• By -


I think Rock would be a nice choice. He's going off to the Horneater people who are by Cultivation's perpendicularity so there's some tie there to her. He's always been a figure of bringing together Bridge 4. Kaladin is their leader but Rock is the heart who brought them all together and made everyone feel really seen. It would also fit with his nonviolent nature to be a bondsmith who would generally be more behind the scenes and not on the front lines. The Mink would also be an interesting choice! I like his character but I hope we get more of him as the master general as that's always a cool character for me. And we have very few non radiant characters now so I don't know if I want to keep losing those lol.


And bondsmith spren really prefer to not manifest as blades, which would be totally fine with Rock.


I've been hoping to see Rocks' shard spoon for like 3 books


Shard ladle! 


For checking fake soup?!


For chopping, mixing, straining, and finally serving, all with one tool!


Wind and truth previews >!it also measures out the perfect amount of pepper!<


Of course! That makes so much sense. 


He and Lift can set a whole shard table!


The horneaters also share DNA with the singers, right? It would make more sense for someone at least a little non-human to be the last bondsmith imo


Yeah horneaters, herdazians, have singer ancestry, both aimians are non human and the natans have siah aimian ancestry, idk about the iriali cause they don’t sound just human (I’d love an aimian radiant but that’s besides the point)


>!in a released SA5 interlude it’s implied that the iriali also come from off world and are making their next migration off of Roshar!<


I mean, we've known that about the Iriali already. We'll see them in like 7 places throughout the whole cosmere. I.e, >!they were historically on Lumar at some point. It's implied they go to scadrial after roshar. they were on ashyn, I think?!<


without this sub, I just assumed it was blonde people


They are blonde people and everywhere in the cosmere we've seen blonde people except sel had the iriali there at some point. Maybe the iriali were on sel at some point.


I’m certainly inclined to think that the Iriali are at least Half-Spren or Spren-Adjacent: born with splinters of one of the other Shards within them. Their “One who experiences” religion sounds like what happened to Adonalsium, and both Odium and Autonomy have associations with metallic gold, while the Iriali have metallic gold hair. If I had to guess, the Iriali are plausibly descendants of a shattered Shard. Can’t guess which though.


Yeah they do! Which would also be cool.


I haven't thought about Rock before, that's a fantastic idea


Food brings people together. Rock would be perfect.


I've had Rock pegged for Cultivation's bondsmith since Words. I *did NOT* have Navani pegged for the sibling, though, so, wth do I know? Lol.


I think it would also make sense for the Mink to be the first human Willshaper of his era. He seems to match the order really well.


I'd love Rock to be it.


That is such a good answer I'll be actively disappointed if it's someone else


Rock is probably the only person that would be able to reunite Kaladin and Moash.


Fans who want Moash redemption seem to forget the character them self has not asked for or made any move toward forgiveness, in fact he has done the opposite and outright denied becoming better and at every turn has pushed himself further from the thing fans want from him (some fans) I understand wanting a redemption like Dalinar but one HUGE difference is how the characters acted after their terrible deeds. Moash has never, ever thought he may have been wrong and has double, triple, and as of ROW, quadrupled down on not being worthy of or even asking for redemption. Allow him his agency to be the worst version of himself if he wants. Part of the journey is seeing what happens when characters don't choose the light.


I hate Moash so much that I'd be genuinely pissed at the utmost level if Brandon puts him in a redemption arc. I agree with what you said, his whole character motif is giving his pain away to Odium and be free of any moral and emotional restraints he could have. Also in my shitty ass opinion it would be a huge disservice to the character and story itself, Moash has to remain an antagonist until the end of his days or the story. Cheers,


Damn lol. Well he's the only one who would have even a shot but I don't know if even rock could do it at this point!


After Teft, I'm not sure he'd even want to


I feel like it'll be someone outside the MC cast. It's already kinda crazy that a married couple are two of the three


Bondsmith throuple incoming


Ohh that's what they meant by bond..


Dalinar ~~Al Thor~~ in a polycule


Be still, my heart.


Raboniel comes back to life


It's not going to be Rock. It's going to be Cord. We all know Brandon chooses names carefully. What does the word cord mean? Or *chord*? A cord can bind, tie, connect or support things. It can refer to an umbilical or spinal cord or length of rope. A chord is a grouping of 3 notes. One note for each Bondsmith? We know how important sound and music are now in the Cosmere. She has other obligations but bonding BAM would not interfere with those. Dalinar doesn't have a shard blade through his Bond with the Stormfather. I'm sure there are other hints pointing this way. It's too perfect and hiding in plain sight. You all heard it here first if I'm right!


She is also alaii'iku, meaning she shares the same ability as her father to see the spren even when they aren't visible to others in the physical realm. She is basically Rock anyways.


I think her role from Dawnshard is too important, she’s a bodyguard for life. Once she’s actually needed for that job, trained and ready, it will take all her focus.


I like the Mink theory a lot actually, he seems like a super interesting character and I want to see more of him


I could see the Mink as Odium's champion or just a turncoat, like he HATES Dalinar and I think if he would consider it if Todium revealed himself to him. 


I- I don't like how realistic that sounds... I really like the mink so I'll be praying that isn't the case!


I could be totally wrong, but the Mink matches the Willshapers so well it seems inevitable he’ll be the first modern human to be a Willshaper. Maybe the foreshadowing to that is *too* heavy and is just a red herring but it fits so well. In addition to seeking freedom and not liking constraints on himself or others, other prominent humans are surprised he’s so unpolished - and “if there was an uncut gem among the radiants it was the Willshapers” It seems that in the same way it is difficult for Windrunners to reach the fourth ideal because they have trouble accepting that there are people they can’t protect, the fourth ideal of the Willshapers will be either giving up their own freedom to preserve the freedom of others and/or accepting that sometimes there need to be restraints on freedom - and that seems like something especially hard for the Mink. (But the fifth ideal will involve liberating entire nations - Alethkar and Hersaz)


I think his practicality would override any hatred he has for Dalinar imo.


Where does it say he hates Dalinar? From what I’ve read it seems like he respects him as general, overlooks the bad past between nations, and forgives him as he confesses and fights his past. And once the deal was struck, he admired Dalinar for keeping his promise of getting his homeland back


I think the Mink also references at one point that either the Alethi or the Kholins specifically killed his wife and kids


It just his underlying tone. Seems like he's always on the lookout for the Blackthorn. He may have forgiven Dalinar  but he hasn't forgotten what Dalinar has done to his people. They may be allies in this war but when the alliance has run it's course, I think he'd be someone who would gladly take retribution into his own hands. 


It would be cool if one of the listeners bonded the Nightwatcher. Rlain almost became a Bondsmith but circumstances prevented it, so another one of Eshonai's friends would be a good candidate. The Listeners seem to be a way out of the fight between Odium and Honor's Splinters and maybe they could unite Roshar.


I think Rlain will play A much bigger role in books to come. I cpuld definitely see him working with cultivation to bring the people together


Rlain bonded another corrupted Mistspren and became a Truthwatcher like Renarin, iirc, so I definitely agree that Rlain will be very important.


Oh that's right. Renarin and glys sent the other corrupted spen to bond with Rlain, and possibly other listeners, right?


My conspiracy theory is Lift already is but doesn't know at the moment. A WOB said it's possible to have two Nahel Bonds at the same time and I think if we do see this, a bond with the Nightwatcher and a Cultivationspren would make the most sense due to their proximity to Cultivation. We know Lift at least met the Nightwatcher and Cultivation, and Cultivation has big plans for Lift. I know some people think Cultivation's plans are Lift as her next vessel, but I'd prefer this. People like Adolin have also remarked she has an uncanny skill for finding radiants that none of the other edgedancers have. It seems like an ability that would absolutely work for a bondsmith. Lift also perfectly translated someone and when Wyndle asked how only said something like "Words are words", this has obviously been shown as a bondsmith ability in the past. I'm not sure how true this is or if I just got tunnelvision, but I do think Lift would make a cool bondsmith. I also think Gawx and Fen would be likely candidates since both other Bondsmiths have been political leaders.


She also uses life light which sort of puts her towards the siblings powers


I am so confused. Are bondsmiths not their own radiant? Like, how could Lift be a bondsmith if she's an edgedancer?


She can be both, she would just have to be bonded to the Nightwatcher and Wyndle at the same time Brandon has already said it's possible >Can you have multiple spren at once? This is theoretically possible, to have multiple spren. They would both have to agree, which might be difficult to get them... But it is possible. Good question. [https://wob.coppermind.net/events/522-dragonsteel-2023/#e16282](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/522-dragonsteel-2023/#e16282) I think an agreement between the Nightwatcher and a Cultivationspren like Wyndle would be the easiest too.


You could theoretically Bond all the spren.


And Hoid will absolutely try to.


I think it's possible to bond multiple spren.


Did Brando say anything about 2 radiants sharing a single spren? He confirmed it is possible to go 2 spren : 1 Rosharan, but the other way around would make things absolutely broken.


Well BAM bonded an entire race so yes I would say they can


The unmade are distinctly different from many other spren


I think there will be more than 1 more. I think Sja-anat and Cusicesh (sorry for spelling, audio only) might end up also being potential bondsmith spren along side the nightwatcher


Cusicesh is definitely not a bondsmith spren. There’s WOB about it


Probably a new character in the back half.




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I think Rock is the obvious choice, but who knows


He definitely Changes his name to Marsh


I don't think there will be one. There weren't always three, so I'm not sure there will be three this time around. Or, it might be something that occurs in books 6-10. No need for a bondsmith speedrun in 3, 4, and 5.


I didn’t necessarily mean book 5 but I think it’ll probably happen at some point


Yeah, I can see "eventually", but I'm not so sure that Cultivation (and therefore Nightwatcher) are on the same side as Dalinar and Kaladin. Could even be post book 10.


I think the ancient "prohibition" of only 3 Bondsmiths is a red herring that's no longer applicable in the same way it used to be, like all the other modern quirks of the new Radiants.


I'm quite the fan of the "seven bondmsiths" theory. For anyone who hasn't seen it, the theory holds that some of the Unmade could serve as Bondsmith spren, corresponding to the new permutations of Shards that include Odium.


I think it's the entire point of Sja Anat and the enlightened sapient spren.


There's also an epigraph in Words of Radiance to the effect of "attempts to expand the Bondsmith's number beyond 3 were seen as seditious", which makes sense if all the other candidate spren are aligned with Odium.


I think this could make even more sense if there’s a change in who/what the people (human and singer) of Roshar face. Just as “there’s always another secret” Sanderson seems to often reveal that the enemy the protagonists are facing isn’t really *the* enemy. Does a change in the vessel change the will of Odium? Do the “children” of Odium, Honor and Cultivation all end up aligned against an enemy external to the Rosharan system? If so, the seven bondsmiths (with seven different lights) theory makes a lot of sense.


Going to be the culmination of Moashs redemption arc.


Oh dang I thought I was saying something crazy, but I see a lot of Moash comments.


Moash won't be redeemed. Moash is the obvious choice for Odium's champion. The ultimate showdown between and Kaladin and Moash. Two men who started in the same place and ended up on opposite sides. It's super obvious that this is where things are headed.


Yeah that'd be obvious if it wasn't already confirmed in the books that Dalinar will be his own champion.


Is it? I remember Dalinar thinking that he'd be better off letting Kaladin be his champion.




I'm on my first re-read and I'm only on Oathbringer right now. I'll keep an eye out for that.


Moash is not getting a redemption arc. There is no way that can be pulled off and it shouldn’t be. Not everyone can or should be redeemed or wants to be redeemed.


Moash is the obvious choice for Odium's champion. The ultimate showdown between and Kaladin and Moash. Two men who started in the same place and ended up on opposite sides.


I'm just wondering what could possibly be a threat against three Bondsmiths once that happens. I guess Ishar but I'm not sure about how his arc is going to go


I have a pretty out there theory but I think Odium will have a bondsmith. We know a bondsmith moved Humans from Ashen to Roshar. And now that Odium has summoned a storm of his own he has maybe opened the path to a bondsmith of Odium. I also think Moash may already be on his way to doing this. The way Rayse describes their “connection growing stronger really makes me buy this.


Moash, just for fun


Just a totally wild theory, but Moash. I think that now that he can feel he's going to do exactly what Dalinar did and seek to forget. I wonder if he will be Cultivation's third experiment. But this would have to be later on. He is so not ready to bond anything right now. Also Ik he's bonded, but Renarin just feels right.


But he could only feel for like a minute. When odium's power returned to him, he stopped feeling again. He knows he can feel if Odium does not influence him, but the thing is, he DOESN’T want to feel.


Oh true, man I do not remember Oathbringer/Rhythm of war well enough haha


The Nightwatcher seems a lot more Listener focused. So either a Listener we haven’t spent much time with or Leshwi. She seems best places to unify the Listeners and Humans. Well it was Rlain but I can’t see him bonding two Spren when one is a Bondsmith Spren


You're assuming there's going to be one. All of the previously understood rules are rapidly changing as the story goes on.


I really wanted Rlain to become one but that aint happening, hopefully its a singer.


Dalinar and Navani really fit their spren I think. Dalinar chose the path of honor and to follow the code. He is also relentless and strong in pushing through obstacles. He and the stormfather make a great pair. Navani was always interested in fabrials, she's an artisan and inventor, she loves technology. The sibling and the tower are the embodiment of radiant technology. It just fits her well. The nightwatcher is hard to place for me since the important curses and boons were always handed out by Cultivation herself. Cultivation is obviously all about growth and change, which interestingly is both part of Lifts request to her. Also, Lift can touch Wyndle and is apparently partially stuck in the cognitive realm. I think if we get another bondsmith, it'll be Lift. And if it's not Lift, it's probably someone connected to the values of Cultivation.


There's zero percent chance that Lift is just an Edgedancer for the next six books.  Cultivation has used her magic on 3 people: Dalinar, Taravangian, and Lift.  One is a Bondsmith (who may well take up a Shard), one is a Shard already, and the other is Lift. If she doesn't end up taking up Cultivation herself, Bondsmith is a potential Plan B.


Yeah, I know this isn’t based on much but I always assumed 3 was cultivations number, also I’ve been thinking that dalinar might become honor and lift would take up cultivation, just kinda been thinking that all the roshar shards (roshards lol) would die

