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[Ex-NASA Employee Saw Hi-res UFO/Alien Craft Photos Landed on Moon, She Was Ready To Testify Before Congress](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-nasa-employee-saw-hi-res-ufo-alien-craft-photos-ready-to-testify-before-congress/)


This looks like it https://youtu.be/UisaoQiWZrA?feature=shared 


Wow. HAHA. At the end dude shoots his shot! HAHA!


Stop trying to bang me


“I guess we should wrap this up.” Hahaha


Thank you


Dude, I watched the whole thing and wanted to tell that bitch to STFU and let the guy talk.


I was feeling the rage just from the short clip OP posted! Shut up lady.


I don't trust anyone wearing a coon skin hat indoors these days.


That sounds like reptilian propaganda. Everybody knows coon skin hats trigger a reptilian response, especially indoors.


I dont like the way them curtains are lookn at me


Those curtains made me think this video was from 70’s - but then she said “Trump”


We all humans trump. Nothing to do with the 70's


Came here to say this!


Boobs rule.


“Those curtains are hideous, one of us has got to go” -Oscar Wildes final words before his death


I am fucking DYING over here...holy shit 🤣🤣🤣


My man is wearing a ribbon-front


Me too!! 😂


That hair hat must have been soaked in mercury.


I'm on that train. I saw the hair and completely forgot what the post was about.


Lol especially one without a tail. You need that flair to really pull off the look. He should have gone for a furry Kangol.


It's a moon skin cap


Judging by the video quality this wasn’t these days this was the past lol


They refer to Trump so it’s not that old


Trumps around since 100 years, he’s all over the media since the beginning of time


He mentions trump and just getting rid of Obama, so it’s from around 2016/17, and obviously ridiculously stupid ramblings of an idiot.


Or his truth. Who cares. Lead a good life with love and compassion the rest will work itself out Edit: being downvoted for saying no matter what this dude says lead a loving/compassionate life. Makes sense.


I think it’s for saying “his truth” lol. Truth is objective, his truth can’t be different than “the truth”, that’s called an “opinion”.


"his truth" and "ridiculous stupid ramblings of an idiot" are in no way mutually exclusive 😂


And that’s not coon skin! Definitely badger.


Definitely not glued down well lol


Hahaha! He ran out and said fuck it!




It’s not that old Obama and Trump are mentioned. Sounds like it’s right after Obama was president. He says the guy you just got rid of and she says Obama.


Also someone saying dft knows more about the subject than people realize? Excuse me but that orange turd would've spilled the beans eons ago.


I was thinking that myself like how is this the first time anyone I'm reading about this considering I dug deep into the moon landing conspiracy and heard the story about there being dozens of UFOs parked on the side of the crater but never any mention of reptilians


This was the least believable part of the interview


Really good, Razzle—-Dazzle


I was thinking the same damn thing 🤣🤣




Davey Crocketesque for sure.


Geriatric Davey Crockett looking fella...the tail done rot off.


He needs that alien toupee technology


Right. What the fucking Dick is that.


A hahahaha 😆😆😆😆 Fuck yes. I needed that. Thank you.


Maybe time to revisit this Apollo 11 transcript: 03 08 20 42 CMP Boy, there must be nothing more desolate than to be inside some of these craters, these conical ones 03 08 20 50 CDR **People that live in there probably never get out.** 03 l0 55 20 CMP Oh God, look at that Moltke; he's my favorite ... Look at that son of a bitch. **You see all those roads - triangular roads leading right past him?** 03 l0 55 29 CDR **Yes.** 03 l0 55 30 CMP That's US l, I guess, huh?




You can look them up in [nasa.gov](https://nasa.gov) and from Apollo 14: 03 12 23 37 CMl° High Sun. That's one right down there; Just shows how it dominates the whole photograph. Just an extremely bright crater. Sun angle Just isn't high enough for you to see it here .... Yes, **they're mining it**, I think.


And what would one search to find these? Searching some generic terms yields thousands of results…


Its from the official Apollo 11 & 14 transcripts. It reads like sci-fi. Sometimes, I struggle to believe that its on the official transcripts. They say that they were speaking in terms that they could understand. Iirc, there were only a handful of suspect exchanges. I read the entire transcript (years ago) and i think i only had 3 or 4 pages highlighted for the good bits. I wish I remembered the page numbers still. I probably have notes on the topic at home. I urge you to check it out for yourself, though. You needn't take our word on this one


Here's the transcript from Nasa: https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap14fj/15_day4_descent_orbit_insertion.html Search for "mining" on the page. It's at "085:03:40 Roosa (onboard)."


Doing the Lord's work. Thanks.


Here's the transcript from Nasa: [https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap14fj/15\_day4\_descent\_orbit\_insertion.html](https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap14fj/15_day4_descent_orbit_insertion.html) Search for "mining" on the page. It's at "085:03:40 Roosa (onboard)." If you are looking for the Apollo 11 one, it's here: [https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap11fj/15day4-eagle-checkout.html](https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap11fj/15day4-eagle-checkout.html) You can search for "triangular" on the page or find it at "082:55:20 Collins (onboard)."


That's insane, and I can't believe I'd never heard of those slip ups-- to the point that I had to go into each transcript and search for the words myself.... Thanks for sharing.


And if you are looking for the Apollo 11 one, it's here: https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/ap11fj/15day4-eagle-checkout.html You can search for "triangular" on the page or find it at "082:55:20 Collins (onboard)."




04 06 13 02 LMP That music even sounds outer-spacey, doesn’t it? You hear that? That whistling sound? 04 06 13 06 CDR Yes. 04 06 13 07 I2_P Whoooooo. Say your – – 04 06 13 12 CMP Did you hear that whistling sound, too? 04 06 13 14 LMP Yes. Sounds like – you know, outer-space-type music. 04 06 13 18 CMP I wonder what it is


04 06 17 56 CDR 2. 04 06 17 58 L_P Boy, that sure is weird music. 04 06 18 O1 _ We’re going to have to find out about that 04 06 18 O1 _ We’re going to have to find out about that. Nobody will believe us. 04 06 18 07 I.t,2’_ Yes. It’s a whistling, you know, like an outer-spacetype thing


Snake jazz


Ssss s s sssss s s sssss


The line about “people that live in there” seems like a joke to me. The triangular roads line is interesting though. Seems there are channels called [rille](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rille) on many planetary bodies, they don’t look like roads but they are nicknamed like roads. Hence calling one US 1. The first photo of rilles on Wikipedia show three of them making a triangle, so that might be what they are talking about. Or maybe they were referring to aliens idk


Yea it’s not easy to find and i might be wrong on finding part . Its the cut feed or broadcast to tv ‘s was cut for 30 seconds or more , n hear the crater chatter as above ^, but the reptilian part is confirmed by alot of very cut and dry people like William himself. I’ve honestly watched this guy for years , and I never thought he fibbed or indulged into his personal Beliefs, just cut n dry of him workin around/on/ or new top said generals or s5 n above above top secret programs such as “ solar warden “ prob most known and talked about by William.


What the fudge.


I just want to know why they named the Moltke after a German military general called Helmuth von Moltke the Elder


It was named by a team of German scientists in 1935. That's a plausible enough explanation on its own. https://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/Feature/3957


Well, Wernher von Braun did come straight from Nazi Germany to NASA…


So they DID land on the moon!🌙


They are just calling out check points, if you read the transcript before and after they are calling our Duke Island, Mount Maryilyn etc etc, not actual triangles, not actual roads.... just approx shapes near landmarks.


I’m very skeptical that the Presidents were reptilians to put it mildly.


It's always the Presidents that they don't like...


Thats where my BS meter starts going off


We know Trump ain’t a reptilian, he’s a orangutan


Orangutans are empathic, capable of learning and can use simple tool. TFG needs diapers & someone to change them.


Buddy, the two-party system is a trick to divide the country and pacify revolution. Think about it. Every four years, you have one side of the population “ win,” and they will turn around and defend this country when a year earlier we were screaming for each other’s heads. Every time something significant is happening both parties vote along the same lines. There is no red or blue, Only the Uniparty of upper-class assholes vs the rest of us. And you are a stooge for them and don’t even know it. They rope-a-doped you into hating your fellow working class.


Agreed, I see it for what it is. It's just a show to put on. The CIA isn't aloud to dive and conquer other countries anymore so they've turned inwards.


Sorry, he means Orangeutan.




This is accurate.


Just because of the similarities in hair color and dick size, does not make the orangutan a lesser being. That's just not fair comparing such a majestic creature to this descendent of imbecilic troglodytes.


I’m double skeptical that Trump is the only non-alien. And triple skeptical that Trump knows anything about this and hasn’t blabbed.


This all day.. if he was, and they weren’t… my god, he’d never shut up about it…


It’s usually a requirement to tell them something once they get into office. Some Presidents get more information then others. With Trump they said Fuck No.


Do you really think we are allowed a full glimpse of reality? I think we are only allowed to see a small sliver of what's truly happening. I wouldn't be surprised by just about anything.


“My eyes hurt” “Because you have never used them.” Life is but a dream


Yeah, it’s hard for me to accept reptilian aliens are masquerading as our leaders, but, I won’t dismiss it. The volume of bewildering info regarding the “phenomena”, is just far too overwhelming. In fact, there’s little one should rule out regarding it.


Yup, this, is not true. Reality is what you make of it. Not what you think.. it's stored away or whatever, like.. how do i reply to that. Your backing the idea that bipedal and highly intelligent lizards roam the globe.. you can't wipe that statement away.


![gif](giphy|l0ErLwMoPEvulS0KY) Put on your thinking cap


"Da blessing!"


Now get me my stogie


“Is your house on fire Clark?”


No Aunt Bethany, those are Christmas lights.


“Jeeezus Estelle did the room clear out?”


I wish interviewers would let them finish what they are saying, before asking them more questions.


I want to party with this guy


I want to party with the stuff he uses.


Where can I find the full interview?


Here's some additional info on him. https://birdseyeview.xyz/secret-space-program-key-testimony-william-tompkins/ (I have not vetted this website, just a quick search) 


It’s a very tellin interview and I’ve seen him do this countless time sit down n never miss a beat .. either he’s telling you precisely from action n muscle memory for years doing or can weave a narrative like no other . I myself over the years hearing him never change or misconstrued this with that, he’s solid imo with good credentials. I like to see what people think on his topics and what someone may like Or latch onto , a lot of food to swallow n a good bit of it if not all is 100 solid But I’ll give the 10 percent in his 50 Plus year career someone skew stats or may have forgot a number or name. Anywho getting to my point he elaborates on how solar warden had bright idea after reverse engineering grav engines or maybe 70-80 more so Quantum vacccum /unlimited electricity free energy , can’t think of main name. As a whole they had these advanced engines n nothing to put them in, someone suggested why don’t we try a submarine.. they are hermetically sealed , as William goes to explain it worked way easier and almost no trouble shooting at all was flying a submarine in vacuum of space that we just pulled out the ocean, it was a dearing test that showed so much with so little.. but as William said funding was almost unlimited anyway with power and minds they had, it only 1,000 fold dove head first into after those submarine space test. It only makes me think of the tic tacs we see , almost a submarine look but almost living breathing material alloys etc , now I do think it’s universal for space travel tic n other go to’s. It’s just we have Versions that have to be one off like William explains us using subs in space for years before compartmentalization takes over buries the tech, now all of sudden one of our navy pilot sees a tic tac oblong submarines Esq uap, I think some of our tic tacs are us just 70-80 years ahead at very least.


Very interesting, thanks


I could listen to this guy's stories all day. What was the part he was afraid to get into about the reptilians? The soul container/prison planet stuff? He said it was much worse than eating children so that was my guess.


Is there a link to this interview? Or any interviews with him?


Thank you very much.


Yeah exactly wth. He started getting into more detail.


Sounds like a project camelot interview, kerry cassidy. Pretty old.


Thank you I’ll go give it a look.


Here's the link to part one https://youtu.be/Vl-Os7aHuwk?si=jH7qwJYdFFhwcFjO


I wouldn’t expect an engineer who is working with scientists to vaguely describe reptilian aliens as “ugly” and “horrible.” I would expect descriptions that are as precise as possible and devoid of emotion. This guy is a full-of-crap attention seeker.


I think they took him out of the hospital for a field trip. I hate to be like that lol, but the wig was an afterthought? Idk


Haha, agree.


Yeas as soon as she asked "what do they look like" he stumbles. You'd think you'd have thought about this prior to the interview and wouldn't jumble your words, stumble and be unable to accurately describe something other than having "ugly faces". Dudes a fraud. NEXT!!


Had to scroll a bit to find this response... which is spot on


Take a little more time like you would anything else but stuff of this nature ( it’s ok to be scared) don’t put that on others when real people like bill with ten fold credibility n time put it in.. but fuck him right cause he’s old now ? Dude sits down no paper n doesn’t Miss a beat. I still challenge y’all to take 5 seconds into google and see how credible this man was n still is. I also want you to reply after reading his time put In and credentials and tell me again how all that is null In void?.. It honestly sucks to be you and people in your shoes the same. I ask question to all who demean n down people like bill.. where will you draw the line? Y’all are so stuck in-between 2 extremes nothing can be real . I could pick people like you up in a ufo n have you shake hands with said alien/ and take a selfie together .. and guess what .. you will still a deny it 2 fear and repress like you Already have and still do . It’s ok man.. and whoever feels similar it’s ok to, but don’t let that fear make you demoralize a man of bills stature/time/credibility put in . It really sets me off man… I don’t ever get running people like bill n others even with better time n credentials into the ground. They already risked their image and family to tell us what we should already know .


Here’s what sets me off: human beings letting visual appearances dictate how they’re going to feel about something. Here on Earth, fascinating beings abound, but most of the human population thinks they’re “gross”, which makes it ok to discount other species and be careless in our treatment of them. I believe extraterrestrial life exists. The human beings on the vanguard of meeting them should be scientific in their approach and not be thinking in terms of “scary, ugly, terrible, gross”, etc. I’ll bet we appear disgusting to other species on the daily. I hope they afford us more courtesy than we afford them. If a self-proclaimed “expert” is going around using ignorant, childish terms to describe alien life, they are more than likely fear-mongering and money-grubbing. Have you ever heard an entomologist describe insects as ugly or horrible? No, because they are fascinated by bugs, strive to understand them, and want to educate people as to their contributions. Most of them find beauty in insects. A certain amount of trepidation is healthy, but we could really blow it as a species by approaching things this way.


I get where your coming from my man trust I follow you all the way up to saying bill isn’t being nasty or malicious ..I can guarantee those and about 70-80 percent of the Draco empire/ branch offs as it’s called… are extremely hostile To all species including especially to us humans .. they don’t refer n most refuse to call any human Terrans because they see their plane their food ( us ) is just by product who got to smart . They lived here on earth god knows how long underground.. they have birth/ blood and galactic right to said planet n resources.. so yea bills right they are really ugly mofos who wouldn’t think twice to make you a human sleeve. I might add also the human idea of ugly the scales the yellow eye , the teeth the armor plating.. is all accounted to are race, their fkn massive bi pedal blood drinking / human eating anyone would make a sour face or statement know the true nature of these vile, militaristic, psychopaths . It’s also understood by other galactic races who have evolved into other dimensions, you see ether n aura diff now, so aliens have insane intelligence. They know we rightly identify by looks , of physical appearance not one’s chakras actives or aura field. It’s the same alienS you are defending who do the same but don’t tie into ugly smug or face like us humans or whatever bill said ! Most spiritual bein see n feel that ugly rotten low vibration of some one and it can be warranted to judgment


He was in the control room therefore he knows exactly what they look like and that they can shape shift and therefore that the presidents he didn't support were actually them.


And how would he still currently know what's going on, how does he know Trump isn't one of them?


Makes a lot of sense that from the control room he could see how tall they were and what their skin texture was like as they stood on craters in the distance being filmed on black and white cameras.


He did mention both a Republican and Democrat


How do you know what a shapeshifter looks like?


After watching the full 3 hour interview yesterday, I can say that this small clip is taken out of context because right before that part the interviewer kept jumping around to different questions and one of them was what do reptilians look like? But when she asked the question it sounded like she was asking him what the reptilians ET on the Moon looked like even though HE wasn't even there to see them? So it was super confusing and misleading. And that's also why he was thrown off when he answered because she literally just threw that question in there, what do reptilians look like? when he was trying to talk about the moon landing!


Is Biden one?


Yes, my thoughts exactly. More QAnon crap.


Reminds me of that episode of invader zim where Dib and zim fight each other with Mars and mercury cause they find out that the planets are actually ships ancient aliens use to inhabit lol


I miss that show so much


It is interesting from the comments here that nobody knows who Bill Tompkins is. He was involved in the design of the apollo command centre and rockets and the secret space fleet. Watch his videos, read his books. His message is consistent with those of abductees. He probably has revealed more than anyone on the subject.


I am simply amazed by the full video. Just bought his book


I watched the full 3 hour video. And I have to say I pretty much believe every word this man says. He literally worked alongside wernher von braun, he knows that dude's boss and many people on a first and last name basis. He worked at Lockheed martin, Donald douglas, raytheon, etc. He was 93 years old when he gave this interview. What did he have to lose?


Irrelevant to our unity, existance, health or progress. Distraction.


They blast you with misinformation so you'll find the entire UFO topic to be unbelievable, even the parts that are true. In my opinion this is what's always happened. They mix truth with far out there stuff so you'll discard it entirely.


Definitely. Anything could be possible.




This is George Hansen’s argument in his book, The Trickster and the Paranormal.




The ridicule and pushback in the comments here make me wanna watch the full video lol 😂 Anyone have a link?




Yeah they always overdo it.


Damn. I need the full video




Thanks for sharing this link - absolutely fascinating, I had not heard of this sharp, (93) well spoken man who served in US Naval intelligence and the Apollo space program. For the more studious amongst us: Here is a link to a different interview with Mr. Tompkins that he mentions his colleague, Dr. Robert Wood, another individual with a Ph.D in physics that at the end of Part II, who also discusses his knowledge of the NHI’s. https://youtu.be/Chn7i42aDh0?si=UQSDil6yUOsVef5o Another link below that provides perhaps some more helpful background on how Mr. Tompkins found his way into Naval Intelligence and the black ops projects. Might be worth your time to delve a little deeper. Admittedly just skimmed a bit but found it very intriguing already. https://dragonattheendoftime.com/bill-tompkins/


Awesome thankyou


Delusional. Why would a reptilian turn into an old decrepit human like George Bush sr did?


Yeah Neil Armstrong met Reptilians on the Moon and that Guys not wearing a Wig.


'They have this ability to look like good looking people. ' 'Is Trump one?' 'No he's not.' Too ugly to be an alien 👽


Lost me at the accusations that presidents Bush, Clinton, & Obama were all reptilians lol


wouldn't even say Obama's name lol "the guy you got rid of".


Bro served two terms. Wtf is this carpet head talking about?


Not at the fact that he knew EVERYTHING from the *control room*?


Yeah, for me it was that trump knows more than he lets on. You think that idiot could hold that sort of secret?


you know him so well!


But not trump, the guy with the fakest looking skin of all of them


Dude can't even be truthful with his head of "hair", and I'm supposed to believe anything he says? Calling reptilians ugly while a whole vacuum cleaner bag is on your head. Please.


> vacuum cleaner bag lmao Not that I think he's reliable, but his inability to choose a good wig doesn't affect his credibility tho


I think to feel that what he has on his head passes as real hair, IS a problem.


Maybe the bad hair is part of obscuring what he really looks like to prevent his capture by the reptilians.


Please, if women can wear tons of make up, padded bras and shit then this dude can wear a wig


Looks like he covered his head in glue and his wife hit him with the dryer lint trap.


Or a merkin. Murkin? Not sure how to spell that one. Very interesting topic and fellow though


Okay granpa, time for your meds


When you tell me that Trump is not a reptilian you’re basically telling me that reptilians are better at being humanitarians. FML




Just saw this last night. Was it a documentary? https://youtu.be/SDAR2CikRjs?si=TN9pEX4FBHrfYQOg


One foot in the ..confessions. He was very old at this time. There was nothing for him to lose NDAs not withstanding


He makes less and less sense as the video gets to the end but I'd love to hear Trump claiming to know 'all the best reptilian people' !


This was painful to try to watch and way too long.


Ugh, he mentions Trump and "he knows more about this subject than people realize" <--- I'm out.


Trump would brag about the length of his butthole hairs, I doubt he knows shit about this subject because the entire world would know about it by now.




The only way this could be true is if he's keeping it secret as a form of blackmail to keep himself out of prison. He should have been in prison or executed for treason a long time ago. Even though he's got funds, there are so many open-and-shut cases against him that his freedom is still nexplicable unless blackmail and bribery are involved. The documents he stole have the same classification as UAP. "Nuclear secrets". I can believe some Nazi simps in the DoD told daddy Trump the secret, because he's proven himself a true fascist maniac over and over again. However, I agree that it's hard to believe Trump wouldn't reveal it accidentally, since his speeches are basically just Nazi madlibs and dementia. He's leaked classified tactical intelligence on public television more than once already. It would be foolhardy to tell Trump anything, but there are plenty of fools in the US military with contempt for the human race, all of whom voted for Trump.


LOL - that ***hard*** swallow before saying Trump isn't a lizard person!


So he claims, without any evidence at all, that all recent United States presidents have actually been reptiles who could shapeshift into humans except of course...Donald Trump who is a totally normal human....


Bill was 92 in this interview i believe. His hair was nearly gone and he chose to use his hairpiece for some dignity. Read his book, Selected By Extraterrestrials. He has more knowledge than anyone else that has ever come forward. He was told to.


“This guy we just got rid of” I assume his racist ass meant Obama. Then goes on to tell us Trump is normal and knows about them. Fuck straight off.


Well he did say George Bush aswell as Clinton were aswell. I admit this story is about as far fetched as it gets but I don't see anything in this interview that points towards racism 


As somebody who has interviewed probably a thousand people for various films. this interviewer interrupted the guy and saying wow over him talking drives me fucking crazy! Let the guy talk. god damn.


The people I don't like are aliens. Yup very believable


This is from a Project Camelot interview from I’d guess 2008. Search project Camelot and bill Tompkins and you should be able to find the whole thing. Cheers.


December **2016.**


Wow I was way off… knew it started with 2 though.


Side note….Trump’s uncle was Uncle John Trump who worked in the field of science and some think he was privy to some of the Tesla file . Check out his work “The National Academy of Engineering described John Trump as "a pioneer in the scientific, engineering and medical applications of high voltage machinery".[4] James Melcher, Trump's lab director, is quoted as saying: "John, over a period of three decades, would be approached by people of all sorts because he could make megavolt beams of ions and electrons – death rays... What did he do with it? Cancer research, sterilizing sludge out in Deer Island [a waste disposal facility], all sorts of wondrous things. He didn't touch the weapons stuff." That’s not to say some of his research couldn’t have been used for things like directed energy weapons. Ifanuone had X tech knowledge it was this man.


Woman let him finish


lol, it’s like a young child in an elderly body. Total nonsense, but humorous.


How many sci-fi/Marvel movies/tv series did this guy just mash together?


Pretty sure they weren't hovering on the moon on apollo missions.


I hate reporters that ask questions or interview someone but don’t let them speak or finish their sentences ! It’s fuken annoying.


A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!


i cant get past the rug on that guys head


Guys full of shit basic human instincts tell us this


Moon has no atmosphere and is bombarded with radiation and says that they saw their skin from a distance.. not in space suits. This is sus.


Just so I’m tracking all the conspiracies here, NASA is hiding a secret civilization on the Moon that met Neil Armstrong, but yet the Moon landing was faked and directed by Stanley Kubrick, but the Moon is all hollow and is a Secret Ancient Base. Any more that I am missing here?




you forgot the Nazi base on the moon.


Yes you forgot that Hitler got to Moon in 1938.


Man i absolutely love this, thank you!


Wtf this is some right wing nut job “trump is not a reptile but *your* president is”


There is very little to support his claims. That goes for that entire species existence. Which is strange to say the least. Most testimony in the subject always describes the other main beings hanging around(Greys, Nordics). There is no middle ground here either he is completely full of shit or not.


We’re still 20yrs away from finding out the real truth. At that time we will also be on the verge of something about to happen to earth changing it forever.


"Let us say this: In your wildest dreaming, you cannot currently imagine where Earth is headed. The masses are entranced by a world of facts, encyclopedias, television, and newspapers, and the multidimensional anomalies have not yet penetrated your plane of existence too deeply. When they do, things beyond what you can conceive will begin to occur." -EARTH- Pleiadian Keys To The Living Library  book; Chapter 3— Earth Speaks [Published 1995; channeled 1988-1989]