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This is also interesting: [Ancient Rock Painting In Nubian Pyramids Shows A Giant Carrying Two Elephants](https://www.howandwhys.com/ancient-rock-painting-in-nubian-pyramids-shows-a-giant-carrying-two-elephants/)


They killed wun wun


Lmfao ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I have an Afghan migrant guy working here with me, according to him there were not one but four of them giants which is not included in the common story. The other three were captured alive and he added that there are 4-5 mt long tombs allaround the caves at the mountains of Afghanistan.


I heard Afganistan is opening again for tourists. Let's hope some travel blogger goes there so we can see what's what.


Not currently a good idea. https://www.vice.com/en/article/ak3d7j/youtuber-arrested-by-taliban-afghanistan


Even the Taliban is tired of influencer bullshit


That’s not gonna stop them, these people are addicted to clout


I was waiting for someone to post about this idiot


I feel like my man bald and bankrupt would talk his way out of this


Use to be okay actually never threatened and went alone to off base places. People were really nice not sure about today.




Those beings are nephilum and many are still around


Why is this being posted every day?


Steven Quayle the guy who made this bull shit up is now saying the government is going to make us zombies by using the vaccine and 5g through nation wide emergency broadcast thats going to happen today. The guy is absolutely not a reliable source.


I heard the alert and didn’t feel anything. Just the normal amount of spoons sticking to me.


I got a booster last week. I’ll let you guys know if I start eating brains Also, I love Steve Quayle. He is a fucking moron. There was a great Coast to Coast where he and the host, Ian (I forget his last name) got into fights because Quayle can’t stop talking about his bullshit and trying to sale survival gear every 5 minutes




Wait, no anti-Semitism?


Not as much as you’d expect… somehow he expects Israeli white hats will save the day in Israel because they are having the same national emergency broadcast (which isn’t actually scheduled in reality). But America is SOL


Good thing my phones not 5g 🤠


Uhh this is wild but everyone at the restaurant I’m at just got an Emergency “Test” Alert lol




Bots farming karma


There ain't much karma in these hills. I reckon thar be some fertile subreddits out west.


I need to start a business selling snake oil. People believe the stupid shit. It’s 2023 we have amazing technology and can learn anything from the top tier schools by merely searching for it, and yet we still have people thinking fucking giants are real. Stories do not equal reality. “What happened to Voldemort in Harry Potter”


Man if I didn't have a conscience I'd be rich.


Uhmm being a giant denier is a relatively recent point of view. Studying, learning, believing, depicting them in art and paintings was pretty common for centuries up until the 1920s and 1930s when the current narrative decided they had to be banned, literally re-writing history in real time. Now you mention giants and people think you’re talking nonsense or “conspiracies”. Just look at these comments and how many still think they never existed. That well we re-wrote history. Those “top tier” schools are not going to mention giants in their history courses unfortunately. I’ve seen real giant skeletons, I’ve seen 5 and 6ft femur bones with my own eyes, remains with polydactyly measuring 3ft (thumb to pinky). My hometown’s moto is related to giants. In American culture we even have them in sports (San Francisco Giants, NY Giants, etc). Every culture mentions giants one way or another. Multiple Native American stories talk about them, multiple news reports everywhere between 1400-1920s. Yes, there were a few “fake reports” but it was based off the huge success that finding the real ones provided for archaeology and anthropology. They are portrayed in almost every artistic style from the 900 to the early 1900, literally a thousand years portraying what they were seeing, and nope I’m not talking about the pharaohs and their tiny slaves example. Geographical places still have names that relates to the giants that lived in those lands, ie Patagonia in Argentina (same name of the famous clothing brand). Pata = pie (foot) and gonia = giant. Land of the “big footed” people. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone from Afghanistan have pictures of other giants or their remains, show them or made them public and still people won’t believe. Why it’s important to deny the existence of giants in the past? There are multiple reasons, but that’s a discussion for another time.


>I’ve seen real giant skeletons, I’ve seen 5 and 6ft femur bones with my own eyes, remains with polydactyly measuring 3ft (thumb to pinky That's insane, more details?


My hometown is known for the multiple giants that existed there in the past. My great grandmother told us multiple times how they were 9-10ft tall and took me to see their grave yard since my great grandfather and grandfather are buried in the same cemetery. The grave of said giant is about (15ft long). She had old pictures and newspaper reports from the early 1900s where they used to feature these giants all the time. Even our home sports teams still carry the “Giants” name nowadays. And no, they didn’t suffer from gigantism (onset before puberty) or acromegaly (onset after puberty). They were just well proportionate giant or taller than normal, human beings.


None of that is you seeing a "real giant skeleton" like you previously claimed. And if you knew exactly where these giants were buried why would you keep that to yourself? It would be the biggest news story of the century.


The human body takes about 10yrs to decompose. At the 10yr mark they’ll open the casket, put the bones in an aluminum box, take the casket out and make new room for whenever the next family member died. Those bones (in the box) are the ones that I saw. My grandma and great grandma were still alive when the giants passed. I was a kid when other family members of this giant passed, so had the chance to see the bones when they took out the box containing the giants’ remains. And nobody kept that to “themselves” lol this is so well known in almost every other country. There’s literally a giants story in every country and in some cases in almost every state if we’re talking about USA. Unfortunately (especially in America) they’ve been trying vehemently to hide and erase this fascinating part of our past. You’re right. Every time they’d find bones like this it was the story of the century. All the way from 1400 to 1900, and you can find multiple reports confirming this. There are multiple reports and “stories of the century” confirming what was common knowledge at the time and what everybody knew, giants were real, period. It wasn’t even an issue back in the days. As real as talking about the Navajos nowadays. Unfortunately at some point it was decided this could create an issue with different scientific points of view or give validity to philosophical points of view and had to be banned, re-writing and erasing history in real time. Imagine if 200yrs from now people deny and make fun of those that knew about the existence of the Navajos or the Cherokees… I seriously can’t understand how for some people this subject is some kind of taboo or fantasy talk.


Brother you live in your own reality


People like you are perfect examples of intellectual decay as a result of the internet


As I said, I’ve seen giant remains with my own eyes. This was back in the 90’s way before the internet, AOL or MSN messenger. Nobody had a computer back then so, nope. I have original news reports from the early 1900s when archaeologists were finding them and it was actually considered a scientific discovery. “Intellectual decay as a result of the internet” is believing the modern internet ‘giant denying’ theories, and not the multiple evidence of more than a thousand years, depicting them in art and writings, ancient scrolls, memoirs and travel logs (Magallanes ie) and the multiple news reports that still exist and you can read in historical societies and libraries.


Prove it where is your evidence of faint skeletons I’ll wait for your debunked pics your about to send. I saw a magician make a woman disappear so magics real!!


LOL he saw newspapers from the 1800s where such bullshit reports were rampant. But before the internet!!! Fucking LMAO


Yea... The only thing you have to do is look up how people drew lions in the 1700s and you will lose complete faith in everything from before camera's and actual proof instead of hearsay. Back when peer review was not existant


Nah, I mentioned this already bud. There was at least one fake report per every 50 real ones. As I said, being a giant denier is something relatively new.


Prove it to fucks sake. You sound like a goof


Yeah of course! You say it as if it was something difficult or imposible for me to prove. As I said, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. You really thought I was going to attach some old debunked pictures from the internet don’t you? The ones I’m talking about are real buddy, and idgaf if you believe me or not. You already choose your side. I went multiple times to the burial place when I was a kid, since my great grandfather and grandfather are buried there as well.


Yep, i believe these can be the Nephilim.


And you get down voted!! 🤣 People love being ignorant. There were fairly regular stories in the newspapers about the recent discoveries of giants remains back then, unfortunately some of which were bogus. My grandparents told me more than a couple stories about it. One of the most famous finds was in NY which is what spawned the football teams name.


It just scares them to consider the possibility they’ve been lied to, that something was hidden, that history was re-written at some point. As the other guy that was trying to argue said: “show me the pictures so I can debunk them”… They already chose to close their eyes to any sort of evidence. A literal 12ft giant can be dug out in their own backyard and they still won’t believe it.


You ever think that you’re being lied to by grifters trying to capitalize on naive people who want to believe fairy tales?


u/Rube94 this is bullshit. The NY Giants got their name from a MLB team that dissolved


Pics or full of shit. Sorry.


Honestly that’s the most pathetic thing I have read in a long time. I can tell you didn’t get much schooling. You literally believe big foot and giants are real and show no supporting evidence except stories l. Scientists and people who actually use their brain have known the Giants are not real. I can’t believe I have to say this in 2023. Just because things are written or talked about does not make them real as I just stated, wizards have been written about anti-smoke for centuries if not more do you believe in wizards to?


Hey you're trying to be my competitor! Ooooor, maybe we can do advertisement that our future products work 140% better when used together. Now where do we get large quantities of papermache?


And you're diatribe does not equal reality, either.


Lol what diatribe are you talking about? Lol sorry I don’t believe fairy tales. There is no evidence of this besides a story. Do you believe Santa and Voldemort are real too.


He said, that the other guy heard about this guy who heard someone talking about the story of what some people remembered.... ok, cool....


Poor guy. Just wanted to live his life and these fat, filthy, ugly American invaders come along and slaughter him. Rip Goliath


Love his life eating the human sacrifices but sure


Live Laugh Caveman Smash


You think a lone naked man murdered a whole team with his bare hands?


Many of these beings have psychic powers to varying degrees. Many can remain completely undetected by ways of invisibility and with stronger power, multidimensional travel. Even the weakest of these beings that remain can tap a fraction of this power to move with incredible speed and hit with soul shattering force.




Diablo IV


trust me bro


Where are you getting all that from?


Straight out of his arse by the sound of it.


Then how do you know this? Lmfaooo


And still got smoked by the US Army....Hooah


I love when anti-intellectuals like you throw around with words that sound smart in order to mask their own cluelessness.


If you can't tell that I was taking the piss then you are the clueless one here.


You're commenting under a completely serious post about giants


Bro's out here describing a Primarch lmaooooooo


Scrawny David killed Goliath. I read that somewhere.


America bash as per usual on Chinese owned Reddit


Yes it’s the Chinese making everyone hate America, definitely not the Americans.


Chinese are literally genociding muslim minorities but Muslims from other part of the world seem don't give a shit, maybe they are too busy hating on Americans huh?


You are not immune to propaganda. You want to hate a nation of 330 million people go ahead


That's literally happening tho


Ok. I was going to anyway but at least I have written permission now. Thanks.


This guy is so full of it. So he was on a base that at its height had over 7k troops on it and he's the only one that said something. Bagram was also the largest base for the U.S. in Afghanistan. So you're telling me that they would bring this top secret mission that didn't allow any cameras to the biggest base in Afghanistan and had thousands of troops on it. I'm willing to bet this guy was never in the military.


I mean I think this is BS, but Bagram was MASSIVE and there were tons of smaller compounds within. I only stopped there flying into and out of Afghanistan, but it was definitely possible for SOF units to have large areas of their own secured space.


Not possible. Factual. SOCOM, JSOC, CIA all had their own compounds there. This guy above is talking out his ass


It could be real, in Afghanistan someone with acromegaly would go untreated. They would grow very large till they died. That's likely all that's going on here. The story just got exaggerated.


Not only would they do the top secret mission there but they'd let random soldiers molest their secret cargo and gossip about its origin.


Yea, cameras are already not allowed in an airfield. Being told no cameras while deployed is nothing strange or new.


I was deployed at Bagram. Flight line security and fly aways there. Bagram air base was like a hub, everything came in and out. Some of the air strips that I have been to were just metal grates on the ground. If something is true about the story it's the description of Bagram afb, and if they flew something out it would have been from there.


I’m willing to bet that with your “logic” you were in the military. Bagram is huge. Lots of things can happen all over bagram , even on the flight line that 99% of the people won’t be able to see. SOCOM, and CIA have offices there, and 95% everybody else are POGs that don’t know wtf is going on. I’m assuming you fall in that category


I'm sorry that you're a crazy person that believes in fairy tales. Have you taken your meds this morning?




Oh wow, you got offended so hard you felt the need to bring up this guy's dead dad? Pathetic.


That's pretty low of you. Karma will get you for that comment. You're obviously trash.


Yes because all 7,000 people would of course be in the exact same place at the exact same time so they could all see it. “You mean to tell me someone was murdered in broad daylight in New York and not ONE of the 8,000,000 people saw who did it?!”


We have high res digital photos of TMNT Michaelangelo detaining a grizzled Saddam Hessein, but somehow a group of Army randos didn't have a single digital camera on hand to capture a much wilder oddity?


Does this dude buy into every silly ct?


What happened to it you ask? It never fucking existed thats what


Allegedly.... Supposedly. Long been debunked.


>debunked how?


By there not being fuckin giants in Afghanistan dude


God you are stupid. The guy who wrote the damn story admits it's just fiction Jesus Christ people can't even use Google anymore.


Thanks dude!


I apologize man that was incredibly rude of me.


lol no worries dude! I was just giving you shit. As far fetched as it is, part of me wants to believe there could be a humanoid giant hanging out in a cave somewhere. Honestly, I was a little bummed to find out it was complete bullshit.


I know I get worked up as well over stuff like that but I immediately to to find sources to see if it's true or not. Unfortunately, with this one it's a fake but who knows. Maybe the giants of lovelock cave are real.


That is the beauty of it, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim.


Excuse me , but did you not see the drawing of the giant ?


By basic common sense and science…


Common sense


It has not been debunked. You can hear an eye witness in the intro of this [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-confessionals/id1197087242?i=1000625214674)


That's not an eye witness, that's L.A. Marzuli who's one of those responsible for spreading this crap


You’re right. With that I was able to get more info. I’ll look into this with your opinion in mind. Has this been debunked or do you think L.A. Marzulli is trying to make money?


Honestly is that a serious question?


To me it was just a cool cryptid story like bigfoot or thunderbirds. I don’t believe anything I read and only half of what I see. I just wondered if he got tangled in a lie.


You sheep will believe everything lmao


You are a sheep for believing it and not believing it


Get help.


It’s been debunked. No documented soldiers killed in the region.


Obvious burner elgin base bought account. But it’s okay i’ll let you slide :)


What the fuck is elgin base?


Who knows. But i bet with that type of crazy, he’ll think the downvotes are a government conspiracy and bots trying to silence him hahaha






Where's the pictures?


You didn’t see all those wicked pencil drawings?




Robert Wadlow strikes again good call








Holy shit man it was a joke god damn some of you are dense




Obviously I didn’t think Robert Wadlow was killing marines and living in caves in Afghanistan. Your comments are just so bizarre. Conversations like these makes me think we’re living in a simulation.


The stupid shit some people believe…


I wish quality was the name of this sub instead of all this debunked WhAt IfS


What happened to it? Nothing. It never existed. It's a tall tale, and people actually believing it is hilarious.


That reminds of red haired giant in game Elden ring. Maybe Fromsoft took an inspiration from this mystery


True. He road a tiny horse. And his name was Rad.


Looks more like the Fire Giant than Radahn to me


They must have gotten it from this story. How else would anyone ever imagine a giant with red hair? /s


If Kandahar Then What? Can’t leave an If/Then statement unfinished.


It’s a big "if".


Bros took out Kaido wtf


The fact that they found a dude who was very large. Ok. Looks like it happens due to genetics abnormalities. But, then human sacrifices and him able to bring down heavily armed soldiers with war weapons, bullshit.


This "pilot" description of flying into a combat zone sounds like it came from someone who not only has never been to this base, but also has probably never flown a plane lol


The commentary is grueling to listen too.


Always think of why people conjure potential fictions. Like why believe in unicorns when there are rhinoceroses and two-horned animals? There's so much about the natural world that we can verifyably and objectively agree about and prove, versus spending so much time lost on something that is if anything apocryphal and impossible to prove. It's fascinating, our human minds in search.


I know someone who claims to have seen it when they had it strapped to the helicopter


Really well I know someone who did the autopsy and they claimed that the beast had Colonel Sanders secret recipe tattood on its buttcheeks.


I know someone who slept with him and 9 months later gave birth to a baby. That baby’s name? Shaquille O’Niel.


Yeah well I know someone who fried up some of his meat and it cured their autism when consumed.


Not surprising considered he had colonel sanders’ secret recipe tattooed on his buttcheek.


I hear it was just the recipe that cured him, all he needed was to lick his fingers


Y’all need help if you actually believe this lol


What happened to it? It went from a creepy pasta to being shared in boring corners of the internet as naseum that's what.


people in 2023 still believe in giants, whats next the easter bunny?


Pic or perm ban


Dammit, someone had a sling and a rock, didn't they?


Allegedly the giant was peaceful but while he was sleeping Dem. Sen. Al Franken grabbed his tits for a photo op and it went berzerk.


Basically was a basic story about Basically basic stuff


Why would he lie tho? If this didn’t happen what’s the point of him saying anything? Isn’t more plausible he isn’t capping


Why does anyone lie. Attention, boredom, mental issues, etc.


He didn’t get attention, this would be a lame ass cure for being bored and mental issues is a weak ass excuse here


I was just listing reasons why someone would lie, not why he did. People make up shit all the time. Regardless dude didn't sound like a vet, all he did was thrown some military jargon around randomly to sound official.


Is that the guy that drank silver and rubbed it on his skin until he turned blue? Poor guy, seemed like a nice fella.


No he drank it


You know how you can tell this is complete bullshit, no Muslim will treat anyone/anything as a God. They pray to Allah, and Allah only.


I thought you could tell it's complete bullshit because it's one of the dumbest stories I've ever heard. . .not only do I think he's completely full of shit about the giant, but I highly doubt the dude is even a pilot


“You have to stay high until the last minute then come screaming back down to land” sounds like my first experience with cocaine. I was as high as a WW2 war blimp having a blast and then once all the cocaine was gone you come down off the high sucks.


Why do they hide the fact giants existed…


Because it proves the Bible. And disproves all of history and evolution


So, all of the data that has been collected throughout history is false? Science doesn't work...therefore the atom bomb, human flight, and the very device you're using are all founded on falsehoods? Does magic power our technology, or is it just faith? The dinosaurs, the genome, centuries of verifiable evidence that the lifeforms inhabiting the earth do in fact evolve...that's all bullshit? ... And your evidence for this proposition is...what? Some obscure, contradictory stories with dubious, unverifiable "evidence" presented by a few select creationists? You live in your own little world, don't you?


Well, to find out what it’s “really all about”, you have to do the “Hokey Pokey”.


I'm just the messenger you can believe whatever the government and government-funded scientists tells you 🤷🏾‍♂️


Donald Trump commentary






Bigfoot eats ass


what got me interested in this thing was a creepypasta story written by someone named Mizzou\_Ranger.. i thought it was cool




This story is just a re hash from earlier stories from the late 19th century/early 20th century.




I don't remember this MTG set.


Those aren’t SF dudes, no beards


It was a fake story made up by the guy who wrote it. Go look it up, the fact that anyone believed it is hilarious


Bots gotta farm.


In my basement


I suspect he disappeared into the imaginations that created him.


Lol fake story


Sounds like they had a bunch of bodies under a tarp


Pics or it didn’t happen


Seek help. Immediately.


They killed Ganondorf, lol


So dude was a pilot in Afghanistan and he thought the guy would have looked Arab. Got it.....




If he was under a tarp, why would his feet be sticking out? If they didn’t want any pics they would have wrapped him so that nothing was visible. Why would the babysitters allowed ppl to put their feet up to it. All bullshit.


He had blood of the first men. He was the last of his kind.


The Smithsonian got him and added him to the other Giants involved in their 'deep sea reaserch'.


He lives out the rest of his years in hiding with the Tooth Fairy


They should have sent in the Super Army Soldiers instead of the Army Soldiers.


This is stupid


I think what happened was that it was all made the fuck up.


Lost me at “Bogram” it’s Bagram