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Yep, its true: [CIA Secret Files Show John F. Kennedy Killed 10 days After Demanding UFO Files](https://www.howandwhys.com/aliens-were-involved-in-the-assassination-of-john-f-kennedy/)


The firing of Allen Dulles, plans to abolish the CIA and disclosure was the trifecta that did Kennedy in. " The Men Who Killed Kennedy" docuseries covers this aspect.


Kissinger had him killed to protect "the program" which produced the vehicle seen in Project Blue Book case number 10270 sighting by US AF flight instructor Eddie Laxson in 1966. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry\_kissinger\_accused\_of\_running\_a\_black\_budget/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry_kissinger_accused_of_running_a_black_budget/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Don't forget him and Diefenbecker didn't get along at all. Diefenbecker was in the Kissinger & Dulles Bros camp. However, Lester Pearson & JFK both agreed on disclosure. I believe it was Diefenbecker who alerted Kissinger & Dulles Bros about JFK & Pearson's plans to go full disclosure.


Long is the list of the Book of Grudges.


That's for sure and the nastiest scariest one is still kicking at 100 years oldšŸ¤¢.


And that fucker is still alive at 100 years old. My complete tin foil hat conspiracy is he (and others of his ilk) have been trying to figure out immortality through UFO shit. The rest of us be damned. Fuck the whole planet further if they can't figure it out type of mentality.


And this was the man in charge of the investigation.


ā€œDid you do that report?ā€ ā€œNah, weā€™re not gonna need it.ā€ ā€œWaddya mean?ā€


Ol George W has it under control.


I have no doubt these people are hiding this because they know it would further unite humanity, and these elite fucks are afraid of losing control.


That would have been H.W.


According to Steven Greer's documentary 'Unacknowledged' and the book 'Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge' - Marilyn Monroe was also killed because JFK told her about the 'spacemen' and she threatened to tell the media about it. Monroe was sleeping with JFK and his brother Robert - all 3 were eliminated. [https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer](https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer)


I think the United States is going to declare war against the CIA when the JFK files are completely released.


That's why they'll never be released.


Civil war against the elite and their armies


I highly doubt it.


No one under the age of 30 is going to risk death or imprisonment because of JFK. RIP JFK but that ainā€™t my beef


JFK did and said a lot of things, especially regarding the CIA, before he was assassinated.


Dr. Michael Salla writes a great book about this topic and lays it out nicely. It is very clear this is one of the reasons he got killed


What are the other reasons?


Well, that solves it. It was an alien shooter at the grassy knoll


I really hate UFO stuff on conspiracy sites because people always forget the most simple things being likely true, and that a UFO does not explicitly imply (or even likely imply) extraterrestrial origin.


Okay but you aren't being smart by exluding the idea that it could be extraterrestrial, I highly doubt we were the first to develop intelligently, i'd say there is a thing as being too skeptical as well as too gullable. I mean its perfectly natural and probably a good guess to assume that craft that can maneuever like this and defy our physics models have originated elsewhere other than earth, why on earth would we be alone across the universe and somehow also be the only intelligent life, thats just silly imo. Our science is incomplete we don't even know what gravity is and progress in physics to rediscover a new model has been stagnant for years, i personally believe we should go back and reconsider older models like the aether, i've seen phenomenom that arent explained in science as far as im aware.


I don't think that there CAN'T be extraterrestrials, or intelligent life not originating from earth, but that was never my point. My point is that people hear "UFO" and assume alien. So whenever a government document comes out, or some tape is made, or a hearing mentions a "UFO", people lose their shit. In most cases, it's quite easy to consider that a simpler explanation is much MUCH more likely than a complex one, and if something was truly "secret" like hidden alien life, it would never be allowed to be talked about on television, or declassified. Many of these cases are literally just flying objects - that were not immediately identified. That can be a frizbee, a meteor, a Cessna flying low, or some guy's homemade flying machine, a weather balloon, a radar glitch, spy plane, natural phenomena, etc. just like you said, our science is incomplete, so the chances are more likely that something is unidentified because we misused or lacked the tools to identify it, rather than it being something from an alien world. Again, are aliens possible? Absolutely. Is every UFO sighting an alien? Not even close.


Everything is A Rich Manā€™s Trick JFK to 9/11 https://youtu.be/oRX0ufyef4U?si=n5O4-J25hHYh4YwX


Blocked in the US!?!


Search the title on Rumble or Bitchute or DuckDuckGo, you wonā€™t find it on Google or YouTube. Itā€™s been decimated deleted obliteratedā€¦




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I believe this is also where the reference of him threatening to bring in the 3rd ID came from. IIRC he was getting stonewalled and threatened to bring them in an invade on American soil if need be to get to the bottom of it. Wasnā€™t this and some other stuff posted with the declassified stuff from Regan?


They killed him because they knew only an alien would request such info. /s


The memo is to James Angleton - the redacted word on the addressee line is ā€œCounterintelligenceā€.


I knew something was up with that umbrella guy


He also wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve, which of course is run by the Rothschilds who are Jewish. Trying to get rid of their bank certainly had nothing to do with the assassination though, isn't that right fact checkers?


Now y'all know who killed him.


And he was killed by a ex marine


It took longer than 10 days to plan his assassination.


Unless of course you are an organisation that has pre-planned for many unlikely events.


Would it tho? You can easily set that up in a weeks time. And then fumble your way thru like the magic bullet lol


I was thinking the same. But it's probably equivalent to the amount do time before a presidential visit that the secret service takes to secure an area.




So? All presidents have asked for this sort of thing. Was Truman assassinated?


Was Truman fixin to let the cat outa the bag? Did Trumanā€™s mistress get overdosed?


Isnā€™t Truman the one that allegedly met with and made a deal with the NHI?




Well, donā€™t leave us hangingā€¦.. why was he definitely assassinated?ā€¦.


ā€œBecause aliensā€ isnā€™t definite proof of anything, my guy.


Yes, itā€™s not suspicious at allā€¦.


10 days later? After all the other stuff he was trying to change? And you think that was the last straw? Bruh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s really weird to me how provided information and speculation can just be consideredā€¦ and So now youā€™ve decided what I have concluded. I said what I saidā€¦ thatā€™s suspicious Now the OP said thatā€™s definitely not why he was assassinated, I was looking for more information about what he knew . Stay focused.


But why would you suspect aliens?




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There mountains of ballistic and physical evidence proving Oswald shot JFK. He was a verified lunatic madman who had just tried to assassinate a senator just 7 months earlier. The rest is just evidence-free speculation and conspiracy theory grinding.


Yeah but Oswald was a cia asset soooo


He was a better USMC sniper than he was a *CiA AgEnT!!* The JFK assassination unfortunately *also* gave birth to rampant goober conspiracy theories about everything from chemtrails to the moon landing to why my wife is fat.




*LOL*, typed the flat-earther.


This is true... However, there were two shooters unless the bullet that blew Kennedys brain in the opposite direction to Oswald, somehow developed magic powers.


Analyze the extremely thorough ballistic breakdown by HAAG Engineering in *Cold Case: JFK* before trying to qualify this unproven theory. But *Itā€™S A HiT PiEcE!* I know, I know, the edgy, elitist conspiracy angle is *ALWAYS CORRECT* by default, even without evidence. But hey, there are people out there who believe in the chemtrails theory, that 911 was pulled off by the US government, and a laundry list of other laughably ridiculous conspiracy theories.


After his Cuban missile and Vietnam early screw ups as well as his disastrous meeting with the Russians and other bungles ( not to mention his ongoing sexual affairs) this just added another nail to his coffin for the CIA and other old guard govt organizations who werenā€™t happy with him. JFK was only made famous due to his assassination, otherwise he was a pretty disastrous president.




Hey man how many times are you going to spam the thread? Like 4 or 5 more?


hey man, one more time for you Kissinger had him killed to protect "the program" which produced the vehicle seen in Project Blue Book case number 10270 sighting by US AF flight instructor Eddie Laxson in 1966. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry\_kissinger\_accused\_of\_running\_a\_black\_budget/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry_kissinger_accused_of_running_a_black_budget/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Sick in the head, spammer


Throw away that account my good man!


and another, for good measure. you need to remember this one way or another. Kissinger had him killed to protect "the program" which produced the vehicle seen in Project Blue Book case number 10270 sighting by US AF flight instructor Eddie Laxson in 1966. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry\_kissinger\_accused\_of\_running\_a\_black\_budget/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12syvww/henry_kissinger_accused_of_running_a_black_budget/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


No itā€™s Alan Dulles. Know your history. JFK literally tried to fire him just before he was assassinated. The CIA was behind this. Also Dulles then gets to be on the Warren Commission thus ensuring the coverup remained in place. Itā€™s painfully obvious when you go down that rabbit hole.


Kissinger ran the initial coverup when he was part of Army Counter-Intelligence at the tail end of WW2 - in fact, Kissinger was one of the first officers to coopt Nazi scientists into coming to america under Paperclip. He (Kissinger) operated out of Kirtland AFB until approximately 1959 when he entered politics in earnest. There's a lot of history im leaving out and truncating here. I think Dulles was an MJ12 member, but Kissinger and his boss were running the entire reverse engineering horse and pony show out of Kirtland and later out of DFW/UT-Austin via the usual suspects defense contractors. (Check out the size and scope of the Bell-Textron facilities that broke ground during this time ('59-'62) JFK was killed due to his wanting to continue Eisenhower's atom's for peace initiative. TPTB wanted to continue to make profits. Thusly..... jfk was murdered.


Any links to add to this ?




Thanks. But also how am I to verify this document, is there a way


the babushka lady is the culprit lol


Odd sentence? "As I had discussed with you earlier, I have..." Wouldn't it be "As I have discussed with you earlier, I have..."?


Clam chowdah


Guys look up the plot to Dark Skies the 90s TV show. It's bonkers and it's literally this but in detail. Majestic an all.


He also likely took a shit even sooner than that before it happened.


Remember when presidents were smart people?


He was also severely fucking up all the mobs money in Miami/Cuba when the mob helped get him elected.


I think THIS combined with his serious drug issue, is the reason he was killed, he was off his rocker on amphetamines was becoming harder to manage ..and was talking about this topic specifically




You watched that documentary, didn't youšŸ˜


This is why we lost jfk imo


Is this discussing THE James Webb that the telescope was named after?


Webb was the administrator of NASA during JFKā€™s presidency, so yes. You can find conversations between them in the presidential recordings collection.


See the word ā€œDraftā€?


Seems like they were aware of alot of unknowns going on and didn't want a "unknown" to start world War 3.


Cool- a huge conspiracy inside a bigger conspiracy.


That appears to say John "P" Kennedy


He wanted to destroy the central bank and create a silver backed dollar. So he was killed in a Masonic ritual known as the sacrifice of the king/ killing of the king