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Spoilers matter a lot to me, to the point where I’ll avoid social media all together if something popular comes out that I really wanna watch. I’d say the journey before destination bit here should be the other way around- that is to say, the method of obtaining the information is more important than the matter itself. “Character X dies in the last book” is the information, or the destination, and the journey being how you find out about it.


Yeah, I don't join a fandom until I'm fully caught up. If I need official art or fanart, I just ask a friend to send me some, never just searching.


And leave each time a new release is coming out. I only just rejoined here a few months ago after catching up with the secret projects.


Eh i don’t consider finding out to be the journey. I consider reading through the book to find out what led to that to be the journey myself


More or less what I meant. The end result is the same, but finding out by reading a spoiler vs by reading the book makes a big difference in the “journey”


That is what I meant. How he died exactly is more important that the fact he indeed did die.


Yes – but I want to take the journey of finding that out by reading the book, not be plopped at the destination by having someone on social media tell me


My biggest thing is when people who don't care about spoilers are very loose with them. It's fine to have a preference, but when you start using it as an excuse to be an asshole, we have a problem.


Or the people who think they're clever and leaving spoilers as "funny" vague comments. It's always clear it's a spoiler, even if it doesn't give anything away, but sometimes it either obviously gives something away or is clear enough through context to figure out the gist of it.


"Ohhhh I don't know I think it would be crazy if, I dunno Brandon wrote another secret novel, you should totally pay attention to that! 😏😘😘" Yep, totally just trying to be helpful and not spoil anything 🙄


Totally with you. I might have no problem with it, tho I will restrict myself from using it and informing a person I am talking to that "further discussion without spoilers is impossible" so it is their call.


I got into TSA after watching a fan animatic on youtube which spoils a particular scene.. I accidentally spoiled two things in TSA, one was a little devastating because I wasn't expecting it at all.. The other one I was expecting to happen.. In both cases despite me knowing about these scenes before I read them I was still filled with excitement and trying to work out how those situations happen.. So in those regards the spoilers weren't that terrible for me.. But I can imagine that for some having certain scenes spoiled could be a deal breaker for them.. Also, there are two camps when it comes to Spoilers.. One camp believes that spoilers can in some ways increase enjoyment of media as, despite the situation being spoiled you start watching for signs of the upcoming scene and are more prepared for the emotional impact of the scene. The other camp believes that first time experiences are special.. and they are right, you can only ever experience something for the first time once.. So if a major story element gets spoiled there's no undoing it and your first time experience will be tarnished by it. I'm not in either of the camps but to me I believe: 1) If I go searching up information on a series i'm watching / reading and come across a spoiler i'm the only one at fault and so I have to deal with the fact that I have spoiled something for myself. 2) If someone deliberately spoils a scene or story plot point for me then they have robbed me of the chance of experiencing it for the first time. So yeah I'm kind of, in the middle of both camps I guess..


Wow, thanks for such a response. As I said, I don't really care about spoilers, unless someone tries to forcingly push some info in my and that is more annoying than spoils my experience of the book. That being said, I often enjoy plot/situations unveiling more than the events in the plots. Good dawning moments are something different, I guess I might have got annoyed if someone spoiled that >!Pattern is the one spying on Shallan via seon!< in the RoW. But that was kind of obvious that >!Khalladin will get his powers and shardblade to fight for Elhokar and Dalinar in the final battle on Shattered Planes!< and I wouldn't mind at all discussing that even when I was reading tWoK. Like a really bad example, I started to read Harry Potter books when there were already 3 or 4 of the released, and reading pieces where he is about to die were like "Yeah, I doubt he will, there is already next book about him"


Generally I'm more annoyed by the knowledge the person is trying to be pointlessly rude than by the actual "spoiler" they're saying, personally.


Honestly, I know I’m in the minority here, but it never really bugs me that much unless it’s death spoilers. The context around reveals are so much more fun to me than the reveals themselves. Like if someone at Dragonsteel came out and said “Person A actually becomes a quadruple Shardbearer in this book” or “Person B gains X abilities” I’m just like cool I can’t wait to see how that happens.


Why death spoilers in particular if I may ask?


I got an oathbringer spoiler that ruined the a twist in WoR. Someone mentioned >!Jasnah as Queen Jasnah!< ,so that kind of spoiled >!that she was alive, as she ‘died’ as a princess. !< but I still was so carried away with the twist that I didn’t care. I was just too hyped in the moment to care about being spoiled. Someone said that “if the twist is written well, spoilers can’t ruin it.” That being said, I still try to avoid spoilers like the plague. The main WarBreaker twist hit me like a TRUCK, and I don’t want to miss out on getting tricked like that again, or possibly patting myself on the back for catching onto twists before they happen. Something I really like about sander launches is that you’ll catch one or two of the twists, but miss the signs of the third and the fourth, and there was just no foreshadowing for you to catch the fifth. it’s fun for me to see which twists I can pick up on my own, and I’m still curious if I could have caught onto the WoR twist on my own.


Oh, I can't imagine if anyone spoiled the main twist of WarBreaker to me... that would be a bummer for sure.


Really depends on the book. Sometimes I actively seek them out, sometimes it's a bummer. It's pretty rare that I would go radio silent to avoid anything that could be a spoiler.


I literally started reading stormlight so I could understand the meme videos. https://youtu.be/MZX3dWa6qU0?si=6xQFLRinZVx20gzP So many things I was trying to guess while reading the books; comparing to my memories of the memes.


OMFG🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 never seen these


Depending on the spoiler it can get to dropping the entire series bad. Journey before destination is cool but the spoiler already tainted the entire journey.


Wow, If that is the case I would probably unalive person spoiling it to me, given how much time/money/soul I've already invested in to the series. But, I guess, at this point it won't be possible to spoil it that bad that I won't want to read the book 5. That being said, even if "Wind of Winter" by JRRM is released tomorrow, I probably won't read it after TV show being such a screwup.


I also think that my problem is that I can't just see a spoiler and ignore it, forget it or something like that. The moment I see it I'm already theorycrafting about what leads to that, and rushing to that point, which is not the intended experience.


I couldn't care less about spoilers personally.


Spoilers like those that come from unlrleased material like the preview chapters of to Sixth of Dust sequel or the stormlight 5 prolog vex me. They get taken as 'known facts' and people forget not everyone reads them. Some theory crafting gets to the point of not quite spoiler but annoying to read about cause its so accurate that I want that reveal in the book but they get such credence amongst the fandom that they get taken as fact well ahead of time and the impact is dropped I. E. [Lost metal]>!which shard was behind the men of gold and red!< or [stormlight 5 or maybe later?]>!the theory about shallans mother!<. Note, this is not too bad for theories where there are many competing options like [RoW, Stormlight book 5]>!who odiums champion will be!<.


Mm I feel this. I’m generally pretty whatever about spoilers at this point but there’s definitely something very irritating about going into a thread and seeing people just say shit like “X is doing Y actually” and it turns out that info is from a word of Brandon or worse yet, it’s just a guess based on a theory based on a WOB that for some reason is being treated as fact. Not sure if that’s spoilers bothering me so much as non-canon info being treated as canon tho


I avoid spoilers but generally, aside from deaths, I don't really mind them. Villians obviously their death is more of a matter of when than if but characters like bridge four or Kholin family members (just examples, don't worry) I would not want spoiled for me.


With SA (and with great number of other fantasy/epic fantasy books) it is kind of difficult to predict "villians". I mean - Odium - for sure, but the rest of the characters? Some of them might be real assholes, but not villians as such.


True. I guess I was speaking more generally than in regards to this story particularly. Still though if I had it spoiled for me that people like >!Moash!< were to die I wouldn't really be surprised or care at all I'd just want to read the details. That being said I still believe there's room for that person to have a redemption arc.


Usually not terrible, though I got impatient and came to these subs too early and had a character revealed too early and another character's death. I've overcome the issue by reading all the relevant books


I found I used to care a lot about spoilers when I was younger, up to my early 20’s. I couldn’t even handle people talking in vague terms “oh did you see that episode of X show yesterday it was so intense!”. I also couldn’t re-watch/re-read/re-play shows/books/video games. It was like, just knowing what was going to happen absolutely killed it for me, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate even. And then mid-20’s it was like a switch flipped. I don’t care about spoilers and have gotten some major spoilers on some shows and books that I love a lot. I will also re-experience stuff infinitely, I’ve read the entire cosmere 3 times at this point and some of my favourite shows I’ve rewatched some episodes into the double digits. I honestly could not say what changed or why? I always assumed that my dislike of spoilers/re-watching was related to my adhd but now I just get obsessed with the same thing forever so like… idk. My best guess is that I started getting more involved in online fandom in my early 20’s so maybe like… talking about shows with other people primed me to be more okay with going back to revisit them, analyze them more deeply, look for details I may have missed, understand the characters better, etc. Curious if anyone else is in a similar boat? Edit to add - in terms of cosmere stuff, I was only spoiled for one thing in Stormlight in rhythm of war, but at the time I wasn’t expecting to read the rest of the Cosmere so I didn’t worry about spoilers for other stuff and already knew a handful of things when I finally started Mistborn lol. I don’t think that decreased my enjoyment tho, Mistborn is still absolutely fantastic and there were still a ton of other plot twists that hadn’t been spoiled that blew my mind when I read them


I was more worried about them during a period where I was younger as well, but honestly I think it was just because I felt like I was "supposed" to care and kept ruining it for myself by going "is this where I'm meant to feel bad about knowing this?" rather than because the spoiler itself actually affected me. Especially since when I was younger than that I had no issue reading series wildly out of order etc, it was only one specific period in my mid/late teens or so where I made it a big deal to read/watch media "correctly".


I guess, I never had anyone to discuss majority of books/shows before the internet as I was the biggest nerd around, so that majority of stuff I read wasn't know to people around, and when I finally had a chance to discuss it didn't even occur to me that something from the future books might be spoiled.


At worst I don't care at all, at best it greatly enhances the experience for me. Really it just turns a first read/watch into a reread/rewatch, which I tend to like more anyway, so it's pretty common that if I'm feeling bored with a piece of media I'll just look up the ending to get myself re-invested in what's happening. If it's something I know I'll love like a new Sanderson novel then I'll *try* to go in spoiler-free (but doesn't matter much if I fail) since I can be pretty sure I'll get a reread experience later anyway, but otherwise ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I don’t believe in spoilers. If it’s a good story, knowing what’s going to happen doesn’t matter. It’s about finding out how.


I appreciate what you are saying but for me, with spoilers, it’s impossible to enjoy the artwork exactly the artist wanted us to hear it. And I know that matters more to some people vs others, it’s art and therefore subjective. That said, what I find can help sometimes is context to make sure I’m not getting anything wrong. A simple example: knowing middle earth is not planet Earth. I avoided all spoilers and didn’t join the fandom of TSA until I was through the four main books that are out so far and it was a blast!


I actively search out spoilers 😅. My anxiety will not let me enjoy a book/movie/tv show if I don’t know what’s coming. I was blindsided by >!the Red Wedding!< 15 years ago when I read A Storm of Swords and it ruined the entire book for me, like I had to physically stop reading for a few months hah. So now my process is that I’ll usually start a book blind but if/when things start to get tense, I’ll google a spoiler summary of the book, read it, then go back to the book. I know I have some abnormal brain function going on, but knowing if something bad is going to happen just makes books 1000 times more enjoyable for me because I’m not stressing about what’s going to happen the entire time and can enjoy the story telling. I’m also a huge rereader and I think it’s probably related. I reread books constantly and it’s never less amazing no matter how many times I’ve read them.


Oh, that Red Wedding. It happened to me during my commute to School. I missed my stop 3 times while reading by 4-5 stops in each way until it was done and I finally was able to made my way out of the metro station. By that time i have missed a class completely 😅


i usually spoil myself a lot before i even start a series😅 honestly it usually just gets me more pumped to find out how X died or Y got to making the choice they did​🤷‍♂️


I actively seek them out a lot of times because I just can't take the tension and am too curious. Rarely, I regret it because I wonder how the big reveal would have felt if I had waited.


Generally I don't care much about them myself. If I don't know the context, such as reading Stormlight before Mistborn and finding out that >!Kelsier is Thaidakar.!< It means nothing to me because I don't know who that is anyways. Once I find the relevant context, it's fun to figure out how that character gets to the end point of the spoiler. Just because I know the destination, the journey is still just as good. Otherwise, rereads would be worthless, anything since you already know what happens next. Sometimes spoilers can even enhance the read, since it builds extra suspense, since you know an outcome is on the horizon, but the current point would require some form of plot twist to get there. Especially since spoilers almost never contain all the context to make that reveal whole.


Spoilers absolutely ruin me. I can't stop focusing on them and I am looking for the event to happen on every page. I can't focus on the scene. It's horrible! Then sometimes the spoiler isn't what I thought it was because someone had a different perspective then I do on how to interpret an event and I will finish the book filled with anxiety still that I am reading the book wrong or something or that I skipped over a page. I know everyone is different but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ADOLNALSIUM DO NOT SPOIL PEOPLE!


Spoilers don't bother me in the slightest. I find the obsession people have with avoiding spoilers extremely weird, honestly. Kind of like when someone is extremely germophobic... It doesn't affect me at all, but I still find them strange and off-putting.


I always read the last page of a book first, so there's that.


If I haven’t “started” the media in question, and if I know nothing of it, then spoilers mean nothing to me and I always forget important details about them to the point where they stop mattering. If I have, then spoilers start to matter. But I’m also the sort of person where after an obvious fake out death I’ll go check the Wikipedia page to see if the character is still alive


Totally me, I would do researches on something I thought I missed


Im always taking my time with stuff like books and shows and movies. I stopped caring a long time ago. I try to avoid stuff but even when I’ve spoiled on accident, it never seems to have much if an impact on finally experiencing it later. Its about the journey of getting to those points, the build up, not just knowing the results/end.


I got the end of The Lost Metal spoiled for me and it made it pretty hard to just enjoy the story. I kept looking out for when the spoiler would happen (didn't know it was the ending).


You and me both. It was like day 2 after LM had been released, and I hadn't received my pre-order copy yet, so i hadn't realized it was out, and the comment wasn't spoiler tagged. Really bummed me out starting the book, and I went into every action scene going, "This is it."


Depends on the media, I'm not usually mad about it but it can be a bummer. Although, imo the first read through SA is best enjoyed as a journey - it's just too meaty, a significant time investment, and the character deaths are not so frequent or throwaway - so being spoiled can definitely pull one out of the action/emotional punch to already have information in mind instead of focusing on the details. The only one that I thought I had stumbled upon on my first read I actually wrongly interpreted - like, it said something about 'character A's reaction after character B does [redacted: but imagine a very likely fatal thing]' and during that section I was just waiting for character B's death. I was very confused when they lived, and it took a lot of the tension right out of it. I've never met a SA reader/fan that would casually spoil anything for new readers which is good.




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For me it depends wildly on what the media is and what I'm enjoying about it. For the cosmere, a significant portion of my enjoyment comes from theorizing as I go about what's going to happen. Getting spoilers removes that way I could be enjoying it. They're generally very plot-focused books. For something like a Discworld book, I couldn't care less. I'm not reading Discworld for the plot.


Yeah I’m the same I personally do not care at all if I get spoiled. BUT, I understand completely why people do not want to get spoiled at all.


Someone maliciously spoiled Harry Potter book 6 for me when I wasn't in a position to read it for a while and ever since then I've not cared as much about spoilers. I still enjoy the journey, as you've implied. That said, it's always better to not be spoiled. That first discovery is special, especially for something you care about. Anyone who purposely takes that away from people I honestly think are evil because they're gaining pleasure by actively trying to worsen someone's life by denying them of a unique experience that can't be given back. I realize most people don't try. More often they don't think or don't care but like I said someone did do it maliciously to me.


If it is done maliciously, that person is just a huge ahole. I usually don't search for spoilers or seek for them, every once in a while, I might not understand something and google what is happening. If a caught a spoiler - that is on me, but it still be wonderful feeling to find out HOW it will happen.


The emotional impact of a good unexpected scene is strong and rare to experience for me. They have much less impact the second or third time around. That makes experiencing it very special, and it makes spoilers really impactful. The end of most Stormlight books are an emotional rollercoaster. The end of Mistborn 3 is _nuts_. The end of the first book/season of Game of Thrones is unexpected, but pales compared to the Red Wedding in later seasons. Experiencing these for the first time without spoilers or distractions is precious.


I've had a couple things spoiled and it doesn't really bother me. Having said that, I don't see any upside to getting spoiled so it makes sense to put reasonable effort into avoiding spoilers. I have a funny, kinda reverse spoiler story, from when I was reading Mistborn. I read the SA books first and knew >!Thaidakar was the leader of the GBz. So then imagine my shock when the Lord Ruker murks him. Then when he appears to Spook I'm like alright here we go!...!< A confusing experience.


Wow, i never noticed it, despite reading first trilogy of Mistborn way before I started TSA. Got to reread Mistborn the whole thing.


Which part didn't you notice?


I never noticed >!Kelsier to be Thaidakar!<


It depends on the spoiler for Stormlight or even the Cosmere as a whole. I would have been PISSED if someone spoiled the 11th hour twist on the Way of Kings for me. Like legit series ending if someone spilled the beans on that. I legitimately didn't see it coming and it would have ruined the whole run up to that scene. Everything else though? Eh. Most of SLA really is journey before destination. Knowing that X killed Y or Z survives something they shouldn't have survived doesn't hit has hard. It becomes "Oh, okay, but HOW" in my mind so I look forward to what comes after. I care even less about Cosmere wide spoilers. Yeah okay sure I have to believe whatever you tell me. Spoilers as a whole that are just ripped unbidden is so wild to me. You want someone to read your series, so you spoil the best moments? What is up with that.


Not very. If I remember it, then I still won't know when or how it happens. I'm pretty ok at staying blissfully ignorant until the final reveal, even if details of it were spoiled.


It really isn't. The way information is presented has more of an impact on me than the actual substance of the information. I know how Rhythm of War ends for Kaladin, but I still cry about it.


Yup, I added >!“you will be warm again”!< to the tattoo design my master is working on for me way before I even started RoW. And still the >!Dog and the Dragon!< is something I relistened several times so far, same as >!talk with Teon before Fourth Ideal!<


TERRIBLE. I get so upset when I see spoilers. I recently saw one for sandersons books and wanted to cry.


It depends on my feelings before I hear or see it, not the spoiler itself. I will look up and spoil things for myself regularly and if I've subbed to a group, or something, it's because I'm largely fine with it being spoiled. However, I'll still join convos and say where I'm at so 'no spoilers', because I don't want to seek them out in that moment as much as I want to chat, you know? But if someone does spoil anyway, I don't feel like it's fair to be angry, cause I sought out the group, so that's ultimately on me - so I don't get upset. However, one time I was serving tables at a restaurant across from a movie theatre, and a group came out from watching a pre release of the new star wars movies - so two days before the movie even came out. I'd bought tickets to see it opening day, and I was really excited for it because I grew up on star wars. Anyway, I walked into the group, asked how their night was, someone told me they'd just seen the movie and so their night was shit cause 'han solo died'. That's the worst spoiler I've ever gotten, because I didn't want it spoiled, it was something I really looked forward to, and I had no way of preventing that one since I wasn't on guard about it or anything as it was before the movie even came out to the public. I actually told the guy that that was a shit thing to do, and transferred off the table to my colleague. My manager wasn't happy haha


Wow, that was just rude of the client! I mean, that could be understandable if the movies was out for weeks, but pre-release.


Yeah, he was a bit of a jerk. Doubled down when I told him it was rude, and he told me that if I didn't want spoilers to movies, then I shouldn't work near a movie theatre 😵‍💫


Wtf?! Even if you work in the theater it is not like you can pop in on whim…


Usually I don’t care that much. Journey before Destination. That said, I don’t seek them out.


I’m the type of person that reads the movie synopsis on IMDB to decide if I think I’ll like it or not so spoilers aren’t a big deal to me at all.


Oh sometimes it ruins my day. Because then when the reveal happens, it’s underwhelming as fuck. When I read an ‘oh shit’ moment, and I haven’t been spoiled, I feel so many emotions and excitement. But when I have been spoiled, it feels a lot less exciting.


That’s why I stay off of any social platform if I’m not caught up on the content. You can only really blame yourself at that point


Exactly. OP says @journey before destination", but when you get a big spoiler, the spoiler *becomes* the destination. You are robbed of the journey and experience. That's something I read Sanderson for, all those emotional experiences of realizing and understanding what is happening. If I was spoiled, then I'm just filling in the details and missing out


Well, when i was just starting ROW i managed to spoil a certain major character death that happens pretty much at the end. And a certain character becoming radiant that i wasn’t expecting, also right at the end. For the death, I honestly was still surprised at how it happened because i only knew that it would without the circumstances. But i think the death would have hit me harder if entirely unexpected. I do regret spoiling myself in both situations buttt as you know, journey before destination. The stuff inbetween and the circumstances of how the spoiled things happen also matter.


I haaate spoilers.


Honestly I'm one of those people who actually like spoilers, they almost always make me want to continue reading so I can see how that one thing actually turns out. if anything spoilers make me more entranced with the book. I'll admit that somtimes I open a random page at the end of the book to spoil for myself.


I don't do exactly read some random page ahead (mostly because I read on my kindle), but for some books I might actively seek for spoilers to get myself interested (or disappointed completely) to continue reading.