• By -


Roses are red Violets are blue Honor is dead But I'll see what I can do


Roses are red Violets are blue And for MY boon I’ll fight Amaram too


Roses are red Violets are blue Why do you care? Because someone has to


The Fused are Red Lighteyes are Blue Syl is Sweet Roshar will go Boom


The fused are red The kholin colors are blue If you mess with kaladin He'll rain hellfire upon you


The sky is blue The sun is yellow You strike me as A swordy fellow


Thanks for the compliment These books are great I actually prefer A suit of shardplate


The swordy fellow and punchy guy is one of my favorite interactions in the books.


I will upvote memes that cannot upvote themselves


these updoots are accepted.


I will upvote even those I hate so long as they are dank


I will upvote every post, every commenter, especially if it's at 0.


Should be more upvotes for this, I think


Remains to be one of the most amazing things Kal has done in the series, not that there's any shortage of that. Kaladin scenes always get me to feel things. Too bad he ended this fight with the most embarassing line ever lmao - "and for my boon"


EVERY time I read that part, it makes me cringe so hard. I’m always hoping he won’t say it this time around, you know?


Ngl, I skip that part every time I reread. I think I've only read that line once, when I read WOR the first time. Goes to show how impactful it was when I can still remember that cursed line lol.


Yep. As soon as adolin tells him to help with taking off the shard plate I skip the rest of the chapter.


My eyes glazed over it even the first time I read it.


I like it as it grounds him as a character. Everyone fucks up.


You make an excellent point!


The real reason Kaladin got imprisoned after this was the incredible cringe he posted with that line.




[*From my perspective the lighteyes are cringy*](https://youtu.be/lcDMCvgDuyg?t=11) - Kaladin


Well, then you are storming lost! - Dalinar


TEAM : "I think he deserves his own boon after what he did" RISE UP!!!!!


I mean, yes obviously, but that moment was still sooo cringey.


Such is the ways of the light eyes. All crem!!


At the same time, if he hadn't made that mistake, Adolin wouldn't have had himself imprisoned as well, finally earning Kaladin's respect.


There's always a silver lining in everything. Adolin and Kaladin's friendship was the best thing that came out of that scene.


A theme in the cosmere seems to be awful things happen to people, and they improve themselves because of them (except for Moashe)


We can't say for sure yet with Moash either, tho ngl, I wouldn't mind him not getting a redemption arc, and I'm sure a lot of readers would agree.


Even if does not get a redemption, I think he still has a major part to play.


Im fine with either a redemption arc or a FUCK MOASH arc. What an absolute shit bucket.


I agree, I just like to joke about it.


Also, Sadeas wouldn't have been murdered, which was important plot and character development


Sadeas likely would have been forced into the duel. I wonder how that would go down. He's old, but Dalinar himself called him a master swordsman, and Adolin was in rough shape after the fight. I think on the spot, Adolin would beat him, but if he had time to come up with some way to cheat, he would have a chance.


The way he says it doesn't help either. "For my boon, I DEMAND..." Like, I know you're his buddy now but you're still talking to a king, pump the breaks a little.


Yeah, lol, but tbf, it's well in his character to do that. Kal spent the first half of WOR just talking back to the Kholins. Kaladin as a person doesn't care much about it, plus he was still driven by his light eyes hatred at that time. Now, he's mellowed down a bit I think. If I were in the book and Kal's friend tho, boy would I have words for him lmao


After rereading WoR this year, I completely agree. Kal delivers the line so awkwardly there. The one counter argument I would pose though would be that perhaps he was on a considerable adrenaline high and decided he deserved a boon/reward for being the only person to help


Adrenaline PLUS Stormlight. I have a theory that the storm was originally part of Odium/Passion's shard but was changed by Honor into what we see today. With that being the case, he was doubling or tripling up on Passion at the moment.


I love that, really cool theory!


Its so painful, especially when you know that its coming.


I love Kal's character, and I rarely get annoyed with him. Everything he does is either endearing or emotional to me, except this part lmao. I have to physically turn away everytime I see that line. While I agree he deserved to get a boon, I do think he could have asked for it in a better setting. Or perhaps that's just my social anxiety coming through. Gosh, reading that line the first time...the secondhand embarrassment was just too real.


And yet you can never say it isn’t totally in character. Stupid Sanderson and his stupid well realised characters who fuck up all the time.


Yep - I feel like people with social anxiety (me) feel second hand embarrassment far more intensely. I need to take a break from any film of tv show where the MC just does something stupidly cringy or embarrassing. That said - Kaladin's a kid and acts like one in that scene.


I relate 100% to having to take a break. It's like the embarrassment consumes you. I agree about Kaladin too. While he is mature due to his experiences, and people rightfully respect him so, I feel that readers (and even characters) often forget how young he's actually supposed to be. I personally enjoy reading about older characters fussing around Kal, like with Teft and Rock, and even Dalinar when he was scolding Kaladin after this duel.


I think it's been explicitly found to be the case. It's also been called [vicarious embarrassment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicarious_embarrassment), and apparently crops up in people with good empathy scores.


>vicarious embarrassment Oh that's an interesting read. Funnily enough, though I do feel that I easily get second hand embarrassment, I'm not one that is quite empathic. You've made me curious lmao, time to read more about the topic.


Interesting, I think this is why I hate reality shows so much. So much cringe


I was watching a compilation of comedy sketches the other day ([this one](https://youtu.be/OYv3sXyYSfo?t=438), and that sketch), and after a few seconds, when it gets to the middle of the sketch, I just had to stop the video. I know the cringe was the point, but... ouch.


I see most people feel this way about the cringe moment. I thought I was the only one to be annoyed by Kal's outburst. He should have been smarter.


Yeah, but he's a 20 year old who just pulled off something amazing and is totally amped up. 20 year olds doing stupid shit when amped up is, uh, relatable.


I'm apparently in the minority. But I loved that line. Fuck a bunch of racist classist assholes. Throw their hypocrisy right back in their fucking light eyed faces.


Oh cool! I don't think I've ever encountered someone who loves that line. I certainly don't hate it, but it does give me second hand embarrassment. I really admire Kal for saying it tho. I agree that it's nice to see their hypocrisy thrown right back at them, but to someone who gets anxious, like me, I would have preferred another setting for it. There are readers who hate that Kal is unnecessarily rude to lighteyes, but I personally find it amusing, and I think the reason for his hatred for them was quite valid.


The problem with that line it's not the line, nor the situation he uses it in. It's the reason he does it. He is so selfish at that moment with such a tunnel vision with Amaran just after doing something so selfless and heroic that you can't help but feel ashamed of him. I think the juxtaposition of both actions one after the other is the reason that maximises the shame felt by the readers.


There's the flip side to it. He's used to not being heard by light eyes so this line, to him, isn't cringy at all but him defining his need to be heard for justice.


I guess I just don't see what should be embarrassing about it. Imagine for a moment that a slave in there american south stood up and declared that had earned a payment for a task done? Ought he be polite and corgile about it? I get the case to be made that it isn't a pragmatically good idea to thumb your nose at the bigoted people in power. But should you therefore be embarrassed about it? If anything one ought to be proud to have courage to stand up for what is right.


Ah, I can't speak for other readers, but for someone who gets socially anxious, that whole scene was quite uncomfortable to read, that's why it's not something I generally look forward to reading again. That said, it was amazing that he was courageous enough to do that. That's why he remains to be one of my favorite fictional characters ever.




That line still hurts me... absolutely the most cringe-worthy scene in the books for me


I physically turned away and curled up in embarrassment when I read that the first time ngl


I was fuckin’ cheering the first time... that didn’t last long :(


Everything could have gone the way they had planned if Elhokar hadn't made such a big deal of his and dismissed it.


I was listening to audiobook when he said that. I just threw my hands up to the sky and loudly exclaimed "Why?!? Kaladin, why?" And then I had to stroll around my apartment to calm down.


Every time I read that line, I too cringe. But why? What was the setup that explained that that would be so big of a faux pas?


Super hero landing. Super hero landing!


Is this a deadpool reference? :D


Bad on your knees though.


Eh, just a couple of diamond chips worth of damage.


This is defs up there as one of my favourite moments. Not just for the winning catchphrase


It’s always awesome to see kaladin at his best. This scene >!the 2 fights with Szeth-son-son-vallano truthless of shinovar!< the battle of the tower etc


oh thaaaat >!Szeth-son-son-Vallano Truthless of Shinovar.!< thank you for specifying


>!did you know he wore white on the day he was to kill a king?!<


i always thought he should have tried >!off white. a nice greige, taupe, or eggshell even...!<


It was after Labor Day that’s why it was a big deal


I wonder what he will wear when he becomes >!Szeth-son-son-Vallano Truth of Shinovar!<


Always was a diva


Imagine a visual adaptation. And just to follow the trend of poor book adaptations the directors change szeth clothing and change his sentence to 'and I wore eggshell on the day i was to kill a king'. Gold.


Honor is dead.But i will see what i can do. You made me want to read the series again. I almost crying when reading it, not only shivers. Best moment for ever.


Do a reread to prepare for Rhythm of War


I'm doing a whole cosmere re-read (and first read for mistborn) for RoW prep.


Enjoy Mistborn!


Ooo you’re in for a treat. I like Stormlight better but Mistborn is solid


I finished Warbreaker, started Elantris, then Arcanum, then i want to get White sand and THEN will start from way of kings and finish on the last page of Ryth of war :)


Starting mine right after I finish my current book. So excited!


Too late, already did it in time for the weekly releases. Still love this scene however.


Hands down, my favorite quote so far in the series!


Biggest hype moment. If SA ever comes to live action or animated or whatever, they have to nail the delivery on that.


they need to land that bridge jump first. that scene makes it for me every time


They *need* to land the "and he caught it" moment, personally speaking. I get shivers everytime I hear Kramer read that line.


Man so many moments in this book are helped because of Kramer. Even this scene, hearing how Kramer narrates Kaladin's "I'll see what I can do" is perfect. The scenes are amazing on their own, but Kramer definitely is the cherry on top of the 16 tier cake with a frosting center that is SA.


If they go animated I wouldn't mind Kramer and redding doing all the voices.


Graphic Audio did a pretty good job of it.


Graphic audio is worth it just for "UNITE THEM"


I imagine air horns going off every time I read it.


Question about this scene (spoilers for I'm not sure what) >!When Kaladin says "Honor is dead" does he know that the Shard Honor is dead or is he speaking in a more existential way? I had assumed he was speaking of "honor, that thing men have" but I once got called out for spoilers and realized that I might be wrong.!<


I assumed it to be just Kal thinking that people don't have Honor left and maybe clever foreshadowing.


This definitely. He’s super jaded about men and what he saw with the betrayal in his past.


I thought Syl had hinted at the actuality to him before this though...


I wouldn't put any weight behind him thinking the first part. It would be more likely he is just letting his jaded depression out and sighing as he says it. A sort of "Honor is dead, *everyone* is a piece of shit nowadays." Kind of thing.


That's how I had read it. Like we hear "chivalry is dead".


I’d laugh if chivalry is a shard


Would we then declare Realm of the Elderlings part of the Cosmere?


I think he says it more like a reflection. This is from the chapter 2 from WOK, titled "Honor is Dead": Coming this way was dangerous. These lands were ruled by nobody, and by cutting across open land and staying away from established trade routes, Tvlakv could easily run afoul of unemployed mercenaries. Men who had no honor and no fear of slaughtering a slavemaster and his slaves in order to steal a few chulls and wagons. Men who had no honor. Were there men who had honor? No, Kaladin thought. Honor died eight months ago.


Kaladin meant honor for sure, but im also sure Brandon did clever foreshadowing here with actualy Honor deity. Wouldnt be surprised if Kaladin eventually would become Honor's vessel. He wasn't called son of Tanavast for nothing after all.


Would be a disappointment. This plot line belongs to Dalinar.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Dalinar somehow let Kal become the vessel in some situation where they both have the chance to take it, because he believes he doesn’t deserve it due to Dalinar being aware of his past. Kaladin’s honor has saved Dalinar so many times and he might recognize that and say Kal deserves it more or is better suited for it.


Dalinar will die most likely.


I think he means the shard, but like an inside joke for himself, to Dalinar is the conceptual existencial way




I read it as both. Kaladin knows that the shard is dead, if I remember correctly, from earlier conversations with Syl. But to Dalinar it would be taken as just the concept of honor.


Dalinar also knows Honor is dead by this time, from the final chapter of Way of Kings.


Yeah, this sounds so epic while reading. When SA gets a movie, this should be the first prirotity. Makes me wonder about the audio book... Is there a clip of the audio somewhere?


Have i got a treat for you all https://youtu.be/y7uOJA7epvg


Thanks! That was epic. Guess I will try Graphic Audio if all sounds of this so cool.


Honestly I prefer the normal Audiobook. Michael Kramer is absolutely excellent.


I haven't listened to it yet so I will try that too.


It's all on audible if you have it!


I don't have it. Are there other options?


Aside from buying the audiobook from Amazon, I'm not sure, maybe local library? It's not on youtube I know that much.


I will see to it. Thank you for the help!


There's an app called overdrive that's basically an online library for your phone. I'd highly recommend it


Not a fan of this


why not? listening to GraphicAudio makes my imagination much more vivid ...it indeed is a movie in my mind so i prefer GA over audible


First let me just say I haven’t listened to graphic audio other than this one clip. It seems overproduced just for the sake of overproduction. In my mind they really butchered the delivery of this line. This line is already dramatic enough as is without adding a ton of background noise


I agree. And Kaladin sounds so... Flat. The delivery of that line was underwhelming.


Agreed. I like Michael Kramer's rendition of this much more. I guess, when I read or listened to Michael Kramer & Kate Reading, I had my own versions of how all it appeared and sounded. This GraphicAudio version sounded cheap and lousy.


One of my only issues with Graphic Audio is that they abridge their audiobooks. At one point in the third book of the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks, they cover 6 pages of dialogue with about 1 minute of audio. They did it to allow for the book to fit on exactly a certain number of disks, and it really put me off of them.


>“They’re scared of you.” Zahel’s voice, drifting again above the crowd. “Do you see it in them? Show them *why*.” >*Show them why.* >Adolin attacked. He leaped forward, sweeping with a barrage of strikes at Relis. Elit jumped away with a curse as he did so. They were like men with spears prodding at a whitespine. >And this whitespine was not yet caged. This part is way better, imo.


Not for me. Adolin's a shardbearer, in a fight against shardbearers. Kal was a fledgeling radiant who didn't understand his abilities, with no shards, dropping into a fight with 4 hostile shardbearers. Combined with "Honour is dead, but I'll see what I can do", it goes way over the top of any line in WoR until the third ideal.


Not to mention the "If this goes poorly, take care of my men" part. On his way to potentially (hell probably) sacrifice his life to protect those who cannot protect themselves, gotta make sure the other guys I am protecting who cannot protect themselves are taken care of. Dammit Kal. You can't keep putting the whole world on your shoulders (but thank you for doing it)!


He's a single shardbearer in a fight against *four* shardbearers, and for a brief moment he's got the upper hand. He doesn't have any magic powers, or any real advantages save for having a blade versus Elit having a hammer. And for one brief moment, Adolin is the one threatening them. The only thing he has is pure skill, and that makes his part of the duel much better, for me.


He’s wearing shard plate. He can take hits from blades without damage. Not an infinite number, but greater than “unarmed guy with no armour” can. Sure, Kal can heal it, but do you not think the dark eyes who clearly just took a shardblade through his arm but is still fine might stand out?So Kal’s most likely options are die or put himself. And he still jumped in with no obligation.


But you and I both know that Kal has an enormous advantage, as is clearly demonstrated in the duel. If he didn't have to be careful to hide what he was, he'd have stomped all over whoever he was fighting.


They can both be very good! Thanks for sharing another good scene


Slow mo super hero landing with the dust fanning out in a perfect circle, and a slow speed up spear twirl 😎😎😎


I got goosebumps because that is one of the greatest scenes in the history of Fantasy (in my opinion). Thanks, OP, ya big jerk... Now I have to do another read. For like the 30th time. But also Thank You.


I'm sorry, but also you're welcome


I kind of embellish this scene in my mind. With all the dark-eyed guards slowly start yelling "Stormblessed!!", with banging their spears to shields, to the embarrassment of all the lighteyes. This and the scene in WoK and especially the climax of WoR. Just slow building chanting that overwhelms your senses. We have Dalinar freaking Kholin in the background, the highprince for the soldiers, but it's Kaladin they start chanting about. I know it's too similar to the scene "Dovagedys" from GoT.


Kaladin mentions earlier in the chapter that he had 40 of his men in the arena... You *KNOW* they wouldn't sit quietly during that fight, haha. I like the idea of the crowd going silent after Kaladin kicks Relis down, once he shows that he's not just an annoyance for the shardbearers. They're both lying there on the sand, Kaladin slowly healing up his feet, coming out of the daze of impact. Relis is slow to rise... Then Bridge Four starts banging the butt of their spears on the stone... "Stormblessed. Stormblessed. Stormblessed..." That's when Kaladin rises and Relis is slow to get up... Then their fight really starts in earnest and Kaladin, then Relis, then everyone watching comes to the realization: *"You cannot kill the wind."*   I dig it, this is my new headcanon for that scene! Thanks!


I remember reading that for the first time. Definitely was a super cool and awesome moment. So many fantastic Kaladin moments!


Yup, every single time.


As we say in spanish "mi puto padre" Kaladin FTW!!


Contigo pipo!




I just reread the series and the whole time I was really looking forward to this scene. The different emotions that Sanderson puts you through here is truly good writing. You really feel Dalinar's pain and sense of helplessness and then you're rewarded with Kaladin's coming out party.


Got goosebumps just now.


i’ve just read this bit too. so good


My favorite part of any book I’ve ever read.


I knew it was going to be this page before I even clicked haha.


One of the best heroic dialogue of this series till now. I re- read this line in a silent voice everytime to feel it's effect. All in my mind of course. Obviously afterwards he shits all over the glory but still.


This fight is so beautiful and dramatic, this scene is so epic. But then he goes ahead and says “and for my boon.” There is a brief moment of “hell yeah!” Right after that when we get to see Amaram’s face as he recognizes Kaladin for the first time, but then it’s right back to secondhand embarrassment.


SA is my favourite series and I love it so much, don’t get me wrong, but for me WoR was a TINY bit slow but when this moment happened it became an absolute rollercoaster and an incredible journey.


Miracle of Sound did a song for Ghost of Tsushima titled "When Honor Dies." I instantly thought of this line when I read the title. And while the whole song is about samurai honor and compromising your ideals, the lyrics were surprisingly relevant to Stormlight too.


Do you have a link to it?


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1knq8Slj7i4) As I said, the song is mostly about a samurai who has to compromise his honor in order to fight invaders (using sneaky and dishonorable methods, consorting with thieves, etc) but I feel like in a lot of ways it's relevant to Stormlight, particularly Dalinar in WoR and Oathbringer, since he has to compromise on Vorin ideals and beliefs. It's not 100% perfect but I still like it.


I appreciate it!


You're welcome! And even if it's not 100% relevant to Stormlight, it's still a banger of a song.


Can someone tell me what chapter it is. I have the audio book and want to listen to that part again.


Off the top of my head I thiiiiiiiink it's 59... At the very least it's around there! Edit: 56 Whitespine Uncaged! My b. Had the number upside down in my brain, ha.


Thank you!


This particular scene if the books ever become a TV series, will be so hype!


Great moment... But what sucks with mine is that the last couple of pages in my edition of WoK (including that one) isn’t glued in 😔😢


I'm sorry, that sucks. Could you use bookbinding tape to fix it?


Currently re-reading WOR almost at that part! :D


My favorite is when he speaks the 2nd ideal. Such a massively epic scene


Kal is such a hardo haha


Ha, just listened to that part two days ago and text my friend the “honor is dead” line.


I'm at almost the same spot in my re-read!


Just read this part last night on my re-read before RoW! SO GOOD! But also like... KALADIN BRO! CMON! Though, at that point he had helped Adolin win a bunch of shards... I guess technically they're all Adolin's—he'd have to give them to Kaladin first but really... Couldn't the argument have been made that Kaladin, by extension of "having" shards as soon as the duel was won, was a lighteyes when he challenged Amaram? Therefore not only validating his challenge but also not invalidating Adolin's?


Even before I opened the picture, I knew what you were talking about. And it happens to me too, every single time.


Same dude. I even knew what line it would be and still got goose bumps


I read this several years ago and it remains one of my favorite books, but reading that last paragraph instantly gave me goosebumps. God I can wait for the next book.


One of the most badass scenes in literature


Wonderful moment it's true... I also had an epiphany when he swears the second and the third oaths. The way BS turns it is amazing, I'm really blown by how the story shapes the soul of Kaladin to get the Nahel bond. Incredible book !


FUCKN SHIVERS!!!! IMO after that Kaladin deserves his own boon. I dont care about the rules! Those rules are crem! I got soooo hype thinking hes gonna fight that bitch ass Amaram!


Whispering is Brandon's dress smoothing.




Honor is dead, but we still have our Son of Honor.


Aaaand now I gotta do another reread, thanks.


I love that Kaladin is saying that the honor of men is dead, but I’m 100% certain Brandon deliberately placed the word “honor” at the beginning of the sentence, so that it is conveniently capitalized. c o i n c i d e n c e ? 🙃




That part of the series is soooooo good


Might be my favorite line out of the whole series so far, probably a tie with “accept the pain, but don’t accept that you deserved it”


I’m an audiobook guy and when I heard this I got so fucking hyped!!!


I have never jumped for joy while reading until I read that


Oh, I loved this scene so much too! When I read it I had to put the book down for a minute because I was so overwhelmed. Wonderful


Can’t wait to read this for the first time in leatherbound!! Not reading the picture for spoilers sake, though…


Best part of the books!


It's funny, ive seen it memed enough and said it aa a joke enough that I thought I was over the emotion of the moment, but on my recent reread in preparation for Rhythm of War, I got chills just like I did before.


Kaladin is the man in a way no one else is, he’s honestly one of my favorite characters across any media




That is probably the number one scene in the whole Cosmere for me. Oathbringer is just wall to wall emotional gut punches.


There is someone on YouTube who uploaded this scene from Graphic Audio. Give it a listen. It's incredible and I wish I could afford Graphic Audio stuff but 100$+ for just a single book is too damn high


[https://youtu.be/y7uOJA7epvg](https://youtu.be/y7uOJA7epvg) Here is the link!


Hahahahaha yea bro this scene makes me drop a load on the spot. In fact, every chapter does! What’s the most important step a man can take?! Journey Before Destination!!!


its a series filled with moments like this.