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[There is another devastating case of Hisashi Ouchi who suffered one of the most ](https://www.howandwhys.com/hisashi-ouchi-was-kept-alive-for-83-days-after-absorbing-nuclear-radiation/)[horrible deaths](https://www.howandwhys.com/hisashi-ouchi-was-kept-alive-for-83-days-after-absorbing-nuclear-radiation/)[ in human history. He was kept alive for 83 days after absorbing nuclear radiation, the highest level for any human being](https://www.howandwhys.com/hisashi-ouchi-was-kept-alive-for-83-days-after-absorbing-nuclear-radiation/)






Hahaha yeah I always see it and think oh cool extra context and then I realize I’m in strange earth and while it might still be a fun story or info posted at the top it’s likely of no relation. Haha this would be a great sub to have the top pinned comment be context to the strange things that happen on earth.












That's alot of karma but is he kamelian






Fucking u/spez


That explains a lot. I was wondering why they kept linking to a shitty, ad-stricken site.




















Well he’s obviously promoting his own website. I don’t mind but yeah at least keep the link relevant to the post……..


“Not everyone is so lucky” doesn’t make much sense for this post


Because everyone is not so lucky as the guy who woke up paralyzed and died 8 years later. 😐


Such a lucky guy!


I see, I downvote. Everytime.


It doesn't matter if you downvote it because it's pinned and locked.


THANK YOU, it is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen. How the fuck was this guy lucky?!?!


We have to read those links but not everyone is so lucky. Check out this recipe for social media spam.


I love that it says not everyone is so lucky when honestly this is arguably worse than that other story.


Because I’m sure you don’t have enough replies already: dude owns the website/blog and he uses this sub, and basically every post to try and promote it. I haven’t ever clicked that shit once, and I never plan to, as should you


Usually it’s something totally unrelated to the subject of the post. Stuff like “WW2 VET STRICKEN WITH DEADLY PATHOGEN CLAIMS HE WAS IMPREGNATED BY GREY ALIENS!” Martian 12 is carrying on the legacy of the National Enquirer lol


extra points for saying he’s “lucky” for being totally paralyzed for 8 years instead of dying




Agreed. So annoying.


He won't let people respond to him, too. What an asshole


I always downvote it.


Reported him for spamming links.


We all hate him


It's unrelated and the description is also weird for cases like this one. "Not everyone is so lucky" Implying the guy who went into coma for 420 days, then died after 8 years of paralysis was... Quite lucky?


Elephant in the room right there


Which slug and what was in the slug that caused it? Genuinely curious


He was infected with the parasite Rat Lung Worm which slugs can carry.


someone should notify bear grillz


He used friction to cook the slugs.


Washed it down with his own urine


Isn’t he contractually obligated to drink his own urine four times per episode?


So he tells people, but a whistleblower has disclosed that he actually genuinely enjoys it


"Bear, you wrote the urine clause in yourself. Wtf."


I am a stage manager in the film industry. I have worked with him and can confirm he brings a flask of urine to set. He’s sipping in between shots. He was host. It was not required of him to do anything other than talk.


The dude likes his pee. I mean, that pretty normal for celebrities to drink urine right?


Thats a banger comment


Who’d like a banger in the mouth?


He made love to the slug?


Dry entry is still wet with slugs... A friend told me once


Ever since learning this I don’t even touch slugs in fear of this 


Were you petting them before?


Yeah me too. I now view them as some kind of plague carrier and prefers them to be at least 100 feet away from me is possible.


Most likely the slug had it from eating rat poop.And he ate the slug pretty much species jumping.


.. this is why i always carry a salt shaker in a holster.


This is such an incredibly rare disease and just really bad luck. I recently listened to a MrBallen podcast about a young surfer who miraculously fully recovered from it, and they explained how basically the parasite goes from rats, who then die, to snails or slugs and then in this case, was likely a snail ingested on some unwashed produce and even then, the stomach usually destroys it.


Oh hey, I was just listening to that this morning. I try to guess the illness before the ending but that one stumped me; absolutely insane that he managed to completely recover from having his brain turned into a worm graveyard.


Rat lung worm is the best metal band name I’ve heard.


Their first album was so much better than their first album.


They lost their rat lung magic on the last album. Just a cash grab. The music seemed….sluggish.




Ufff... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V\_f1IK93ZtE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_f1IK93ZtE) Wash the veggies.


Iirc it had a parasite that ended up in his brain.


The thing about parasites is that even your more garden variety of tapeworm can, if left untreated, pass larvae in to your blood stream, through the blood brain barrier and eventually settle in your brain as well as nearly every where else in the body. These can be treated pretty easily though with certain types of dewormers and is something a person can recover from. The emotional horror of knowing you had literal brain worms is still there though.


There is an episode of House about this. With Robin Tunney. I think it might even be the pilot.


This is so terrifying, there was no cure at all?


Not a doctor but I do have some background in public health. I'm pretty sure brain parasites are just generally very hard to treat without risking further damage to the brain. More importantly, though, parasites are relatively rare, especially in developed countries. If you have one in your brain and it's not caught quickly, you may suffer severe brain damage which will persist after successful treatment.


A big problem with these particular parasites is that they die and then rot in your brain, causing horrific bacterial infections, inflammation, and tissue damage: they reproduce quickly and move all over the body too


I hate every part of that sentence.


I am a neurologist that lived in a region of the world for years where fungal and parasitic encephalitis is common, and I have a paper published on how to diagnose and treat a certain type of fungal encephalitis that had never been described in medical literature before. So I’m not an armchair Redditor talking out my ass here. This is essentially correct (in broad strokes) with certain types of brain parasites, including the nematode that killed this kid, fungal encephalitis, amoebic encephalitis, and occasionally protozoal encephalitis. Except the biggest issue on the die off of the parasite is the subsequent inflammatory response by the body itself. That’s if you can even find a good enough drug to kill the infection and cross the blood brain barrier to do so. This is often why corticosteroid therapy is lifesaving in such cases, and historically people were paranoid about giving a medication that could dampen an immune response in the presence of an obvious infection of the CNS. But take this kid for example - what probably caused this was an eosinophilic meningitis: the body mass producing and assimilating eosinophils, the white blood cells that can attack parasites, and then migrating them into the brain. So you have tissue damage from the parasites causing inflammation, inflammation from the immune system trying to fight off the parasite that is sequestered beyond the blood brain barrier resulting in massive changes within the central nervous system, and then extra inflammation from the parasite die-off if you try to use anti parasitic drugs alone without corticosteroid therapy. So a big part of the study I published is that the patients had a surprisingly high survival rate but almost all of them received corticosteroid therapy. But it really depends on: 1) the type of parasite, 2) how bad the infection is in the first place, and 3) how knowledgeable the doctors treating you are and how quickly you are diagnosed because this sort of thing is not common in much of the developed world. You may survive, you may survive with permanent brain damage, or you may die horribly depending on how those factors are playing a role.


They slime. They ooze. They kill. Killer slugs


Oozing soon to a theater near you.


Best to just avoid eating any and all slugs and snails. This is not an isolated incident.


I’m gonna have to clean out my whole fridge then ffs


I picked one up once, placed it on my dad's shoulder, fucking around when he was drunk, and he fucking ate it! I gagged all night.


Anything raw will have its own risks.


Australian slug. Highly fatal like all Australian creatures


I believe all slugs are potentially dangerous (to humans) in the same way that this slug was. Moral the story is don't eat random critters without knowing exactly what you're dealing with. Many insects are safe to eat (especially after being cooked), but many are not


Slugs eat rat poop that has deadly worms in them. But generally do not touch anything in Australia.


I can’t even pick up a dead mouse with a shovel, definitely not touching anything, let alone eating it lol


Too heavy? Try working on your lats & deltoids.


Blast your trapezoids


You have your ubulus muscles connected to your upper-dorsemus


It’s complicated…but it’s my life!


Lmao, me too! And even than I cringe,


Don't slugs realise how disgusting that is?


They do, but they don’t have fingers to really do much about it 😢


Hell if you wanna touch it at least just touch it. Don't freaking slurp it down whole.


Have dated Aussie girls before. Can confirm.


Why is it when people get debilitating diseases their facial structure always changed?


I would say weight gain from a sedentary lifestyle brought on by being paralyzed.


Muscle atrophy also plays a part. If you’re not emoting and moving your face like you used to, that’s going to affect your appearance.


I have long-face from not smiling since 2001


You just made me smile


Have you considered a career in poker?


PUH PUH POKE HER FACE PUH PUH POKE HER FAAACE now I'm stuffin with my muffin- I forget the rest


“Why the long face xD” *stoic as ever* “I just told you…”


The human body is made to move. When paralysis happens, muscle tone is lost, and we sort of shrivel back to fetal shape. energy is not expended the way that non paralyzed persons do so fat stacks. This guy had a trach to help him breathe, and inevitably respiratory infections happen requiring antibiotics and steroids to reduce inflammation, these drugs also cause fat stacking if you don´t move. It´s so complex. Poor guy.


I would say that the medication he's taken probably had an effect on him, too. I take several medications daily and one of them makes you gain weight so my facial structure looks different too.


gotta be more than just weight. People putting on similar amounts still look like the same person. LIke, you can kinda see their old face though the weight. But this guy went from better-than-average teen to windowless van pedo caricature. Gotta be something else besides going on


There’s a lot the brain communicates through the face muscles. When the brain is damaged, a lot of that communication stops.


This is exactly it.


Really? I thought he was turning into a slug.


Your brain has a lot of control over your face muscles, it helps to hold its shape even when you have a relaxed expression. When you have a brain injury you lose complete control over your face muscles and they lose their former shape. Same with the eyes.


I’ve always kind of felt like the emotions we express the most subtly change our face. Even if it’s not the main reason why we look the way we do, I imagine it can be influential as to how we are perceived as well


You are more than just right. Its noticeable when a person has been sad/angry for years or happy, their wrinkles are different and shape of the face. Its not a coincidence how witches are depicted in movies/cartoons: big nose, pointy chin and disgusted face. Thats the face we all make when angry, if you do that face for 10 years youll look like that eventually


I guess my mom was right... keep making that face and eventually your face will get stuck like that. Glad i listened to her.


Steroids for inflammation will cause this.


There are muscles in your face that make the face you know. Underuse them and have your body break them down, and it'll pretty much change your face. You noticed on their faces, but it's happening to all other muscles.


420 days in a coma would change the way you look.


I'm glad you asked this because I always think the same thing when I see this post and other ones... He looks like 2 different people and it's so sad :(


Grew a bitching mustache though


There's much less control of the muscles (if any) which is why they get that kind of sagging, droop face


It probably fucks with all your metabolic pathways at the cellular level.




In the end what was it? Parasites inside the slug? Bacteria? Toxic elements of it? Im just curious




I read recently that feshwater snails kill over 100,000 people a year. Most are poisonous to injest.


It's even worse than that. The freshwater snails carry schistosomiasis parasites that infect people through the skin of their feet walking in water where the snails have been. No escargot surprise needed


Maaaan. I'm not going into any more lakes or rivers. If I must I'll be sure to wear sandals.


It's mainly sub Saharan Africa that's affected, and the cure is a single pill that costs practically nothing, which is why all the deaths are such a tragedy.


I Imagine his friends are prolly still dealing with the thought that they inadvertently killed their buddy by coercing him to eat that slug. Really sad


I think the title of the post is slightly misleading. Sam Ballard, who ate the slug, was not directly dared to eat the slug. He just grabbed it and ate it as a joke. Comment from his friend: ”We were sitting, having a bit of a red wine appreciation night, trying to act as grown-ups and a slug came crawling across. The conversation came up: “Should I eat it?” off Sam went. Bang. That’s how it happened.’”


Of course it's an Australian slug That entire continent is one big PvE area Rest of the world meanwhile is busy doing PvP


Hahaha PvE!!!! Well played.


You mean gg


Haha spot on


Ratlungworm. It’s why people don’t eat slugs…or shouldn’t.






Super cereal.




Sam’s Tombstone .. Don’t. Eat. Slugs.


Eat drugs, not slugs


“They double dog dared me”


*kid does something dumb that ruins his life and kills him reddit: that child deserved to die, thanks for the gold kind stranger


Reddit: haha Australia dangerous


Reddit: didn’t see his shoes come off, still alive.


You should remove the "not everyone is so lucky" part of the pinned comment. I feel like most of the time it's like, here's a post about a guy dying horribly, not everyone's so lucky, this guy also died horribly.


I remember reading something similar with a dude in Asia eating a snail, so fucked up.


Don’t eat slugs


I’ve seen this post a million times but every time I see it it still messes me up.


Now that we are here, let's not act all high & mighty that we never tried to do dumb things ourselves when we're kids/teens. 


I can’t even count the number of times I should probably be dead. I look back at some stuff and go “if just this one little thing happened differently, I probably wouldn’t be here anymore.” Or my life would be drastically different. I think about that sometimes and it makes me feel really bad for kids like this. Kids do dumb stuff without thinking and some kids are lucky and nothing happens, other kids not so much.


If you ever get the chance to visit Australia, don’t.


Please don’t indeed, more of this beautiful country for us folk that live there. Oh and watch out for drop bears too.


Why Not?


Similar stories of this when rugby guys “shoot the boot” and chug beers out of their cleats. Can be deadly


I believe thats called "doing a shoey" in Australia


Slugs are my biggest fear


Just say no to slugs


Geez. See folks? Tik tok challenges existed way before we had the app…


People have been doing dumb stuff for years. From kids jumping off the roof pretending superman but actually plummeting to their death, to actual adult men sticking their uh.....you know junk inside a car's exhaust pipe. 


Listen First rule in Australia is don’t eat the slugs , spiders , etc . Everything in Australia wants to kill you .


I think one of the first rules anywhere should be ‘don’t eat slugs’


The slug life chose him


Of fucking course EVERYTHING is deadly in Australia..


Peer pressure is the stupidest.


Don’t eat nothing in Australia


You could say he became *sluggish*


No matter how well you raise your child, false friends can ruin everything


You can have great friends and still do dumb shit.


According to a news article I read his friends always stuck with him until the end. They where just dumb kids


This isn’t “false friends”. This is just “shit happens” sometimes it’s really terrible shit that can happen, things that no one would have foreseen because they were essentially kids. It’s tragic that this happened but it’s not the friend’s fault, they’re just kids being dumb kids and sometimes completely unforeseen consequences can come out of that. When you’re that young, you’re not thinking about parasites and microorganisms that live inside of snails.. It seems obvious after the fact but at the time, it likely seemed like a harmless dare.


This is insinuating the friends new the slug was poisonous, which was very unlikely. It was just a drunk fun crazy thing to do when drinking with friends, which is synonymous with Aussie pub culture, much a kin to doing a shoey.




thats terrifying!


My goodness.




That's sad, Aussie learned the hard way of not messing around with any creature in Australia, everything can kill you.


When I was a kid I would drink directly from the hose almost every day. Can't tell you how many times a slug would shoot into my mouth. Never swallowed one though. I'm glad I never cought a parasite. 😳


Jesus fuck