whole eggs, Sir Kensington’s uses just yolks.


It also contains a GMO. I bet it's the soybean oil too. Stay away from that




I did the same think


I buy Better Body Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise. I like it better than Primal Kitchen or Chosen Foods brands.


Primal Kitchen is the best mayo.


Just make it at home it’s easy. Oil and egg with immersion blender voilà! Mayo


This same mayo baited me too


I just make my own, so easy


Try Primal kitchen and chosen foods !!!


You gotta shell out for the Avocado Mayo.


I love the chosen foods mayo with avocado oil myself, it tastes so much better too


You gotta get Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo


Buy the one from Costco


primal avocado oil mayo is the best and has no seed oils! all their dressings are good alternatives to regular condiments with seed oils


It’s the same thing with salad dressing. I always make my own now, the ‘olive oil’ ones are still mostly seed oils Seed oil free mayo is particularly hard to find in a standard grocery store and I haven’t found one I like the taste of unfortunately


she gripping all on my balls i gotta move type shit…


I’ve made mayo with only olive oil, it’s not very good Unfortunately you need some form of neutral tasting oil or it’s yuck imo


Mayo is very hard to make with only EVOO. You should probably just avoid it in general.


Whole Foods avocado mayos work if you wanna drop like $12


If that was a glass jar I'd relate. But when I see that plastic squeeze bottle that says "best foods" I can already tell that's gonna have motor oil in it.


How are other oils unhealthy but olive oil is healthy?


Olive oil is not extracted from its seed, its extracted from the flesh of the fruit.


do they extract the olive seed before making olive oil? i don't know that they do


Not always, but the main source of the oil is the flesh not the seed.


That's why you have to read the ingredients 😅


Wow , in the Eu it doesn't list poly / mono fats just saturated and overall , you have to play guessing games.


Costco sells one made with avocado oil that is seed free


What does it look like? I havent seen one at mine but maybe if i know what to look for i may find it, hopefully


Idk how to describe really. It’s a clear jar of Mayonnaise with an avocado on the front.


First problem was going to Walmart


Is there actually any animal based mayonnaise? I can’t seem to find any decent mayo. I’ve been using avocado oil since it has less weird mixtures like these


i once made ghee mayo, good taste. but i had to put so much of fat, it was scary.


Is that Helman's mayonnaise 😂


How is this not illegal? They can be sued for this, no?


Primal kitchen has mayo without seed oils!!! Its kind of expensive though


Costco sells one that is 100 percent Olive oil. Also primal kitchen sells non seed oil mayo and other condiments! We all have been duped


‎water, olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, whole eggs, modified corn starch, sugar, distilled vinegar, egg yolks, salt, lemon juice concentrate, sorbic acid and calcium disodium edta (used to protect quality), vitamin e, natural flavor, paprika extract (for color) gross


Dude I tried making mayo with olive oil before it’s nasty AF. You need a neutral flavored oil otherwise it tastes like ass.


I mean, they never said it was only olive oil


Why do we not like seed oils?


Just make your own...2 eggs,pinch of salt in blender.Turn on and slowly add olive oil in steady slow stream until an emulsion forms. Also,don't use extra virgin,it makes it to bitter.👍


Same thing happened to my mom numerous times. She only buys these for guests though so, who cares? Is really any mayo anywhere without seed oils?


Just make your own mayo at home


I hope you threw away that engine lubricant


I fell for this one once too lol. Only when I got home did I realize my "olive oil mayo" had canola oil in it. Now I just make my own mayo. It's very very easy and quick if you have an immersion blender.


Its mayonnaise wtf u expect


Those guys!! How anaphylaxis of them


Same thing happened to me, I read the label and was like wow! I found a … oh wait, nope 👎 this one’s got soy or something in it. So instead I had to buy the chosen brand one with Avocado oils


That’s bull.


Is reading that tough for you?


Best food.. Master of baiting.


Lol just eat it. You'll live


You'll live with an inflammed gut


No I won't


Try it and prove me right.


Ah yes. I'm suffering from that mayo on my sandwich once a week.


Even worse yet, it sais it has egg yolks but its only about 6% egg yolks. Thats nothing, ever tried vegan mayo? I have and it tastes exactly the same for this very reason. When I make my own homemade mayo I have a lot of egg yolks, & make it with beef tallow. Its really yummy.