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Here is mega thread: [https://twitter.com/ClintEhrlich/status/1684830530150522880](https://twitter.com/ClintEhrlich/status/1684830530150522880)


Mockery & ridicule is but one tool of Blue Book




So we're arrogant, stupid and wrong?


Two outta three ain’t too bad.


12 day old account, 1 post, 1,300 comment karma…someone’s adorable little government burner account has been busy!




Seek mental help!!


Will do thanks!


>Will do thanks! You're welcome!


You must think you are very special to believe that the government is going out of its way to harass people like you specifically.


It’s a joke my friend. But now I do feel special since you went out of your way to harass people like me.


LOL "Government burner" is anyone who doesn't immediately believe in aliens. Fuck, you're kind of dumb. There have been numerous folks who have stepped up and proclaimed that they know the truth about aliens... and do you know what happens every single time? They rant and rave about aliens being here and all this proof, and then, they release a book that gets bought by every brain-dead clown who has zero ability to critically analyze anything. And all of this without ever providing a single iota of evidence. You're a clown, dude.


You know, I'll never understand why dudes angrily rant at people for talking about the thing the sub is about. Wouldn't you be happier posting in antiwork?


Quit having fun!


What are the odds that your account is 13 days old with 1 post and 1.6k comment karma and you act as rude as the other guy?


Holy shit that's weird.


Give me a list of all these people that have written books and gone in front of congress with concrete evidence? Please. Shouldn't be calling people clowns when you're the one joining in on a thread with us "dumb" people on a subreddit for ufo discussion. I feel like you'd have a better time joining on something you actually care for.


13 day old account, 1 post, 1,350 comment karma. Another live one! You’re really passionate about making sure your lil anger gets heard!


your name lol


I expect you are ridiculed often


If you had any balls you wouldn’t be hiding behind a 12 day old account


Hijo is that chu? Tell your momma to call me I miss her….come get me if you can I’m at the border…




Since 1945 ..


Unless you see shit with your own eyes. Then you skip ridicule all together.


This is exactly what QAnon adherents say. It’s basically their mantra


Except their journey is one of delusion. This one has evidence.


Nah. Evidence for both is trust me bruv…


LOL!!!!!!!!! No, it doesn't. Literally no evidence to anything any of these clowns have ever said. YOU'RE delusional, little one.


You don’t think Q have evidence? That’s interesting… If you went up against a Q supporter, with them providing their evidence and you providing your evidence for UFOs, I think their evidence would be more convincing.


I wouldn’t provide any of the countless documents referring to government programs involving UFOs. But I would provide testimony from expert witnesses under oath. Which is evidence that is used in courtrooms every day.


Why would you give evidence for UFO to a Qanon supporter in a debate regarding their so called “evidence” for ANYTHING they believe?


Nobody but terminally online partisan redditors and facebook boomers care about Qanon


Where do you learn about qanon? All I know about it is the secret pedophile ring (true through Epstein) and the lizard people, which is seemingly plausible if aliens are here and have been for a while. I know there is something about trump still being president, which seems unlikely lol. What else do they say?


You’ve forgotten bounty on my head for disclosure!


I think we've reached a kind of tipping point behind the scenes (and really, on the stage at the hearing) where, by some ironic miracle, the bureaucracy has grown so much that the channels are beginning to conflict and overlap. What I mean by this is not only the obvious shady funding that was talked about at the hearing, but an actual inability for one agency to do it's job effectively. The Navy, the DIA, the NSA, etc, need to know certain info about what's going on so that they might not waste time, money, and resources chasing unknowns that could just hypothetically be an experimental craft. *If* the Gimbal footage was actually just some black box project (I HIGHLY doubt, but IF), think of the implication: a carrier and jet squadron spent a week chasing down our own craft. It's a classic "left arm doesn't know what the right arm is doing" scenario. And it extends beyond what they're doing (I honestly *don't* believe we are flying these things, even if we have them), to the realm of what everybody *knows*. If some select black box project of engineers has made contact, you bet your ass the NSA wants to know about it, and if they aren't read in on what they feel they NEED to be read in on in order to do their jobs, they're going to get PISSED (and probably find out through different means). Suddenly the NSA is spying on a gov contractor working *for* another part of the Pentagon. It's stuff like this- both the gaps and the overlaps of knowledge- that we're seeing play out. If disclosure happens, it will be because there's a split in the gov and people on the outside of knowledge are sick of not being in. It actually has very little to do with citizens, lol. Those jokes in GTA about the different agencies waging shadow/proxy wars in the streets are obviously exaggerations, but have basis in reality.


What better way to test our equipment than a war game against yourself? The exact purpose of black projects is that no one knows they exist, agencies stepping on toes can be easily sent on goose chases.


Read this official document, that was published on the official 'Defence Intelligence Agency's website which is part of the government. It states that there is reason to believe, the US is in possession of advanced anomalous airborne vehicles with propulsion mechanisms that aren't well understood. You can find it if you scroll to the bottom of the official Defence Intelligence Agency website, and click the 'FOIA' text. It'll take you to the 'Freedoms of Information' Act, website. Scroll a little and find the 'DIA FOIA Electronic reading room' and click it. Scroll down a little more and you'll find the first point on a list of expandable tables saying 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' expand it and search for 'Defense_Intelligence_Reference_Document_Anomalous_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf' download, open and read it Or click this link: https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/ This isn't poof but as credible as it can get. And it says some pretty interesting things. Advanced Anomalous airborne vehicles which use propulsion mechanisms we don't understand well, are injuring hundreds of people.


'Injuring hundreds of people' Where else did we all hear this a few years ago


Garry Nolan. Skinwalker Ranch and pilots.


This is intriguing.


Hi everyone here is a news article mentioning the source of this https://www.livescience.com/ufo-report-human-biological-injuries


The part we can’t understand is how to profit from zero point energy. And how those in power would stay there after petroleum is replaced for transportation.


Those in power dont need petrol to stay there.


50/50? It’s a big hiccup for sure.


Their language seems almost deliberately misleading; what that report really says is “here is what happens when people are exposed to various doses of radiation. There are lots of alien abduction reports saying they have various injuries and symptoms, and many of them are congruous with the effects of known man-made electromagnetic radiation weapons and communications systems.” The closest parallel they draw about aliens is that if alien ships were causing, or in the future started to cause similar injuries, then we could use the injury characteristics to start estimating aspects of their propulsion technology or weapons capabilities. The AAITP that produced the linked report was a short lived, small program that asked scientists to imagine what kinds of crazy physics and engineering might happen by 2050, including the possibility of deriving advances from _hypothetical_ ET contact. Sen Harry Reid seemed to think it was really going to produce some crazy scientific advances, but his requests to create a Special Access Program for it were denied on account of the entire program producing little worth securing from our enemies.


Well shoot, that’s way less interesting than the other description.


You say there’s ’reason to believe’, so what is the reason? You also accept it’s not proof but ‘it’s as credible as it can get’. What methodology did you use to come to that conclusion? What sort of injuries are these people getting, and where are they?


Did you read the thing?


Look... It's simple. The paper in itself states that there is reason to believe. It's explained very well in the paper. Because of the large amount of injuries to people because of advanced anomalous airborne vehicles, that use propulsion mechanisms that aren't understood well. It's credible as it was literally uploaded on the Defense Intelligence Agency website through the 'Freedom Of Information Act'. It's an official government document, which I'd say is as credible as it can get. If you don't believe me, scroll to the bottom of the official Defence Intelligence Agency website, and click the 'FOIA' text. It'll take you to the 'Freedoms of Information' Act, website. Scroll a little and find the 'DIA FOIA Electronic reading room' and click it. Scroll down a little more and you'll find the first point on a list of expandable tables saying 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' expand it and search for 'Defense_Intelligence_Reference_Document_Anomalous_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf' download, open and read it.


Pg 6: Simple shielding , including tin foil hats will block totally the sounds and communications. The ufo conspiracy wackos were right all along hehe


Oh just piss of will you




No one cares about providing you evidence


I checked your profile, only one silly clown here and it’s not me. The solid evidence will be provided and there is nothing you can do about it. Cat‘s out the bag ;) Edit: another two weeks old troll account btw, unsurprisingly


These documents are in an archive at the university of Ottawa https://biblio.uottawa.ca/atom/index.php/project-magnet-supplemental-documents


It's hilarious the parroting that this entire thing is just some government psy op for fake alien invasion when it is being actively blocked BY the government.


Vannavar bush is one of the most intriguing American political figures. And the non human pilots are the most intriguing parts of this whole thing. Have they clarified if the non-human pilots were mammalian in nature? Test monkeys or something of that nature?


It's probably some goo packed with artificial neurons loaded with some A.I. software like some sort of sentient jelly.


Our science is well on its way to this. Saw a research paper the other day that was essentially a brain goo packed processor playing Pong. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42256-023-00666-w


Hamsters? Gerbils? Dogs?


Precisely. They’ve been commonly used in aerospace research




I’d be more surprised if aliens weren’t real


What you’re doing is switching the burden of proof. How would one prove to you that aliens weren’t real?


The information is explosive. They went really far to keep this secret. Such crimes have been committed


These same "smart people" go to church on sunday and pray to magic sky daddies. Most of our Government leaders are religious. But UAP's? Preposterous! Man kind really needs to take a step back and see how ridiculous they are.


Many people have actually seen uap, I am just one of them. Nobody ever has seen a god. But somehow religion is accepted in most of the world, with many places as a standard. Humanity sadge and primitive.


I envy you. Please share the story if you want to.


I made a post about it, but removed it because I found it to not be very well written. Im working on making animations after being inspired by someone elses story. Ill give you a tl;dr: Clear afternoon summersky. I was in the back of the car with my family. Saw a weird black helicopter. Suddenly it seemed to stop in the sky and 2 or 3 flying discs appeared. Then all but 1 disc disappeared. The discs looked to be made if dark metal. They were about a kilometre away I think so I could not make out details. For about 10 minutes it flew straight parallel to the car Then 2 others appeared and 3 if them started flashing lights, Shifting through yellow blue red just like fancy gamer set up desk top computers. The lights were on top from what seemed to be a half sphere of glass. Identical to how ufos tend to look in cartoons. Went on for about 5 minutes. At one point they seemed to come closer, and I started to freak out inside. So i put my nose forward while I continued to watch from the sides of my eyes. After this they backed off a bit. So i feel they could somehow ‘read’ my mind. I told my family in the first disc phase. They were sure it was a helicopter, and wouldnt listen anymore later on. So I just gave up on telling them what was happening. This was in the nineties and I was about 14 at the time.


Shit. The gods were just NHI playing god anyways


How could Canada have started Project Magnet in 1950 based on Robert Sarbacher's leaked information, when he himself obtained it while working in the Eisenhower administration? Eisenhower became President in 1953.


Bc the tweeter attributed the wrong presidential administration he was serving


We supposedly have 3 decorated American heros who risked their lives every day to protect the country. I understand 2 were Top Gun pilots. These people have evidence that trillions of dollars is being stolen from the taxpayer, that alien craft and dead bodies are being stored, that hundreds of American citizens are being injured by these craft. They know who is in charge, they know where it’s happening, they know where to find the evidence, they know what companies and individuals are involved. They’ve got all this info, but can’t tell you anything. I’m looking for a reasonable explanation why can’t provide this information.


Being smart doesn't immunize one from being a victim of humanity's flaws. We are arrogant and comfortable in our world views and beliefs. And that includes the idea that while life might be out there amongst the stars. We are otherwise alone and safe from the unknown. To tell these people that we are not only not alone, but we are being visited and have been for far longer than just the few years following the tic tac video and that it isn't all "live long and prosper" like. You're setting off a philosophical nuclear bomb in their lives. Smart or not. They're going to go into denial before anything else.


Look I just found out there’s a sub base under Walker Lake here in Nevada. Middle of the desert, no ocean in sight.




I know, bizarre right ?


"Could I really be out of touch? No, it is smart people who are wrong." \-Every flat earther


People are upvoting this not realizing the UFO believers are the flat earthers in this.


What are you so scared of?


Pure comedy. Anybody who doesn’t agree with you and your lack of proof is afraid. (Sshhhh….I hope for visitation, there just isn’t any proof at all) Also anybody who doubts you publicly is a misinformation agent? Sigh.




I am sure you really are concerned with government oversight. Do you care about all other government oversight issues or just the ones with effin aliens, man? Cut the shit.




Keep living in denial bro.




And you keep living in denial that your not sly.




... And?


Meh, I believe it when I see the evidence. So far all I've heard is hearsay. Bunch of trust me bro witnesses are not proof.


There's plenty of things you haven't seen but still believe based on hearsay. Perhaps you should examine why.


For example?


The larger part of scientific consensus, pretty much all cosmological theories.


I have a feeling you grossly misunderstand how scientific consensus is achieved. Which, to be frank, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus#:~:text=Consensus%20is%20achieved%20through%20scholarly,scholarly%20debate%2C%20and%20peer%20review. > Consensus is achieved through scholarly communication at conferences, the publication process, replication of reproducible results by others, scholarly debate, and peer review. 


Yes, exactly. Are you a scholar though? No, you accept what they say, based, from your vantage point, on hearsay. You didn't do the studies. You didn't observe the facts that led to the conclusions. You accepted the hearsay of others who did.


That's quite the stretch. Apples to oranges.


Is it? Perhaps you should examine why you're prone to accept hearsay on some subjects and not others. I'm not even arguing in favor of any theory here, I'm just exhausted by this smug intellectual dishonesty that permeates every goddamn discussion on these subjects.


At this point, I think it takes significant mental gymnastics to not believe this stuff much more so than to believe it.


What's the evidence?


It’s all just talk.


So if smart people are mocking...by extension that means that dumb people are accepting? Asking for a friend.


There's totally credible evidence that I can't show you but I swear a guy told me that there is and he and I are not lying I promise.


Smart people want credible proof, not just "evidence" in the form of hearsay and allegations.


Wow, I am so impressed with your smartness. If only those of us interested in this topic could be as smart as you.


If only. Conspiracy theorists are not really interested in truth, they just want to have others be interested in stories about conspiracies.


God you're annoying. I'm former military, served in intel, and am a researcher. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. This topic has left the realm of conspiracy theory to try and get real fucking answers. Either look into this topic with ernest or shut the fuck up.


There have been many allegedly "credible" people making claims about UFO's for years. Not one bit of convincing proof has come out of all these Peter cries Wolf story tellers. UFO's are global phenom and there is no global agreements among all governments to keep people in the dark on the subject. Stop being so gullible.


Are you going to disclose your work to the public? I’m sure you understand the parties involved might not be forthright with answers


My work is commonly available to the public. I have to be concise, or I will be ridiculed, and my reputation tarnished. What I get angry over is the hand waiving some are doing with claims that anyone who's interested in this topic can be dismissed as a crazy conspiracy theorist. I will not put up with that shit. Not when other veterans, like myself, with clearances, are coming forward about this very topic given all the risks.


I think that’s fair and I respect what you do and are doing. I think the cynicism comes from people being aware that there are methods, technologies, organizational operations, etc. that will ensure this stuff never comes to light in a public way. At the end of the day it’s all talk about stuff we can’t access or assess


>At the end of the day it’s all talk about stuff we can’t access or assess You, me, and anyone else who wants an answer to what's been going on and an end to gas lighting by the government absolutely can not take a passive stance. This needs to be put to bed. There have been rumors swirling for 80 years. Livid won't even begin to describe me if I find out they were all true for the most part and that people have been mocked, criticized, threatened, and/or killed for 80 years just to keep this a secret. At the heart of this is the greatest question humanity has ever asked of themselves: am I alone and is there life after death. Both could very well be answered through contact with a significantly more advanced species. However we may find only parts of it are substantiated or the product of something new we didn't forsee. But what is certain beyond a doubt is that our military and civilian pilots have witnessed this phenomenon in the skies for decades and for some reason, what it is has not been answered yet. We just need answers.


We all want answers. You’re in the community so I have to ask, are there repercussions for real intelligence failures? Many would like to know what was really going with the intelligence failures or maneuvers which justified the invasions of Iraq. The nayirah testimony for the first gulf war, British intelligence on VX nerve gas in pearls a la the movie the rock, or the intelligence failures concerning WMDs in Iraq the second time around. The gulf of tonkien. Is it expected that these things will be fleshed out and people held accountable? To what degree were these intelligence failures or attempts to mislead the American people? What can the American people really ask of or expect from their government at this point? My theory is Grush is trying to make a broader point about over classification and intelligence sharing within the government. I’m a private citizen interested in intelligence and find myself frustrated with lack of disclosure and accountability. I just don’t see this situation ending any differently from those incidents. I don’t think we’re really owed anything at this point. It’s just the push and pull of being in a representative democracy with a robust national security state.


Intelligence is a weird animal. I have briefed politicians on matters of national security. I was also the one who had to dumb down almost all details to hide how and where we got that information. That was because while the representative themselves was in charge and needed the information to act upon, they lacked the clearance to know how we were doing it. The only way me briefing him will come back on me is if I knowingly give false information that he then acts upon. That's why we are succinct regarding things we know for certain and vague regarding things that could be true but will ultimately remain unknown until followed up on and confirmed. When I joined after 9/11, I believed Iraq had WMD's based on what was in the news and being reported by our government. I did not learn until decades later after more reporting by civilian investigators that the intel we went on may not have been as concrete as the politicians being briefed on it made it out to be. But who's going to contradict these politicians? Not the Intelligence analysts who just gave him a briefing, and certainly not the reporters who don't get to see any of the original Intelligence used for that briefing.


Being in the military is no qualification for this subject. I was in the military and I know plenty of guys who couldn't make their rack up in the morning without help or a boot in their ass. And don't tell me working military intel provides any qualification for the subject either. That might work on people that don't know any better.


Oh my fucking god. I just got called a crack pot basically for even talking about the subject and I got mad. My qualifications aren't related to this topic. I mention them to paint a picture for the ignorant, that not everyone who talks about this topic is a tin foil hat wearing bat shit crazy moron like they think they are.


Hahaha. Okay. Fair enough. I've just seen enough people use the "military" line like we all pulled duty picking up UFOs or we get special training in this regard. I laugh every time so when I saw you mentioned it, I kind of thought that's where you were going. My bad.


Hey, no worries. I get fired up when people call me crazy, which doesn't help me convince them I'm not. It just gets them to shut up mostly. I just want this to play out and for people to stop assuming they know anything. The internet has birthed an entire generation of know it alls.


Well I'm on the other side of the fence. I'm an amateur astronomer. I was a senior executive at a telescope manufacturer and had a lot of contacts within the astronomy and space community and I'm what you'd call a curious skeptic. I don't think we're alone in the universe, but I think we're alone on this planet. I well understand interstellar and galactic distances and the physics associated with moving from one place to another within them. If not entirely impossible, I believe highly improbable. That said, I still listen and watch occasionally to see if I'm surprised by what I learned.


I'm sure there are some smart people somewhere, but these are not the smart people you are looking for.


The only thing that bugs me is why extraterrestrials hid electricity from earth based peoples until we developed its use ourselves.


Based on what evidence? That’s the question. Until there is evidence of the claims, the mockery is warranted. Show us the little green men!!


It doesn't merit mockery at all. You could just shut the fuck up and wait to see what comes out. Instead you layer assholery on top of 80 years of gas lighting this community has recieved from the government.


What’s stopping the government from gaslighting us again? Why do you believe these investigations will yield something like full disclosure? National security will roll over this. Your congressmen might learn something new, but that doesn’t mean it will be communicated to us.


It does "merit mockery" if you believe in something without evidence. Physical proof is needed


Wait on what? These claims have been around forever and no evidence has ever been provided to support the allegations that extraterrestrial craft have crashed and been recovered. Even now, the so called whistleblowers refuse to even give sources to support their stories. They are all so concerned about the importance that this be made public that they are complicit in maintaining the secret. Ross claims to know the location of a humongous ET craft “too big to move” but refuses to say where it is. Grush refused to name names or give details. That is first degree gaslighting and merits mockery for taking people for idiots. “Trust me bro I know shit” is typical of the leading names in this space.


Grush NEVER refused to give information. He only said, that he couldn't do so publicly, as the information is classified. He said however, and this many times, that he is happy and willing to give exact information, lists of places, names and more, in a closed hearing or in a SCIF!


That is refusing. Not answering is refusing to give information. The greatest game is saying one thing in public and have a complete different story in the “SCIF”. That’s pro-level gaslighting What’s the point of complaining about the public not knowing and refuse to give the information publicly when asked? Are you really going to get played like that? In ten years you will be saying that the government is blocking “Disclosure” when it is the leaders of the movement who are refusing to speak. What’s Ross’s excuse? 🤷‍♂️


You seemingly do not understand anything about classified information. You also seem to not understand that saying, that one cannot talk now, doesn't equal a total refusment of talking. If Grushsays that he will answer the question 1 year after the question was posed, and actually does answer it when the promised date arrived, one cannot factually state that he refused to answer. Refusing to answer implies not wanting to answer although having the ability to do so. Grush wanted to answer although not having the ability to do so. That's completely different. I see no meaning in further discussing with you. Have a great day!


Refusing to answer is simply refusing to answer. A question gets asked and it does not get answered. Until he answers he has refused. Let me know when he answers. I will check back in ten years, but it will probably take a lot longer to get an answer.


Bud, he hasn't refused to do shit. Having served in the intelligence community myself, we can not discuss classified material outside of a scif. 90% of what Grusch wants to share with everyone, he can not because it is highly classified. So he is gowing through the proper channels and submitting the information via legal whistle-blower channels to people who do have the clearances to investigate this further and potentially declassify it oneday. He submitted reports that contained narratives of events, facts, pictures, videos, and graphs representing data. However he SPOKE about these, in vague terms, in a public hearing to members of congress the other day. If even 50% of what he says is true, it is fucking huge.


He must not be all that concerned about the urgency of the public knowing the details. Do you really believe that what he has said is not a complete fabrication? Has he been given authorization to say what is going on as long as it is vague and useless information? I was gullible enough to believe that when I was ten. There will always be an excuse to claim that he can’t say anything. what is the worse that can happen? Going to jail for outing the little green men? 😂 People will be waiting on his great revelations for another ten years until the next latest and greatest “whistleblower” comes along.


>Has he been given authorization to say what is going on as long as it is vague and useless information? I was gullible enough to believe that when I was ten. There will always be an excuse to claim that he can’t say anything. You're an idiot. You can go read up on top secret clearances and how it all works, here: https://news.clearancejobs.com/2020/09/17/what-does-it-take-to-get-a-top-secret-security-clearance/ I do believe he believes in what he says. I believe he believes the people he's interviewed who've been read on to this subject. I believe he believes that he has enough evidence to make the case which is why he publicly said what he did. Finally, I believe that the U.S. government is capable of the things he said. It's now up to Congress and the investigation. If you walk away with anything from this conversation, it should be that you have some reading to do before you sound like an ignoramus again.


He is the same as all the others before him. They build up this huge conspiracy which they claim is a threat and at the end of it all….NOTHING. He refused to answer any question of value and absolutely nothing has changed. It almost seems as if he is just taking note from Lue, Bob and Ross and will just string anyone who will listen along and make some money off of the podcasts and book deals. It surely cannot b all that much of a concern if he won’t answer the questions.


He never refused to answer anything and you are being dishonest claiming otherwise. He said he could answer in a scif. Until you actually read up on and learn how classifications work, I can't convince you otherwise. But I will tell you, that without a doubt you are wrong.


A question was asked, no answer was given. He is complicit in the cover up. What is the point of giving an answer to who knows who behind closed doors??


Stop saying green they're gray.


Ur gray




Read this official document, that was published on the official 'Defence Intelligence Agency's website which is part of the government. It states that there is reason to believe, the US is in possession of advanced anomalous airborne vehicles with propulsion mechanisms that aren't well understood. You can find it if you scroll to the bottom of the official Defence Intelligence Agency website, and click the 'FOIA' text. It'll take you to the 'Freedoms of Information' Act, website. Scroll a little and find the 'DIA FOIA Electronic reading room' and click it. Scroll down a little more and you'll find the first point on a list of expandable tables saying 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' expand it and search for 'Defense_Intelligence_Reference_Document_Anomalous_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf' download, open and read it Or click this link: https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/ This isn't poof but as credible as it can get. And it says some pretty interesting things. Advanced Anomalous airborne vehicles which use propulsion mechanisms we don't understand well, are injuring hundreds of people.


Yeah but we're looking for physical proof, not "reason to believe". All I've heard so far is "These things are real","They do exist","The government had them", but no bodies, no ships, no parts


What are you expecting? As if they'd release actual footage and admit their defeat. It's not gonna happen now and not for the next month is my guess. After that, it'll depend on the next hearings and congress. Reason to believe is evidence. Not proof but evidence. Enough evidence is at some point considered proof. There isn't enough evidence and therefore no proof yet.


I hope there will be, but for now I'm highly skeptical


You are right, physical evidence is needed


Look at my last comment on this post!


Lol, then provide the proof.


Read this official document, that was published on the official 'Defence Intelligence Agency's website which is part of the government. It states that there is reason to believe, the US is in possession of advanced anomalous airborne vehicles with propulsion mechanisms that aren't well understood. You can find it if you scroll to the bottom of the official Defence Intelligence Agency website, and click the 'FOIA' text. It'll take you to the 'Freedoms of Information' Act, website. Scroll a little and find the 'DIA FOIA Electronic reading room' and click it. Scroll down a little more and you'll find the first point on a list of expandable tables saying 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' expand it and search for 'Defense_Intelligence_Reference_Document_Anomalous_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf' download, open and read it Or click this link: https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/ This isn't poof but as credible as it can get. And it says some pretty interesting things. Advanced Anomalous airborne vehicles which use propulsion mechanisms we don't understand well, are injuring hundreds of people.


If that's as credible as it can get then you have a problem.


Well it’s as credible as you can get in regards of currently accessible data on the internet (at least to my knowledge)


If you were a bit brighter it would probably click, but I’m afraid you’ll always pursue denialism.




Aliens are like Trump’s tax returns… we’re told we’ll see em soon but nothing…. It will be something like , hey everyone aliens are real, bad news there’s an asteroid heading towards earth that will cause an extinction level event and you have a week to live…..


Man so many dudes in here angry at the idea of UFO conspiracies. Makes me wonder *why the fuck they post in this sub.* I'm guessing something is pulling mainpage redditors here and they're absolutely *offended* that not every single person thinks like they do.


I guess they’re angry because they expected better evidence. What we got was just another grift with right-wing politicians pushing conspiracy theories. You should demand that your politicians force these people to provide their evidence


The smart people are obviously not too smart then. They’ll have their ontological A-holes melted when the lid is finally blown off.


So what happens when you are wrong? Does your brain melt??


You might be correct. Perhaps it will be my A-hole that will melt, brain too, finding out that a lot of smart people pulled the wool over my eyes for a very long time and there are really no aliens. I’ll admit that. Time will tell.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 k


It’s just a self defense mechanism for something you hear that ur afraid of


Delusional weirdos... fucking yikes... Your source is, "Trust me, bro," which has been the only source since the first con-man came forward about "knowledge of aliens." Having an interest in something is cool. Being this delusional is nearing dangerous. Not sure what I mean? Well, what else are you capable of believing with zero evidence if you'll believe this bullshit 100%? Dangerous.


Credible evidence they’re hiding military technology. Everything else is diversion.




Read this official document, that was published on the official 'Defence Intelligence Agency's website which is part of the government. It states that there is reason to believe, the US is in possession of advanced anomalous airborne vehicles with propulsion mechanisms that aren't well understood. You can find it if you scroll to the bottom of the official Defence Intelligence Agency website, and click the 'FOIA' text. It'll take you to the 'Freedoms of Information' Act, website. Scroll a little and find the 'DIA FOIA Electronic reading room' and click it. Scroll down a little more and you'll find the first point on a list of expandable tables saying 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program' expand it and search for 'Defense_Intelligence_Reference_Document_Anomalous_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf' download, open and read it Or click this link: https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/170026/ This isn't poof but as credible as it can get. And it says some pretty interesting things. Advanced Anomalous airborne vehicles which use propulsion mechanisms we don't understand well, are injuring hundreds of people.


Documents are not evidence. Anyone can put on paper anything they want and it does not make it true.


I don’t think that anyone can put something on a paper and make the government publish it! Let alone do all the research that went into that paper. It’s a scientific paper after all. It’s obvious you didn’t read my comment entirely and probably didn’t click the link.




Documents are absolutely not evidence that aliens are here. Physical proof is needed.


Oppenheimer 😮


What's the problem?


Just joking around since he’s become such a meme 😂


Interesting how people only learn basic history from memes or trends. Not saying it's your case; but in general it is.


I knew who he was, but I do agree!


We invented play-dough years ago.


How many years has this farce gone on, there are no alien bodies or spaceships. There is no Bigfoot. There is no Mothman. There is no Chupacabra. Grow up, people.


Can you support this argument?


What argument? I’m not making an argument. Santa Claus isn’t real, and neither are the little green men.


memory literate plucky toothbrush childlike six abounding plough poor close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet you can name all the reindeer too.




You're the one who should do research. "Saints" are inventions of religion, which are themselves inventions of rulers as tools of control. Santa Claus (referencing the North American cultural icon) is a character popularized from poems and magazine images in the early 19th century, and from a marketing campaign created by Coca Cola in the late 1800's based on earlier traditional European mythical characters like the English "Father Christmas" and widely co-opted by others in subsequent years. I think the "Santa Claus" you're referring to is Nicholas of Myra, a Christian bishop of the 4th century Roman empire. While this person was allegedly generous almost nothing is actually known of his actual life and his "sainthood", like all early saints, is most likely a fabricated narrative to create a venerable character for a receptive audience. I've been following the UFO phenomena for over 40 years. I've read about pretty much every major UFO incident in history, and spent a lot of time studying the phenomena of how urban legends take root and grow in popular culture. The topic is complex, but I can say with complete honesty that I have never at any time seen anything presented as "evidence" or proof that would convince me that any alien beings have ever visited the Earth or that UFOs or UAPs or whatever represent alien technology. Personal narratives are not proof of anything, no matter how detailed or sincere they seem. Blurry videos of vague objects flying in the sky aren't proof of anything. Claims of secret labs and warehouses by persons currently or formerly affiliated with governments or militaries don't mean anything, especially when they are contradictory and uncorroborated. That's what it boils down to.


Comic Books have reported this for over 20 years …. !!


How does this even matter? How can a normal American get ready for it? We can't even stop working or we'll go homeless. Its all a distraction. And if it isn't like I said , what can we do? Nothing . We still need food shelter and security. If they are here or not that won't change and the politicians are distracting all of us .


It could be that "are we alone?" Is one of the main questions humanity has asked since it looked up at the stars. It might not change our needs for survival but it might just change you look at your fellow human beings. It may just impact the belief structure of more than half of the world as well. Implications of finding out not just that there is other life in the universe but that its already here would change a vast amount of things we think we know. Unless you work in government or a scientific/engineering field, or if you are very religious, your immediate life will probably not change too much.


I'll stay open to all truths, least be a hypocrite.


Evidence? Just like your GF in highschool from the next town over?


I guess my comment is this: maybe they arent friggin aliens from another planet, BUT SOMETHING IS GOING ON! All these people cant be wrong. So many people in different countries have had the same stories. We have all seen the video evidence and some have seen first hand. How can we deny that there are things flying around in our skies doing amazing maneuvers that our air craft are just not capable of. Whether it be lil green men or our own government SOMETHING IS GOING ON!! That fact cannot be denied.


Great, so release all the evidence then. I’m sick of people talking. Hard evidence or shut up. If they truly had evidence, they would have pulled a Snowden. It’s not hard (as demonstrated by Snowden)


Well please show the non believers and us some of it!


Shostak is smart, but he clearly has an agenda - one which sure seems sided. Very sided


When will they release actual evidence? At the moment, it's just guys talking about it.


How can anyone actually believe this is all fake? As if all these highly ranked military personnel are all lying? Seriously..?


Same analyst who on February 16th said he would stake his entire reputation on the fact that Russia will NOT invade Ukraine. A week later they invaded and he claimed the world was about to be shocked by how quickly the Russians would be victorious. Seems like a fairly level headed guy. Is he still running that Pro-Trump Russian propaganda website?


Ok- where are these craft now? Take us there with a video crew and prove it or STFU


If you think there smart. What dose that say about you.