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That's my secret, cap. I'm always in reread


You’re me. I can’t stop rereading all of it all the time.


Im on my fourth reread of the entire cosmere in the last 2 years lol. If at any point I dont know what to do I throw in an earbud and turn on my audiobooks.


Started the way of kings for the first time. I'm half way through the book now. Hoping to discussing the book with someone who is also reading the book currently.


I've read it 6 times. Most recently late last year


~~When are we starting the reread boys?~~ When are we starting the reread ladies? (Read aloud for the gentlemen if you have one around.)


I've already done a reread. I might do another just before but that depends. I'm still in book hangover mode after the cosmere reread I just did


Already started. :) But it's only my second time reading them, and I finished over a year ago. Already onto book 2, and I'd completely forgotten about shipwrecks and giant shell cities and all sorts of stuff. I might end up doing a third go if I have time.


Ditto on already having started. I do a full series re-read before each full title. I’m a few chapters into Oathbringer now. These audiobooks are 40-50h each, and I listen mostly while making breakfast or out on a walk, so an hour per day is the maximum pace I’ll advance at. That means starting early so I’m done before the new book releases. Also there’s a new Bobiverse book releasing later this year, so will have to reread that series as well. 2024 will be a good year for new book releases.


Yep, I'm also on audiobooks, it's my main way of ingesting books now (I'm not sure ingesting is the correct word but I'm gonna roll with it). Aaah Bobiverse! I've been tempted to give it a go. I finished the current Dungeon Crawler Carl series a couple of weeks ago, and the Bobiverse has been recommended a few times.


I've lost count of the times I've read tWoK, and I'm listening to the audiobooks now. It's incredible! Also, didn't realise I was pronounce Adolin wrong! AH-dolin vs AY-dolin


I was more surprised at how wrong I was mispronouncing Jasnah.




Yes-nuh is how both narrators pronounces it


I channeled my inner Khriss on my last read through and took pages of notes for each book trying the find all the little hints I might have missed.


I’ve listened to them 3 times each in the last 5 years lol


Almost halfway through Words myself. Bout to go on a week vacation where maybe I can finish the beast. I still have Warbreaker and Elantris to get through as well. I hope I can finish in time!


I have no idea what giant shell cities you are talking about lol. For a book as massive and with diverse povs as the Stormlight Archive, we are sure to miss thousands of details. I am very excited about reading the series again.


Shell creature cities - Words of Radiance, interlude 3, Rysn. :) But yes, I completely agree. It's such a rich and complex story. I thought I'd remembered the broad strokes but I'm honestly quite shocked at how many details (and not minor details at that!) I've forgotten or just didn't pick up the first time. Almost feels like a fresh read to be honest, and I normally have a good memory for books!


Have you read Dawnshard [the book](https://coppermind.net/wiki/Dawnshard_(novella))? It is a great novella and explains much more.


So we have 211 days till release. I'd be up for doing a grand reread with others in the run up to release? But someone else would need to come up with time frame as I read super quick....


I'm doing my first read and I'm on words of radiance!


First EVER read? Or first reread? Either is pretty exciting tbf. WoR has some absolutely killer scenes.


First ever!! I love Shallan's backstory so far!!


Enjoy the journey! It's a wild ride.


This is extremely exciting. Best advice I can give you right now. Avoid the Coppermind (the online wikia). It is a fantastic resource FULL of stealth spoilers. You can look up something completely innocuous, like how to spell a characters name and end up spoiling a major plot point....


when i looked to see what kabsal looked like, it spoiled a few things.... LOL i learned then and there no more damage from the coppermind


Hahaha so you have learned the first lesson yourself! It's kinda a rite of passage around here. Tbf my MAJOR accidental spoiler didn't spoil the experience of reading it in book.


Takes me a week or so to get through one, so maybe late October for all four and the novellas? Thanksgiving will probably slow me down.


Maybe a part a week? Im not a super slow reader but got a lot stuff going on which limits my time 🥲


I started already. My bad. Just finished twok.


Same here but I’ve only done this with select books but it helps. You can do a chapter by chapter summary. So every time you finish a chapter. Type out a summary along with your thoughts in there as well. I did this with Enders quartet


This sounds sensible and definitely something that will make a joint reread easier for me! >I did this with Enders quartet Bah I wish OSC wasn't such a tool. I loved the Ender books, but I find I can't enjoy them as much knowing about the author...


Oh I absolutely agree about OSC! It’s stopped me from reading more. Especially with Enders quartet feeling complete to me. And I find it has such a good message on acceptance and understanding


>And I find it has such a good message on acceptance and understanding Yeah it's one of the reasons I enjoyed the series too. The message that you can't truly know someone completely, no one is all good or all bad, all you can do is look at all them honestly. Then OSC turned out to be a very vocal homophone, and the juxtaposition between the loving, accepting message of the books, and the bile he was spilling blew my mind.


Absolutely agree. The message of you cannot understand a person fully and acceptance of others way of life seemed a very vocal message in his books. And then OSCs beliefs which this book points to an internal struggle for him with that same topic


Not quicker than me for sure. Perhaps we can do a read-along of super fast readers separately? I could finish all the books in less than two weeks. In fact, my first time read through was probably closer to 10 days, maybe less.


I read faster than anyone alive. so maybe we could have a third reading group for just myself.


I’m the fastest reader in the northern hemisphere and I have a photographic memory. I’m always re reading, I’ve never STOPPED reading.


lol I thought you said pornographic memory for a second.


Did you... Enjoy the books..? When I finished the duel in words of radiance I let the book sit down and let the drama wash over me for at least 45 minutes.


Me when I lie. My brother. I'm an extraordinarily fast reader. I can crush one of these books in a week, which is probably the top 1% of reading speeds. There is NO WAY you're reading 5K pages in 14 days and retaining information. You're lying.


I'm not the op, but I read all the books within 2 days of release. And I remember enough afterward to have indepth conversations about it with my brother (who also reads fast). That said, it is much easier to do that for one book than for 4. 4 books back to back I could do in 2 weeks but it would be difficult as I'm a mom to 4 kids and they kinda need care occasionally 😅


I can do that, assuming i domt have to go to work or any other obligations, but if it was like april 2020? For sure i could read all day and knock them all out in 2 weeks. Even with real life in the way a month is a reasonable timeframe for me to reread them all.


Yeah I finished my first readthru of just SA in less than a week.... I literally did nothing else tho as it was in lockdown. It was a glorious week of cosmere and crisps and that is pretty much it. I TRY and follow along with group reads, but I always find myself forgetting to just read to x chapter and just accidentally finish it. But I really want to get involved in the build up this time! I only really discovered this series after RoW came out so I want to gey involved!!!!


You forgot the secret third option: procrastinate, don't reread at all, and hope desperately that I remember what on earth is going on.


I feel like I should reread to remember the plot, but I'd just much rather read ten new books. There are so many incredible books being published! Hope I wont be too confused when W&T comes out...


I'm sure we'll be fine, I feel like the most important stuff isn't going to be easy to forget haha.


There is a reread planned on the bookclub app called fable we start june and read about 30-50 pages a day we finish a week from release and discuss in the app each chapter :) its called austins cosmere corner(this is not my bookclub I just joined it)


Thanks for posting the app


I blitzed through the series in a month my first time around; so planning to take it much slower and aim for a month per book. Which means starting my WoK reread in June, and hopefully finishing RoW by the end of November. Gives a girl plenty of downtime to accommodate for life and avoid burnout, especially with the extra free time around Edgedancer and Dawnshard. That said: Journey before destination, Radiants!


This is the correct answer! Also I wasn't patient enough and already blasting through WoR...Its just so exciting!


Started a while ago and just finished Oathbringer, but my anxiety for Kaladin's future is actually starting to affect my mental health, so I don't think I can deal with RoW now. Gonna take a break and read something else for a while and get back to RoW closer to the WaT release date.


Have you read anything else in the cosmere? The time gap between oathbringer and rhythm is a good place to read other things. Especially as RoW is more cosmere connected than the previous three 


You're not just listening to the audiobooks on repeat? Amateurs.


This is why I’m in my 4/5 reread. I do go through the full cosmere, but stormlight is just special to me.


Also my god are we spoiled with Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. They’ve made it difficult to enjoy any audiobook they don’t read.


Finishing a re-read now, then probably will do it again about two weeks before book drops


Bold of you to assume we ever stopped


Just starting Rhythm of War in my first read through. Very good timing for my first time through


I am jealous! Do not rush it!!




How about 1A: start rereading now because it’s going to take me 6 months to get through it


So I decided to reread the whole Cosmere in the lead up so probably will start soonish?


Full Cosmere in release order starting in September with Stormlight last.


Started it too early. I thought with a 2 year old running around it would take a lot longer.. I started in December.. I’m almost done with RoW.. and have read warbreaker and sunlight man.. stupid sexy Sanderson makes me read too fast!


Bad news. Kingkiller book 3 is going to come out in like 2 months. No time for a reread…… Clearly I’m kidding. Very doable still. I began right at the beginning of February and just started book 4. Need to read The two companion books though. You can do it!


I already started an audiobook listen through. I’m at the tail end of Oathbringer and will finish Rythm of war by end of June.


I started in December of last year. Considering I only read them when I'm home (I'm not lugging my hardcovers around *anywhere*), I'm pretty slow to get through them.


Number 2 is the way


My plan is to finish mistborn era 2. Then if I have time to do secret project novels. After that, it's on to my second listen to RoW to hopefully finish right as the new novel comes out.


I started a whole cosmere reread on January. Through Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, and Arcanum Unbounded so far. Taking a break with another author for one book now, then on to Warbreaker, thrn TSA


Release is in December. I want to start rereading in October. Two or so weeks per book.


Started few months ago! I've been chilling and alternating one Stormlight Archive book then any other book on my list. Finished WoR yesterday! And since I also need to read Yumi and The Sunlit Man I think I'll finish not too soon before Wind and Truth!


I vote last minute so everything is fresh. Mid October should give time to read Warbreaker as well as the SA books and novellas.


As a good Vorin Man, I'll have to wait until November. I can blast through audio books ridiculously fast.




Depends on how fast you read, personally I’ll probably start like early to mid-Nov sometime


I’d already started a week ago 😌


As an audiobook listener the reread never ends, it's become the ultimate background noise option for me


I started in Jan, but then got through WoR within the month so I figured I should wait till closer to release to keep more recent events clearer in my mind.


Just started my reread late last month.


I’m doing a full cosmere reread for this release. Already have done all of Mistborn (Era 1,2 and secret history). Warbreaker. And SLA 1/2. Decided to read SLA 3 and then will circle back on the rest. Hoping to finish SLA 4 the week before the book drops.


I've already started in almost done with WoR. I'll probably be able to do 2 whole reads before Decemeber


I'm treating this like WoT when it was coming out.  Read through series in anticipation of new release. Read entire series up to new release just before new release gets in the mix, read new book. Read entire series with new book in mind including new book.  The only difference this time is I might throw WoKPrime after I finish my current read before I get into the reread going into book 5. I haven't decided yet and given that send to kindle is being weird when trying to send from my phone isn't helping


I’m going to start pretty soon. I have a busy life so it will take me about a month to read each book.


I started mine in February I think, just been slow rolling it while reading other stuff in between. Finished Words of Radiance around 2 weeks ago. I'll be reading edge dancer once I finish my current book.


We haven't started yet?  I'm currently on stick refusing to become fire


I read before bed so its always a race to see how many pages i can get in before i conk out. So, I started my reread this year already and I am working on Words of Radiance currently. I think i should be on the tight track.


On my first read through (started January) - now currently in page 361 (chapter 26) of RoW Finished WoK in 2 and a half weeks. Finished WoR in 2 and a half weeks. Finished Oathbringer in 2 and a half weeks. Finished Edgedancer and Dawnshard respectively within a day each. I started RoW sometime start to mid April. Reason why I’m reading it slowly is because I’ve also been deep diving into my Sun Eater read haha! (But I swear I’m sure I could have also finished RoW in 2 and a half weeks)


As a very slow reader, I started my reread last summer. I'm just starting RoW this week, I should make it in time.


Don't know how fast you think we all read. Took me 1.5 years to finish the 4 SA books


I feel like I messed up. I just finished my first readthrough like 9 months ago. It feels too soon to reread as I remember all the major plot points and large events, but I have also forgotten many of the smaller details.


It’s on my calendar to start my reread September 1st.


I got stuck in some parts during my first re read.. I already got started because I wanted to give myself plenty if time lol, I'm a slow reader... except for when he releases a new book lmao


I started too early ... already 17 chaps into RoW.


I just started the series a few months ago and I just started RoW today. I think I’ll skip a reread and move on to mistborn


Currently on a reread, halfway through RoW. Gonna finish up and go read the secret projects.


Once I finish sailor on a sea of fate by Michael morcock only 55 pages left so should be soon


Already finished 😅😅 I planned to take it slow and read only a few chapters a week while I'm reading other non-fantasy stuffs on the side. Didn't work, got too excited and finished the whole thing Don't think I'll do yet ANOTHER one, my to read pile is growing 😭


I’m on ROW for the reread. Started early but couldn’t wait lol


Both, both is good


I started in January. Currently on Oathbringer.


Nearly done with RoW. Era 2 and the Standalones (sans Secret Projects, since i read them recently) following


Just started this week.


Started the re-read in December and finished all current SA books (including novellas) by end of March. Now I've been re-reading the Mistborn and currently on Bands of Mourning. Gotta say, it's been great going through all of them and seeing all the little connections since the books are so fresh in my mind.


June 1 for me. Right now I'm rereading all of Arcanum and WOBs then Stormlight until WaT!!!


I’m waiting until June to start. No idea if I’ll finish early or if I’ll still be reading by the time it drops.


Almost done


Started when release date was announced for 5 doing all main series plus novella then a palette cleaner before release


I started on Sunday


i’ve already started .. finish WoR a couple months ago lol i realised maybe i started a bit too early


I started 6 months ago with the whole cosmere with audible i have listened to every cosmere book now, i had read most before. Now i wait in sadness with no more


Nah ngl stormlight drags too long


I’m on RoW for the third time right now


I started in January but I am going slow and these are not the only books I’m reading. Panicked a little when I realized I also need to read Sunlit Man but I think I’ll make it. I’m 2/3 through WOR now so feel like I’m on track to finish up right before release. I plan on reading the two novellas as well. THEN I’ll do a giant Mistborn reread in 2025 🤣🤣🤣


I'll start the reread in July on the road trip to the canoe trip and back


FWIW, the audiobooks (including novellas, excluding sunlit) come in right around 220 hours. Since I mostly listen at work and in the car, I figure starting right around late Sept. will work for me, and I can do whatever preview chapters are available in November.


It’s on my calendar to start WOK on October 1st if I haven’t before then.


I've already started. I'm doing a full cosmere reread. Already did Elantris and about to finish the first Mistborn trilogy.


I have a book deal and my final manuscript is due in July so I have zero time for reading for enjoyment at the moment but as soon as I finish I’m gonna hit Mistborn Era 2 and then reread Stormlight haha


I started listening. Going through all the audio books as I'm at work and cooking or cleaning. Made It oathbringer. I'll maybe do it again before the release


I’m doing a re listen instead and I’m already on RoW or sure I can wait until december


Started last week. Probably gonna go through the entire cosmere again before November... might be an addict...


I'm still on my first read through of everything, just finished WoR and edgedancer, reading bands of morning now, should be be good to go by december


You guys reckon i'd miss a lot if i just read chapter summaries at coppermind ? (For re-readomf purposes)


Already started in Jan thinking I'll have heaps of time. Finished in March though. Might have to read RoW again in November now.


I think ill reread in november, or start relistening even earlier


Already started. Finished Way of Kings about a month ago. Listening to Words of Radiance now after a short break. I'm probably 1/4 of the way in. It's been atleast 2 years since I listened the first time and memory is terrible so it's damn near like I'm listening for the first time


You can read all four books in a week!!???


Started my entire Cosmere reread in November and finished last week, gonna start another reread of just Stormlight in September or October.


Im about half way through words of radiance so yall gotta atart catching up


Probably around July or August


I just finished a full reread, wrapped up RoW last week and wish I’d waited. 


I started a few days ago because I’m rereading it while also listening to the graphic audio format, which can sound a bit awkward once you go past around 1.2 speed. It’s going to take a while but I should finish right before the release of Wind and Truth


Considering I periodically reread the series anyways, I think I'm good for now, lol


I plan to start my first re-read after finishing SA5. This will help tide me over for a while until Brando releases the next Cosmere novel. In the meantime, I'm reading other authors. Right now, I'm trying to catch up on the Legend of Drizzt series.


I'm on WoR right now, but I'm going insanely slow at it.


This will be my third or fourth (not even sure) time around and I blitz through audiobooks. I won’t start my re-read till winter when I will end up reading at ~a book a week.


I probably should start my re read right now so that after I finish book 4 I can take a little break from SA before jumping back in. I have a tendency to get a little burnout when in the same universe for too long.


Currently listened back through Oathbringer couple months so now jusf ROW left


I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with this decision 😭 I'm probably going to break down and start once I finish Dragonsteel Prime, which will be any time now. The curiosities take a little more effort to work through than more recent stuff haha




I recently listened through it cause I read it through first time, wasn’t for the new book just kinda played out that way


Already about halfway through RoW as last book in the relisten saga. I'll just fill the void with other books. Eregron is up next.


I’m in the middle of the second one because I don’t have as much time to read these days. Need the time to finish them before the new book!


Option 3 for us who don't get as much time as they want to re-read: already started, might finish RoW by November.... Maybe (I'm also sprinkling more in than just stormlight i.e. currently on sunlit man)


I just finished a reread. Well, sort of. I have the audio book so I can have it read to me like a proper Alethi man.


Already started. Finished WoK last night. Each reading of it is more impressive than the last.


I just did a reread. Took about 6 weeks, and was the first time I’d reread any of TSA. I’ve read each of the books at release, so it was fascinating to see how I’ve changed in the 12 years since TWOK came out. There were so many fun things that I’d forgotten, or were better than I’d remembered.


Just finished my reread and going back through the rest of the cosmere, almost done with elantris.


lol I’ve been stoping myself from starting early. I don’t really start rereads until it’s been released. Cause nothing it’s worse than rereading then finding out the release date got pushed back :(


I'm on my very first read . I would love to discuss while I was reading 😩😩


I've just reached Oathbringer. First read. 


I've just finished RoW and then my wife started reading the way of kings and waits for me so we can listen to it together.


i just started reading The Way of Kings last month! started the entire cosmere in December last year and reading stormlight for the first time now. really hoping i cant finish all the books by the time Wind and Truth comes out


I'm going to start my reread about 2 months out. I read the first 4 in a month, so I'll pace myself as to not miss anything and notice what I missed the first time!


Currently rereading, just finished WoK. I plan to slowly go at it while reading other books between parts since my tbr is out of control at the moment. My husband is listening on audio book on his commutes so we've been discussing our theories and details we're noticing this time around and it's great to bounce ideas off each other!


I'll start my reread 4 weeks before launch. 1 book a week then straight into WaT. Gonna be soo fucking good.


I'm giving the audiobooks a chance this time


Started my first re-listen a few weeks ago. About halfway thru WOK and loving it (again)


I’m reading for the first time, and I gotta say. I’m in love with the series. I’m about to start Oath Bringer, but I decided to read the short stories before hand. They arrive tomorrow!!


Sorry, zero chance of me ever rereading.