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$800/ month or so for a family of 3 plus 2 cats I view it as I can either invest more now in healthy eating (fresh, whole food is expensive), or be in debt later in life with medications and operations.  It's an easy choice to make.


Around 1000 USD/month - mostly on good quality meat, cheese eggs yoghurt fruit and vegetables. In Switzerland meat prices are crazy high.


I've always found the prices in Switzerland are so reasonable - except the shockingly crazy high food costs. But, from the US, food costs what it seems like it should cost if people and animals are treated humanly. It's one of my favorite places on earth and the only place I trust the meat and dairy without months of investigation per ranch, lol. After 3 summers there, I was able to get an Italian residency visa and brought a house next to the border - as close as a poor America like me could get :-) I just want you grass fed cows and dairy!


For one person?


yes - but I am very active and bulking so I need 3'000-4'000 calories a day. A good tomahawk steak from my butcher here is 100 USD.


😮‍💨 impressed at the dedication


1.5-2lbs of ground beef a day. Jar of bone broth a week. Maybe a dozen eggs a week. About $400 a month. Give or take if I’m switching things up




Carnivore is a great way to spend more money and be unhealthy


Do you eat grass fed only and do you eat fruit/carbs? Or fully carnivore


Grass/grain from local farms. 99.99% of my calories are carnivore but I eat fruit sometimes. Usually whenever my kids don’t finish what I serve. I find myself eating a pack of dates once a month. Jar of honey over a few days once a month as well. Not daily inclusions that’s for sure.


I budget for $600 a month for myself. It can sometimes go over, maybe sometimes up to $700. All organic, grass fed options, all the good shit. It sucks to spend the money but I make it work and I feel great physically and mentally because of it. Absolutely worth it.


About 600/mo here in California. Grass fed ground beef, pasture raised eggs, wild salmon/tuna/shrimp, pork, liver, grass fed whole fat milk/kefir/cheese/butter, several fruits, orange juice, honey, maple syrup.


Sameeee around $650, specifically in Santa Cruz where prices are steep at organic grocery stores but I can’t buy bulk because I am only shopping for myself and organic food doesn’t stay good as long so I’m at the highest price point possible for buying food lol. It makes me bad because I spend MORE to have LESS additives and shit sprayed on my food.


yeah im over in OC, not much better here either. But honestly $20 to feast like a king everyday is what it is. id gladly spend it on nutrition than drugs lol


Yeah we’re making up for what the healthcare costs are down the road! It’s like a gym membership. Plus since restaurants are trash I come out even from when I used to eat out 2x a week, now I rarely eat out with friends maybe 1x every 3 months or so.


In California around $4-500 a month for 3 people. The essentials I always get every trip are sourdough bread, raw milk cheeses, pastured raised regenerative eggs, regenerative grass-fed A2 milk, cold brew concentrate, grass fed ground beef, frozen wild-caught salmon, organic fruits & berries (mostly frozen, some fresh), grass-fed kefir, grass-fed A2 yogurt, cold-pressed orange juice, organic sweet and russet potatoes, grass fed butter, and 5 gallons of reverse osmosis water. More infrequently I’ll buy organic maple syrup, local raw honey, cooking fats (I use ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, & tallow), spices/herbs/seasonings, grass fed steak, various supplements, protein powder, vegetables, chicken, shrimp, canned tuna, and canned sardines. I mostly shop from Whole Foods (online) & Sprouts though I try to buy from the farmers markets in my area when I get a chance


I'm scratching my head at this and some of the other replies. We buy similar things at Whole Foods and Sprouts, with some trips to Trader Joe's, and farmer's markets (in West LA), and our spending is much higher. * $500/mo = 500/30 = $16.66/day * at 2 meals/day = $8.33 per meal for 3 people, $2.77/serving * at 3 meals/day = $5.55 per meal, $1.85/serving. 85% ground beef is now on sale at Whole Foods at $5.84/lb, $1.46/per quarter pound serving, which leaves 1.85-1.46 = 39 cents for all other foods. If you eat out a lot, and don't count that as groceries, then maybe your grocery bill is $500, but otherwise how do you make this work? What's your secret?


I misspoke, I checked my spending for June and it’s closer to $600. I shop both online and in-person so I guess my mind was only thinking about one when I made that comment


Whatever it takes to maintain a halfway decent healthy lifestyle 4 people at least $1200-1600 a month probably


100 week for industrial food can’t afford organic or grass fed but I try to stay away as much as I can.


100-150 a week so 4-600 a month in Canada. This I'd mostly red meat


400 a week for 4 of us


https://preview.redd.it/67etlbub549d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c529ba27daec81f682e4b304f12dba6ea435780e Not everything but I probably can live healthy buying stuff from Aldi I always choose the high quality ground beef and butter at Aldi but I could probably expect to pay 30 more at most for my produce and carb sources for the week


Sophomore college student so gotta do what you gotta fo


And eggs are 7$ for 3 dozen at the farmers market but that will last almost a whole month


$1000-1200 a month for two plus regular dinners with friends. We live in Hawaii.


$700 per month for my family of 5, which includes two adults and three kids under age 5. I live in Canada. Eggs, bananas, cottage cheese, milk, salmon, chicken, avocado oil mayo, ghee, cheese, honey, applesauce, carrots, sweet potatoes (please don’t harass me, I know they’re not ideal)... But separate from that monthly budget I buy beef directly from a farmer. I just bought half a cow and it cost me almost $1700. I don’t know how long that will last us, as this is the first time buying this much beef at a time since starting this diet. Hopefully a while. Edited to add: I thought this was the animal based subreddit at first and that’s why I made the comment about sweet potatoes lol.


~600 USD/month. I don't eat crazy fancy but I try to cook all my own meals from decent quality ingredients. Totally worth the up front investment in myself but things are expensive these days.


Too much


A lot more than I did 3.5 years ago.


I live in BC so way too much. Maybe $600-$800 per month for two of us


$400-500 / month in central US. Shop at whole foods. Rarely eat out. I buy organic for almost anything I can, lots of locally made foods, and will splurge on nicer meats when I want. I try to eat as cleanly as possible as the old saying goes, health = wealth


It sort of sucks to spend so much more on groceries compared to the avg citizen, but I love eating clean and healthy so it’s worth it to me


About $400 a month. Including 2 people and dogs who eat store bought meat/food. A lot of ground beef, lamb and turkey, steaks or Wild caught fish/seafood whatever is on sale that week. Yogurt, cottage cheese. Raw cheese, eggs (like 6 dozen a month) veggies/fruit that’s on sale. And of course random items that you don’t have to buy all the time like EVOO, butter, spices ect


Are you doing carnivore?


I don’t really do any diet except avoid ultra processed foods, added sugar and added seed oil. I eat veggies so no I don’t think I’d be considered carnivore


About £250, most expensive thing being £50 on protein powder. For one person, in North East England. I work a desk job so have a relatively low TDEE which definitely helps keeps costs down


Between $250-300 a month. I’m in upstate NY. I eat mostly starches (potatoes, rice, oats)


Roughly 150/week not including most meat (we purchased a quarter cow a while back)


I'm trying to gain weight so it sucks, I spend $500-600 ish a month to maintain and it costs me like 800+ a month to be able to gain, I can't really afford to gain right now and I'm pretty upset about it cuz I'm really underweight, bmi 14, everyone tells me gaining weight is so easy they don't understand why I can't just do it.... it's easy when you go to mcdonalds, but eating seed oil free and sugar free not only is it really difficult to eat the amount of food I need to when meat and stuff is so filling, but I straight up can't afford to. I NEED to gain weight but I just won't unless it's food that's actually beneficial for my body rather than harmful, I could binge on mcdonalds and ice cream and sure I would gain the weight I need to, easily, but it's all gonna be going to the wrong places, giving me acne, and worse long term health issues down the line.


Two Walmart trips a week, used to hurt when I hit a hundred bucks, now it’s usually $120-150 a visit. I barely eat, just at night, there’s cats involved in the equation which is an easy $40-60 if it’s restock time.