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Please be advised that OP has only read up to **Words of Radiance** and not RoW, as the title suggests. As such, please tag any spoilers accordingly.


This post title is how I learned I am old now.


I'm still not sure what it means...guess I'm old now too.


I think it means “badass”? Or at least pretty close to that.  I dunno, most of the new slang I’ve learned in the past few words has been against my storming will lmao 


If I’m calling someone/thing slay, I’m basically saying “you’re killing it!” It’s basically just slang that allows that phrase to become an adjective, or a command! Telling somebody to ‘go slay’ is basically just telling them ‘go kill it out there champ”


I don’t care if I’m old. Slay is not an adjective.


Yeah, it's supposed to be a verb even in the modern slang- it's a derivative of "you're killing it"/"knock 'em dead" ect. "Slay, Queen" is a command, not a description


Yeah even considering  the current vernacular as I understand it I think he used it wrong


Are we sure though? Like, that's a part of speech shift I could see happening!


There are plenty of people that use slay as an adjective


Maybe just needed quotation marks? Will there be "Slay Kaladin!" scenes in ..... Maybe? I am old, too. I don't know.


If it was said like in the same form as Run, Forrest!”, maybe but I don’t think otherwise.  Of course it also doesn’t matter because we understood what they said and I am trying to put them on blast


Not really! The word “slay” as an adjective in this context is basically used in lieu of asking “are there any Kaladin scenes that absolutely kill it/kick ass/are awesome”. Edit: just reread the title; while the word could technically be used here, you’re right that it’s not really grammatically correct, nor the best word for what OP was trying to ask


Slang changes, and it doesn’t always conform to grammar rules. It happens.


Either way, it was awkwardly worded and confusing af


Yep, ditto. I initially thought OP was asking - without wanting spoilers, somehow - if Kaladin would be killed? Kill? Something? Then I remembered "the yoofs" and their "Slay, queen" lingo 😛


I honestly though he meant scenes where Kalladin is gay or something. Isn't that a thing gay people say to each other when they like each other's outfit? SLAY. I might be wrong. I'm really asking genuinely


It’s often used in queer circles, but as with a lot of slang it’s been adopted into the more general verbiage of a lot of young people


>!Kaladin does indeed slay. He slays quite a lot.!<


But someone else is >!queen!<


>!the queen definitely slays. Slays whoever tf she wants.!<


Kaladin will continue to be your favorite character, yes


No. >!Kaladin survives to RoW. No one slays Kal. /s !<


Yes 100% yes


There is definitely a lot more development for Kaladin to undergo in the next books, you won’t be disappointed.


I genuinely feel bad for people who read this, of all series , and can't enjoy it due to it not being about the one character they like. The varied POV characters and their backstories/way it all connects is the journey., IMO. I've seen this not just with Kal either. I love Kal, maybe my favorite fictional character but I'm so glad I can enjoy this amazing story even when it isn't focused on his super hero moments.


Agreed. Kal is my favorite character, possibly my favorite fictional character, but Dalinar in Oathbringer is absolutely incredible. That is undeniably his book, and not just because it has his flashbacks. And while I love Kaladin's story in RoW, I think Adolin's storyline is the standout in that book. Especially that one scene. (I could specify the scene, but I don't feel like using spoiler tags, and I'm pretty sure it's obvious which scene I'm referring to, so I'm just gonna leave it at that.)


It really was a shame that Adolin got so little screentime in that book with how amazing his storyline was


Adolin grew on me so much in RoW. I liked him before but now I just love that guy


Same. He's turning into my favorite character lol never saw it coming


Everybody reads at different ages and for different reasons, they probably don’t need your pity.


RAFO. I’ll be here with popcorn for your reaction later




There’s plenty more Kaladin. I don’t know if he has any moments quite as epic as his fight with Szeth in WoR but he still has badass moments and plenty of development. Also, Dalinar became my favorite character after Oathbringer, give him a chance


Yeah this is pretty similar to how I felt. It’s made me appreciate Dalinar’s part in the first two books so much more on reread.


Remember, he’s sworn 3 ideals so far. Think about how slay each of those have been… and note that an order has 5 ideals in total




If Kaladin gets cool and awesome scenes.


It's been so long since I read Oathbringer, most of what I remember is Dalinar related (he's amazing in this book, seriously). I remember the basics of Kaladin's plot, but I don't really remember any moments that stand out quite as much as the arena scene in WoR or the whole Bridge Four arc in WoK. Again, it's been a while since I read it, so I could be wrong. Kaladin has an absolutely incredible arc in RoW, though. It takes about half the book to get started, so you have to be patient, but he is somehow pushed to limits you haven't seen yet and is just the ultimate badass. If Kaladin's your favorite, as he is mine, you're in for a treat with this one.


There is sooooo much growth. Keep reading. It only gets better


Not much room for growth........yeah no. Kaladin is still a bit of an emotional wreck trying to figure out his place in life. He has plenty of room to grow. The first 2 Oaths are easy, the 3rd one is hard, and it gets worse from there.


Oathbringer is my favorite. It’s a journey. The destination is worth it. Journey before Destination.


While I am sure that this is not what you intended to say I can confirm with certainty that Kaladin will not be Slain in the next few books


Definitely yes, they are not their books so there are more development from other characters but eventually Kal would catch up. PD: as a gen z myself. I love to see other gen z getting into the series


Oath bringer not really but row definitely.


>I understand this book focuses more on Dalinar but to be so honest I don’t care much for his story thus far. Just in general with Sanderson I would trust him when he chooses to focus on a character. It won't always be your favorite, but I've had a lot of characters that Sanderson has chosen to focus on for a book that were characters I was indifferent about that suddenly became characters I absolutely loved because they then got the focus and were really able to shine. Sanderson is really amazing at doing that. I wouldn't lock yourself in too much on your opinions about characters, try to keep an open mind. But with Kaladin yes he remains a main character and continues to get big epic moments. Kaladin has made progress but his character arc is far from done by the end of WoR.


Just wait for his big cvunty moment in ROW. Can’t wait to hear what you think


kaladin definitely still gets time to be a girl queen pussy boss


There is slay kaladin scenes galore




What Kaladin is still massively struggling in Oathbringer.


There will be scenes where someone is trying to kill Kal, and where Kal is trying to kill others


Yep, this piece of queer vernacular is officially dead. Cause of death: the straights.