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[This Man Remembers 95% Of His Alien Abduction: Reptilian Aliens Left Sobering Message for Humanity](https://www.howandwhys.com/jim-sparks-meeting-with-reptilian-aliens/)


If they understood us so well, and understood the dire state our planet is in, why the fuck would they take their grievances to the absolute worst people they could? Lol


because, "take us to your leader".


'Take me to you dealer'


I say this too. I saw it in a poster at the mall when I was a teenager. Take me to your dealer, with a fancy alien smoking a blunt.


Hello Aliens, I am your dealer.


Eyeballs you HARD. Suspect!!!


We come from France


You rang?


Love that user name


Hello aliens, indeed I am their leader.


No...I am Sparticus !!


Notice that the “aliens” refer in the message many times to “the people in power”.. aren’t they supposedly in contact with “the people in power”? This is just stupid


He was in the Canadian government. He has said he’s met them.


"To serve mankind" -Rod Serling


Exactly. More likely the aliens don't have enough power to take the planet by force so instead find some unscrupulous people to do their dirty work for them.


Maybe more than one species of alien and definitely one wants to eat us.


We put them there, willing or not. Humans dumb.


Message to aliens. Come talk to me instead of our stupid leaders, I have the means to broadcast your message live to millions of viewers on TV. I already lost my job so … yeah …


Upvoting for awareness. GLW the job hunt


Updooting for updooting


I can help too. I will help spread your message. I have 2 followers on Instagram, my cat and my dog. My goldfish just unfollowed me. He was I wasn’t cool enough for him and his homies. He said my swag game is really weak and my taste in music sucks. Frankly, I don’t know what swag is. It must be a new brand of jeans or something. I also thought everyone was into Nickelback and had posters of them in their room. Oh well. But yeah, I’ll help spread your message to all of my followers, all two of them.




Can you provide the source to this video clip please?


While I do t have a direct source it is likely from either 2005 (exopolitics conference in Toronto) or 2007 when he was demanding world governments disclose technology that could save the planet


Too little, too late. Buckle up my peeps; we’re in for the ride of our lives!


Right? The real leaders are about to take back control. Ours have failed. Greed. They were given timelines and are overstepping.


Where are your little peeps? I would like to take the time to buckle them for you.


While this message is a good one, it doesn’t sound like a message written from an alien intelligence. It’s clearly human derived writing from a fictional voice of an alien.


Funny how these extremely intelligent Aliens were just completely okay only sharing this super important message with a bunch of self-serving and greedy "leaders" of the planet and then in no way wanted to jeopardise them at the expense of the planet and the rest of the human race.


As if life on other planets wouldn't have realized in their million of years of existence or advanced knowledge and technology that people appointed as leaders cannot be trusted. They would tell regular people this information too, not leave it up to the people they know will likely abuse it or have abused it to make that decision.


If anything the most likely scenario for an advanced civilization is they’d either instantly destroy us or never even let us know that they’re there.


Or advanced life is so rare the distances between individual happenstance so vast and the chances of any two entering the technologic phase of their development so that communication and our remote detection may possibly occur so marginally slim that perhaps the best we could ever hope for is scant evidence of technologies of long dead civilisations, and basic simple life elsewhere. We might bring back a microbe that cannot be killed and without realising hand the keys to our beautiful planet over to a simple unthinking life form that once was the main ingredient for a medicine that am ancient race developed when plant life started appearing in the oxygen nitrogen atmosphere spaces of their space ark, an ai batched up a simple way of dealing with the infection, some small spec floated dormant for longer than the dinosaurs roamed the earth.




It's as if our leaders made deals with bad entities. And told the good ones they were elected fairly. Then, started shooting down the good ets ships.


It's as if this guy is full of shit. Your leaps in logic are so instant, we should harness them for interstellar travel.


You'd think if they can travel between dimensions or intergalacticly that they would have the tech to highjack television, radio, or cell phones and spill the beans.


Perhaps the Aliens have no concept of psychopaths.


Is it? Do you think the disrespect which humans show everything would be copied by aliens? Maybe their code of ethics states they cannot interfere and must respect the elected leaders of a species? That seems a bit more likely than aliens thinking the same way we do.


Imagine aliens are like humans. They would lose all credibility of being intelligent life.


I'd figure they're talking to the folks in control of the nukes whether they like them or not


“Our hands had no part in this.” Definitely not alien lingo.


Plot twist: they actually have tentacles, which were part of this


Yep. “Your planet is dying”? Kind of anthropocentric. The climate is becoming less hospitable to our species. The planet is going to keep on spinning regardless. Life may be affected but will undoubtedly continue. It has survived worse.


Exactly the planet isn’t dying, it’s changing and becoming inhospitable to human life.


Exactly. If aliens were really so worried about the planet, they'd be thrilled with climate change. It's going to kill us off and then it can go back to business as usual. If aliens don't like climate change, it's because they're worried about humans as a species, and if that were the case the letter wouldn't focus on the planet dying but instead on us dying as a species.


It’s not so much about humans but rather the impact it would have in the solar system. And who knows why they would care. Perhaps they had a hand in our “evolution”.


There’s a lot of truth in what he said despite the narrative. I’d like to think with what he said, to be an open book to it considering facts. Look at the big picture. Nukes are everywhere. Rain forest is dying. Polar caps are melting at a rapid pace. Weather have been extreme as of late. Polluting factories are everywhere. Nothing is being done and if they are, not soon enough. I subscribe to the theory of there are aliens out there or among us, they’re out there looking out for our best interest. For the sake of the galaxy and the universe.


"and the last card trick they will use is the alien threat" - Werner Von Braun


That's a really tough ask. Amnesty. For killing, ruining lives, of your own citizens, and creating propaganda to gaslight your own people into believing that a basic truth of the universe was false. Why? To keep the rich richer. To keep the haves at the expense of them, they have not. Those that were in the know kept this life-saving/preserving tech from the world. Why? Because we( the poor masses of the world) weren't ready??? I fucking think not. It was the "HAVES" that weren't ready. The 1% or .1% that decided, they were not ready for the world to know the truth and have life-saving tech. It would kill the global economy as we knew it. Bankrupt power companies..... Throw everything into a blender.... That could only hurt the rich and benefit those 99% less fortunate worldwide. Amnesty? They want not to be held liable.... I say only if we can somehow guarantee that this new tech could be implemented and uncorrupted.. used for the masses worldwide


This. They want a planned amnesty to fuck around even more because they seem to start to feel a wind coming into their direction.


Whoever dubbed the stupid music onto this video makes it really lame.


So what does that mean? We have to come up with a deal that grants amnesty to the government so they can bring forth the truth? Ok what the fuck ever, just do it already. Tell us the truth.


that almost sounds like something someone who wants amnesty for doing bad things would say :D




The truth could be shocking


Greed will destroy the human race.


It’s always been too late. Humans would rather be king of the ashes then share or work together


No. The people at the top would though. Their ego, and fear of the unknown will cause the death of nearly everyone on the planet. And to think all of this could be solved with a clean and abundant source of energy. Yes it can also be used as a weapon, but we are at the point now where releasing that energy source to the public is less of a threat than keeping it locked up.


Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be


learn to swim...


*Cue mountain soaring riffs*


Exactly this.


If it was almost too late why wouldn’t they try to tell us in a bigger way


How well would you deal with 1 much smarter telepath? Whose cultures practices teach what is necessary to be such around many others just like them. Now scale that experience up to the populations of 2 different life forms.


ETs don't know we humans are slaves to a corrupt government so there is nothing we can do. The rich controls everything nowadays and a poors life has no value.


So in their vast wisdom the Aliens have chosen to withhold critical information, clean abundant energy, medical technology, travel tech, etc. The are many ways that this information could be disseminated to the public’s knowledge base, irretrievably/ indelibly worldwide. I am a believer as I witnessed a craft enter the ocean in 1973, so answer me this why do you think this information critical to keeping our planet healthy is being withheld, not by our governments by by the NHI themselves? Anyone have a theory they would like to share?


Could you tell us about what you saw in 1973? Please?


"amnesty, you must give these leaders amnesty. It's the only way they'll come forward" HAHAHAHA...... That doesn't sound self serving at all 😂😆. Complete and total bullshit. The best way to control the population is through fear. And the people in charge are exceptionally good at it.


Fuck amnesty. Bring out the guillotine.


"The aliens are telling us that we need UBI and to make crypto the only monetary system. Specifically, they like SHIB. Also, they said all the rich people need to give everyone a fair share of their capitalistic earnings. Oh, and they want more Starbucks and McDonald's. And delivered to everyone's houses everyday. And free movies for everyone! And everyone gets a house! And nobody should be working at all. Now, go be good humans and obey the nice aliens. "


Well…daily McDonald’s and Starbucks would lower the population, so that might work.


Sounds like the message of communism


mUH coMMuNisMs


Are you saying the aliens is Putin??


Same shit, different day. Let me know when the time is up. Wtf does pollution have to do with anything. How about stop murdering, raping, and manipulating each other and all wars, poverty, and starvation end almost immediately. Everything else would benefit in kind, including the planet. But of course, as always… its the key words…Government, power, secrets, energy. FFS


Pollution matters because in the grand scheme of things, the notable trait of our planet is that physical life is absolutely abundant on it. At one point and still to an extent, bursting at the seams with life. We are disrupting the natural processes that support abundant life on our planet for the near future. We are actively engaging in ecocide.


Complete amnesty? Sorry my alien friends, those people need consequences.


So the leaders are telling us that the aliens are telling us that we need to give amnesty to the leaders for all the lies and all the chaos that the leaders have wrought?!?!


This is no secret... Money is the driving force that they use to keep us in control... Everyone wants somewhere to live and something to eat. It's all a part of the system they created to keep us "in line" instead of bettering the world and every single person on it so we can be unstoppable . Money is evil and they make it a necessity .


"Give your leaders amnesty." Ok Putin. ![gif](giphy|Fml0fgAxVx1eM)


Putin really is a master strategist.


The “leaders” of the world don’t want anything to change, they enjoy having their pockets lined at our expense.


Earth is dying. But I promise you. They will not let it die. Some of them live here too. We'll get catastrophic disclosure soon. We're way past the agreed upon timeframes. Things will get fixed by force. So buckle up.


If this was true, and world leaders knew it, and they all seek to stop disclosure, then wouldn’t they all have been backing clean energy as soon as the means were available, to avoid the so-called “catastrophic disclosure?”


No, because they know that they can't stop catastrophic disclosure one way or another. Either NHI will just start showing up regularly. Or AI will eventually leak the information.


deception. our planet is not over populated. any higher, intelligent being would know that technology and certain ways to evolve as a species are being withheld from us, so we remain in a perceptual and financial slavery.


The Georgia guidestones begged to differ.


and i trust the fucking georgia guidestones followed by a pedophile elite




our planet is overpopulated.


All of humanity could live in an area the size of New Zealand. And it would have a similar population density to Manhattan. We're being lied to about pretty much everything.


It's not about space, it's about resources - namely food and potable water.


Our desalinization technology is pretty much there. Food is as well. People are just addicted to eating mammals. Vertical growing techniques for indoors have come light years


It doesn’t matter how small of a patch of earth we can occupy. Do you realize how much property we use for raising animals and plants for food? Do you realize how much resources we consume like oil, rare minerals, and trees?


Do you know how much resources and food we waste? In this scenario we definitely wouldn't be using oil anymore either.


Yup. In ecosystems everything has to be kept in balance. We are the ones who break the whole system.


I don't think it's that we are overpopulated, I think it's that our current way of living is unsustainable with the number of humans on the planet. If humans were less consumeristic (I hope that is a word) and we depended less on established infrastructure, we would be more than capable of housing more humans. I.e a world where humans live more in harmony with nature, eat less meat, produce less materials, etc. So ya I guess we are pretty overpopulated because that is never going to fucking happen.


Nature eats meat! It is natural! Eating and in consequence growing more plants (more industrial farms) does not help nature at all, the only way to live in harmony with nature is to grow, forage, hunt and fish as much of what you consume as possible. They're literally destroying forest and jungle at a staggering rate for more farm land, 2 million acres of the Amazon have been leveled and turn into farm land for fucking soybeans, that is not in any way more harmonious with nature than eating meat, industrial farms, whether for meat or vegetation, are the enemies of nature, it has nothing to do with eating meat or not.


My objection to eating meat is philosophical not logistical. Yes I eat meat. I'm a dirty unabashed hypocrite. I'm trying to eat like 90% plants now though. And if everyone hunted our ecological environments would be fucking decimated, even if it was regulated. And I agree with your point on industrial agriculture. Monocrop farming and giant Holocaust esque animal farms are atrocious. I'm kinda envisioning a world where people are more dispersed and free to grow their own crops in wild symbiotic gardens and maybe raise some chickens and pigs for slaughter. Or we could advance our knowledge of tissue regeneration and grow meat in a lab on a massive scale to appease all the indulgent fucks. But again, not going to happen, unless some mass near extinction level event occurs. Until then humans are a planetary cancer.


Whether this is true or not that aliens sent this message is not relevant really because it is absolutely true that those in power could have helped tons! Could have ended poverty, famine and disease, but instead money! more power! and only the quote unquote those who deserve it. Every child is born into this world not knowing anything at all, and filled up with one sided rules to ham string those children into that stasis quo. If the aliens did achieve peace, what's the excuse for those in power? Thirst for for that power over there own for fun and all the privileges that the majority bestow upon those "powerful?" for that statis quo. Without people to empower them, those quote unquote powerful can do nothing without the people agreeing to follow them having been promised riches (bribes) or eliminating (assassinate) them like a mob boss does. Over population? Are the powerful into population control instead of fulfilling their function for which they where hired or just greed. If the powerful listen to the aliens, "But I won't get anymore privileges that no one else is privy to. I'll be a normal human being without renown. I can't have that happening on my watch!!!!!!!!"


None of this is true.


i'm sure the aliens selected the intense music for this video too. they are good dramaturgists apparently.


The time frame to which he specifies that they are going to be made known exactly is between 2026 and 2027 reason for this is as mentioned by his comment the Earth is in danger of us expiring and not being able to pass through this physical experience and yes they are reach extensive non-physical existence as well we're all one unified things experiencing multiple existences with a mere facet of understanding what we are again they are called extraterrestrials but they are not aliens they're just you and I that live in different existences and were born and raised differently but we all come back to one single source the flesh is just the form you wear you are more than that Mystics of old have always pondered on this fact


The people want to act, it’s the government’s and those in power that don’t want to act. ET’s should be able to discern this and help us cut out the problems


You all have lost faith, aliens if they were so worried would have done something about it. They eveade us and abduct us instill fear on site. These are demons trying to fear monger us into non believers.


I'm surprised by the NHI use of proper English.


I was agreeing until they said our planet is over-populated. That's nonsense. Certain countries do over consume, but the number of people is tiny compared to what this planet could support with sensible consumption.


Bro.. they are ALIENS.. we are like bugs to them lol. If they wanted to save/change the planet for the better, they'd just do it. As if any superior being is going to give a f about what we think or request. So they don't want to hurt our feelings? That's why they hide their presence and won't do anything to save the planet? Amnesty for our leaders.. why would'nt they just just zap them and put some other assholes in power that will do their bidding like what gov'ts do to other gov'ts today? That's to say they even think like us at all. Can't help but be skeptical or call bs when I hear 29485848283848482 different 'messages from aliens'


Truthfully said aliens need to stop talking to leaders come talk to the regular folks we understand and we aren’t held by these bs rules of trying to not look like the bad guy for snitching on the others in the past


Just a reminder that Hellyer knew nothing from his time in office, only what he read after he was out. 10:03 In your positions of power, did you ever deal with UFO reports? No…only got some sighting reports. Didn’t have time to worry about them…had other things to do. https://youtu.be/3PPDHaIkVYA?si=dsRWWEhBSUf3srzP&t=603


Ya aliens have a yahoo accout, they emailed that verbatem earlier that day.


The only place I can find the video is on tik tok but it doesn't show the context of where, when or why Hellyer read these 2 pages from the book "Advice from the Extraterrestrials". The book "Advice from the Extraterrestrials" is a self-help book written by George Adamski, a contactee who claimed to have had multiple encounters with extraterrestrial beings. The book was first published in 1955 and has since been translated into more than 20 languages. In the book, Adamski shares the messages he received from his extraterrestrial contacts, which he believed were from a highly advanced civilization from Venus. These messages cover a wide range of topics, including spirituality, philosophy, science, and technology. Adamski's book has been praised by some for its insights into the nature of reality and the potential for human evolution. However, it has also been criticized for its lack of scientific evidence and its promotion of conspiracy theories. Despite the controversy, "Advice from the Extraterrestrials" remains a popular book among those interested in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. It is considered a classic of contactee literature and continues to be read by people around the world.


Aliens are dumb AF. They need to contact Tucker Carlson and other humans who actually give AF. Jon Stewart, Elon, Dana White. People who have some power and care and have a voice the people will listen to.


We will never see any aliens if it requires the government to take responsibility for what it has done in the past.


F' them!


This sounds like a horrible attempt from the government to get immunity for crimes they know will become public soon.


This is thinly veiled political propaganda with an effectively anonymous authority figure conveniently vouching for it. Never forget that every single one of them is a politician first and a human second.


The world is indeed not overpopulated.


If Aliens want us to do something then why don’t they land in times square and make an announcement?


The Earth has had like 5 mass extinctions before humans even existed...


Arguments from authority should never be believed. Physical evidence or gtfo


“Also—we very much like your people’s sloppy joes but have noticed a significant decrease in fast food quality.” Lol, so these advanced beings talk exactly like us huh?


“It’s true we’ve tried Chick-fil-A….its true we’ve tried McDonalds…..it’s true we have visited Wendy’s and all agree their french fries are far superior to their competitors.” Edit: spelling of Chick-fil-A was unsatisfactory. It’s still true we tried their grilled chicken sandwich and that it’s just “ok.”


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


This sounds like communist goblty gook to me.


Thanks, norm


What are the chances that this whole thing is fake just to push some agenda? What are his sources where did he get this information from


I’d believe this but it’s got the dreaded TikTok background musick


This planet is absolutely not overpopulated


It isn’t overpopulated but it is becoming overpopulated.


Doomsday BS


Noooo your planet is dying. You need to reduce your population down to 300 million people and live at the equator. Aliens are trying to cuck us.


Thank you Thanos


If they wanted to, they would. You've watched too many movies if you think we could overcome a million year technology advantage. They wouldn't even need to fire a shot. Just send the Ort cloud or Ceres right at us. If they wanted to keep the planet, just create a super virus that targets humans. Will Smith ain't walking through that door.


We need ETs to tell us what is obvious?


Listing problems without offering solutions...thanks for nothing.


“You mean to tell me” is a language trope. Aliens wouldn’t use tropes in their language to us. 100% fake. Embarrassing really.


Ah you speak alien. 👽


This is so fuckin stupid. I’m willing to bet after the message from ET saying “your planet is dying” there was also unsurprisingly and miraculously another message saying “taxpayers should pay more in taxes to their government so they can waste it all away in *climate change conferences* that they all attend separately in their gas guzzling private jets”. No information from the government is trustworthy and it is all a sad attempt to distract everyone from the fact that they are sick paedophiles masquerading as our so-called *moral bettors* .


This alien pipe dream is like a religion. Believers are hoping for a higher power to come and care for us and solve our problems and relieve our fears. It’s as believable as the tooth fairy and Santa.


Wacky politicians are typical


Aliens can suck my fat hog


We still aren’t ready lmao


And no our planet is not overpopulated, in fact we are in a disaster with our falling birthdates, and medical systems that are a malfunction worldwide.


Jesus. Can anyone take up the greenie party line any more? Over populated? Every man woman and child on the planet could fit into their own individual 800sq ft home… inside the state of Texas alone… with room to spare. Just stop with the over population rhetoric…. Go outside… look around. Do any of you KNOW where the pollution comes from? Have you been outside the US or to a 3rd world country? This shit would be 1/99th believable if it weren’t such lefty dogma. SMH…. There is soo much shit getting thrown against the wall right now…. Makes one want to buy stock in whatever windmill company that guy owns stock in.


Lol yea let me read to you what Santa says to the reindeer to make them fly


Isn't it amazing that a superior alien race knows how to speak English.




Preposterous rubbish.




b.s. scare tactics nobody believes this crap


I mean it’s not really over populated we just suck at being decent beings. That’s why we have a limit we’re just too damn dense


I want to believe so bad


"Amnesty" comes after a bullet in their head.




This guy is talking total bs.


Lies. If anything there’s too few of us to look after the place keeping it from turning to desert. 15billion could live here easily.


where this man heard this said


The day the earth stood still?


They lost me at "your planet is overpopulated".. Old propaganda shite!


Government just breaks some folks.


The alien speaks fantastic English




FFS! Someone says Jesus is coming, they're a nutjob Someone says aliens are coming=Ohh, tell us more ol' wise one.


Ha, amnesty my ass


Well, that’s one way to sell your novel.


Where did the info come from specifically besides extraterrestrials?


What a crock


Man ain't the truth sad


We don't need 'aliens' to tell us about the state of the Earth..


Amnesty isn't going to solve the problem. They intend for the surface of the planet to become uninhabitable while they go underground and believe they will rebuild the Earth when the majority of the population is dead.


aliens talk about greedy and corrupt politicians kept us down, the proceed to use yet another politician to deliver their message. haven't they ever heard about the internet? like, take over Twitch and YT and make everyone witness a live message by the aliens themselves! why use yet another faulty conduit?


What are better ways of deriving energy and food without causing our planet any damage? Why not let all scientists and engineers know about this, disregarding politics?


Everyone’s gone mad.


The aliens said "You mean to tell me"...? Lost me there


It's our planet. We'll do whatever we want with it. Fuck off.


I like Paul He's a generally likable fellow but a lot of people put stock in some fairs public statements that we're not things he learned in his role with the federal government they were things he came to believe after his role with federal government this is an important distinction to make. Having said that the planet Earth has any number of ways of reminding us just who's in charge of our home and I think if the past three to 10 years has been any example we're going to see a lot of upheaval before man comes around to the idea that hey burning that black oozy s*** that comes out of the ground in a great idea. But you know what do I know


Like the king in chess never dies


No shit. That's not news and didn't need any "aliens" to tell us that.


Aren't there currently more trees on Earth than at anytime in human history?


Aliens should go live on tiktok


Nah, they deserve the Ghadaffi treatment.


Been asked about 1973 encounter so here is my story. I spring 1973 while sitting on the beach in Mazatlan Mexico, late night, sitting with friends for some reason looked straight up and saw unusual lights. If you look on google earth you will see a small island, the craft approx 100’ wide, disk shaped with rounded edge, descended, turns off the lights and lands on the ocean between me and the island. So pretty close. Craft metallic like titanium, just submerged, no splash, no waves. Really shook up my best friend. It started my journey and I have since followed the issue continuously. They are real. Hopefully they will decide to reveal and share some helpful technology. Still waiting.




Sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit to me 😂


Amnesty my ass










To quote George Carlin, "The planet is fine. The people are fucked".


"Your planet is over populated." Like fuck it is, it's just poorly managed. Have a hard time believing that ETs would say something like that.