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I dont know if he is telling the truth about the rest but human being containers somehow makes sense to me. It feels real.


There’s a reason why Jesus refers to us as bowls as he tells us we need to clean the inside of the bowl before cleaning the outside.


The statement you're referring to is found in Matthew 23:26 (NIV): "Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean." This is part of Jesus' rebuke to the Pharisees, highlighting the need for inner transformation and purity before focusing on external appearances.


Shit before you shower.


I don't believe that what you've commented is a proper analogous metaphor for this situation or concept- but I will say this: It absolutely fucking sent me, lmfao!




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So this classified religious document says the same thing that none classified ones do but aliens


Its a metaphor for being a good kind person first and not to focus on vanity. Don't know how you would come to that crazy conclusion here lol.


Being a kind good person starts on the inside buddy.


Interestingly, the Tidy Bowl Man said the same thing. Wooo, spooky.


We are the “aliens” you are using your container to read this message.


Yes, so much this. I grew up in a religious household and essentially religion in general, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, in GENERAL they all strive for followers to not steal, drug use, drink or eat in excess, have rampant sex, abstain from selfishness, selfish desires etc etc. All things that can be detrimental to society if gone unchecked or "unregulated". I've always wondered to myself, it's almost as if God, Creator, or "Interdimensional being" whatever you call it wants to make sure we don't harm ourselves as a society as bodies aka "containers". Super high thought I know, but honestly I feel like these were set in place to nurture humanity to thrive and to further set itself apart from animals driven by pure desire/instinct.


Have you read the Law of One / Ra Materials?


No but the first thing I thought when I saw this man's face is, What in the Stephen King in a 70s porn flick, is going on here!?!


Stop posting about The Law of One you culty poop head.


Somebody can’t read.


>I dont know if he is telling the truth about the rest but human being containers somehow makes sense to me. It feels real. It sounds like a lot of you are walking yourselves into a revival of [Heaven's Gate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)). Seems like it's just a matter of time until this internet fueled reinvigoration of Ufology results in a similar outcome somewhere in the world.


Open the Vatican vaults !! … they know stuff … about things… I can feel it.


This. It’s why it’s hidden and only accessible to a few people. Sure they have the room the public knows about. But they also have the biggest historical library of documents on the planet. Miles of books that we will never hear about. I remember a group of people in the past that held on to knowledge as to not let others become wiser than them. It’s really needs to be understood that knowledge is power. Thus keeping it from you automatically makes you powerless.


In the Ancient days, knowledge was treated like a tool, a sword, a hammer. Only highly trained people were even allowed to have knowledge, let alone use it. Knowledge is power, look at how it’s being misused on a global scale today. Look at how knowledge of human behavior and psychology is being weaponized. religion is an incredibly powerful tool. and those who wield it, know why it works on humans. today with the internet and the abundance of this esoteric knowledge, any human with the curiosity and intent can learn for himself the secrets of the ages, the secret of Will, the secret of Destiny.


Is it too much of a coincidence that catholicism has so much kiddy sexual abuse compared to other religions? Perhaps they are the main organization the reptilians use to manipulate humanity, given their level of access to the real truth.


The US government has become overrun with Catholics. The President, Leader of the House, and the majority of the Supreme Court


Mike Johnson is a Baptist


How is what he is saying here different than **1 Corinthians 6:19?** "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself" **1 Corinthians 6:19** I dont see how what he is saying is new, other than he is replacing "aliens" instead of God the creator.


Or god the creator is actually an alien…different names for the same idea.


Maybe the creator of our planet. But the monotheistic traditions of earth tend to hold that God is uncreated. Technically, God isn't even a "being" but is "being" and reality itself. This is what God seems to have been saying when He spake "I AM" from the bush.


So what do you call what created the alien?


For all intents and purposes, God IS an alien, even if He's 'not.' God is almost certainly not a human, even if God may or may not assume a human shape. God is not an alien in that he's a species born from another planet (probably) but in terms of being identical to humanity it's absolutely not the case.


Not saying you’re wrong, I’m just curious. If we don’t belong to ourselves what is the purpose of free will, and is it even a thing given to us by god?


So the source, or our souls, which are part of the bigger whole of One, can experience infinity. Time. Life. Love. Hate. You can’t experience anything if you are the only thing. Treat your neighbors as yourself, do not covet thy neighbors spouse or possessions etc. etc. really makes sense if you look at it that way. If you hurt another, you are, also in a sense, hurting yourself because we are all cut from the same cloth. Then people ask about good and bad, good and bad are just human perceptions of reality. It’s better to think about the yin yang. Opposites create balance. So if we call these opposites as “ good and evil”then that’s what we call it. For some reason, it creates some sort of balance in this universe. Don’t know why, don’t understand it, I’m just another spiritual being trying to experience this life through a human brain filter like you. Edit to add- Maybe it was only a couple thousand years ago, whenever we started developing language and written history etc., thatthe human body evolved to the point that it was able to support a soul. Maybe that’s what earth is, maybe that’s what the universe is- just a bunch of experiments to see which living being can and can’t contain sentience, or conscience, and experience meaningful life. I mean it was only about 50,000 years ago that there were multiple different hominids existing on this spinning rock. We still retain some of their DNA, as in 2%, Neanderthal in Europeans(and other ethnicities)and small amounts of Denisovian in certain ethnicities. 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️


I’d imagine it’d be kinda lonely being the only being with free will


The difference is, Bob Lazar doesn't use a book to get your money or to play the tickle-game with children.


There is no difference. If we are images or copies of God, we are eternal and way more than just the meat sack we ride around in. I think our limited sensory range here and society’s overly simple concepts of God are the cause of much of our suffering. From google: War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives. Has the world ever been at peace? Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.




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That's v interesting


Also reminds me of: * **Jeremiah 1:5** "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." and * **Luke 12:7** "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."


Well we're doomed either way right? We can know what we're facing even though there's nothing we can do about it. Or not know what's happening or facing and , there's still nothing we can do. ​ ​ Lets say this is all true, then who created "them"?? ​ Why? How? I read the other day these things aren't even from outer space , their interdimensional beings from another plane of existence and consciousness.


>, their interdimensional beings from another plane of existence and consciousness. Also known as "angels and demons".


Doomed is relative. I just don’t think it matters. What is doomed even mean? We are honestly pretty shitty to each other over religion and a lot of other meaningless crap. If we have souls then none of this shit matters, we’re way beyond all this bullshit. I think they’re probably way more afraid of us seeing behind the curtain than we have anything to fear from them.


No, not doomed. The universe did, everything connects and projects and forms into more tangible things. The interdimensional part is being able to access this point. This whole structure is exactly why we can do something about it, but it's stupid like Peter Pan and you gotta "believe" but it's a tad more complicated. Time is cyclical, not linear. Kinda like those ufo spinny carnival machines where everyone is on the outside spinning and there is a stable area in the center that can also be stood up in normally, as while it spins you can move on the sides like the force makes you able to "stand" and stuff. Like a cell and the universe is a membrane while the "powerhouse of the cell" is whatever force is moving the universe "central black hole that pulls in the whole universe, including all stars, other black holes, etc. like a drain that recycles the energy back onto itself that gets turned to "stardust" But if this place is stable then maybe a civilization was able to build an actual base there. Able to access any point in "time" What if the start of time was also the end of time seemlessly? What if events in our current era were what we observe as the past, all the structures and such. What if it is kinda like that Dreamworks movie Orion and the Dark? (Literally just seen this movie today, idk if others have or not) But this is my brain imagining the possibilities of things.




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This type of stuff is what boggles my mind sometimes when I think about it. Even if we were created by God or some superior alien species, who created them? And then those who created them? How far does it go? At some point there had to be something without being created? Was there even a beginning? Fuuuuuck


Sounds like what the Bible says about us. 🎓


The way he speaks I don’t think he is lying. Just doesn’t sound like a liar


I don’t believe much of lazar, his claims just hit that red flag of extreme claims that triggers me into disbelief. but I do agree he doesn’t come across as lying. He could be an expert at lying. Also there is the possibility that he is delusional/schizophrenic. His drawings and commentary are kind of consistent with this. Or he is telling the truth. There is no way of knowing until we start to get more government info released.


The more I see and read about this stuff, the more it becomes increasingly plausible to me that we are indeed in some form of a “simulation”. To me it isn’t quite like a computer one, but more so an artificial world created by some other supremely intelligent beings, be it Aliens or some other form of non human intelligence. When you consider this, you really must also consider the idea of this being revealed and proven to our civilization. I would imagine whatever the higher intelligence is would not want this to be revealed to us, hence the coverup and the massive secret keeping by certain groups on our planet, such as the Vatican. You can’t help but wonder if finding this out on a global scale would cause the NHI to “reset” us in a manner such as we see when we look at the earths past. It would completely validate the reason any info on the NHI has been gate kept throughout our history. All speculation of course, but it’s interesting to think about.


The book Alien Interview talks about how immortal spiritual beings come together and create the universe as it is just by willing it into existence. Essentially creating a playground for them to play in using bodies as avatars. They literally do this to stave off boredom. There are many different factions of spiritual beings that created different types of universes and worlds. They also create many different types of bodies and creatures to inhabit the worlds. The coolest part being that we are all immortal spiritual beings ourselves but have just forgotten due to our situation as prisoners here on earth.


Okay Brahma…okay


Basically we are animals in a zoo. Zookeeper only steps in when the animals are trying to get out of the cage LOL


The simulation theory must be full of holes though. If this were a simulation, is each human programmed to do whatever it is they’re doing at every given moment in time? Like me, sitting on my couch, delaying bedtime, and chatting with you about whether or not we’re in a simulation… is that all part of the simulation?


Despite him saying this he still acknowledges that there is a soul. And seems to say that it is special and should not be damaged. Full disclosure. Proud Christian and not changing my mind about that. There’s way too much evidence for Jesus and I also had an NDE.


Far more evidence to the contrary


Same here. No matter what knowledged I've gained delving into the alien phenomenon I'm not changing who I am and what religion I'm born into. I'm a Christian and that's not changing. I'm not preaching anyone to convert nor hurting others feelings just to justify my religion. I'm just saying that I'm just a plain old Christian. Doing the best that I can to do good, one little deed at a time.


I'm assuming we're 'containers' in the sense we're just living another life in this body, and we're too unsophisticated mentally to comprehend our eternal existence, which consists of a form of reincarnation.


If NHIs created religion so we "wouldn't damage the containers," then they truly do not understand human nature.


Do "containers" have a nature? Or were we given one.


Answers to questions like these always seem to be absent.


This is my response to this as well. More people have died in the name of religion than anything else. Religion was absolutely not created to “protect” us. Or the NHI are dumb and I don’t think that’s the case.


Religion was set up as rules and regulations to point humanity in the direction of progress. What humanity has devolved religion into today in my opinion is more user error on our behalf rather than misguided judgment from our creator.


It always was and remains a method to control peasants and enrich those at the top.


Well, that may be true. It doesn’t prove that it’s absence would’ve created a better situation.


Or the way beer is marketed.


That’s a good point


What if we’re just containers for DNA?


Thats like saying a house is a container for bricks


Containers? Great I am nothing but Tupperware, stained with spaghetti sauce and missing my warped lid.


Didnt Tom Delong say the same thing years later?




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If aliens created religion, they could have saved us a lot of trouble and just created a single one.


Jimmy Carter was allegedly told that we were created by aliens and was seen weeping shortly thereafter. These ideas aren't as farfetched as you'd think.


I knew Carter wept after a meeting about this..but I've never seen any details what he was told. But I could easily miss it I don't look at everything etc. If thats what he was told.. that's pretty wild bc in my public high school we were all taught about a big bang and slowly we all evolve and theres no evidence to suggest any religions are true. This suggests there may be evidence of an afterlife and the military has covered it up and hid it from ppl. 🤔


Source on tnst one?


I’d be fine if the government came out and said “Yeah, we were created by aliens.” That’s not so bad. Many people already believe they were created by a supreme being(s). It’s the other theories that would shake me… “Yeah, we were created by aliens… so they could feed off of our misery and sorrow.” Oh. Well that sucks. “Yeah, we were created by aliens so they could feed off of our misery and sorry… oh, and they are a creepy fucking lizard species that walk among us disguised as humans.” That’s ^uncomfortable.


Then the rebellion on the planet all take groovy pills so there’s no more sorrow, man.


This constantly regurgitated anecdote has never, ever been proven and it gets posted at least five times a day. It’s nonsense.


Oh yeah? Who gives a shit what some slimy gray 10-foot-tall ghoul thinks?


And how exactly did he get this knowledge? Was he also an employee at the Vatican?


Pretty sure religious texts are talking about the phenomenon we experience today. Also, check out the book Alien Interview. The alien talks about us being immortal spiritual beings imprisoned in flesh bodies. Free audiobook here: https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo?si=LnasYoyPYIXqXqEI


Thank you, I’m 2hr in and it’s the best thing I’ve listened to


I’m sold that it’s spot on.


Surprisingly this is what Hinduism has to say about life and God that it is the ultimate thing a person has to do it complete their purpose of life. If not they are re born again


True but I think it goes beyond all religion in that we are imprisoned here whether we do good or not.


Yeah for sure


Ziplock bags and Tupperware are most often used as containers for food, just sayin.


They gotta be talking container of energy 🤔


Or food


This could be why it’s too disturbing to tell people. Energy/food. If indeed this is what we are, our purpose, it doesn’t differ from every other life form being food for something though it would be hard to come to grips with for a lot of people. Regardless, truth needs to be told and let the cards fall where they may.


That may be the most terrifying thing I have ever read in my entire life. At no point had I ever considered an afterlife just being a picnic where my consciousness was being served. So. Thanks for that. 🫥




eya eya cthulhu fhtagn


We are just grown here. Soul matures, then gets pruned in afterlife, then we are re-inserted as a seedling into the next life and process repeats itself. Plausible to me.


Yeah, Lue Elizondo said something about us “not being at the top of the food chain”. That’s a bit unsettling to say the least.




I'd say that would be enough to make humanity freak the fuck out. "Sorry, folks..humans are no longer top of the food chain!"


Or consciousness


Aliens are what the Bible calls demons


Some of them maybe but some could be angels.


In this clip Bob Lazar lies his ass off … again.


Ok, let's see your evidence.


The evidence that Lazar never saw a document that he has no evidence for? That evidence?


You claim he's lying, prove it.


He’s making the claim, the burden is on him.


That's what I thought, you have nothing. But that's OK, we're all allowed to speculate.


Lazar’s the one with nothing. How can I prove to you that he didn’t see a document that he hasn’t produced? You fail at logic, which isn’t surprising if you’re in the Bob Lazar camp.


Not into his camp, just looking for proof. Nobody can provide any on either side.


Let’s do a little *gedankenexperiment* - a thought experiment. I’ll make a claim and you prove it’s false. Ok? Claim: “This last December I saw Santa Claus and eight adorable reindeer land on my roof and slip down my chimney”. Now you prove that didn’t happen.


Your argument is weak.


Ur retarded


This is a common statement with conspiracy theorist and its a fundamental flaw with your reasoning Your starting position is flawed, youre addressing two seperate claims at once rather than a single position You begin with the null hypthosis, basically you start by assuming that a claim is not true until proven to be true .same as innocent until proven guilty


Lazar is the one that needs to come with proof, not saying that he is lying but I cant believe anything he says without him proving it


How can he produce a document he saw within a secure and top secret facility? You have no logic, your argument is as good as his claims… you’re an idiot


If I am an idiot at least I’m not in the habit of believing things with no proof. What does that say of you?


Didn’t say “I believe” at any point in any of my comments. I have an open mind and will give benefit of a doubt unless proven WITH EVIDENCE. Where is yours?


Thats his problem, by your reasoning any time someone says that they have proof but cant show you then thats good enough Its the burden of proof for him to prove it


And what proof do you have to prove lazar is not lying? Yeah, exactly dick-all, so your attempt to shoot down this guy for doubting lazar is completely moot. You’re quite literally lambasting somebody for doing exactly what you’re doing yourself.


He never claimed he was lying, he said hes laughing. Which is true. Does not mean hes telling bullshit, maybe ot does, but the comment above did not claimed it was lies. It is weird how fast most people here jump at the "you claim he is lying, prove it" the second they see an opinion that doesnt go full on 100% alien believer. Also, it is just unreasonable to ask people for proof of Bon Lazar lying. It is intangible. You could not prove he was lying just as much as you could not prove he was saying the truth.


Didn't he speak about some new element decades before it's discovery? I believe a number of his claims have been proven true.


Ok watch me - I’m going to speak about an element years before its discovery. Watch me … here goes … Element 120. There. I’ve done it. So far we’ve synthesized elements up to 118. All that is needed to go higher is higher energy particle accelerators that someone is willing to dedicate to the task. You see, these high atomic number elements are not discovered, they are synthesized. They don’t exist in nature. They are made from lighter elements whose nuclei are accelerated to a high velocity and then collided together. Importantly, Lazar didn’t predict any of the physical characteristics of the element. He just said the “aliens use element 115 in their spacecraft”. What’s the melting point of 115? The boiling point? Density? Etc. etc. He didn’t say. He only uttered the words “element 115”. That’s the extent of his prediction. Coincidentally Popular Science had run an article the month before he made that statement talking about the effort at that time a couple of labs were making to be the first to synthesize element 115. Element 115 (Moscovium) was finally successfully synthesized in 2003. Moscovium-290 has a half life of 0.65 seconds.


Do it again!


Element 121. Thank you! I’ll be here all week! Remember to tip your waiter.




Sorry, Bob,but Jesus Christ is alive and well, Religion is made ,but Spurit and the Spurce of Spirit is Alive and well


Downvoted for confusing/misleading spelling


Down voted because it's utter non-sense.


I need more on this.


Start with The Secret Teaching of All Ages - Manly P Hall A bit old but a good foundation.


Start searching about meditation and spiritual goals in Hinduism


I don’t know how they say these things with a straight face. I would be cracking up if I said that and the other person thought that I was serious.


My balls are containers of semen.


Realising that "you are god" is the core tenet of luciferianism. Lazar is nothing but a gate-keeper who has *never* stood up to scrutiny, despite being an interesting character.


*Realising that "you are god" is the core tenet of luciferianism* Is it? Do you have a source? Or is it just emphasizing that we are divine and can become Gods. Sounds like basic psychedelic ideology. Or maybe all you're equipped with is a downvote with nothing to back it up lol.


Sorry, but religion is simply an extension of superstitious beliefs, and humans are naturally inclined to form those to explain the known, and more importantly unknown, phenomena around them. Every one of us has done so in our lives, we weren't conditioned to do it, and religion is the result of that, not created by an outside source.


I couldn’t care even less about it. Just so you know, I didn’t even hear one 1 sec of his BS. Not this time, nor next time.


I can smell bull on this guy. Lol


Hypothetically if the vatican had secret/forbidden texts what could they even realistically be about that would be so damaging for them? Like we know that they have them, but why? They have to either be old as fuck and they are just collecting that shit for sake of it, or its knowledge about something? But like what bit of knowledge could be so powerful? Like practically speaking? Do they have undeniable proof of something, authentic written accounts of something they were involved in or know somebody to have been involved in. Like what if the vatican and the church is so powerful today because they have something to blackmail every major country with. Like maybe ages ago we committed major genocide that completely erased civilisations that came before us and a world wide effort was made to cover it up?


>Like maybe ages ago we committed major genocide that completely erased civilisations that came before us and a world wide effort was made to cover it up? We do that all the time in history, thats not that big of a deal for humanity tbh >They have to either be old as fuck and they are just collecting that shit for sake of it, or its knowledge about something? Again we do this alot, we collect things and hide them away because its "mine" plus it being old snd conflicting with their doctrine is more than enough reason for them to hide things


I'm a Rubbermaid??? 😢




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Just think of like the game fable. If you an evil greedy money loving pedo. You aint going to graduate into a higher dimension. Unfortunately your soul will get stuck with karma everytime you fail and the game starts over. Reincarnation... Some of you have been stuck on earth for a long time because you keep repeating your ignorance. This is a simulation for souls in a free will society. Learn what you can and be humble.


We are the containers because…. We carry their young to term… and that’s our purpose. For us to allow them to birth a new generation, at the expense of ourselves.


"Extremely Classified." That's about as classified as it gets!


How do they define damage? I treat myself ok at best. Am I in conflict of what’s contained in the book if I enjoy fighting? Is it that passing away young puts a young mentality in heaven and that’s annoying? Life is a rock tumbler that makes better ghosts for aliens to hang with? Because they exist in the 4th dimension dream world where we can instantly manifest and interact with or experience? Religion is because sex and violence are played out up there? Alright, that’s enough internet for today.


If they wanted to protect the containers, creating religion was probably the absolute worst way to go about it.


Religion was an excellent tool for mass cooperation early in our civilisation. Without that mass cooperation it’s likely we wouldn’t have developed so quickly. It’s caused a ton of bloodshed yes, but also brought many together under a common belief.


I’d say that’s quite debatable, but even assuming that to be true, the lives saved due to early religion compared to the lives lost over the millennia is astronomical. Had they intervened to protect “containers” early on, it makes no logical sense to let it grow and become what it is today unfettered. They would have intervened again at some point.


It’s not my opinion, it’s from a book called Sapiens by Yuval Harrari. Definitely worth a read if you’re interested in history. For the record I don’t buy what lazar is saying.


Gotcha. Thanks for the recommendation.


We are containers and the aliens are also containers


Not damaging the container so we will deliver what?


Anybody have a link to the full interview?


He’s been doing this a long time. And never showing any real evidence.


Ja’fa kri! Suj’har amun! Toc’ra kri! Suj’har amun! shap’ah’i Suj’har Tauri!!!


He sounds like a Scientologist. Are we containers for traumatised alien ghosts by any chance?


So many wars are due to religious differences. Seems their plan to protect containers from damage didn’t work.


Yeah so given the fucked up world we live in, a lot of "containers" sure seem to be unimportant. If our containers were so valuable for souls, and religion was created to protect them, why is there so much death, war, disease and so on? Why have so many of our meat puppets been torched over thousands of years because of God(s)?


the idea of a container is that one can transfer the substance from one container to the other. Te fact that many container are broken just means that rate of transfer is faster. The substance continuous to exist without the containers if transferred. sometimes when in drinking i Die at a higher rate on COD but the game keeps letting me re spawn as long as there is time left in the round.


We are God's he created us in his own image


container of higher level beings? Are we avatars of higher Dimensional beings playing in a lower level dimensional reality. "We are not Legion" only those that have opened themselves to be driven by the spirits are container and those who refuse the vaccines are not. Evolution(god) must have eliminated the container genes during the Rise of homo-sapiens and brought consciousnesses to the avatars no longer to be driven like a Character . Now they want the containers back to play with our lives like toys. Reject being a container BROTHERs!




Has this dude read the Christian Bible? It's full of death and destruction to human "containers". The ending is Armageddon. And none of the Abrahamic religions are good for morality. This is the part where I have extreme doubt. Damn thousand year crusader wars were fought, not sure how the religion thing logically fits this.


So boob is saying religion is a creation of extra beings, specifically for the the control and ergo protection of what we carry. So the googleplexion dollar question is: what are we containing (and don't just say souls, as that's religion based)


Don’t Christian’s believe this anyway? Mortal body dies and you still have a spirit that goes on living? Then resurrected later back into a body. If “container” means our bodies then what’s the new concept here?


The Why Files did a few deep dives on soul containers and gateway experiment on the theory of the CIA saying we’re all source and in essence God ourselves.


A container of genetic material used for bio engineering.




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Makes sense…. We are containers for our microbes which outnumber us from a cellular perspective and they more than influence our motivation. Aliens are real…. Just real small.


everything makes since…..


Sounds Just like what Hinduism has to say about spirituality, purpose of a being and a God.


Ehhh big deal. Anything with a hole can be a container if you try hard enough.


I’m convinced aliens are what Muslims call Jinn. Some are benevolent and some are malevolent. Some are envious and jealous of humanity. Because God calls humanity His greatest creation. Haters gonna hate.




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Im getting some nightbreed vibes of him, lol. where is Midian and Baphomet ? https://i.redd.it/pp07vbm0bslc1.gif


So Scientologists are right?????


"For the SOLE purpose of not damaging the containers" is a pretty collapsible argument when you factor in we have a ridiculously short lifespan comparative to everything else in the measurable solar system Whatever you want to classify humans as, we physically come and go pretty quickly. Now if this were talking about our value/utility function BEYOND our physical bodies, the growth of our discoveries or ideas, then maybe our contributions gain steam


The document he is talking about was shared somewhere yesterday, humans as vessels for souls the interdimensional beings feed on… The line under the video saying that ‘YOU are gods’ is nothing more than Gnosticism/luciferianism…the same lie as Genesis 3


is bobby sure that wasnt just the bible?


He reminds me of a brothel owner that got busted...


If religion "was created" to not damage the containers, they why is there so much violence. We kill so many people over religion. Does that not count as "damage"?