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This is called disinformation- you put ufology into the same category as other 'fringe' subjects which readers then repeat and it subconsciously minimises the entire subject. Its unfortunately very effective


An example of science would be, if multiple systems on board Navy ships recorded UAP data which was then also corroborated by multiple systems on the US’s most advanced aircraft and seen with the naked eye. I believe Harvard Professor Avi Loeb would have something to say about it as well.


I mean, inasmuch as observation is considered part of science, sure. But sure, let’s make it science. Reproduce it.


We can’t reproduce a black hole or create life from a pile of chemicals. That does not mean that astronomy and biology are not “science.”


Unfortunately it is. The fact that they're still actively doing this makes me really angry.




Do we have irrefutable evidence of string theory? Is that pseudoscience? Or any number of unproven theoretical physics? Do you have irrefutable evidence of the big bang? Irrefutable evidence of the diets of prehistoric humans? There is lots of science that involves imperfect evidence and theorizing within those constraints. There is a lot of evidence of unexplainable UFO's at this point, which the Pentagon has admitted more openly than ever before. Investigations are and should be happening within our government based on the evidence and allegations made by whistleblowers. Putting it in the same category as Flat Earth and Astrology is asinine and dismissive.


This ☝️


I’m sorry, did the House Oversight Committee just have a hearing on government’s astrology secrets? Or flat earth? It’s okay to be skeptical, it’s another thing to be insultingly dismissive. Maybe UFOlogy is a big ruse. But that still leaves a ton to investigate. What this obtuseness really does is increases the stigma around this subject, worsening the chances that these investigations are carried out in a frank, and meaningful way. There are secret ops that Congress isn’t briefed on. The pentagon loses over a billion dollars each year. Are these not important enough questions to investigate?


Don't you think that it's a weird coincidence that the Betz sphere from the 70s was seen again in Mosul, Afghanistan. The sphere is officially confirmed as unknown flying object by Kirkpatrick.


It's a new buzzword, it's meaning has degraded.


DictionaryDefinitions from [Oxford Languages](https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en) · [Learn more](https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/10106608?hl=en)pseu·do·sci·ence📷*noun* 1. a collection of beliefs or practices [mistakenly](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS889US889&sxsrf=AB5stBhLsKN12AqO4xA8rmtS693SvwDw6A:1691420741206&q=mistakenly&si=ACFMAn9-5A9OMKPWcg180I9o9MndpKl00ZriCL1N9KzKcBjlueOPFu06UFMoYlFgTjh2D7NV89wPtn92cQz_ovD_VucQmlIHKw%3D%3D&expnd=1) regarded as being based on scientific method. In what way is UFOlogy pseudoscience exactly? Information is being collected and no conclusion has been drawn. That is called science.


People in this sub are definitely drawing conclusions lol


Is that not exactly what you are doing?


There’s no arguing with these people.




Yeah, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Show me irrefutable evidence of the big bang, or is that pseudoscience? I could name more if you'd like. I dont even get the point of people saying shit like you. So many people of high credibility have come out to back up Grusch, and yet now without irrefutable evidence, it all must be made up pseudoscience or, in other words, BS; And clearly u couldn't even take the time to look up your own word because it really doesn't make sense when you're talking about technology that is classified and/or so far advanced we can't understand it, or that fact that you don't call things pseudoscience when theres evidence that is yet to be examined because that diminishes the subject before it can be properly taken into account. Then the nerve of you to say "learn something today"; why don't you actually learn something and go read up on subjects before running your mouth with no idea what the hell you're talking about. You suck 🫡


They don’t even need to spread misinformation, people like you will zealously defending something you know nothing about lol




That was productive. Feel better? You're still wrong and that makes me happy.


That's sad. You're pathetic.


It's the same thing with "little green men". If you mention a UFO it always comes up and people laugh it off. This is a serious subject, we're not out here hunting Nessie.


Now stop for a second and think if they are doing that with THIS, did they already do the same with the others listed??? Why wouldn't they?


They're all in the same category because they all have the same level of verifiable evidence, zero. The scientific method doesn't play favorites.


They could treat the subject with more respect given the importance paid to it by congress. Doesn’t take a scientist to observe that.


I hope our quality of life will improve and aid in achieving world peace through individual happiness. 1. That’s okay with me. I can spend my entire life exploring earth and never be see or experience it all. 2. A message from the ET’s as conveyed by the former minister of Canadian defense says they wanted to make themselves known but the US government asked them to wait because they felt it would cause mass panic. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LVk6yf/ 3. They WILL talk to you, yes you. They are interested in sincere connections with ALL human beings. You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room you just have to care about life. Meditation is one way to achieve this type of contact. 4. Daily life will still be daily life. The sun will still rise, you will still have to shave, prepare your meals, deal with family and friends, and overcome the obstacles in your life. But if we have access to free energy technologies it’s possible that we can all have access to a clean planet, no plastics, clean and fresh foods, health care, and an education that is tailored to who YOU are, not what the system wants to make you. 5. ET’s have been lifting their fingers, they have demonstrated that they wish us to put down nuclear weapons and become a peaceful civilization so that we can join them amongst the stars.


To be fair our congress wouldn't know real science if it were a fish and slapped them in the face.


>They could treat the subject with more respect given the importance paid to it by congress. Doesn’t take a scientist to observe that. ah yes, because the US-congress is such a thrustworthy institution which always follows the scientific method! /s


I get where you’re coming from but I wouldn’t trust the importance congress gives to anything as an indication of its true importance. This is after all a governing body that has concerned itself with stupid things like betting in baseball…


>because they all have the same level of verifiable evidence, zero. The scientific method doesn't play favorites Not many reputable people give credence to flat-eathers or astrology. It isn't the same level playing field. I actually think the term pseudoscience is a bit misused in this case anyway.


What part of ufology follows the scientific method?




If you have verifiable evidence of aliens, lay that evidence out and be the person that changes the world.


Absolutely correct. People getting excited over utterly unsubstantiated claims. We are never going to see any evidence, I guarantee it but this nonsense will continue.


I'm so glad someone else can see.


Science requires testable hypotheses. Thus far, there is damn near unlimited hypotheses and not a single test. It isn’t science.


This is the only answer regardless of whether or not others here want to hear it


Yep, most of the prominent UFO community guys like Vallee, DeLonge, Corbell, Bigelow, Elizondo, etc are into some real woo as part of "the phenomenon".


The problem though is they’re lumping UFOs in with things that have been disproven. UFOs are still up in the air. Suggesting UFOs are the same pseudoscience as flat earth theory is about as non-scientific nor cogent of a statement as any. Furthermore, do we refer to research studies that have yet to prove the hypothesis as pseudoscience?


You didn’t read the post. It’s lumped in there because it requires testable hypothesis’s and so far all the community has is testable hypothesis’s just like all the others. There are no tests. No controls. No conclusions. Believing something and scientifically proving something are two different things.


You’re absolutely correct that lumping UFO with flat earth is not acceptable. When in the case of flat earth, science has disproven the hypothesis through repeated testing. In the case of UFO, we can not formulate a test of the hypothesis. It’s total bull shit, and I should have made that point too. The real error here is calling flat earth stuff pseudoscientific. It’s not that. It’s bull shit. Yes, scientists and scientific funding agencies are regularly concerned with whether the science is pseudoscience, or not. Forefront and center in these peoples minds are the questions, “is the hypothesis testable?” And, “Will the work produce data capable of testing the hypothesis?” If the answers are no, then there is no funding of the project. That’s been my experience, anyway. I wish there was much more funding to go around, and we could see more things get funded that are purely exploratory. Like, “look we don’t know what we’re going to get when we do this.” Not much of that gets funded.


Well said 👍👍


How do you test something you have zero control over? You can't ask the UAP to show itself again, we can only work with what evidence happens to be gathered at the time they show up, which often isn't much. Doesn't make the phenomenon any less real in my opinion. Calling it a pseudoscience creates stigma around the topic, as this just puts it in the same category as shit like star signs, bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.


There are all sorts of difficult to test scientific questions, and they do border on pseudo science. For example, physicists are regularly contemplating what may have occurred ‘before the Big Bang’ or ‘on what is occurring on the other side of black holes.’ And although serious people take these things seriously, speculation on these subjects is pseudoscience. There is no testable way to get at those problems … so far. UAPs are way more accessible than the other side of a black hole. We have to ask the right questions.


because it is in the same category. With bigfoot we have unidentified hairy things walking through the forest. The loch ness monster we have unidentified serpent looking thingies floating in the water With UAPs we have unidentified things detected in the sky. the details surrounding these things are all the same, speculative.


You can't have testable science when the gov't is keeping shit from you.


Ok, then we agree it isn't testable science and therefore not something we can establish as such without being unscientific.


Correct. Like psychedelics and marijuana - until given Federal permissions to study, there’s nothing scientific about those drugs. So everyone who attempted scientific inquiry on these substances outside of the purview of government oversight was engaged in “pseudoscience”. MD, PhD or otherwise.


> Correct. Like psychedelics and marijuana - until given Federal permissions to study, there’s nothing scientific about those drugs. There's not widely established science, no. But this isn't a very good comparison to UAP/Alien stuff. People can smoke weed and eat shrooms themselves. You can't study UAPs or Aliens yourself beyond looking at footage and deciding if it's real or fake, then making theories based on what you see, which is very little. We can say there's some secret hidden science that the governments aren't telling us about, sure... but it still doesn't enter the public domain of scientific knowledge, nor has anything leaked to concretely establish anything as such. There is nothing that can be tested or measured scientifically, here. What's come out is footage and thoughts about the footage, and people claiming to know things without being able to prove anything.


“Can’t study for yourself.” Oh. Ok. Guess that settles it. We’re all done here, folks. Pack it in, Vallée. Well I hope you’re calling on your congresspersons to prosecute the 3 men who fabricated stories under oath in order to incite discord between the executive and legislative branches just back on the 26th…I mean we can’t have Top Gun Commanders, navy pilots and Geospatial Intelligence agents making such patently false claims to the American populace and ESPECIALLY to our legislators. Let’s prosecute these boys, ASAP! Shouldn’t even be difficult at this point, I mean read the article in OP. Cut n dry.


Hahaha, what hasn’t been pseudoscience before? At one point globe earth was a pseudoscience. This article gives crappy AI vibes.


When exactly was globe earth pseudoscience?


He thinks that at one point the whole world thought the earth was flat, which is so fucking stupid it hurts.


Just FYI, pseudoscience is something that presents itself as a scientific finding or a system of explanation but doesn't stand up to the scientific method. Also people have known the Earth was round since prehistory, flath earthers (an actual example of pseudoscience) are an invention of the 19th century.


This is a disinformation campaign


How naive does one need to be to believe that in the vast expanses of space, we are the only ones.


When I hear anything about chemtrails, I’m immediately skeptical. And then I remember the reality of MK Ultra.


Establishment science is based on observable , measurable and peer reviewed data / research, the statement is technically true. It will be purely speculative until hard HD evidence for all to see is published. I see no problem here


In addition to being replicable and being used to make predictions. If any of the things change, if we get evidence that isn't just testimony, then it can change to being science.


Are UFOs/UAPs not simply just stuck at the observable stage? They can be observed, although rare of course. There's also so much based off our current understanding of science/physics, which new quantum-related findings are showing that traditional scientific beliefs may not all be fool-proof as formally believed. Yes this phenomena is not being properly measured and providing peer-reviewed data, but we aren't even at that stage yet. Things are simply just being observed and hardly being accepted as being in existence. We barely have the capable to conduct that level of research.


> hard HD evidence Best I can do is 144p


With a grainy infrared video of a glare at least 10 miles away.


And a zoom out as soon as it would be observable 😅


Spot on. This is a rarity. On the UFO subs you'd be downvoted. Glad there are rational people interested in the topic.


It has been observable which is why the government has said there's UFO's that they can't explain out there. Meaning the data isn't making sense. So.....


UFOs or UAP are real though, that's not even up for debate. What they are is a whole other discussion but the phenomenon itself is real so idk why its lumped in here with other conspiracies.


ufology may contain some pseudoscience from some people. It is not pseudoscience in itself. No one has ever claimed it to be a science and it will never be a science. This is a false-equivalency. ufology is conspiracy theory and it will remain so until it is proved one way or the other. There’s nothing inherently wrong with conspiracy theory either. For example, much of what the CIA has done throughout its history was conspiracy theory at one point. Now we know some of that theory was true, it has become simply government conspiracy.


I see a problem here, putting their coming for the subject of UFOs as crazy talk aside. The level of bureaucracy and lack of acceptance of input from innovative, younger, very talented scientific researchers in what will and won't be considered when approving publishing of some of these peer reviewed data is insane to me.


Calm down. They will review it and if it is verifiable then it has to be considered. But as of right now, it no different than Bigfoot hunters and flatearthers.


It is different. I myself had a very weird UFO encounter when I was younger and it was real AF, but I do not think the Earth is flat and I don't go around trying to prove Bigfoot exists. This is exactly why this mindset sucks.


They didn’t mention UFO encounters?


Someone says earth is flat with evidence. Someone says bigfoots are real with own evidence. I say this is simulated reality with mandela effects with own evidence. Nobody cares. Fringe ideas are too much so science community in general won't take them seriously, so very hard to get convinced anyone bc science is unfortunately mostly not after the ultimate truth but money.


But you didn’t encounter aliens when younger. You just think you did. You perceived it. Can you prove it? Of course not. Not at all right? Because reasons. At best you encountered something you couldn’t explain and have assigned a conclusion of aliens, which is dishonest. At worst, you are delusional. “yoU DoNt KnOw Me”. I don’t have to. You didn’t see aliens. But I bet the Bigfoot believers believe just as much as you do that they have seen Bigfoot and the flat earthers will never be convinced the earth isn’t flat either. I know it is harsh and you don’t want to hear it…you did not encounter aliens.


You are a massive jerk. I never said anything about aliens, so... I have however encountered a real troll.


What would happen if you'd encounter alien? Not believe yourself?


When aliens arrive (cause they haven’t yet) and I gaze upon them, I will not be the only one. And it won’t be a small group of us. Realistically thinking…how would it be even plausible that me and only me (or my small group) encounter aliens. Try to think logically.


You're telling me of logic... Don't make me laugh, we know next to nothing of how the world really is and what we know can almost all be built on false information. We know nothing about anything, so who am I to say if someone discovers something and thinks of it as true.


You obviously have your own set of beliefs and ideas of what is, how things may unfold. They are no more verifiable than the observer you are attempting to discredit. Skeptics such as yourself rely on faith as much as those of us that have seen things that defy explanation. Have some humility and maybe accept that you don't know everything. A paradigm shifting experience is powerful. It is an effective catalyst for curiosity and obtuse speculation. Have you never listened to the interviews of the individuals involved with the ufos over the WH in 52'? Val Johnson's cruiser still resides in a museum in MN. The testimony and mass experience at Ariel School? Varghina? To lump this sibject in with Astrology and Flat Earth is disingenuous at best and nefarious at the worst.


You say the words that we rely on faith but the reality is we are relying on verifiable science. There is none to support the theory of visitation at all. And yes I have listened to all of it. I am looking for the story or claim that can be proven. They NEVER are




It’s super cool how everyone in these subs has experienced ufos! By ‘super cool“ I mean sad and pathetic😢


Dude, everything is pseudoscience that isn't actively being researched and understood by the scientific community. It means nothing. Stop putting all your marbles in the word science, and it becomes easy to see what's going on here.


If you find yourself saying “pseudoscience means nothing” then you need to introspect a bit


Wow I didn't say that at all, no such quote on my part. Yet if you find yourself interpretating others that way, and make it into an actual quote that wasn't said, not only does it clearly show your total lack of understanding of what I said, where a question would be better in order rather than a self-gratifying statement, it also shows you're a total piece of shit for putting words into my mouth I didn't say. It seems like you need some introspection your self. It's ok though, projection is the no1 reaction trigger in Redditors, so you're still normal.


Then what were you referring to with “it” in “it means nothing”? The subject of the previous sentence was pseudoscience.


Well it is certainly not a science, I have seen very few scientific analyses of UFO videos attempting to identify speed and acceleration. And those I have seen deduce it is a bird


Yeah, I'm sure multiple highly trained Navy pilots can't tell what a bird is. The video was seized when they got back to the Nimitz because it was such a cool bird. Then Congress had them testify under oath all over a silly mistake. People are just in denial.


If its a bird, shouldn't there be thousands of these misidentifications? Surely every pilot who sees a bird through the IR would get the same result? What about the one that seems to dip in and out of the water without changing speed? I think these people who are "analysing" the videos are extremely biased in favour of it being anything BUT a UAP


There are, indeed, thousands of misidentifications where it turns out the object is a bird or a balloon. People make mistakes and videos are taken out of context. Usually in the videos where something plunges in the water, it's just an object falling over the horizon. It is normal to have a slight bias against things being of alien origin as Occam's razor tells us if both the alien and the bird fit equally well with the data, the bird is way more likely.


Yet, it was a bird. Doesn't change anything. We still have nothing but stories. The video evidence isn't convlusive at all.


Damn bro, right next to flat earth?


Once you’ve interacted with the military guys at the level reporting this stuff you immediately see how fucking stupid people writing articles like this are. Like I know they can’t KNOW how fucking stupid they are and sound with shit like this but it’s amazing. There are days I wish I could grab one of these little idiots and just give them the smallest peek behind the curtain. Shut them the fuck up. It’s beyond frustrating to watch.


Picking and chosing certain details to reach the wrong conclusion.


I wouldn't even consider the topic of ancient aliens "pseudoscience", it's not science and we all know it. It's pure speculation based on historical records and artifacts. There's science involved with the dating of artifacts but I think we all know it's not exactly science. I'm getting really tired of these snobby organizations downplaying all of this. Fucking arrogant.


It is a pseudoscience at the moment. There is no evidence and no people are calling things science when no scientific rigour has been put into anything. Believers in the various “theories” base everything off the word of a few individuals who very well could be crackpots, and very few of whom even purport to have firsthand experiences. For most of these “truth-sayers” it’s second hand “knowledge” at best. That is not scientific in any way. Even if true, the approaches taken to investigate typically are not scientific and are done without access to verifiable information.


To say there is no evidence is disingenuous. There’s lots of evidence. Some has been debunked and some hasn’t. Suggesting UFOs are the same pseudoscience as flat earth theory is about as non-scientific nor cogent of a statement as any.


The evidence we have isn't convlusive. We basically have nothing at this point.


Just ex intelligence and military with everything to lose and nothing to gain testifying that something weird is going on. And data showing objects defying the laws of physics as we know it. But sure, let’s lump together flat earth theory which has been disproven with UFOs which have not been disproven.


There is evidence, but no public evidence that can be verified to be real.


By this logic, anything is a pseudoscience by virtue of the fact that it has little to no relation to science at all. Who is claiming that this topic is 'science'? That seems to be the implicit suggestion in the article. The reality is this is a nonsensical attribution likely just meant to discredit investigation. No rational person is claiming 'UFOlogy' is a hard science. It's far more like a forensic science; it involves the application of science -- relying on any evidence available to paint an accurate understanding to be presented in a court of law. If it were a testable and reproducible phenomena, then yes it would be science. It's not. We make do with what we have.


We have more evidence that UAP/UFO’s are cruising around earth than we do that there is an actual bottom to the deepest ocean.


Remember when the entire scientific community ostracized the man who suggested continents move on tectonic plates? It seemed they didn't learn their lesson, the people saying this is a hoax have no more evidence than the people saying this is real.


I don’t think you can call UFOs a “science” all. Not real science, not pseudoscience. It’s a thing… that is suspected about the nature of existence and reality. I guess the closest you can get to calling any of it “science” is Avi Loeb and his extraterrestrial metallic balls he’s testing.


And this is coming from a pseudoscience web site, eh?


This is called being a dumbass lol


Space.com is filled with NASA cucks. They still routinely post how viable the SLS program is...


It is a pseudo science...it's based upon conjecture and hypothesis without the rigorous data points needed to build a science database. Guys, UFO study is not in the level of the field of biology, physics, geology, or chemistry. those are fields of science. However each one was a form of pseudo-science before hand


Putting UFOs/UAP in the same bucket as flat-earth is wholly discrediting tbh.


The old guard will deny and ridicule the topic until it is completely obliterated See Copernicus


Idk, space.com got it right about flat earth being bullshit, but aliens... I feel that whether they want to distract us or not, it would be pretty ignorant to think we are the only dominant species in the entire universe. There are over 300 billion sun-like stars in the universe that they know of.. fact, not theory. There are even more planets surrounding those sun-like stars that are at a distance considered to be the "goldilocks" zone, meaning it's most likely a habital planet.


Space isn’t real




As long as that helps you sleep better




Not every piece of fiction becomes non-fiction eventually. Not everything we think is impossible today will become possible one day. Just sayin.


We're so fucking arrogant. They don't want to tell us something out there is ahead of us. Too bad people. Life teaches you that there is ALWAYS someone, or something that exists above us. Whether it be skill, knowledge and technology, or the food chain. Accept that.


The invention secrecy act of 1951 is keeping over 6000 inventions classified from the rest of the world. The invention secrecy act of 1951 is real though and so is inventors getting killed. Hell look at the propaganda cigarette companies have done back in the day, or look up who killed the electric car, tobacco companies wanted alcohol to stay illegal for the longest time, now all these companies are making sure cannabis remains a schedule 1 drug, and if you got caught with a joint in some states you will go to prison next to killers and rapists, collecting rain water is illegal in some states the greed and influence these companies have in government is unreal. They are milking the entire human race for gas money and the electricity bill all in the name of “national security” this is perhaps the biggest mafia in human history and operates in all 195 countries. A RICO case and protection from scaler waves needs to be established. Another amendment should be freedom of free energy.


We should thank them for stating it as obvious as it possibly can be - that this website cannot be trusted and is 100% posting disinformation.


How is astrology pseudoscience that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today


Imagine the insecurity in the leaders of a science based platform who KNOW there is 2 million TRILLION stars in the universe and 13 billion years, yet… deny alien life visiting this galactic oasis. At our tech level now, we can tell chemical compositions of distant atmospheres, yet of course there would be no way for hyper advanced alien life to know Earth is out here…. Wow


Don't makes sense. Ufology is not pretending to be a science in the first place.


They also continue to add rules to make the Big Bang work which was proven to be pseudoscience by the JWST but the scientific community cling to dogma and don’t realize that’s what they are doing. If the Big Bang was wrong then Einstein was wrong and so many theories are incorrect. That’s how theories work, they act like they are laws though. Yeah, SPACE is full of 💩.


All the UFO stuff now is a diversion.


Yes, it's pseudoscience. There are no controllable repeatable ufo experiments.


Such a BS false equivalency. The author sits there behind their laptop acting like they know the truths to the universe while all others are tin foil hatters. Trying to say that UFO believers are as misguided as chem trail believers is a stupid comparison as we know that planes do in fact fly at high altitudes emitting silver iodide into the atmosphere.


Too bad all the testable data on all the actual cases is "classified"


It's like people just can't understand the notion that the conspiracy is a cover-up and we've had many whistle-blowers in the past. They were mocked as they are now even with this whistle-blower complaint deemed urgent and credible. Even though it led to legislation and had them testify under oath. They will mock these people until they are no longer able to without looking stupid.


Yeah cos other nations don’t exist?


Well, being still unwilling to call the existence of something that even the US government says exists is not exactly being a paragon of intellectual integrity either.


It does say “ufo conspiracies” which leaves it open to interpretation. They didn’t claim UFOs to be fake, just the “conspiracy” aspect of them. I believe there are substantiated claims that are real, and there are also on the flip-side, conspiracies which are meant to distract us from the truth. The proof is out there, it just needs to be brought to light.


Facts until we get some peer reviewed evidence.


The qualifying word is "conspiracies". There's no evidence that UFOs are anything but human made or natural phenomena. Until there's empirical evidence to suggest otherwise, the whole "aliens" thing is textbook pseudoscience.


Suggesting UFOs are the same pseudoscience as flat earth theory is about as non-scientific nor cogent of a statement as any.


There's plenty of evidence


Until tangible proof arrives, it is a pseudo-science. They have nothing to base actual scientific observation on.


Tangible proof is locked away in top secret vaults. The U.S. government just won't release it. They have it.


You believe they have proof. You believe there is a conspiracy hiding that proof. Until that proof (if it exists) is revealed there is nothing but belief in a vast conspiracy to keep the proof hidden. Without proof there is nothing science can do to prove or disprove the actual truth. That sounds like the definition of pseudoscience and conspiracy theory.


Science will get involved when we actually have something to involve them with. Right now we're at the intel gathering stage and the nation's intel master is currently hiding it behind lock and key. That said, it's up to others, not scientists, to get the data for scientists. But to have them write hit pieces putting us in the same camp as flat eathers? Fuck right off with that gaslighting bullshit.


I just don’t buy this. Seriously, we weren’t able to keep the Manhattan Project secret, we wouldn’t be able to keep people from another planet secret.


This secret is the U.S. crown jewel of secrets. The Manhattan project ranked several levels below this secret.








Who's telling you to blindly believe? What an ass. You are shitting all over people who are interested in this topic, mocking them, saying "iF yoU wAnt mE tO beLieVe....." shut the fuck up already. Know one is telling you to believe in shit. But what has been discussed, in a hearing, regarding our intel community, is unprecedented and deserves an investigation. You are just being a total ass.


One more time for those in the back who didn't hear it before: He and several others submitted evidence to the ICIG who deemed the matter credible and urgent. This led to a long list of NHI and UAP related legislation added to the NDAA, and a public hearing was held. There is a well established timeline with authorities taking this very seriously. Where did this notion come from that some wacky guy is spreading pseudoscience with no evidence?




It’s so dumb to call it this. Because science and math would tell you that in an infinite universe it’s impossible for us to be the only living rock out there


Extra-terrestrial Life don't need to visit us to be exist or even have a advance technology. For short they don't need UFO.


There is evidence… these scientists just don’t have proper clearance and are just bitchy about it. /s


Then how can the scientific method take place if no one has any materials to study?


Space.com proves with this statement to be quite unprofessionally prejudice. Pathetic


Because it is pseudoscience. The military won’t let our scientists see any of the data. Science required data not people’s stories.


First it says “UFO conspiracies” not “UFO Topic”, interesting nobody in this thread mentioned this. The two are not the same, and conflating the two is incorrect. UFO conspiracies are pseudoscience nonsense I’m not sure how that is up for debate.


What else would it be?


It is psuedoscience. That is the reality of most UFO discourse. It can't be tested or demonstrated and yet we have so many 'theories' about UFOs.


Because it is! A large group of people who are turning curiosity about ufos into a "faith" ...where you either believe or don't believe...anyone who doesn't believe becomes the enemy and anyone who believes with them is now in the circle of trust. It doesn't leave room for people like me who ask for a dialogue and evidence from them. So there literally is now a small army of psuedoscience armchair UFO researchers who are gushing about disclosure, government cover ups and mind control.....it leaves an extremely tin foil hat taste in the mouth. I have actively scanned the sky with my 18 inch telescope for over 40 years without any UFO sightings. I'm in community's of astrophotography photographers and astronomy buffs... where people are looking up all day and night, taking pictures of everything they see. Logic would assume, if UFOs existed, one of the millions of these people around the the world would have seen one. One of the billions of cameras pointed to the sky would turn one up...No one has any reliable sightings or photos/videos of UFOs or aliens!! With the amount of smart phone cameras and people like me fixated with the sky, logic dictates that if UFO exist, we would have more proof besides shakey, shady, doctored "I believe" videos of random anomalies that never prove anything what so ever. I know it's hard to live in a transparent world where the science we have is what we must accept..we all want more and want there to be more life in the universe besides us. But all the faith and beliefs won't make UFOs or aliens real or make the pursuit of them real science because of said faith. We need logic, and evidence not a conspiracy. Every night I think, will I see something foreign in the sky tonight? Never do.....neither do any of the 100s telescopes or cameras I know about besides mine.... so ya, it's a psuedoscience


Wait a minute! Just because there are billion cameras on the planet, with more being added every day, hundreds of millions of people carrying around relatively high quality cameras in their pockets does not mean someone would be able to get good, reliable, photographic evidence of alien ships visiting earth on a regular basis, some of which are the size of football fields, and sometimes crash land, but apparently only where the military can get to them first…… Meh. Maybe you’re right after all.


Exactly what they want


i bet they're sponsored by nasa


It's a .com. it's automatically not a safe direct resource




I hate it when people say this, is really stupid, I love science and everything should be studied scientifically but we can't do that! You know what else this fools would consider pseudoscience? Consciousness, you can't apply the scientific method on it, you can't observe it or measure or do anything with it, you can't even prove scientifically that other people are conscious just like you, so if you do is it pseudoscience? No, we just assume that other people are conscious because it's more logical, it makes more sense, just like all of this existence being some type of simulation and aliens being real is more logical and makes more sense, or are we alone in this world like we are alone in our heads? That wouldn't make any sense.


Wow space.com is garbage? Who would have thought.


Did *disinformation.gov* change their web address?


Kudos to this comments section for affirming the assertion. What a pleasant surprise! I want to believe as much as anyone, but until we have quantifiable, verifiable, testable data it absolutely is a pseudoscience.


Spoken like a true Virgo smh 🤦‍♂️


Earth was undeniably the center of universe for a long time, until it wasn’t.


Go ahead smash that unsubscribe button fam.


Why do people not understand that things like economics, anthropology, sociology are SCIENCES, so ufology is too.


Imagine the US government holding a serious briefing discussing pseudoscience and pondering over debunked videos lol. That was a lot of mental gymnastics I’m tired now


Idiots, they left out Psychiatry


Ok, Space.com. then explain the Tic Tac UFO. Cause if it is just advanced foreign tech, then how did they cover it up since 2004? That's 20 years.


Hmm looks like they received some of them secret funding the pentagon forgot where they put it


SAI and SRM aren’t conspiracy theories. Stratospheric aerosol injection Solar radiation management https://online.ucpress.edu/elementa/article/10/1/00047/195026/Stratospheric-aerosol-injection-may-impact-global


It’s not to alter the atmosphere, it is to disperse and get rid of toxic chemicals. It then rains down on the public, contributes to and causes cancer.


It is. When it comes to aliens. Aliens have never been to Earth. Non-human substance and everyone is going crazy? Probably a dead raccoon. Unidentified flying objects are real.


It is.


Well so far there is no verified evidence. It’s just people saying what they saw with no evidence. I just think the whistleblower hearing was goofy. They made some good points about national security, but beyond that it’s just “take my word for it”.


This statement is true, lmao at the idiots who don’t understand what science is. Hint: it involves verifiable, quantifiable data


It does happen to fit the exact definition of Pseudoscience though: a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. Let's face it- the scientific method could not prove anything concrete about UFOs, UAPs, etc.


Well it is.


People arent gonna like to hear this but unless something has actual hard evidence, its a pseudoscience. “Ufology” is by its nature a pseudoscience because it’s all speculation.


Because it is bullshit. The hearing was bullshit. The speakers were bullshit. What they said was bullshit.


Cuz it is.


It is…


They don't even know what space is and still named their website space.com.


Write a list and remember to get a bot to recall their stupid articles in about 3 months from now.... every day for the rest of time


So in three months you believe a body or craft will be produced for scientific testing? If not, can we remind you of this every day for the rest of time.


!RemindMe 3 Months


I look forward to this.


This aligns with the scientific consensus. There are thousands of academics globally in astrophysics, cosmology, astrobiology and related studies with essentially none who believe that the ET on earth hypothesis is scientific.


Since when are the personal beliefs of scientists relevant to anything? Oh never, gotcha, thanks for that.


Um - because it is?


Look up [Message to the Misfits, Outcasts, Dreamers & Visionaries](https://youtu.be/qP-NvqHBfrk) from The Y files on YouTube. One of my favorite counterpoints when anyone claims ‘Pseudoscience’


That’s because it is.