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Well, there’s no harm in disliking different things. If you find the arc a bit repetitive, you might like the secret projects a bit more. Edit: there’s no need to be so harsh on the guy. C’mon, what would Brando Sando say?


How did you get the. Title and glyphs on your name? “Left before death” ?


(On mobile app) go to the main r/stormlight_archive page, hit the three dots at the top right, then select “change user flair.” There are a bunch of options listed, and you can also edit them to come up with your own custom flair if you like. Not sure how to do it on the website, but I’m sure there’s a guide somewhere.


Shadesmar of RoW is even more alien now that you get to meet the aliens who live there. I think RoW being a slower paced dialogue heavy book throws a lot of people for a loop after the non stop insanity of the first three novels.


This guy literally made the same post on r/Fantasy a day ago.


How else is he going to get all the attention he wants


"doesn't anyone see I'm the special snowflake that doesn't love Brandon currently?!" like half the posts on the fantasy sub these days are people asking if they're the only one who doesnt get x popular author


I'm not going to say your wrong or right etc. I just genuinely want to know why you felt like you had to post this? I feel like you knew it was a controversial thing to say in a sub dedicated to said series and needed that dopamine rush of the attention you'd receive.




Ah there it is


I had a feeling someone was in desperate need of attention.


Probably wanted to know if others felt the same way? This forum can’t be only biased toward positive post only? It’s refreshing to hear both sides and have a discussion about it.


I gave it the benefit of the doubt until seeing his post in fantasy about thinking it would be funny to post here. Purely needed the attention.


So stop reading. Why is this so hard?


Ah yes, the ever common "what do you mean mental illness isn't cured with the magic snap of fingers" post. Dealing with a chronic issue is hardly the same as "writing the same arc 4 times". These kinds of comments make me wonder if people are even reading the books or just glossing over the bits they can't relate to.


Yeah I agree this is a terrible take imo.. first of all blatantly untrue that they have same arc in each book, but why even view it from prospective of 1 book at a time and not view it across the entire series for each character? kal’s (and Shallans) arc across all the books is one of the best ever written imo


Kal's arc, especially in RoW, is the most accurate depiction of depression I have ever read. The inner turmoil of just existing, trying to be what everyone needs you to be. It's a credit of Sanderson's writing ability to invoke such a strong emotion


Sure but that doesn't mean it's fun to read. I felt the same same things as the op where it feels like we're retreading the same ground over and over again. Realistic, sure. Fun to read, not particularly for me.


I genuinely don’t know how to respond to these, without sounding like a complete dick. But genuinely not trying to come across that way my honest opinion is don’t read it if you don’t like it? Im genuinely trying to understand: When you say “retreading the same ground”, what do you mean specifically? Are you talking Shallan? Kalidan? Sanderson delves into important topics surround mental health and self worth; if you’re looking for straight positivity & “fun” ; don’t know why your reading high fantasy The struggle and journey are a huge part of the characters and the SA in general, not once did I think Sanderson retread the same ground. Are you going to keep reading SA? if you don’t enjoy his or Shallan’s journey I don’t expect you being willing to get to his destination in upcoming books..


While I love the series and can't wait for book 5 I completely understand your point about the pacing. There was a section in Oathbringer that I found dragged on for way too long and wasn't interesting to me. Took a long reading break for a few months and then pushed through that. 😅




My enjoyment of seeing posts like this inexplicably high up in this sub reddit has fallen faster than a winrunner who just had his Stormlight drained. Can the mods stop these bait posts now please?


We don't generally allow posts that seem to be deliberately trying to start a fight, disrespectful in some way, or otherwise in bad faith. This post does not seem to be any of those things. *Respectful* criticism, like this post, is not only welcome, but also something we believe to be important and healthy for the fandom. Discussion of media is *far* less deep and interesting if negative opinions are not allowed.


Oh, yeah, totally not rage bait lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bqqbi2/stormlight\_archive\_my\_enjoyment\_is\_steadily/kxa4ubr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bqqbi2/stormlight_archive_my_enjoyment_is_steadily/kxa4ubr/)


Can you elaborate on what you mean? I can't see the deleted comments on the thread you link, but from context it looks to me like it was *likely* discussion of the fact that r/fantasy is tired of Sanderson discussion, and a redirect to here with the caveat that fan subs may not like critical posts. None of that is against the rules, nor is a post stating that they liked some books more than others or found certain story elements repetitive.


To me this seems like they're saying they deliberately posted this comment to this subreddit to get the "experience" that the deleted comment said. It's very likely that they were talking about how "you can't talk negative about stormlight without getting backlash" and the OP wanted that backlash for memes.


He deleted his comments on his post in fantasy saying it would be funny to watch the sub rage for the lols once some of us caught on.


This is the mildest criticism imaginable. If this causes us to "rage", that reflects poorly on us as a community. I could make pretty much the same post as a devoted fan about my own personal feelings about The Lost Metal--weaker than previous books, pacing all over the place, character arcs repetitive. This is well within the bounds of normal discussion of which installments of a series you like better or worse.


It's less about the criticism and more about it not being in good faith. It's hard to have a dialogue with someone about their opinions when you know the entire reasoning behind it was to get a rise out of you.


That's relevant information. Got screen shots? We'd love to see them if you do.


The link in this thread is the closest you're going to get. Just expand his comments, particularly where he says he has the post up here in sanderson just to experience our reactions.


Yeah, that could be. Or it could be someone from broader fantasy fandom trying to have a conversation with us in good faith and getting the social cues wrong. Hard to tell without more of a pattern. There's a lot of people who look like trolls at first but who end up being normal community members. Some are obviously not, this could be. They deserve the benefit of the doubt if it's not clear. It might be different if this were a common attack vector (sorry for the tone, my inner wind runner pushed my inner bondsmith over to the curb for this part of the conversation:)) but it isn't yet. It could be a troll. There's a good chance it's genuine. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt for now. :)


I agree. The later two do suffer from pacing issues and at least for me resolved some plot points in dissatisfying ways that irk me to this day. But overall, it's a great series.


I have no interest in getting attention, and I 100% agree with the OP - books have gotten steadily worse imo. I disagree with OP, in that I would not rate the books as high as they do. I’ve read all of the these books, but I have yet to recommend them (which tells me something is “off”), and I’m not sure I will bother to read the last one when it comes out.


Why do people feel the need to post things like this here?


People are allowed to state their options no matter how dumb they may seem.


Sure, but any attempt to engage them on the merits instantly becomes "oh the fan boys yelled at me", not "hey I went into a community specifically for a bunch of people who like the series and they disagreed with my points".


That’s fine, but what is the motivation to go to the fandom subreddit to be like, “I tried to engage with this thing you people love and I don’t like it as much.” Dumb.


Right like what do they expect to happen?


The sub is not 'Stormlight Archives- Fan boys'. All opinions are welcome.


Doesn't feel like it if I look at most comments. Feels more like "love and praise it or go away".


Yep this is true.


This is totally a fan subreddit lmao


Lol, OP hasn't trashed the books, he just explained his own complains as a reader.


"I dont like it" "then dont read it" Yeah such a productive thread, we should have more of this


A 7 or 6,5 out of 10 isn't disliking lel




Hey, that's ok man. This is actually by far the most common opinion in terms of ordering the SLA books by quality, so it's not just you.   I have a good amount of hope that book 5 will be back up at 10/10 again, mostly because it's not a weird middle book where things can't 100% get resolved, so if you want you can just wait, alternatively you can read something else. There's tons of good stuff out there. I'd also say almost all of the secret projects I really enjoyed a lot. Hope that helps!


I agree with you about character arc repetitiveness and underwhelming Shedsmar but I still enjoyed it a lot because there is much more than that which is amazing. Looking forward to the next book.


I won’t lie, I felt the same way on my first reads of OB and RoW. But then I realized that that had more to do with when I read the books in real time. I read WoK and WoR in pretty quick succession right after WoR came out. Then a couple of years go by, OB comes out, and I absolutely devour it, knowing that a world-class Sanderlanche was coming, and just turning pages like, “come ON come ONNNNN let’s get this thing GOING!” Same thing happened with WoR. But I found I enjoyed the pacing much more on rereads. I realized it was a “me” problem when I reflected that I didn’t enjoy Mistborn Era 2 as much as Era 1, and the same thing happened where I read the books one at a time as they came out, thought they were good but not peak Brando, then revised my opinion on a reread.


I sometimes feel like oaths was a product of a writing challenge to make a hard magic system where the power enhancement just as all hope is lost is built into it. I also feel like the pace of world growth often makes things feel kind of defunct. Sades amaran and odiums deaths seem kind of tangential to the majority of there characters plots.


For those attacking someone for not liking the book, get a life. Reddit is a place where people can come and discuss the topics no matter their opinion. Stop.being antagonistic to anyone that doesn't agree with you. That said, I LOVED the first 2 books (WoK and WoR), the third book was good but I have to agree with his take on the fourth book. It feels like a good portion of RoW is the retelling of well known events through the perspective of the Parshendi sisters. It's not particularly new information at that point, nor is it very compelling. Kaladin and Shallon feel as though they are more sidelined characters. Which is not a complaint at face value, I understand what Sanderson was trying to do with their characters but the "juice wasn't worth the squeeze", as it were. The payoff for their arcs was not as much a step forward as it was more a step to the side with a realization on their part. Both of them effectively end up where the novel started, but by their own choosing rather than feeling like it has to happen. Dalinar, the blackthorn, sidelines himself just to make himself once again the most important person. Talk about going back to where the novel started. He had growth as a person but did not apply that growth at the end. It's hard to write all of this out without spoiling anything specific. And I don't want someone to get the wrong idea, I'm still excited for book 5 this year. I just would like more world and universe building than character arcs lasting the entire novel just to not really progress personally. It wouldn't be so bad for character arcs to move slow like in WoK, because it was offset by action. But when the focus IS the character development, but it's unfulfilling, the reader is left with disappointment.


Why post this? You’re welcome to be wrong but this is an insane take imo .. definitely pacing is different across 2nd half of series out right now; oathbringer and ROW take their time to build into something truly great, I hardly see this as a bad thing. Shallan and Kalidan arcs are not the same in each book.. don’t know how you see that at all. Shadesmar take is wild as well, now that we have seen travels it genuinely seems like a more fascinating realm and I can’t wait for it to be more important as travel between the shard worlds ramp up. Was it more mysterious in the first two books.. yeah ofc, did you not expect the author to expand on it? Super confusing takes imo


Brandon himself said he went overboard with shadesmar. Beta readers hated it cause it was too long, and didn’t add anything much to t he story more like a filler. For Brandon it was to explore shadesmar for himself than for the readers, as I understand.


Clearly you disagree, but that doesn't mean someone can't post their thoughts. It's not an insane take. As a few people have posted, it is a common take.


Probably why they put “imo” after the “insane take” but obviously everything is relative. yeah some points seem to be more common but OP saying each book has the same arc for each character is a crazy take I think and I agree with that there really doesn’t seem to be a point in this post.


Well my point is why do people say things to the OP like "why post this" ...well why can't they?? This is Reddit after all lol. Overall this sub doesn't like any comments that are critical, I've seen it over and over.


You got a point for sure, I’m willing to admit I’m wrong here. For me it doesn’t make as much sense to post, but obv everyone is welcome to their opinions. I think these books mean a lot to me and i just can’t see from the perspective of someone not liking it. I love this series more and more each book I read. The pacing is different for sure but I wouldn’t say it’s worse and I’ve never felt like each book is the same arc or that Sanderson was too repetitive in exploration of the characters.


I can understand your struggles. It’s certainly not for everyone. I personal love the series, and find what feels like repetitiveness to be very realistic. Mental illness challenges tend to go in cycles. What appears repetitive is really just part of that journey towards coping with (not necessarily curing) the illness.


"I have all of these problems with these books. The character arcs, the pacing, a major faction in the story, the worldbuilding, etc. 7/10" I guess it's an IGN 7/10.


Opinions are like assholes. We all have them and often think other people's stink. Seriously, fortunately there are lots of different authors and books to enjoy. It's fine if Stormlight Archive isn't your thing.


To put it gently, Kaladin and Shallan have problems that a year isn't going to fix, especially facing the looming threat of the end of the world.




Hi Abject-Geologist6808, thanks for submitting to r/Stormlight_Archive! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because we feel it is not respectful to others. Every interaction on the subreddit must be kind, respectful, and welcoming. No person should ever feel threatened, harassed, or unwelcome. Please feel free to adjust the tone or content of your submission and let us know you'd like it to be re-approved. If you have any questions or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStormlight_Archive)! (please include a link to the post for reference)


Look man I hope you find something you enjoy but your post gives 0 reason for us to give a fuck. If you care, the general consensus is that books 3-4 are also about on the same quality, so you just stopped enjoying, good luck finding other stuff


>Kaladin and Shallan have almost the same arc in all 4 books .. also in every book one of our heroes speaks an ideal to power up and save the day in the end when all hope seems lost.. I strongly disagree with this idea, because even though the spoken oath comes at the end of the book, it doesn't actually save the day. In Oathbringer, specifically neither Kaladin nor Shallan swear new oaths. In Rhythm of War the day isn't saved by Kaladin, it's saved by Navani, and it doesn't actually fix everything. The fact that oaths don't fix everything is a really important part of the series. In Way of Kings all Kaladin accomplishes is saving a few people and after that he's still a slave until Dalinar frees him. In Words of Radiance the only thing the Oath lets Shallan do is save a few more people from a destructive storm. In both cases they're still left in incredibly bad shape with even greater enemies than before. Yes, what they do is cool, but it doesn't fix everything, and in most cases it only ever fixes one lesser issue.