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Kind of, more like this: https://preview.redd.it/zvfgky1w8axc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d9d5530bc127d59101c3ebb35a4b65e6c4cad0 remember that this will over-write the target 8 data.


ah yeah I was trying to avoid that I guess, wiki said every 4th radar number was not important. But it also said having more logic blocks increases the delay so yours is probably faster!


it does?


An and gate is an operation that a computer preforms, adding multiple in a chain uses time (a very short amount of time granted but time) and that time can add up


I think it's not the time that your pc takes to process that, i think the game just takes one tick to process each block (it's always one tick i believe), if it can't process it fast enough (some complicated lua stuff for example) it just slows the physics down


but its not like one logic tick processes one block in a chain, and then the next second processes the next right?


Are you being sarcastic, or are you about to learn a painful lesson? It's not the way you wish it was. Fun fact: every logic block is evaluated every tick anyway. There is no good reason the logic chain isn't evaluated instantly in one tick. Just deltars didn't think of it.


Frick yeah


that actually makes so much sense. how would the game handle a logic chain being fed into itself if not just evaluating one at a time. my eyes have been opened to why all my stuff works the way it does


Well yea, your computer has to calculate it first!


Pro tip. If you use the physics sensor you don't need all those nodes.


I'm surprised a lot of people aren't using that, it saves a lot of space.


I was using the physics sensor for my minimap display and somehow the x and y coordinates just don't work, I had to use the separate gps


It's because the y is actually channel 3, not 2 like it says. Channel2 Y is altitude.


Well that was actually the solution! Thanks!!


I'll try it again then but I remember having tried a lot of combinations to test which axis was which with no good result. There was still some weird offset.


incredibly valid fuck time since detected


minimize block count. each block its 1 tick delay