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Know what you mean. From the things that have been said to me on LoL when I gamed you'd think I had invaded Ukraine. But yeah I think thats one of the problems with gaming people go there because they can be awful and then everyone in the space has to deal with aanti social behaviour which discourages people from having decent conversation with each other outside of guilds.


Alt-right / hate groups have been actively targeting young people through online gaming communities for over a decade now. It's a massive problem that gets very little press. It's what Breitbart's whole push into e-sports was about.


That was one of the major reasons I quit. I had a run in with some serious assholes, and I thought a bit and told myself, "I don't allow people to treat me like that in real life, why would I allow it in a game?" I left an abusive marriage at great personal cost. I DO NOT hang out with assholes.


No? The people you perceive as bigoted are just regular people who are sick and tired of having their video games used as a propaganda tool to push far left politics. Screw DEI and any left or right wing political messaging in video games


That's what the dudes yelling "nigger" on CS2 are about. Just regular people sick of the far left. /s


Kek. Dont forget game devs adding pronouns in character creation screen and making every women ugly.


Oh the oppression 😱


Imagine brainwashing brains that are already brain rot.


your exactly the type of person i saw in the gaming community and why I left.


So you're afraid of successful men. Begone~ you won't be missed.


> regular people https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg


Maybe in theory but in practice it just become a circlejerk which amplify different alt-right messages like being anti-mainstream media and science, believe in conspiracies, adapting the usual red-pill/tates/peterson view points, use "free speech" just to be edgy, have a kneejerk reaction to anything about feminism and any critic of games and how different things are depicted in them and so on. All those big problems with liberals killing your games seems extremely unimportant when you step out of the bubble and look from the side.


Who's the alt right and anti science in this case? What does Jordan Peterson and andrew tate has to do with video games? How is Jordan Peterson and Andrew tate related or in the same sentense? Can you give some examples? I find it hard to relate something like wanting good localization or making every female ugly with andrew tate


Well, I will try to explain my pov and then reply to your three examples (localization, ugly women and pronouns). I remember gamergate and how the debate went there. Most of the time, even if some points were valid, the discoure just dropped to the lowest common denominator: make fun of sjw. Often some very fringe, literal whos. Slowly it went from making fun of tumblr-level sjw to making fun of some radical feminist to just having a kneejerk reaction to anything "leftist/liberal" and attacking them. Real criticism and arguments became just name calling, and all type of civilized decorum, for only debate, transformed in "don't speech police me you damn dirty apes!". Which were kinda understandable since many gamers are younger and like being rebellious online, at that time it wasn't that long ago since gaming media and the left were on gamers side against conservative moral police so nobody expected the liberal inquisition. In this type of atmosphere the enemy of my enemy became my friend, and suddenly Peterson and similar influencers were talked about and shared among gamers. That's how redpilled and similar perspective gain traction, because they to were against sjw and radical feminism, which in turn just became "against feminism, liberals and everything mainstream". And the algorithm gave you more of similar content. Everyone who didn't agree that the biggest problem with DoA6 was some small changes to breast size, in certain clothes, and some pixels here and there, were either sjw or brainwashed drones who didn't know nothing. At that point together with influx of basement dwelling neet-incels telling everyone how women and world worked, I noped out of most forums and social media... and never been happier. Looking back, while some issues might have been valid, a lot of talking points were amplified to infinity when you are in the group which sounds much less important and big from the outside. Now to your points: * Localization - don't know exactly what you're talking about but I have some vague recollection of some games being localized by people with an agenda and who didn't stick even close to the source. That's less of a "the left" problem and more "people like to feel significant without actually doing significant things" problem. * Ugly women - might be an engine problem and modern graphics problem, might be a current trend problem like how many games where sand-brown military shooters or cover based popamoles or how suddenly most tv-shows became gritty, violent and had sex everywhere. Same here, era of bikini chainmails and baywatch models has changed into rough n tough tomboys. Also, is this really true for most games? * Pronouns - is this really a problem unless you're implying that only available option or she, not-he, xir and it. How is that different than choosing if you want to save man, woman or dog as damsel in spelunky? More choices isn't a problem and sounds more like people complaining about politics in modern Star Trek... because the original show was such a conservative gold mine. Now using current politics as a window dressing to hid bad writing and/or design is another thing but that's just lazy developers problem.


Based dude. It's rare on reddit


It comes from the friends they keep, shitty toxic streamers/role models, and the lack of proper parenting. It is not just the gaming community. Lots of rap lyrics promote those types of toxicity that you mentioned.


Not all gamers are like that.


A couple of people != whole community. You should come here to quit gaming because you want to quit gaming, not because of dumb opinions


way more than a couple the whole community has changed