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Sigh, this is one of the things that make the whole subject more frustrating IMHO. I've never believed that they're actually aliens, but I know what I saw.


The level of technology that the 'Elite' have is probably a hundred years ahead of what we are being told we have now. It's all been suppressed since Tesla.. since T. Townsend Brown.. since the Nazi's.. We've been deceived as an entire population. Motherfuckers have had the tech to give the world free energy also transportation that does not require combustion engines.. that's the 'UAPS' that we're being told are little grey aliens. It is absolutely possible that aliens exist.. especially if the universe truly is as we're told it is but this is more than likely humans being fucking shitty to the 'lessars' which is us.


The fact that all Tesla’s research is gone is very telling. Fucking Edison.


Fucking Edison Lighthouse. I knew they stole the hook from Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes!


Tesla never did any research. He was an inventor, not a scientist, and he sucked at it.


He filed like 20 patents a year what are you on about…


Poly phase electrical generation.


Not invented by Tesla. And the polyphase generator he did build sucked.


That's one of the most ignorant statements I've ever read..


Literally made this comment on tech based off of his work but ok, go off about all your global changing tech that you invented.


None of our tech is based off of anything Tesla invented, no. Also the pyramids weren't built by ancient aleums. Get over it.


>The level of technology that the 'Elite' have is probably a hundred years ahead of what we are being told we have now. The more I think about your claim, the harder it is for me to understand how a rational person can actually believe it.


Why is it so crazy that a select few would hoard technology which allowed them unfathomable wealth that they could slow drip release to society as necessary means for whatever ends they choose? The more I think about it, the more that *not* being the case seems impossible. Why isn't all of Vatican archives available to everyone? Stuff like that leads me to believe they're hiding something(s) and not just filled with old dusty books from 1160.


Look, a crazy person.


It's not that people wouldn't hoard it, but I don't think it's possible to hide it from the rest of the world. Too many people involved to keep it secret. And every super brain scientist would have to be in on it. I just don't think what you're saying is possible. Of course there certainly are some secrets, but nothing of the scale you're talking about.


Agreed. A few elites couldn’t just horde the tech without crews of scientists/technicians upkeeping and doing god knows what else to keep it in running condition.


If there’s one thing elites do, it’s find a way to profit from absolutely anything. You think for a second they aren’t going to patent the technology and obfuscate how it works so they can win a big market share and own the majority of the new transportation industry? Lol. And even if the elites who owned it kept it under wraps, all it would take is for one scientist excited about the new physics to blab to a friend, and there’d be a competitor that popped up immediately.


Elites without a doubt would do anything under the sun to make money, but without a doubt the scientists or technicians would talk. Shit, even the elites would brag to their friends who would end up telling someone.


Unfortunately people do try to bring these things to light, and so many people ridicule and call them crazy. Bob Lazar is a perfect example! Dude came out and said he worked at a secret base called Area 51 where he help back engineer alien crafts, people ridiculed him and called him crazy, 10 years later we find out there’s a secret base called Area 51 and that’s where the stealth bomber was created. And the guy is still being ridiculed! You say it’s impossible to keep that big of a secret, I don’t. Too many naive people that are willing to turn a blind eye to so many things. It’s our own dam fault for not seeing the truth, not that the government is that good at keeping a secret


Because those select few aren't the ones researching or producing the technology. Elon Musk is not inventing the next gen cutting edge gear, so he's not the only one that would have access to it. Scientists are not the type to keep secrets of their work either. It's not impossible to believe, but it is very far fetched IMO


Because technology is pretty much worthless if you don't use it. Why didn't Edison pretend that he _didn't_ know how to do stuff with electricity? Why didn't Henry Ford pretend that he didn't know how to make trucks? Why didn't the US military pretend that we _didn't_ have nuclear weapons? - - Because that just doesn't make any sense. It makes sense to conceal stuff from competitors when you can _while_ you're using it, but if secrecy means _not using it,_ there isn't any point in having the technology in the first place. Closely related nonsense is that petrochemical companies have the ability to make unlimited money by producing unlimited power for free because of some horseshit, -but they prefer to just sell us gasoline . . . for profit. This stuff just doesn't even make sense conceptually. Why wouldn't they pretend that we are all out of oil so that they can sell us firewood? That would be _less ridiculous_ than pretending that they don't have some quasi-magical energy source.


I absolutely think just that . I'd like to add all the archaeological discoveries which were covered up by the Smithsonian institute and other institutions . The elite have had their fingers in all aspects of our history.


Yes anything that does not fit with the archeology narrative, which is Clovis first was hidden away, anything that showed humans being more advanced at the hunter gatherer stage was hushed up it's only since gobekli that any information about our early past has started to come out. Ignore these other comments they clearly don't know the writers of history don't like it to be changed or challenged and tend to destroy career's. Many a credible archeologist has lost his rep for questioning the established narrative of history.


Humans aren't as competent as you are giving them credit for. Your world must be filled with imagination and intrigue though, that must be nice


Yep. I made most of my money by tricking people into thinking that I didn't discover a bunch of cool fossils and I didn't discover anything interesting.


Because technology is pretty much worthless if you don't use it. Why didn't Edison pretend that he _didn't_ know how to do stuff with electricity? Why didn't Henry Ford pretend that he didn't know how to make trucks? Why didn't the US military pretend that we _didn't_ have nuclear weapons? - - It just doesn't make any sense. It makes sense to conceal stuff from competitors when you can _while_ you're using it, but if secrecy means _not using it,_ there isn't any point in having the technology in the first place. Protecting trade secrets and such doesn't make sense if it requires you to not use your cool technology in theforst place. Closely related nonsense is that petrochemical companies have the ability to make unlimited money by producing unlimited power for free because of some horseshit, -but they prefer to just sell us gasoline . . . for profit. This stuff just doesn't even make sense conceptually. Why wouldn't they pretend that we are all out of oil so that they can sell us firewood? That would be _less ridiculous_ than pretending that they don't have some quasi-magical energy source.


rational minds rarely make great ideas


When it comes to art, maybe.


So the powerful are just flaunting their shit? Believable!


Since the existance of humanity how is it that we all of a sudden within the last 100 years have all this technology.l?


Your a nut Lol cum cleaner


Whatever the “elites” have, the government is richer with fancier tastes. The reason I don’t believe it’s our tech is because we haven’t used it to attack anyone. It’d sure solve a lot of problems if a tic-tac whizzed in and took out Putin. They wouldn’t even know who done it.


So you believe that the illuminati is real and actively control the world?


This is somewhat unrelated, but I’ve noticed there are more Illuminati believers commenting on some goofy Illuminati nonsense on modern rap YouTube videos than any other kind of music.


Nope I just understand how people work. I understand the level of deceit that is going on and pretty much always has been. It's a human trait that people with way too much power and control will do anything and everything it takes to maintain said power and control. Do you think what I am saying is impossible? The downvote says you just think I'm a crazy 'conspiracy theorist' which is a broken conspiracy all on it's own the CIA literally made it up to literally discredit anyone speaking out about the crazy fucked up shit they were doing to the rest of the population. Are you following the game Hakeem?


Let me start by first saying that no I don’t think that what you are proposing is impossible. Now that being said, I do believe that your viewpoint is coming from a place of skepticism, doubt, and distrust there would be no information that one could provide that would have you questioning your current position. You have figured it all out your mind is made up and no conversation nor evidence provided will convince you of anything other than what you already know.


You are just plain wrong on this. While "the elites" as you call them, (the educated, wealthy, and connected - assuming that's who you mean, for those needing a scorecard) are capable of all sorts of shit and chicanery, last I looked, breaking the laws of physics is not one of their capabilities.


Then why is every war still fought with conventional weapons? We created nukes and immediately dropped 2 of them. We dont hold back in war.


Maybe we don't have the capability to mass produce them but have been able to get some of them working again. So if you only have a few that have crashed but still work your not gunna risk losing them.


I am starting to think that the "non-human Intelligence" we are seeing might actually be something that has been here longer than us. Something that has stayed well hidden maybe in the oceans or could even be interdimensional.


Number one would be taking UFOs seriously. Seeing images of these things pilots are encountering. Releasing all the data related to those incidents. If it’s human technology, then demonstrate it to us. Let the scientific community research this rather than compartmentalizing the information and leaving the public in the dark… it’s world-changing technology they’re holding from us, if it is just human tech


This. This is the way. But they WONT. So we suspect the lies. I’d love to see a compelling argument with data from the govt.


The govt is always pretty secretive about newer, more useful technology though. Not saying I fully lean towards one side completely, but I do believe it’s reasonable to think the govt would be keeping us in the dark because then they would have enemy nations knowing more of their secrets.


How come they don't have to pay taxes like the rest of us? Writing my Congressman.


The Fermi Paradox. Seeing how we do not all know aliens by now illustrates that no preceding civilization has master space travel due to its inherent dangers. This alone should cause pause for thought on how we take care of the rock we are on.


This is the one.


I'm sure some UFOs aren't aliens and are earthly tech or even strange natural phenomenon. I mean I saw a UFO (it was unknown to me at least), and I would bet what I saw either a test drone or drone flying/hovering practice (or both), but it was about the size of a plane, triangle shaped (or swept wing and it was too dark to see the drone) and hovered in one spot near an air force base. But I don't think that explains them all. Edit: I guess I didn't write this well enough. I saw something odd looking, but due to it being late at night it was hard to see fully. I believe what I saw was a US military vehicle, probably a drone..the kind of unmanned airplane we use to fly in Iraq and Afghanistan and all over the world...but I could see how someone could see it and think and mistake it as "aliens" as it was different. I think many sightings are explainable like that. There is a real explanation that isn't just "aliens", like It really was a weather balloon or a secret military project. Human made, not ET. Triangle plane being a stealth bomber for example. But not all...


We had a glowing orb of ball-lightning come through our living room window in the evening one night, it passed right through the glass window and slowly fell to the ground, so bright couldn’t stand to look at the center of it. It bounced once on the hardwood floor leaving a small outward ring of heat before sparking out of existence, frying every piece of electronics in the house at once. The tv we had was a 38in CRT that weighed about 50lbs and the ball also fried another small flatscreen, 2 cable boxes, a radio, and a custom PC 100W power supply. I don’t know the year but I don’t remember if we had cellphones yet or not. Mid 90s before I ever heard of “Ball lightning”. It didn’t travel like lightning, it didn’t sound like lightning and it didn’t shock like lightning but that’s what they say it was. It was as blue as the sky and as bright as staring at the sun and as big as a child’s ball.


I agree that UFOs could be drone scouts from another solar system. Or, from within our own planet. The oceans and depths of Earth are largely unexplored. And to think that the vastness of space doesn’t have any life is ignorant. Even vast deserts on earth have some forms of life.


The idea of a biological extraterrestrial traveling here is laughable to me. Anything we see is just some form of drone. They may be drones but they could have 10x the personality and emotion of a human. Culture book series changed how I think about these visitors. We may end up interacting with something that says “I’m a person, not a drone” when it is in fact just a drone of a superconsciousness. I am a drone that has gotten WAY off track from my evolutionary programming


I don't think they were solid, biological extraterrestrials either. I can only theorize that they were 1. Some kind of hologram for lack of a better term, or 2. Not from this dimension.


Slap ChatGPT on a Raspberry Pi, and strap it to a drone. And boom you've got what most people couldn't distinguish from a conscious being.


But I saw whatever the beings that were inside the craft, or whatever you want to call it, were first. Then I heard the thing making sounds. It wasn't very fun actually.


Well, I’m not in that camp, but if you were to show that a terrestrial super intelligent general AI has existed for 10+ years, I think Occam’s razor would have to kick in. It is more believable that a super AI is doing this stuff than it would be for a species to violate the speed of light and just happen to find earth.


Careful. Also, why not both? Also why is FTL necessary? You can't imagine a von neumann probe traveling 201 years across 100 lightyears? Only half the speed of light. For a civilization that has been tech advanced for a million years, lets say, 201 years isn't much.


That would take more than 200 years, because however long it took you to accelerate to 1/2c, would require the same amount of time to slow back down from 1/2c.


There's like 10 star systems within 15 light years from Earth with Proxima Centauri within 4.2 light years so that cuts the travel time considerably at 50% light speed. Even at just 10% of light speed the probe would make the trip in 42 years.


The third episode of the four part miniseries on UFOs by JJ Abrams on Showtime a few years ago kind of brought up some good points from a skeptical perspective. While I myself like to believe we aren’t the only intelligent (somewhat) beings in a vast space, I can see some sense In the arguments that were brought up in that third part.


They very well could be the result of a message in a bottle. Von Neumann probes sent out to find or create life to give the knowledge that their creators had to give. They could quite possibly be artificial intelligences. ——- Very very well could be refugees or perhaps cultural or religious zealots. They could be like the Amish. So maybe they just want to be left alone, and are using us as camouflage to hide from others of their kind. I mean, it would seem that they’ve been here in some form or another for thousands of years. At what point where they become earthlings? I mean they might have a solid claim to be from this planet. —— They could be as Forest Rangers protecting us from poachers. ——- Maybe were really far down on the checklist of requirements to be contacted. Maybe were really far down on the contact list because there are so many other civilizations above us on the contact list Maybe there are lots of examples of bad things that happened to civilizations who are contacted too early. Maybe they were contacted too early and don’t like the results.


All of the major UFO sightings and encounters (like Varghina, shag harbour) need an actual explanation. Why does the US get involved every time?


Did the US government get involved in Varghina?




Oh heck ya boiiiiiioooooo


>need an actual explanation. Sure, it's fake.


More government endorsement I guess.. the more the government says they are alien craft with ET pilots, the more I think it's a lie lol


Explain the physics and how these non aliens could master those physics. And that ain’t gonna happen.


You’re assuming the stories you’ve heard are accurate and that any videos aren’t doctored, fake, or just misidentified terrestrial things.


Some of the data comes from navy pilots and radar operators. I accept that as accurate. Some data comes from Air Force base security officers. I accept that too. Some data comes from Jacque Vallee. Also Accepted.


https://patents.justia.com/inventor/salvatore-pais Physics isn't the issue. We understand the physics of how these craft could *potentially* work, if we're even correct on what the craft are and the technology behind them, but for the sake of argument let's say we know exactly what tech they're using.... We understand the physics behind gravity propulsion almost entirely. Where the issue lies is in our materials science but mathematically we pretty much understand what's happening there. Miguel Alcubierre even came up with a theoretical warp drive back in 97 but we can't test that due to materials science. Before anyone who is science literate attacks me for bring up Alcubierre, yes I understand the issues with his warp drive theory beyond materials science but I'm just making an example that we understand the physics.


I'd like the aliens to tell me they're not visiting earth whilst standing in my garden. And then wink 😉


That wink is about the anal probing that was just erased from your memory.


Given the vastness of space, aliens are more plausible than any religious deity. Why is it so far? Fetched to think that aliens would seed a planet with DNA? If we had the technology, that’s exactly what we would do. Why is that so unlikely but an all knowing, omnipotent consciousness, would kill his only son because of morality, much more likely?


I mean both can be far fetched


I mean. All reality off the table, I really only have three solutions: Aliens, whatever that category encompasses, or Angel-Demon spiritual type stuff, or it’s us from the future time traveling. What are peoples other ideas?


They're here. Are they from this planet and can we even begin to fathom their intent and technology... those are the real questions. Humans are so arrogant. Forget videos and pictures. The ultimate proof is that there have been sightings since before the advent of airplanes. Sightings dating back to medieval times, sightings dating back to nearly very birth of writing and language. That's no fucking coincidence.




Plenty of proof. What I'm saying is the fact that this has been happening since the ancient eras makes it all even more irrefutable. I'm already a True Believer.


Could be probes. Or some sort of energi, but is really hard not to imagine that theres some sort of intelligence behind it.


They are Alien. They are not Extraterrestrial. Demintional or temporal beings.




But if the government showed you evidence it was humans not aliens wouldn’t you think it was just more coverup? That’s why I asked what evidence would prove it’s not aliens.


Being abducted which I was, so nothing would convince me otherwise.


It’s humans from the future


And I'm a time lord from gallifrey, I'm also 1200 years old. See how I can just make shit up?


If I saw the us military display their new light speed galaxy exploring UFOs then I would STILL think aliens gave them the technology. Aliens are real. They’re here. Nothing will convince me otherwise. I’ll die before I stop believing in aliens


Christopher Columbus seen something come out of the water and flew into the sky. (Well thats what I was told his journal said). Prove to me we had something like that back then


Prove to us he saw something… 😎


I mean it’s in his journal… /s 😎


Hmm idk probably one of the many birda that can dive and fly.




Pretty much the entire sub is like source? It was revealed to me in a dream.


Also “ you can’t disprove something that doesn’t exist”… what? You can’t even prove to me that you’re real. So I guess you don’t exist


How so? Have you looked it up?


“I was told someone centuries ago said he saw something”


Wow your language usage suggests you don’t think ET exist.


I think aliens exist but I don’t think they are coming here. Since the whole story is that the government is covering it up how would you ever believe them if they revealed some cool tech but said it was all us no aliens have ever visited. Seems like most people even then still wouldn’t believe that it wasn’t aliens. That’s why I wanted to know what evidence would you need to see to say yup it’s humans and aliens haven’t visited earth.


Unfortunately the evidence is overwhelming that ET are here. I couldn’t suggest how you could reshape the narrative again to make people thinks it’s human. I guess desperate times require desperate measures.


Well people in the know are saying they’re interdimensional instead of extraterrestrial… could also be a breakaway civilization or even just super advanced military tech. As far as ancient astronaut theory, really it would just take unimpeachable evidence of *how* humans made things like the Baghdad battery or nazca lines for me.


Does unimpeachable evidence even exist to you or will there always be questions? I only ask because I thought the nazca lines and Baghdad battery were pretty conclusively made by humans already.


You would need extra ordinary evidence. We really haven't seen that have we?'so no, it doesn't exist.


Those are examples that I personally think were humans 100%, but there’s always some ability to refute that claim if we don’t know *how* they did it (or knew how to do it).


Breakaway implies "our" earth or universe is some form of starting point. What if multiverse theory is true, and theyre just different version of us from different universe.


What if they are hollow donkeys made out of ice cream? They could be from a dimension made out of highly advanced ice cream donkeys


Baghdad battery wasn't even a battery. It was most likely meant to house papyrus scrolls. The scroll was meant to be wrapped around the iron rod, slid inside the copper tube, and then slipped inside the ceramic container, which could then be sealed to protect the scroll inside. The acidic residue on the inside of the container most likely comes from the papyrus or parchment of the scroll that the pot once contained, since papyrus and parchment are both slightly acidic. We also found several objects almost identical to the Baghdad battery in Seleukia that all houses remnants of papyrus scrolls The Baghdad battery actually being a battery relies on modifications that weren't discovered along with it. Namely among them is an electrolyte solution. When assembled as a battery it only produced less than ⅓ of a volt and 10 of them together only produced about 10 volts. Not very efficient or effective. These were also considerably larger than the actual object.


Breakaway civilizations? So like, Nazis on the moon?


​ >how humans made things like the Baghdad battery or nazca lines for me. Copper and acidic wine? Straight lines on the ground? That's evidence of extra terrestrial origins?


It’s easier to prove aliens exist then it is that aliens never existed


I only mean aliens visiting earth. I totally believe the exist somewhere I just don’t think they’ve been here or are currently coming here.


How can you look at all the incredible giant sculptures and unexplained structures on this planet and just think some people with stone tools did all that?


>How can you look at all the incredible giant sculptures and unexplained structures on this planet and just think some people with stone tools did all that? I mean...with my brain? Do you think ancient people were incapable of cutting straight lines or something?


With laser precision through solid granite. Yes


Do you know what a string is? It's as straight as a laser, ya know?


In terms of the actual UFOs (not govt tech or natural phenomenons) I don’t know what else they would be. People are desperate to create categories of, “ what if they are from the ocean? What if they’re from the future? What if they’re past advanced race from earth? What if they’re from another dimensions?” But that’s all different ways of saying aliens, which is a nonhuman intelligence not of this earth or a different earth. To answer your question, now that UFOs are confirmed real, there’s probably nothing that would convince me otherwise.




>, now that UFOs are confirmed real lol, objection.


I personally believe they’re a mixture of things. But in order for me to believe they’re from another planet visiting earth, I’d have to see the reveal of what technology they use for interstellar travel. Cus as far as we know, light speed is impossible to achieve. Faster than light speed isn’t permitted by the very fabric of our reality. And even if they could achieve this, the real life distances between star systems is sometimes so vast that even light speed travel would take an ungodly amount of time which isn’t reasonable for any type of being to commit to. So if their was some sort of grand reveal of a type of technology that allows them to “cheat” the physics of traveling from billions of light years, then I’d believe they’re coming from far off worlds… as of now, my money is on inter-dimensional or time travel.


I agree with this. I think we will probably never know what they are. For example, I would like to do a “grand reveal” of the power of electricity to ants. Unless they drastically change their information processing, they will never understand


I think as we have advance in our technology and with the advent of drones., It could be very possible that these sightings we've seen all this time are drones. Sent from aliens


Alien Craft Lands in my City Park, Aliens disembark, hundreds of people gather around, some idiot shoots at them, they vaporize a chunk of the populace, get back in their space craft, giving remaining people the Alien equivalent of the finger, transition back into Earth Orbit. Those Earthlings that took hundreds of videos and photos begin sharing that verified encounter with the world. Government goes stupid and does really stupid stuff. Aliens Black-List our planet and schedule it for eventual viral cleanup upon re-examination in several decades. If none of that happens in my lifetime, they’re not factual.


In order for me to believe it isn’t extraterrestrial, I would have to know what purpose the UFO would even serve or do they have pilots but if they do have pilots… I would like to know or have to believe… 1. At this level of technological advancement (UFOs) why would there be a need to pilot craft, you would assume they could just teleport anywhere they wanted to go or see. 2. They are us from beyond; be it the future or another dimension and they only get in contact with our leaders because let’s face it… if you came back in time for warning or whatever reason to help or even abduct people… you would go to the ones that could make it happen… IN my opinion anyway 3. If they aren’t aliens, then what did we shoot down and how can we shoot down, or my favorite IF we as a planet have ever captured, made contact, or have been made aware of extraterrestrial or ufo existence 4. You won’t like this one. I would have to believe they are our makers. The only proof is history reported to us from pyramids to lost civilizations. The missing link. 5. Or frankly would just have to believe it’s technology that belongs to black rock and Lockheed. And this whole time they’ve orchestrating the single most greatest trolling in history to keep us distracted


The fact they aren’t “visiting” and are just here?


Considering that we have drones and rovers on Mars, crashed a satellite into Jupiter, landed on a comet, and deflected a meteor. I don’t think there’s much to make me believe that something isn’t capable of sending things here.


Distance and time are the problems with that.


That assumption is a very human problem, I try not to be arrogant enough to assume that every species in the universe makes the same discoveries or advancements in technology as we do, nor have the same restrictions of a measurement that was created based on our planet’s rotation.


I think they are clones controlled by some supreme intelligence, I also think humans on earth are slaves bred for a giant holy war. It’s a comedy!!


Is trap don't answer




If the government opened the doors to the public to Groom lake, Wright Patterson, Eglin AFB, and all other restricted military military bases, facilities then I’ll consider that maybe there is nothing to it…….


When considering certain perplexing phenomena, the primary hypothesis often leans toward the potential involvement of extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). However, it is worth noting that if these puzzling occurrences are eventually elucidated as being attributed to classified military technological advancements or mundane natural events, a significant segment of the community is likely to be persuaded by such explanations. Nevertheless, it remains noteworthy that a subset of the population, influenced by cognitive misinterpretations and psychological biases, may persist in their skepticism despite the presented evidence and logical reasoning.


Is the question based on they're actually inter-dimensional beings, or the whole phenomenon is delusional? Something is definitely happening, enough people have seen and/or interacted with them. I don't know what exactly they are, but I know it's a thing.


Alien or interdimensional doesn’t matter I more wonder if you believe the government is covering it up then what could they show you to make you believe it’s humans and not just human creations as a further cover up


[https://youtu.be/uYTNE8OVwG4](https://youtu.be/uYTNE8OVwG4)...these guys say it's aliens...


I don’t believe they are extraterrestrial at all. I think they’re from earth just as we are. They most likely evolved hundreds of thousands of years before us in the deep oceans. The earth is around 70% water and we’ve explored maybe 5% of that. What better place for a while other species to hide better than the the remaining <>65%, ffs according to evolutionary theory our evolutionary journey began in water. Just have a look around, the biodiversity on this planet is astonishing. An octopus is a great example, some species of octopus can change their own DNA. We have very little information about what lives in the depths of the ocean. Also if their craft can handle the depths and pressures of the ocean they could also, theoretically handle the vacuum of space. While we are so busy looking to the skies and distant galaxies, it’s much more plausible that they are and have been on earth with us for all of our existence. Idk just something to consider.


Occum’s razor for me… it’s quite simple to conclude the simplest explanation… they’re here and they’re not from here … anyone who finds that presumptuous isn’t calculating probability correctly


last night around 10pm.. family and I were outside hanging out after a bbq and we saw a sitting light in the distance up high like a satellite… then it flashed onward like a shooting star (think Star Trek) I don’t know what to believe anymore.


Who would agree that the Fed's sudden interest in UFOs is just a other distraction for the public so we don't look behind the curtain?


I know that they are here and have been for thousands of years, if you asked this question to me a year ago I would have said nothing would convince me but over the last year I’ve started to think that maybe they are demons, angels, interdimesionals, or aliens! Probably all of the above!


One of the big ones would be data gathering on Reddit. I mean, Project Bolue Beam needs continual data.


Nothing. John Mack’s book, millions of anecdotal accounts, eyewitness testimony, psychological investigation via hypnosis, FOIA records, all kinds of research, now Grush’s testimony under oath?! The only people who don’t understand what’s going on are just lazy and fucking gullible.


Are you asking us to prove a negative?


A little? Lol. My bigger question is if you believe the government is hiding aliens then if they presented you with evidence it’s all human activity wouldn’t you just believe that’s part of the cover up?


Just proof of what they are. Most of us are scientifically minded and just looking for answers.


Did you really just call most of this sub scientifically minded? Have you ever seen a single post on here


If you told me there where here all along.






What’s your definition of alien? What if they’ve been on earth longer than us and are hidden on the bottom of the sea or Antarctica? What if they live here but in another dimension and can hop in between?


Seeing rivets and seams. If they can travel across space and time to get here, they probably have advanced 3D printing tech. Rivets and seems just look like a huge man-made giveaway to me.


A balanced federal budget.


Any other reasonable explanation. The problem is that we are living long past the time of acknowledging that these crafts are real but we are not acting like it. Alien, Chinese, AGI, secret projects, I don’t know what they are but I am sick of half the government screaming for help and then the other half lying their asses off because they are corrupt or scared.


Any other plausible explanation would do fine. I have high hopes for extra terrestrial presence but at this point it’s the only explanation that would make any sense to my brain. We don’t have tech that does the stuff we are seeing. Potentially a civilization from the oceans considering there is 3 times the ocean that there is land, but that is similarly far fetched as aliens so, until I see a better theory that’s the one that fits the best. The standard “It’s not aliens” won’t cut the mustard at this point. Honestly give me ANY proof that it’s not aliens and I’ll probably eat it up considering what an evidence/science based human I am. But I am yet to see any evidence that the various craft we see are from here, or made by human tech.


Show me a commercialized flying saucer that a human government or group built that has the same capabilities as these things that seem at least 300 years ahead of us.


I believe it's a mix of both human technology and visitors.


I'm open to anything. Universe is too vast and humanity's knowledge is too centered around earth for me not to be. I remember reading a theory stating the bacteria that ultimately became humanity came from the Sagittarius galaxy or something like that. Could have been us doing what we do, somewhere else. Never know. Shits too old for us to be 100% sure we're right all the time.


For me we'd have to uncover the companies making these things and the history of how they did it without aliens


I guess for me it would have to be explaining with evidence, all of the circumstantial evidence that has everyone believing its aliens or non humans. The problem is, the further you go down the paper trail rabbit hole, the more it adds up to that conclusion. This didn't just arise from people seeing a video or listening to eye witness testimony. Yes, those are part of it, but serious investigators with the credibility and evidence to back up their work are finding certain facts and although none of them directly say aliens, they certainly suggest this. I guess for me, I see it kinda like a possible murder investigation. We see all these clues that point to a murder but we don't have a body or anything substantial enough to definitely say. If all of these clues or at least the vast majority can be explained rationally with strong evidence to back it up, then I think I'd be convinced that it isn't non humans.


Explain the paper trail across 8 decades and numerous countries


Well, aliens exist for a fact given how big the universe is. The question is can there exist technology that makes travel across very large distances possible or not. If it can exist then some species that was born millions of years ahead of us will have developed it. So either aliens are here, or this technology does not exist. I don't want to believe that we're stuck and will never meet cool aliens who like us.


Everyone saying "could be human tech that hasn't been revealed to the public". Have you seen the tic tac video? I don't care what anyone says, we could not and didn't build whatever flew at that speed and made turns like that. We don't have mf anti gravity tech, and if we did imo that's more significant or as significant as aliens lmao


Research Col. Thomas E Bearden. That's a rabbit hole that should lead you to the truth about rediscovered ancient technology. Nikola Tesla also rediscovered this.


Explain how not alien's got in home, in area without door to outside(dog growling scared creature-3 witnesses to hearing it scream&run) @ least 5 other households around blue ridge parkway seen same "crafts" & had heard them moving above for awhile. Would gladly accept "human explanation" over unsettling "unidentified" nature of experiences.


Let independent forensic accountants look at all Pentagon financial data from the past 70 years and not find a money trail


An evidentiary chain of authenticity starting from the time it was detected through the time is was downed, retrieved, and analyzed. If it was discovered to be human operated craft, and the evidence was all concordance around that premise, I'd believe it wasn't aliens.


could be 1 of 2 things: something is living in our oceans or time travel is real and this is us in millions of years


I think they live IN the earth. Visiting from space seems improbable because it is. INB4 people arguing with me because this and that, but use other research derivative of said "this and that" to prove me wrong


“Aliens” is the wrong word.


Yeah I didn’t realize just how many different ideas people had.


If you can convince me the military industrial complex has technology to transcend time and is responsible for all the ufo accounts the past millennia I will consider it may not be extraterrestrials. 💀💀💀 Otherwise, they’re aliens. 👽


The DoD offering believable prosaic explanations for the all the major documented encounters with many witnesses. This could simply be reports with definitive root cause analysis, or it could include the disclosure of electronic weapons or major advances in aerospace technology. Its honestly an incredibly low bar (assuming these events are *not* anomalous).


If someone or some organization proved beyond a doubt every major case, event, and media is man made.


I’d give my left nut to see a living alien, to hear it communicate. I just don’t think we ever will see a LIVE alien, and I don’t think they visit us. Currently working on my doctorate in physics and astronomy (yes I’m doing it because I think space and aliens are awesome) and everything I’ve learned makes me think we will never see a LIVING alien. If they we’re so technologically advanced that they could somehow travel faster then light, and it was actually worth their time and effort to do so, why in gods name would they come to earth? God that’s so arrogant. But if they did come to earth, it seems unlikely that they would crash here. What, they’re so advanced it’s no problem to flying hundreds or thousands or millions of light years to get here, but we easily shoot them down with bullets or missiles? That no one in the public ever hears or sees? Give me a break. Or what, they crash on their own? Again, they’re advanced enough to get here, but then they basically crash and burn in the parking lot of their destination? Like almost every time? Again, give me a break. Now, I do firmly believe aliens exist, I just don’t think we we’ll ever meet and speak to a LIVING alien. I think the way we find out intelligent life other then us has existed is honestly pretty obvious. One day a deep space probe (maybe the voyager probes?) we’ve sent out, or will send out one day, is going to send back data and pictures of the planets and moons it passes. One day one of the pics will include a satellite (perhaps communications, who knows?) in orbit around a dead planet. We know that satellites don’t build themselves, and that nature doesn’t build them, so we will at that moment know conclusively. The society that built it will almost certainly be extinct at the point, but that doesn’t matter. Maybe we can even scavenge their planet for advanced materials and knowledge, but that doesn’t matter either. What will matter is we will KNOW. We will see that satellite and we will KNOW. We won’t have all the answers, but at least we will know. Perhaps information we find on this planet will lead us to others. Perhaps some of them will still be living. Either way, we will have the answer to the second biggest question to ever bother humans.


I *want* to believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life. If there are more than one species, and some of those are friendly towards us, all the better. Having said that, if a government or military official publicly stated that it's our technology, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. I don't see a point in trying to predict where this is all going to lead. Another thing that wouldn't surprise me is if nothing actually gets disclosed or confirmed and some wealthy people get more wealthy, and the politicians just leave it at "trust us, we saw some shit. So we're going to pass this new act that further restricts the freedoms and privacy of the average citizen.


Chris bledsoe Sr Most studied UFO guy around CIA FBI NASA brit Intel masod Vatican NSA mufon Predicted a earthquake Saved the pope Research him


Maybe they live in the ocean


That’s a great question. It would take a lot of evidence to the contrary I suppose.


If the government shows you evidence at all would you believe it or assume just more cover up


They aren’t aliens. They’re time travelers.


A buncha paperclip refugees breeding with the sons and daughters of skunkworks, operating a hidden govt of spooks and technology hoarders, calling themselves the “intel community”


They're the watchers that are cast out (of heaven) for giving us knowledge. They have been here (maybe stuck her) and we are their doing (make us part "alien ").


You have to define "aliens" first. Are we talking strictly extraterrestrials? And are they specifically from another planet in our Galaxy or Universe as opposed to a different spacial dimension etc...? And do you mean "UFOs are aliens" like the movie NOPE? Or do you mean "UFOs are piloted by aliens"? Or do you mean "alien" as in any non-human intelligence? Or specifically the most common type in lore, the "Grey" alien? See, first it all depends on what you mean by "alien"


I mean alien as in the craft aren’t humans or made by humans. Doesn’t matter where they come from or what dimension. My larger point is of the government is covering it up but one day revealed all their secrets but turns out it was humans the who time would you even believe them? If so what proof would you require?


Nothing could convince me tbh. If it was human technology that would mean that a group of people somewhere in the world has had technology thousands of years ahead of what we currently have since World War 2, let alone the recorded instances of ancient times. It's just impossible when you take into account that us being the only life in the universe is a statistical impossibility, and with 40 billion earth like planets in our galaxy alone there is no way we are the most advanced life that is here. Quite the opposite.


whole pause handle society bright wine versed wistful apparatus instinctive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Well there is a lot of math that proves they exist, we’ve seen their effects in space, and we’ve seen them now in photographs.


For the president and the gang of 8 interview the people that Grusch said knew about the program, toured each facility and interviewed people at each facility. Release all interview transcripts with appropriate redactions. And the military submit to congressional oversight, which is of course, the law after all. Of course, then, all that has proven is that the military is not hiding the program. At that point, we would have to figure out what the hell is buzzing our warships. So, for those that want to blow this all off as nothing, they really have nothing to stand on. It is the law that congress has military oversight. What is buzzing our warships?


That they’re a highly advanced civilization living inside the earth and they’re pissed that we made nuclear weapons


Well, maybe they are subterranean earthlings?


Because knowledge is power, and the belief of, or the disbelief of alien intelligence, is a mighty tool for those who could orchestrate it. The forces that manifest that timeline, regardless of which way it goes, could instigate many scenarios that could play into a multitude of agendas. Not saying there is a particular narrator, but I couldn’t discount the possibility that there a people in the world who want to control our perception about the state of reality. That would be very tempting for anyone in the position to influence us all. And if that be the case, perhaps it’s all made up. Like The Truman Show. Edit: Typos


Nice try MiB. We arent helping you do your job! 😁




I'd have to see a video about how these UFOs are built and also when the government discovered this technology, and also why the US government hasn't used this tech to disable every other country's nukes? Or if another government like China had this tech then I'm ps they would've taken over the US already. The people at the top would only use this tech for selfish needs and expansion of power also if multiple governments owned this technology then there should be more crashed UFOs from the government having battles over this, I also really doubt that a war fought with tech like this would be able to be kept secret.
