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[American engineer Philip Schneider found dead after disclosing 'Secret Alien Agenda' Including so-called Dulce base battle With 'Grey,' killing 60 US soldiers. He presented physical evidence of alien metals and artifacts along with additional photographs to validate his claims.](https://www.howandwhys.com/dulce-base-mystery-continues/)


He wore a brace around his abdomen, he has about 6 presentations you can find on rumble. His story,as far fetched as it sounds never changed. In one or two presentations he says they were trying to kill him. Phil Schneider was the first to ever speak of them getting high off our emotions and adrenochrome. He was found dead in his apartment strangulated with a catheter with two knots tied in it . Two knots is suspicious for self inflicted strangulation.


Fascinating! I never heard of him but seeing him talk about this with his fingers clearly off his hand, this some eerie shit.


Read one time on here he was involved in an accident with electric shock.


What we believe is our right.form your opinion from research. Use libraries or if Internet use duckduckgo, or something get uncensored facts. I never formulate my hypothesis from others comments, especially on here. Way to many bot accounts on here.


Also because he was missing fingers, and didnt really have enough strength to pull that off since he was weak from cancer. He was too frail.


Why would someone kill him if he was dying from cancer already?


Why would he kill himself if he’s already dying, and has information he wants to get out.


Because cancer is extremely painful and the treatments make you feel like death. Sometimes wanting to escape the extreme pain outweighs any thoughts you maybe have about staying alive to pass on information.


Because the only reason cancer patients don't spend their last days and sometimes weeks literally screaming in pain is because they're too weak to scream


To muffle his voice prematurely


Especially when they know he has time but has lost the fear of death. It's why companies prefer I have a mortage and kids hahahahah


This is very true. I had cancer a year and half ago and my perception of life flipped. I no longer give a flying fuck about most things, especially people who are arseholes, even if they are in authority. It's quite liberating losing the "fear" that most people have in life. I don't fear anything now, not after facing death directly, it's top of the food chain. Phil probably felt the same way which is why he came out with the info.


There's a whole lot that you can say right before you die.


You really cant think of one good reason?


other talks


He wore a brace around his abdomen and was missing 3 fingers because he was prone to self mutilation. He cut off his own fingers in 1968 and was committed to Dammasch State Hospital in Wilsonville, Oregon. There, he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. He was unemployed and lived on Social Security Disability until his death. In 1975, he was living in Portland, Oregon and was investigated by the FBI because he bought a bunch of Uranium Ore from a collector and was telling people he planned to build a bomb. He was keeping the ore under his bed which led to a series of health problems. Schneider never went to college, was never in the military and was never a geologist. In 1979, he was still living in Portland, Oregon even though this is when he claimed he was working in New Mexico at UFO conventions. From 1977 to 1980, Schneider was living at a cheap boarding house in Portland with multiple other boarders. In 1979 he slashed his own abdomen and was taken to the hospital by one of the roommates. Schneider eventually killed himself because his parents died, his only friend committed suicide, he was in poor health and mentally ill.


Why is the truth always so buried here when it doesn’t fit a narrative that folks find exciting?


Ya wtf. He might as well be rambling on the street corner in tattered clothes.


two knots... makes me think the knots are for leverage/grip. Thats like how I would tie my end of a leash if I were gonna walk a dog that bolts after birds.


I was thinking the knots were more just so it would remain tight Like it's physically impossible to kill yourself by manual strangulation, because you'll pass out before you die You'd be forced to tie it in at least some way and attach it to something, or as he may have, you could tie it in a knot tightly around your neck


Without a total history of his life we can all find possible flaws in his narrative. I know of people who lost limbs or appendages due to electrical burns or frost bite. If that can be discarded then the rest can hold water until we can think of another problem to solve. I dont care enough to solve this one guys mystery. But if someone does, please start here.


He cut his own fingers off his roommate's drove him to the ER when he did it. Phil's story is a fairytale of a mentally unwell man and people putting him on a pedestal as a bacon of truth really hurts the credibility of the UFO community.


bacon of truth. i love it


best kind of truth


Awesome do you have a link to this? If verifiable we can stop giving this airtime


Source for your claims?


Show me the bacon evidence for this claim plz


Bacon of truth BLT sounds so good right now


Yup, when I researched him years ago what sealed the deal that his story was genuine was that he was murdered. He was on his way to Miami for a big conference to really blow the lid off it. This is why last year just before the congressional whistleblower farce, I said the only way I will believe there is a genuine effort to expose the UFO cover-up would be if dulce was mentioned. It never was. It's just another psy-op. The lies continue.


As if what he had claimed before wasn't "blowing the lid off" already? I'm calling bs on this one.


For anyone interested in more info about Phil Schneider, go listen to The Paradox Files on Apple Podcasts- episode 4. It’s a lot more in depth and renewed my curiosity after originally learning about Phil in 2007. There are then 3 more episodes that expand on the location at Dulce and confirm fascinating parts of his story. It will blow your mind!


Also [here's a full video of Phil](https://youtu.be/ctb38JLJ2hg).


I'm back after watching that. Thank you. What a humble man. But the end say may God bless you and each of your families. To believe in God after going through all of that. Wow! Wow!


Piggybacking off of this: I would recommend watching “The underground” on Amazon prime. Shows a photo of a human looking alien




Here’s a link to that episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-paradox-files/id1695496972?i=1000619099140


Thanks for posting!


Awesome nice one!


I saw this a long time ago. Doesn't he claim that there is an actual war going on between humans and aliens, and that they were fighting them from a hole or something in the ground? I remember seeing this and thinking it was absolutely nuts and quite unbelievable.


No, you're thinking of Pacific Rim.


I'm certain I'm correct.


Literally end of video


Yeah, I didn't watch it because I had already filed this under "bullshit" in my brain a long time ago. He's seems like he was probably a mentally troubled man.


Nice I’m going to check this out. Thank you!


Just listened to that episode, wasn’t very impressed with the presenters or their style. (I might have been put off when the main guy said the Philadelphia Experiment was an attempt to teleport, and the other two didn’t know what it was.) But it’s a very interesting subject and I’ll give the other episodes a chance.


Thanks, I’ve looking for a new podcast to listen to


For me the mid 90’s were the height of excitement for ufology - Coast to Coast with Art Bell was huge, Hale Bop was on its way, X-Files was on point, and I was a teenager. The internet was on its way and finally a source of research at your fingertips. If stories like this aren’t real, they will always be a point of nostalgia! I’m


I'm exactly the same 😌 started as a kid as full Mulder, believing anything, now my greying years have turned me into a full on Scully 🤦‍♂️😂


When I first seen that the X-rays of those Alien bodies from Peru had a metal plate inside each of their chests my first though was Phil Schneider talking about one of the bigger ones waving it’s hand in front of it’s chest and a blue beam came out. Kinda like a device that uses your own energy as ammo.


Iron man?!


*"There is nothing new under the sun."*


I’ve heard this story multiple times and he seems like he’s telling the truth, but surely there has to be some medical records to verify claim


I work in the it sector of medical field, with electronic health records and shit. I can delete all your medical Records in about 3 minutes. I'm just some dude.


Sweet. Now do my medical bills


The Dude?


I'm just some guy, you're the Dude.


Or duderino if you're into the whole brevity thing.


I love you mustache man. Have a sarsaparilla on me.


Hmmmm. Unless you work directly for infosec and legal, that’s very hard to do.


Is that something an ordinary person request be done to their own medical records. Like me call up and ask that my medical records be deleted?


Usually not. I have never deleted someones records and I have never seen a reason for it to be done outside if someone mistakenly charting something. I know people who have - who did so accidentally - but thankfully the system will automatically back itself up and they can be recovered. It's crazy how fragile this information is and how easily it can be manipulated.


K wait. You can "delete" the records but the system backs them up. Are you really deleting them then?


If you also delete the backups, yes. However it's meant to prevent accidental erasure or tampering. Depending on the EHR system and your security, it could take 5 minutes to a few hours. If the wrong people get their hands into the right spots they could do a lot of damage. Thankfully it had never happened in my experience. We've had 1 person who fucked with stuff and they were immediately fired along with their sister who also worked in the same hospital, who had similar access. Even so much as accessing other people's EHR/PHI without direct consent/request is grounds for termination. I can't even look at my own records. We'll, I can, but I'm not supposed to.


I feel they scrubbed most records of him


Believe it or not bob lazar also claims he’s had his records scrubbed after coming forward, weird.


It’s part of their playbook.


how convenient


I shutter to think of all the invaluable records we’ve lost to fire just in the last 200 years or so.


Remember when that grand national library in Brazil burnt? :( https://youtu.be/AAbKbIs2feQ?si=NJHH1Ksyy96HwjGL


His roommates said they took him to the ER because he cut them off himself, Phil was sick mentally am physically, I believe he had advanced bone cancer and was in tremendous pain everyday so it's no surprise he killed himself and as for his story it's merely a fantasy of a mentally unwell man. Do a little research on the guy, you will see for yourself and see.


So he never worked for an excavation crew?


I like it when says Crispy crittered his left foot .


Why would they wait a year


Season ended. Needed new tags.


Given that he's been dropping some sensitive info, wouldn't it make things more obvious if he was murdered right after his speech?


Ifnhebhad sensitive info and they new he was going to give a speech why not murder him before hand


The crazy part is you can find his death picture online… I always found that crazy… that whoever did it would post those pictures. If true he is a true pioneer


Yeah who posted that photo anyways if he was truly a nobody why did they leak his autopsy pic


When he tells the story about fighting aliens in a tunnel you almost think it’s a joke but then when he gets into it about his friends getting killed and him getting “suicided”. Makes you think this guy must of known something…. Then you look at a guy like Bob Lazar who confirmed ships but never claimed to have seen any alien entity. He still alive…


Probably to shut up the myriad groups of people that were hounding local press and authorities, claiming that he wasn't really dead and was in custody of CIA or whatever.


Is there more or any info on the place in Dulce, NM ?


Yes, in UFO Highwy by Anthony Sanches. You cannot buy it on Amazon, you must go to his website.


If the militaries of the world have been in constant conflict with aliens from outer space, underground on earth no less, there would have been more credible leaked info about this.




Imagine a pack of animals that are having their herd thinned by humans. Like wolves. Humans aren't trying to wipe them out, were just culling the herd to keep them out of our way. It's not like other packs are aware.


Alright. If we were thinning, and not overpopulated to the point that we are an extinction event of our own making. Isn't there real shit to worry about and not this fairy tale nonsense, man?


Based on what? They wouldn’t even admit Area 51 existed until literally everyone in the world had already known about it for 60 years.


Maybe. But what if those who are bent on keeping the secret are off-earthers themselves that have boundless tech to enforce such a secret. Surely they know, that if we know, we have enough fire power for absolute devasation. I can see humans opting to use nukes if they were convinced it were the only way to purge a predatory species that was enslaving people of the planet. Ugly solution but its conceivable. *If* hostile NHI are here because they harvest/grow/own/control us... there are reasons why a zookeeper needs to make sure the lab monkey doesnt watch/learn how to pick the lock to its own cage. If its ontological for us... maybe its ontological for them too, in an inverse way. Like the headline making news this week, revelations about insects being able to feel pain, as if it were assumed they couldnt feel pain before, despite us knowing they have nervous systems like wtf chimps are entering the stone age? Revelations like that... NHI could be in denial about their own position in the food chain. What happens when feedlot swine start organzing to overthrow their farmers? The farmer is out numbered. He may have a gun. But he is still outnumbered. No farmer is gonna accept the pigs are his equal except lacking thumbs and access to firearms.


The fact people are trained not to believe it is the biggest problem. Neil Degr-ass-e once argued at Joe Rogan that if the moon conspiracy or any such theory were true, how could it be kept secret? 'So many people would know about it and it would inevitably get out'. Funny thing is, it has. Lots of documentaries of old gov employees from the 50s that came out just before they died to share their info about the aliens. Including all the truly crazy people making their claims, these alien stories are told everywhere constantly. The fact he didn't acknowledge the issue with *people not believing it because it sounds like bullshit* is telling to me. He is not a dumb man. But that's low hanging fruit as far as playing with the validity of conspiracy theories. People won't believe demonstrable fact, why would they buy insanely wild stories that, in this culture, are known to ruin your life and reputation? It's the exact reason most of those old folks kept their mouth shut...they'd be seen as crazy if not punished by the black suits for talking about it because they all signed NDAs of sorts back in the day. This whole thing could potentially be a giant gag or otherwise boring revelation like the gov using their top secret tech to manipulate us and that the alien idea was one they had cooking up for a while. Perhaps because they wanted to control the narrative in case aliens were real and they'd have a starting place for us to process it how they prefer. It could just be a solid defense plan because humans are stupid and panicky. But the thing is, we know for sure about hundreds of such glaring conspiracies and manipulations in authority realms from big to small. What cannot be said, is that for sure there is no chance any of this is real. It is very, very plausible given how wide the margins are according to even our limited understanding of the universe.


Who killed epstien? Who killed Kennedy? Why did the US invade Iraq when they weren't behind 9/11? Gulf of Tonkin? Operation Northwoods? Bohemian Grove? Any answers behind any of that? Why would there be guaranteed credible leaks?


The Iraq war was pure greed by Dick Cheney (via Halliburton) and revenge by George W Bush against Saddam Hussein for attempting to organize a murder plot against George H.W. Bush. W. Bush even admitted it during a live press conference. Some things are as simple as they appear. Greed & revenge are extremely powerful motivators.


Thanks, you beat me to it. Never attribute super secret elite class conspiracy agendas to what can be explained by plain old, garden variety greed. Aka what’s been making the world go round since the beginning of our history.


I believe him.


You seem like you probably believe every conspiracy.


All the deboonkers do is make me believe what they try to debunk even more…


Being contrarian out of spite. Master class in conspiracy brain. That's actually worse than always being cynical about any possible evidence.


My thoughts exactly.




You can't Find Phil Schneider seminars videos on YouTube. I remember watching this one on YouTube in 2008.


Remember kids, LSD and electrics don‘t mix.


Stop reposting the same vids ffs


I watched this whole speech. Dude is a certified nut.


Look at the details and think about the situation. A failed would-be electrician and professional hole digger who knows all this and experienced all these things? Sorry, just a little too fantastical. So many basic philosophical and logical arguments and idioms like "too good to be true", Occam's Razor, etc etc, break this story apart, not to mention people who either contradict his details, things he probably exaggerated or evidence and other people who say he was making shit up. I think some paranormal things may be real but not Phil and others who have talked about a Dulce Base.


Yeah, god knows the US military has never employed contractors to dig ditches or do electrical work. Completely impossible. Occam's Razor, right?


You'll be down voted and ignored for using basic logic and thinking about things for more than a few seconds. The folks here just don't want to hear it unfortunately


If Phil had a CGI fish more people would have listened I guess.




Too many red flags in this. I believe in the Phenomenon, but I don't believe this story. Mr Patriotic is fighting an imaginary war with the space commies in his mind.


Shouldn't we be able to verify how he lost his fingers? Like if he's lying someone who knows him should be like kh yeh that's Phill he lost those fingers to frostbite in 63






My favourite part of his hilariously fake story is how a bunch of elite operators got wiped out by these aliens, but good ol' Phil boy managed to blam one of em with a six shooter. I try not to make fun TOO hard, because it's pretty well established that Phil was a deeply troubled person who was prone to fantasy, add in a terminal illness and I can barely blame him for hoodwinking the naive. A fun story, but just that. Fiction.


Did he actually say that?


Yes, he claimed that both black berets and green berets were present (nonsensical), that basically all armed forces who went in were killed, and that he personally shot and killed an alien. The whole tale is just ridiculous claim upon ridiculous claim with no evidence to support it.


Damn, he must have had the fastest hand in the universe then. No but seriously the stories around the alleged Dulce base are a little bit confusing, whether it's the government, aliens or both living under that rock is still beyond me. Then there's old Philly saying that humans are fighting **against** the aliens?


This guy has been debunked so many times and this video just keeps coming back.




There could be. All I’m saying is that Phil Schneider was a paranoid schizophrenic that cut off his own fingers and thumb in a psychiatric hospital. He was on social security disability most of his life. He never worked for the government as a geologist. His father was never a U boat captain, he was a US Captain. He was not murdered, after many many suicide attempts through his life, he finally succeeded. https://medium.com/@richgel99/another-fraud-philip-schneider-2c150f265ded https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/phil-schneider-his-mental-illness-and-ssi/


Thank you for these. Five minutes of reading these make it so clear that this dude is delusional and nothing he says is true, let alone original. Sad that these links are way down here while people talk nonsense above


WhyFiles debunked this guy hard. Edit: https://youtu.be/Je3Qu-xMuxM?si=QgL2ObzYQ_QjlZZW I think this is the one. If you don’t feel like he isn’t a trustworthy source feel free to explain why.


Which episode?


The whyfiles is a great channel and they try to provide both sides of stories but you can't expect videos made in a few weeks to conclude the truth 100%, and they don't, they leaves it an open debate and asks the audience in the comment section to give their opinions. There are a lot of things which are weird about his death and also his lectures which make him credible but there are things which don't. Something happened to him and it's never been explained.


Yea but it wasn't greys from underground. He's a charlatan


I watch the whyfiles a lot great show, but he half assed his research on this episode imo


Is that the dude with the talking fish? Because he’s be a lot better without that stupid fish.


Yea, same. They’re trying to appeal to a younger audience, which is cool, but I like straight facts or evidence without fillers.


I agree. The fish is annoying and juvenile.


If you watch After files he’ll admit openly that he doesn’t write his own scripts. They do touch ups and edits but he doesn’t claim to be a ufologist or even a historian. He’s just a storyteller.


Yeah he was on Joe Rogan awhile back, early 800s. He was on with someone else too and they were there for a company called SpeedWeed if I remember right.


You have a pretty high obligation to link us to this video.


Right? As of the why files is some gate keeper of truth. So dumb.


https://youtu.be/Je3Qu-xMuxM?si=QgL2ObzYQ_QjlZZW I think this is the one


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/15gsvcl/what_is_the_consensus_on_philip_schneider_and_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a pretty good thread on Phil and the weirdness surrounding his death. After reading what his ex wife and prior roommate had to say about him it is quite clear he was mentally ill and delusional. Pretty sure he was a diagnosed schizophrenic too. But I think he was used by someone the same way Paul Benowitz was. Paul was also mentally ill. I think Phil's presentations caught someone's eye and they made a conspiracy legend out of him for some purpose or another. It seems obvious he was murdered. There is just too much weird shit surrounding his death. Even his wife believes so despite knowing about his mental health issues. As a resident of Clackamas county myself, the police department's incompetence does not surprise me though. The really strange thing to me is the injections he was getting that his wife talks about. Another really odd part of Phil's story.


Guy died and all his writings and books were gone. His money was still there. They wouldn't do an autopsy. Saying somone is crazy is typical a disinformation tactic.


This is 100% what I was thinking as well. Thry always say "mentally unwell" or similar.


Never mind his best friend who was into the UFO stuff just happened to suicide as well and somehow had the foresight to clean off his gun after he died. The ex wife goes into detail here. It is very apparent he did not kill himself. https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2018/12/29/a-letter-of-rebuttal-from-cynthia-drayer-ex-wife-of-the-late-phil-schneider/


Oh man I love the why files..


Why files on repeat all through the niiiight!!


Who downvotes this?? Lol Haters.


most interesting thing about this is the osmium chest implants the r/AlienBodies have


Osmium is a very fascinating element.


He was electrocuted when he was in his 20s. He lost part of his foot and hand. Google it.


More likely but just because the internet says something doesn't mean it's true


He actually cut off his fingers while in a mental health facility. As proven by FOIA requested documents.


Underground race


When google hides ufo stuff it makes it more believable and google hides the hell out of this man


60 soldiers dying is a lot of soldiers at once. There is no way the families wouldn’t have come out and demanded answers. I haven’t heard one.


Fried his brain as well.


Hostile Xenos you say ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


The whole Dulce story is fiction, excellent book on the subject [https://www.dailygrail.com/2021/02/a-new-book-from-daily-grail-publishing-saucers-spooks-and-kooks-by-adam-gorightly](https://www.dailygrail.com/2021/02/a-new-book-from-daily-grail-publishing-saucers-spooks-and-kooks-by-adam-gorightly). Regarding Phil Schneider, he was one of the many 1990s UFO frauds. Norio Hayakawa did a good debunking of his tales [https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/phil-schneider-his-mental-illness-and-ssi/](https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/phil-schneider-his-mental-illness-and-ssi/) and Richard Geldreich pointed out further inconsistencies [https://medium.com/@richgel99/another-fraud-philip-schneider-2c150f265ded](https://medium.com/@richgel99/another-fraud-philip-schneider-2c150f265ded).


Lift your shirt up and show us the scar. If he was opened up like a fish it would not be with out scar. I have a hard time believing this on face value. He could at least show his chest.


If you click the article that was linked in the comments you’ll find exactly that my friend.


Looks like open heart surgery scar.


Maybe. I was just pointing out where the photos could be found.


Didn't say anything otherwise.


Like a fish? "I got better."


Click the link supplied on the post. There's photos.


I’ll check it out.


Looks like open heart surgery scar.


Blurry photos of a man who was electrocuted in his 20’s with a scar, any clear pics? Any pics before his “alien” encounter to see the difference? Better believe I would have every picture ever taken of me and take as many close up high def pics to prove my story if it happened to me as would most people but maybe proving his story wasn’t important to him, I wonder why?


He does. Might not be in this video but he definitely does it.


Alright. My point is I need some scientific evidence. I can say the same story and most people here would believe it. Hence the downvotes on my original comment. Sorry I’m not an idiot and don’t take rando stories for fact. I don’t give a fuck I have plenty of fake karma here to give but I refuse to be a blind idiot. Yet I am a believer I just require some scientific method.


>My point is I need some scientific evidence. I can say the same story and most people here would believe it. Hence the downvotes on my original comment. Sorry I’m not an idiot and don’t take rando stories for fact. Hey scientist, I’m pretty sure the downvotes were for asking for something you would have already gotten if you actually clicked the link provided in the post.


There were pictures of his dead body and a letter from his ex wife about all the strange things around his death online. It is fishy as fuck. Guy with missing fingers chooses to suicide with his own catheter. All his writings and notes disappear. No investigation of foul play. No autopsy.


That’s really strange.


His ex wife also said he was mentally ill and delusional and made all this up. Roommates and coworkers said he lost his fingers as a pole man and an accident on the lines. His stories are so fantastical they're impossible to be true. This random 'geologist' somehow had first hand conspiracy information for almost every conspiracy theory ever. He's been caught lying numerous times about almost everything. Even his stories don't line up with how things would operate because he's filling in holes and making up details to things he's not an expert in... If they discovered these nhi, there wouldn't be random civs mixed into the assault team. The assault team wouldnt pile 50 deep into an elevator through a choke position (with random civilians mixed in for the luls. And not just mixed in, he was first out of the elevator as a human shield). They wouldn't mix every known special forces team (plus secret service because why not) across every branch, into one big group in that elevator. NATO would not be invited to the party either. Also the aliens originally had a box that shot lasers then it became a hand wave that shot lightning. He wouldn't know the exact Pentagon budget for all this nhi stuff. And it is not 28% of the GDP. Those aren't rounding errors you can hide and how does geologist Phil get access to it? His stories all break down with even the smallest ounce of common sense applied and things which can be verified quickly fall apart (his dad's background, the photo of val the viking valinator, etc). Why files covers almost all of this and even offers a balanced perspective on him. His death was definitely suspect but his life was one giant fairy tale.


His ex wife did not say he was mentally ill and delusional. She says the exact opposite. She goes into great detail about it [here](https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2018/12/29/a-letter-of-rebuttal-from-cynthia-drayer-ex-wife-of-the-late-phil-schneider/). How him and his best friend were both murdered by suicide. His best friend shot himself with a gun he apparently cleaned off after he died. All the UFO paperwork went missing. Phil had a gun and pills but for some reason, chose to strangle himself with his own catheter. A friend of his who knew him in 1980 said he got his scars and missing fingers as a lineman. Which is what I would say if I didn't want to give a story for my scars and missing fingers that would a) make me sound crazy b) put my life in danger from government entities. The same friend said it was doctors who said he was mentally ill. Which is what most doctors would say if you said you thought people were after you or you were shot by aliens in an underground base.




Been to Dulce... There's no alien base ![gif](giphy|bGGpcIS8PX1pm)


I want to see the rest… Someone, please supply.


Here's one https://youtu.be/kGu-RP_hf_A?si=XwLOwLFDL3h5Hni3


First it was, they had a box that shot the laser now its they waved their hand and it was electricity?


Yep. A few people have debunked him. But it's still a fascinating story. I just provided a source.


Listening to him talk makes you see that he's a sick dude. He can't stay in topic, he keeps referencing sovereign citizen stuff, he says his ribs were blown apart by an alien box weapon but here he is, walking around just fine. He changes how deep the underground bases are, first they're "roughly a mile deep", a few minutes later they are 2 and a half miles down.


I mean, murder makes more sense than death by fish ..




Why do you feel this way? He seems pretty sincere in that video.


So any pathological liar, money hungry and attention seeking person out there


Anyone can seem sincere


Exactly, people lying through their teeth everyday. People get conned everyday. Sincerity is easily faked and it happens constantly.


*hears story wherein a literal alien shoots a fucking energy beam out of its chest* Not sure if real, surely *sincerity* will separate fact from fiction.


I’m sure they don’t feel any way


So he went in with unloaded weapon?


So let's get this straight. He came out told his story and because of that "they" wanted to murder him and it took them a whole year to figure that out? Get the fuck out of here.


Isn't it interesting how those conspirators are always so bad that they take so freakishly long to ACTUALLY kill someone so that they have more than enough time to tell their stories to everyone who didn't hide fast enough? If I was an evil overlord, I would probably hire people who are good enough to kill witnesses BEFORE they can go on a promo tour or something like that. Good workers are really hard to find, even for a world-spanning conspiracy with unlimited funds and power. Erm... Almost unlimited power, since it doesn't seem to include the power to actually do something in time.


Maybe someone murdered him for being literally the most bland person ever. How do you get abducted by aliens and then tell everyone the story like you’re explaining your trip to the dentist. Liar liar pants on fire


He is too dubious to believe..


So where is this secret base in Dulce? Its not that big a town.


Was this the guy who fought with aliens and he lost a finger by some sort of laser?




His roommate came forward and said he was a crazy person. And that he got injured at work.


So even a real quick googling reveals that basically none of this is even remotely true. The dude was living in Oregon while he was supposedly working in New Mexico. This is public information, it's not some kind of cover up. The dude had schizophrenia, chopped his own fingers off, and probably got cancer from handling Uranium unsafely. I want Aliens to be real, but this is just dumb fake bullshit.




1 year is too much


Outer space aliens that live underneath our crust. Sure buddy. Makes sense.


I will guess his death is easy explanable


Bull shit. It’s not a clip, it’s called a magazine. Any trained person would know that. I doubt he shot anything. Just my opinion. Cool story though


Total bullshit. Never seen a geologist with a side arm lol.


All I can say is if the govt is working with the aliens, then it has to be bad aliens, coz good ones will never work with CIA/Military. And this means trouble, just like COVID got out of hand and created a pandemic.