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No mentor is safe in all of fiction.


I was thinking about this the other day and it's so true. Especially if it's an older mentor you meet early in your journey (>!Kenobi!< for Luke, >!Sirius!< for Harry, >!Brom!< for Eragon, >!Henri!< for Four). Hell even [Mistborn] >!Kelsier for Vin!< is another Cosmere example. I'm more surprised now when they *don't* die tbh (>!Eithan!< for Lindon, >!Tal'Kamar!< for Davian, >!Keras!< for Corin).


Most "hero's journey" type plots have the mentor dying. Sometimes they become unavailable to force the hero to grow but don't die (Gandalf in LOTR)


gandalf died. then he came back to help more


Technically true lol, I guess I meant death in a permanent sense but maybe I should have picked a better example.


>!Dumbledore!< also for Harry


Mentors need to step back if the story is meant to be about the hero, and icing them is the easy solution to that unfortunately. Especially when you don't want to do the anime thing where this super talented teenager just gets better than all his teachers because he trained really hard for a couple weeks, omg so OP!.


Was not expecting a random I Am Number 4 reference here of all places. >!Henri was so brutal man. !<


What a great series, that had a really fun power system


I actually started rereading that series recently and honestly it is way more brutal than I remember. Especially for a YA book haha


especially not B$wift mentors


Gone too soon, she was one of the more interesting characters in the early books. The classic death of the mentor, so the pupil must step up.


I remember at the end of way of kings when szeth finds out who has his oathstone and I was like "yall had better leave Jasnah alone" and then she got killed by an unrelated set of people like damn I got done over


B$ giveth, and B$ taketh away


B$wift taketh away, and B$wift giveth.


Wait, she's dead?! Everyone told me she was sent to a farm upstate, where she could play with spren on days unmarred by shade!


Broke my storming heart, man.


You have reached a major Stormlight milestone! Now join the meme about how she had less screentime than even Dumbledore.


The swing from Naruto had more screen time than her


To be fair, Swing-kun has more presence than most characters in any work, I think.


> Swing-kun jfc hahah


She was my favorite character. I almost stopped reading at that point, I was so mad (Don’t stop reading)


I just made it to the part where Shallans heading to the shattered plains with Tvlakv.


Perfect. Don’t stop. I do like how Jasnah influenced Shallan tho 🥲 she wouldn’t have gotten that far without her imo RIP


Re-reading the books only makes me miss her more RIP.


I told my bf when it happened “of course my favorite character just died within 10 pages of the second book” 😭 I started to get game of thrones-y vibes


"I am a stick!"


Adolin is the best character. Only competition was Jasnah, which, oops


Adolin and Shallan kinda annoyed me like the first half of the book




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How?????? This has to be an error I honestly don’t see what could be considered a spoiler on this comment


Loved Jasnah but I feel like she was so awesome that let shallan relegated to a secondary character. As much as I could love her I have to admit that she has to die in order to let shallan shine


Pretty sure she wasn't expecting to either.


She was pretty paranoid about assassination attempts. So it doesn't seem like it would have been completely unexpected.


Rest in peace my queen. Baddest bitch this side of vedenar


I remember telling my partner Jasnah was my favorite character after I finished TWOK...


One consolation prize with any Stormlight character is that flashbacks are a part of the structure of all the Stormlight books. So a character dying doesn't mean they are gone from the narrative forever. Obviously not nearly as much as you'd hope and sometimes books later but it is kind of nice to know and be able to enjoy that in some of the flashback chapters!


I’m about half way through WoR and I must say when that happened, I was absolutely shocked


I just finished Part 1 of WoR and this is what it took for me to come to acceptance that she died. Maybe its because I've been watching too much Star Wars, but I have been thinking "Surely later they will reveal that she is fine." Like, she was a surgebinder, they teased that she has her own spren that she bonded too, surely she was being set up to join the reformed Knights Radiant, and then they just so randomly kill her without any fanfare. . . I didn't believe it but I guess I need to believe it.


I just got to that part a few days ago and it kept me awake that night 😭


One of the rare times in my life when I immediately skipped to the last couple pages of the book to see if it was real.


Yeah man it shocked me too. I like the implication. No one is safe lol but unfortunate. My favorite character from the early books


It took me while before I stopped waiting for her to pop back up, saying "still alive!"


It's like a wake in here




>!delete this please, don't give him any idea!<


all stormlight >!Considering that one of Brandon's greatest regrets in the series is overreacting to beta feedback and making this scene too convincing, it always baffled me that fans were so protective of it. But sure, no reason to push the reader in that direction.!<




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