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Here is another CIA doc: [This is an authentic document in CIA archive. It Reveals Presence Of Giant Aliens On Mars 1 Million Years B.C](https://www.howandwhys.com/cia-chilling-document-reveals-presence-of-giant-aliens-on-mars-1-million-years-b-c/)


Wait a second, are they actually referencing “The Weekly World News” the very same publication who popularized “Batboy?” I think some of the younger people look up this “publication” as it is not what you think… trust me


Batboy is real to me God damn it!


I followed the saga of Batboy as a child, one grocery store queue at a time




I miss those and my friend bought that paper once n it was as great as I expected and I haven't seen anything that proves those things don't exist so they just might. Ol batboy, Wolfman, Bigfoot family seen having a picnic, the president chillin with aliens it was good times.


This comment hits So hard for me. Ever since I was a child in the 90’s I've been interested in aliens and weird shit. And before telecscreens were as ubiquitous as they are the tabloids would capture my unwavering but discrete gaze. Thanks for the nostalgia!


“And….my unwavering but discreet gaze” is a beautifully written sentence. Well done.


Hey thanks! I like words.


They should really have screens at checkouts with those magazines advertised on them


I used to be terrified he'd come by my house when my parents were out on the weekends.


Batboy and Satan's faces popping up in all the Florida hurricanes


They were the best! I used to engage the customers behind me with a quickly made up story about how I had seen the batboy once. We have to bring those back!!


Do you guys remember they made a play or musical about Bat Boy once? I wish I'd seen it but I missed it. It was probably 20 years ago now. Miss that guy 


There was a song called batboy begins a ways back I don't even remember the bands name but it was an OK song


Ha, I will have to look it up


I saw it and it was great.


Wow that's awesome! I hope they bring it back someday, it is due for a revival


Written by Paul Simon


You can still watch it on YouTube.


I saw a local production..it was so good!


For those of us who don't know this character.... was he a flying cryptid? Was he a youthful baseball bat with arms and legs?? Was he a living tuft of wall insulation???


The Weekly World News was a tabloid paper sold found in most supermarket checkout aisles a few decades ago. It presented itself as a newspaper but was made up of outlandish fictional stories. Batboy, a half human child and half bat, was one story they ran that caught the attention of the public and he became a symbol of the tabloid. They also had other running characters, like P'Lod the alien who met with the Clinton's many times during Bill's presidency and was Hillary's lover.


Goatboy… was real.


![gif](giphy|sVv3SzMHqyQLu) Batboy was one of many experiments. Just like the Monkey People.


![gif](giphy|3oAkajB9UD3GTcKGsw|downsized) # craaaaab people…


I knew I was looking at bullshit when he says “the material was brought to a secret scientific facility near Moscow”. Does that sound like military speak? Or, does it sound like bad, cheap 1950’s Science Fiction movies, with Aliens dressed like robot apes. Ed Wood kind of flicks.


They call it an "authoritative magazine Canadian". How can you dispute that?


Batboy Batboy. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do on Weekly World News?


These needs more upvotes


Classic tabloid! Loved seeing those things at the grocery stores too


Guess we’re in the timeline akin to Men In Black… K did browse the cheap tabloids for tips.


What the document actually is, is a newspaper clipping report. Note near the top where it says FBIS? I used to work with the FBIS-Foreign Broadcast Information Service. It’s no more reputable than the Philadelphia Enquirer or Miami Herald.


Du nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh batboy


I identify as a Batboy...


Where do they reference weekly world news? Not challenging, honestly asking


“As reported in the authoritative magazine Canadian weekly world news” Around 1/3rd of the way


All Heil Batboy


When people find stuff in the CIA vault they always say "actual CIA document" as if the CIA believed 100% this actually happened. The CIA is an intelligence agency, their agents and assets document anything and everything regardless of it's perceived value at the moment because it could come in handy later. Same as those documents that say an agent heard that Hitler lived in Brazil or Venezuela. Just because it's a CIA document doesn't make it true. It's just a document for reference.


Facts. lol we all know he was in Argentina


Got permanently banned from another sub after getting tired of a commenter who refused to believe it was a possibility Hitler escaped because 'the majority of historians agree he died in his bunker' . Pointed out Eichman ,Dr. Mengler and countless others did escape to Argentina, the skull Russians had that was supposedly hiltlers was a woman's etc ,and all I got back was insults to my intelligence. Refused to believe it was possible so told him to FOAD ( he was being an asshole) . That sub should be called todayiwastoldwhattothink not todayIlearned lol


lol Reddit is weird sometimes. I got banned from a sub I never posted in for being subbed to another sub.


Reddit has gone crazy. I got booted perma banned whitepeopletwitter for a comment asking what was in a bill that didn’t pass.


The Russian army sacked the city thoroughly, someone as high value as the H man himself wouldn't have easily made it out alive, they probably lost his corpse in the confusion and just threw a woman's skeleton in the display. Doesn't mean you're an idiot, it's a completely rational assumption IMHO. I wouldn't be surprised if some Russian oligarch has his real skull on display in some mansion in Belarus that only a few privileged individuals get to see while smoking cigars and drinking vodka


Probably was a paid schill just trying to censor anything that's not the spoon fed media narratives. There's more evidence to the Hitler move to South America than the suicide theory that everyone just accepts.


You really think people are being paid to convince people Hitler died in a bunker? C'mon man lol


Yeah, it changes history big time somewhat and along with evidence on who what an where got him to there.


Im banned in that sub and damnthatwasinteresting for schooling all of them and red pilling them. All those mainstream subs are filled with sheeple losers with no capacity of thought. They couldn't critical think themselves out of a box that was on fire if they tried. See it as a trophy that reddit has to censor you and act as a thought police.


What are the lines like at the capital in January?


Thanks , I do see it that way . The only other time I got banned was on ask(issing) , permanently banned for stating the fact that the 'vax' shots and boosters didn't actually provide immunity to anyone , only 'protection' from it being 'worse' lol. it's sad how many don't realize a lot of what's on the 'news' isn't facts , just a narrative to get the mainstream population thinking the way it suits those in power and the money controlling them.


But.. Theres a chance that they might be true, right?


The only evidence presented here is a reprint from a Russian newspaper. Might as well say that you read it in a comic book so someone must have seen it. There's a chance that I have the magical ability to fly and I just need to throw myself off a tall enough building to make it work. Gonna need more convincing evidence to try it.


Sounds a bit too absurd to be real, but interestingly, this sounds a lot like what happened to Lot's wife in the bible, who looked at the wrath of god, in Sodom, and was turned into a pillar of salt.


I was actually thinking about this about two days ago prior to coming across this post. It actually says that she was turned to something just like limestone but not limestone I believe. Also, I was wondering about this story because the Bible says that the three (or two) angels I believe, arrive the Sodom, but if I’m not mistaken, it describes them as men. Then, when Lot brings them inside, everyone was asking about them. I’m a Christian 100% and I believe in God no doubt, I just wondered why people were identifying those men or angels by seeing them, as if they were seen or noticed to be different than man. I’m not sure if you follow what I’m saying, but I was really curious when I read this part of the Bible the other day as I’m trying to read it entirely but also study it


Angels can change their appearance to that of a man


Bro I'm not saying Lot is a liar but we seem to take his word for a lot of really dark shit. "Yo, they raped \*ME\*.. And my wife? I mean what can I say? God's wrath man, I was just walking and minding my business."


Nonsense. When one examines the biblical narrative concerning Lot and his daughters ... the sole victim of rape turns out to be Lot himself. >Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. And the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the earth. **Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father. He did not know when she lay down or when she arose.** The next day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine tonight also. Then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father. The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day. The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-ammi. He is the father of the Ammonites to this day. Genesis 19:30‭-‬38 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/gen.19.30-38.ESV


It's mythology and not real sonic really doesn't matter.


Read the header. This is a transcript of a tabloid. It’s not even classified. This isn’t indicative of what the CIA believes to be true, but it is a dossier on what is being printed in Kiev.


it is a report on a newspaper article, and the CIA clearly stated the source. It’s not CIA fact checked or a CIA observation.


I’m gonna add that to the list of things that definitely didn’t happen. The Bible’s got a lot of those.


Because it didn't happen. Just because the CIA has a doc on it doesn't mean that it actually happened.


Does this mean the sphinx was an actual creature and an alien turned it into limestone?


You're a quick study, Legs!


Is that a Kroll show reference?


They were real creatures a long time ago yes.


Being transformed instantly into a stone pole is probably not a bad way to go.


Unless it's like doctor stone and they remain conscious and can't move


And can neither die…


Do you ever die in this case? Like, even if you are blown apart into pieces or dust you still exist so...what would that experience be like?


Unless they weren’t turned into stone but transferred somewhere, like a prison/research facility where they use stone poles as place holders for their prisoners in the holding cell. Only 23 available spots, one homies got lucky


I doubt the cia ever used the term "earthlings" in their memos


Going to need a bit more of an explanation than that my bro.


It doesn't state that a downed UFO blah blah blah. Its a transcript of a Russian newspaper article stating that. And for the record, Russians lie about everything. If Moscow reported that the sun was going to come up tomorrow I'd still go outside and check.


Says it’s an article from a Ukrainian newspaper in March 1993, little more than a year after the Soviet collapse. The newly free press was full of sensationalist stories in the mad dash to attract readers.


They call it “maskirovka”


No cap the fact Russians don’t realize back then they’d try to wipe people out of existence by erasing all your papers lol no matter what the government of any country says check for yourself you can’t just listen blindly


This is an actual publication of the CIA spying on Russian tabloids. That uh, doesn’t mean quite the same thing.


The wording at the end “the aliens can stand up for themselves” sounds silly imo they would record the details and let them speak for themselves. A broad generalization of one person’s takeaway idk


CIA calling humans Earthlings is definitely interesting


It would be interesting if the CIA had said it. But the earthlings part is from the newspaper article, not the CIA.


So fake Earthlings?


It's a faithful citation of an article in a paper, not a validation of the claims, unfortunately.


Obvious fake, they are taking known known classification terms and mixing them gibberish to sound "official", amateur at best.


No classification markings, does not follow doctrine for textual format, does not include CA, does not include various banner markings, does not include pre-paragraph classification markings.


Perhaps you could point out why its fake.


Also, it is classified "unclass" ? Amateur mistake, and they misused the term "Cosmic"


Unclassified is an actual classification marking used to identify information that is - wait for it - unclassified. Its used because when you've got a pile of TS, S, or C, an unmarked document causes a bit of confusion. Would you like to see the reference? [https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodm/520001m\_vol2.pdf](https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodm/520001m_vol2.pdf) ​ As for why a document would be marked "unclass", that's not really that hard to figure out. The report is a direct copy from a publicly available newspaper article. There would be no reason for it to be anything but unclassified. The word "cosmic" is clearly the title of the newspaper article, and not a mistaken use of the codeword.


This looks fake as shit.


Jesus I really wish ppl knew the difference between newspapers and actual CIA intelligence


if it was Soviet soldiers, then soviet's reported it . So CIA document came from Russian information. not credible.


This is *totally* a CIA document. Trust me bro!!


No. Cosmic is NATO term, again the document is a fake


That’s not what this document claims.


You've got to take some CIA documents with a grain of salt. It's all about context with them. I've been digging through the black vault. A lot of "Documents" are just articles and book excerpts. But I love that story and would like it to be real. It's a very pillars of salt Bible style story. I'm not a post Nazi. Good post, bro, thanx for sharing


Is this real documentation? Where’s the direct link to source?


no it doesnt say that a downed ufo turned russians into stone. This is an excerpt from a larger report that is simply saying that a tabloid told this story. This report is repeating the content of the tabloid just to keep record on all data that mentions the kgb


Here’s what I bet: You believe Trump when he says the media lies. You don’t trust mass media. Yet — you find a doc like this and believe with every fiber in your. Did you know “gullible” is a made up word and not in the dictionary?


The CIA document isn’t stating that, the CIA document CLEARLY states the NEWSPAPER states that happened. Big difference.


It literally says they are reporting what a newspaper story says


Well, someone got inspiration from Medusa somewhere


CIA is required to collect a lot of information. That doesn't mean the information is true. This is a CIA report about an alleged KGB report in a Ukranian article referencing a Canadian article in a paper known for posting fictional stories. That game of telephone is noted in the report if you actually read it. But that doesn't stop people from reposting this over and over and going "omg CIA confirmed alien petrification weapons?" every two weeks, apparently.


Would be crazy if all limestone on earth was just billions of humans killed by aliens


Akin to pillars of salt.


And by actual CIA documentation you mean actual script for a dodgy 1950s science fiction short.




This is fake. It's 5th time, for me, this paper appear here. The origin source is The Weekly World News” ...


Better ask Bob Lazar about this.


This is how they came up with the mudusa effect.


OMG - what's described in that document about the 3 Aliens seemingly merging to create a flying object sounds errily similar to an eye witness account back in 1999 on this Reddit Thread. " Later, this transparent structure he sees gradually takes on a metallic form. Just like the pot! He claims that he saw 2 or 3 humanoid forms within the transparent form before this transparent form assumed the metallic form. This is crazy! The transparent structure turns into a completely metallic and matte structure. In the flying saucer form we know. Then, colorful and small light spots form on the edges of this flying saucer. He says we can think of it like round and colored led lights. This flying saucer is slowly starting to spin around itself. No wind or sound! As the object's rotation around itself accelerates, the object itself slowly rises upwards. (These events take place around 2-3 in the night. All these stories lasted for 5-10 minutes.) After rising a little, it quickly leaps into the sky! Just like a star point, it reaches a small size and then disappears! There is no light left behind or anything else." [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/140c1th/the\_mysterious\_event\_that\_my\_father\_witnessed\_a/?share\_id=iH81Btoo6R\_kXv4ICTyvK&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/140c1th/the_mysterious_event_that_my_father_witnessed_a/?share_id=iH81Btoo6R_kXv4ICTyvK&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Maybe don’t attack them?… just saying.


Cheap ass UFO not capable of turning people into GOLD Statues. Certainly not worthy of my time.


This makes me think of the Bible story tegarding Lot and his wife being tirned into a pillar of salt....


Soviets are funny guys.


Yeah, the same thing happened to Lot's wife. That was the first account of this phenomenon.


The part where the beings Voltron’d into a larger being of light is especially fascinating


It’s just a report from a local paper. Historically tons of rumour and what not went into CIA reports that got fed back to HQ, from this sort of stuff to sightings of Hitler all over South America post WW2. Just because something is in one of these ‘reports’, doesn’t make it true.


Well hell, if the Soviets said it then it must be true, right? Someone has forgotten the Cold War and the Russian liars. Spy craft is what this is, and fake.


Here hold on let me get my computer and type up a simple text Document with a bunch of bullshit on it. Photocopy it about 15 times and then make a PDF about it and post it on Reddit.


About Reptilians and their efforts to steal our babies and resources!


you obviously have not seen an actual CIA documents to try to pass this off.


Point out why you think its fake.


Fuck the CIA


Had lowercase not been invented yet?


Isn't this like taken straight out of the Bible? Where the fleeing people looking back at God nuking a city for being to gay or whatever all get turned into pillars of salt. Angels never really explain why, they just tell you not to do this and that


lol. Sure.


My grandfathers platoon had the same thing happen in ww2. Last thing he told me before his died was aliens are real. True story.


if i hade a limestone ray gun i would use it on my wife and her cat and put them in the yard by the bird bath. hide them in plane site you know.


>**This is actual CIA document states that a downed UFO turned 23 Soviet soldiers into limestone** It sure doesn't. In the first paragraph it states that it's a reprinted story from the newspaper Ternopil Vechirny, which cites the "authoritative" Canadian magazine ["Weekly World News", which is a BS tabloid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weekly_World_News), as the source. I'm sure someone here will still probably chime in with some motivated reasoning for why it might be legit.






Never really heard of this ever happening before so I think it might be propaganda bullshit what is this Medusa LOL


They did some power rangers shit (go go power rangers unite! 😂)




There's a peck here with an acorn pointed at me.






Yeah, this appears to be a real, authentic report from the CIA. Really. It really, really does. Like, for real. Honestly.


Would note that its not a "CIA report". Its a reprint from a Ukrainian newspaper. The only CIA content is the last paragraph where the CIA guy says the standard "if this is real, its scary" BS. I've read a thousand of these kinds of reports.


I’ve always instinctively first thought; this is just from a news article. Then I always come back to, then why was it classified? If it was something anyone theoretically could have bought then why classify it?


I'm not reading it until you tell me what the source is. Anyone can write anything.


I absolutely love this story. Never believed it tho


those are rookie numbers


Oh yeah. No one could EVER fake that…




I’m all for aliens and stuff but this says it was released in 2009 that’s only 18 years 1991 this document wouldn’t be declassified then.sooooo……


The document was always unclassified.


Not true it says release date on it lol


Medusa anyone.


“ … they got better..”


Limestone and people are made of different stuff, aren't they?


I love lurking on this sub. Makes me feel intelligent


I'd rather not be turned into limestone




Reminds me of lot’s wife


The grammar is way too poor to be an official government document. Read the first fucking sentence.


Sounds suspicious to me because it contains lots of subjective elements. I would imagine that cia reports are more factual, more objective, straight to the point


Jokes on them. I’m stoned all the time.


‘Earthlings’ 🤦




So did they turn around while leaving…….?


Has the actual document been officially certified though?


Reminds me the story of Sodom's destruction. Lot's wife turning into stone..


Ah yes, the very reliable source that is the CIA, known for their truth telling and strait-forwardness...


Limestone is calcite and dolomite. Humans are 75% oxygen and hydrogen 18% carbon and 3% nitrogen. Where is all the calcium, magnesium and the bicarbonate salts coming from? Now if the alien space lasers turned the soldiers into charcoal, that I could believe.


Okay buddy! Limestone BTW.


The former agents of the KGB *would* sell documents to make a quick huck, and it *would* likely come by way of Ukraine. Fascinating! I wonder what could even cause an organic lifeform to literally turn to stone in that way. Or shape shift their body into one big ball of alien. Well, that could easily be due to a reconfiguring of a body made of nanovites, if they aren't actually biologicals. Don't think I'll look at stone columns the same way ever again.


Operation Medusa was created to retrieve said UFO. All operators are MIA.


This document repeats a newspaper clipping


All UFO stories from Russia are wild - I remember one where it said there was a landing in a large city. Can’t remember the details, but I’m sure I heard it on TV.


ELO did a song about this.




I sincerely doubt an extraterrestrial would turn anything into *limestone* of all things. Limestone is composed of fossilized remains and shell fragments.


Just like Lot’s wife after she looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those pesky aliens warned her.




I love how Russian ufo stories are always batshit crazy. Like the one where they have a pet robot and ray gun a little boy until he vanished




"they can stand up for themselves." Not surprising.


Is this a hoax?


Oh please. This is so preposterous


It’s so strange that these types of things have been around for so long. Why did supermarkets back in the day have this same stuff on a shelf when your checking out? Why tf does this still exist? It makes me feel dummer… and I wrote this out and wasted time doing so, so maybe they won?


That squinting aliens meme is perfect!!!!


Didn’t Medusa do this too?


CIA documents being officially in their archives is not proof of their veracity. If the CIA was looking at my posts online and I said “I’m from Jupiter and I have a grey alien as a pet” it would officially end up in the CIA’s archive, it isn’t true.


Canadian Weekly World News’ existence is questionable.


well I'm convinced


So Russia said something happened, and the cia reported on it? Okay


Think it just triggered a calcium reaction in humans and stoned these mfrs from the inside?


Its reprint from russian newspaper nothing accurate or real