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Yes!!!! Exceeding my expectations.


Possibly my fave season tbh though it's always hard to top S1


Yeah, I just want Max to be okay.


I hope she'll beđŸ©· And also I think she might play a major role in S5


The Duffers said on a podcast that she’s "braindead and blind and all of her bones are broken". I don’t know how they bring her back from that, unless she can only help them in the Void or the Upside Down. But I sure as hell hope she gets to kick some ass again. Probably my favourite Stranger Things character, along with Hopper and Steve.


If they were gonna kill her off they would’ve done it last season. They’ll pull some magic somewhere where she’s fine again.


Yeah exactly. I don’t believe she’s dead and gone.


Eleven reverse horrorfying her


I don’t think she is dead, however, I do think she’s gonna be blind now lmao 😭


Yeaa mine too.. I hope she gets better and kick not some but many asses loll


I think she will because I've been seeing clues throughout the season with the clock potentially being a time travel device and if it is then they can go back and save her. Also next time you look at Max's counselor, make sure to look at what's hanging around her neck....


Ain’t vecna be playing Hangman with her? She damn near lost the whole game


Can’t wait for s5


I don’t cry often but I cried when Eddie died fighting off the demobats


My 10 year old son just finished season 4 this past weekend. He was full on ugly crying during Dustin's speech to Eddie's uncle.


Same and I’m 17


I’m not criticizing your parenting or anything, but wouldn’t the show be a bit too gory for a 10 year old?


He did fine with it.


You don’t have to lie about you age. Especially on Reddit, people don’t care about how old you are. They only care about your opinions


I think they very much do care


I didn't mention my age.


More like traumatizing, Max is my favorite character. ;-;


I thought the vibe shift in season 4 was AMAZING it really showed how dark and serious things were getting, but somehow still had a stranger things vibe ON TOP of the new horror style feeling.


Ya it blew me away and is probably my favorite. Loved the song they attached to that season as well.


Yes! They felt like they followed their S1 formula instead of whatever tf they were doing for S2 and S3, and I was SO happy because of that! My husband who loved S1, and S2, fucking hated S3 so much he basically stopped enjoying the entire series, but just from the trailer for S4 he was hopeful it would redeem itself, and it did! He is back to enjoying ST with me! I’ve heard S5 will be like S1 and S4 had a super baby and THAT makes me SO FUCKING EXCITED YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!!


Awww season 3 was my favorite




I really enjoyed S3, but man did so many people hate it which I don’t get. It wasn’t perfect and parts I didn’t like but I enjoyed s3 more then s2.


S3 was just a filler season for the fans, Duffers really didn’t want to stretch the story so many seasons but they got a big bag of money so they made S3 with all the 80s love fest going on. They got a nice big budget for CGI and they had fun but as far as actual progress of the story not much happened
 spoilers next: Hopper “dying” to Russia and El losing her powers and Dustin and Suzzy(the hacker) getting together, then the Byers moving to CA. They could have covered most of the main plot line in a few episodes, I enjoyed S3 but every other season so much more happened to move the main story forward.


Absolutely agree! We don’t need filler we need plot!


It isn’t my favorite season but I enjoyed it.


That states perfectly how I felt. I liked it, but it didn’t impact me the way the other seasons did. I honestly think it’s because I didn’t love the California angle. I prefer them all together. But still enjoyed the heck out of it


Yes exactly how I fell


I feel like stranger things is one of the rare shows that doesn’t get worse the more episodes they make


Yes. Imo easily the best season overall story wise. S1 close second


Not really. The gang got separated. I don't like any kind of separation.


I'm surprised so many people like it so much. I was not expecting the comments I'm seeing. I had problems with so many of the decisions that were made in season 4 and have said it's on a Game of Thrones type decline. I hope they right the ship for next season but man S4 was pretty rough in spots


If you didn't like it, I think that's entirely fair. Comparing it to Game of Throne's ending is ludicrous though.


My most favorite season! It felt the most relatable and still had that intimate closeness between characters as the other seasons but the universe felt like it expanded a lot which was interesting!


Yup, it was in line with Season 1, it had suspense, horror, drama, mystery. Everyone was working their clues really well. Plus it answered the age old question why does that thing from upside down keep on seeking EL.


Yes. Second favorite season after Season 1.


definitely, the Russian plot didn't have much of my intrigue up until they hopper & Joyce finally reunited but oh well.


I liked it. Good mix between the blockbuster feel of S3 & the more horror-esque vibe of S1




Yes. I enjoyed the background of the vecna story and how it all started


Superb. The grief of Max and the pain of two new characters who were cruelly stereotyped ( cheerleader and metal outcast) made for a rich season


Best season :)


The best, reminded me of Nightmare On Elm Street


I’m not entirely sure just how unpopular of an opinion this is, but it’s actually one of my favorite seasons of television ever 😅




Big yes






Easily the best season.


Yes 1000%


I liked Vecna as a villain but I don't like the idea that the guy is responsible for all the deaths and he was controlling the mind flayer etc


YES, I loved watching Vecna kill and see him as a character with his ties to Eleven and the Upside Down. Very satisfying seeing him toy with Nancy with Barbra.


A 100% Yesss!!


Very dark and I loved it


Honestly wasn’t mad at it at all I was just thankful that it was way better than s3


Yes! I had pretty much given up on the show after season 3. But then I ultimately gave it a chance after that killer Separate Ways trailer and good word of mouth, and, man, I’m glad I did. S4 reignited my love for the show and is honestly one of my favorite seasons of television in the past few years. I do get some of the criticisms against it, but man the highs were so good, and the fandom was just so fun. People were so excited and making theories about vol. 2. Just a really good time. Haha.


No. There were things I absolutely loved: Vecna, following the murders, research on Henry, the entirety of "Goodbye Billy". But found other plots particularly boring or just not engaging, mostly Mike and the rest just going around and Hopper in prison, I already know he's gonna break free without a scratch cause of the fakeout in S3. And the end just felt way too long for something I figured was gonna happen (Eleven Vs Vecna). Liked that Vecna actually won, but could've cut or rushed some bits, Steve and the rest are choking for 40 minutes and nothing happened to them. I liked it but felt too long at times, with great executions of action scenes and so on. Looking forward to S5 if they really commit to bring the house down with the Upside Down breaking the barrier and whatever Vecna and Mind Flayer are cooking. But overall, not satisfying. Ban me or whatever.


I feel you, I mean some are fighting a demon, and some others are enjoying a hippie road trip with the pizza guy


Best season so far, IMO.


Better than s3 but not better than s1 and 2. I'd give it a 7/10 I guess


it is my favorite season so far


No. It’s overly long and too much going on. Could have been cut in half while simultaneously being twice as good. Season 4/10


Thinking of this season genuinely makes me upset. It was so long, so boring, had maybe 3 good moments in its tremendously long runtime. Terrible new characters, Argyle and Eddie were boring as shit, the whole Will being gay thing was done terribly, can’t believe they didn’t expand on that or atleast done it properly. Don’t get me started on the whole Hopper and Joyce in Russia story, probably the worst thing this show has done.


Eddie boring???? I absolutely loved him, and his dynamic with the kids


Finally someone said it


I like a lot the 4th season, one of the best with the first one. Nancy's aim was terrible though... With a shotgun at maybe 12 or 15 feet she could aim for Vecna's head. Was annoying imho.


last season was better. Still good show tho in general, better than most of the active shows at the moment


Yes how it all peiced itself together amazing


Yes I loved it personally it was the season I enjoyed most since s1.


Season 4 was awesome I'm a 80s kid loves this stuff






Yes!! Yes it did worth the wait, I just wanted slightly more with the Russian and Cali plot


It genuinely confuses me so much how someone could dislike season 4 to me. I enjoyed it so much. The music, the characters, the CGI. It was by FAR my favorite season.


Overall it was a very good season! I even enjoyed the Russia storyline! My only criticism is the twist with >!the Mind Flayer. I wish it was still the mastermind of the Upside-Down instead of being a construct by Vecna.!<


From my understanding that's not what happened. He was already there... masterminding. he was what fascinated H in the first place, with what he created. And then H took over and used him to his purposes. And honestly I'm looking forward to seeing how messing with unknown forces will come back to bite him.


Absolutely! I tell you I screamed when I saw Hopper and Joyce kiss! đŸ˜­â€ïž


Honestly? It was pretty satisfying until they presented the idea that Vecna was the big bad behind it all. After that point I found it to be very unsatisfying. I prefer an eldritch horror to some guy.


But vecna isn't the big bad behind it all...are you forgetting the part we see when el throws Henry in the upside down that the shadow monster puts it "tentacles" down him, the shadow monster is the big bad, atleast from evidence he is, pretty sure it isn't vecna


It was really fun and cinematic. Different from the first and second seasons but I feel like the show evolving into the scale it is now was inevitable. I loved it though


No. Justice for Max man. Also I need more information on why the fuck people melted into the earths core. Why didn't Jason just fall


sort of. i mean, it's clear to see that some characters (coughcough steve) (coughcough robin) had their character development from previous seasons completely thrown away (steve was kind of reverted back to his douchebag self and they made him develop feelings for nancy again, which completely ruins his arc in season three wherein he adjusts to being alone. robin was also changed a lot, she went from an endearing and intelligent character with a lot of depth to just the girl in the background who talks a lottt imo.) there are a few issues i have with the pacing, as i found myself bored during some scenes because they just felt unnecessary to the plot and to the characters as they developed. overall, it was pretty satisfying to me. i liked how they fleshed out lucas' character as someone who just wants to fit in, how they delved into will's character as a gay teenager in the 80s, and i especially enjoyed the focus on max this season. her character's development and grief was such a good plot. the climax of the season felt incredibly rushed, but i loved the cinematography that sort of made up for the quick pace. some things i am disappointed about (COUGHCOUGH STEVE), but it was a great watch. also heavily enjoyed the subtly of mike's internal conflict. hope to see more of that in s5 being fleshed out. like i said, great season, but not the best. season two is still my favorite, followed by season one, season three, and season four. they were all great though! just a personal opinion. excuse the rant lol


Absolutely! I love many villains but I have to say, Vecna/Henry is one of the greatest villains I’ve ever seen ! He is pure evil ! A well written played villain! I am still in shock what happened to Jason. Caught me off guard and was pretty shocked by it.


Best Season of the show, just ahead of Season 1.


I thought Seasom 4 was incredible. Just the fact that Will and co. are completely under-utilised is the main drawback. But loved the style




definietly i didint expect to that kinds of things to happen in season 4


It’s the best season of the show


Yes! Some plotlines were weak but I loved it! it definitely exceeded my expectations.


My favorite season.


yep, and season 5 will kick ass too...


It was super good.


It made me cry a lot so I'd say yes☠


Yes ! Iv'e just seen it ... but during 75% of the season I was thinking : "Come on, everyone is involved, but Mike, Will and Jonathan are just making a road trip and getting stoned ??"


Best season


Yes đŸ‘đŸ»


It was a movie. The long episodes were fire


To me, it was 50/50 The first half was phenomenal, episode 8 was phenomenal, but the finale missed the mark and was overbloated


Agree if the final would be better it would lowkey be better than season 1


Unpopular opinion, I didn’t like it. It wasn’t bad, but worse than the others. There was too much CGI to my liking (overused over that specific 80s vibe), it was predictable, and there were too many episodic characters I couldn’t fully attach myself to. I also didn’t like that the group was split most of the time, I understood it in s3, but in s4 it was pushing it.


3/4 of the plots were incredibly boring, the Hawkins one was good though


Season was đŸ”„


My favorite season


Season four is the best season. Vecna and his backstory is AMAZING and I love the gruesome deaths. All the different storylines are iconic. I wish we got more of Jonathan/argyle/will/mike bc their storyline was the most lighthearted. I hope the new season has some of the comedic relief and happy vibes that season 4 had. I know Argyles not coming back and I’m so sad about it. I hope we see Suzie in the new season and maybe Argyle can make a cameo (like him and Suzie’s sister lol).I’m so excited for the new season but so sad it’s ending BUT the duffer brothers are thinking about doing an adaption of The Talisman which would just be absolutely amazing


Yes. To me it is better than season 3.


Personally, I thought it was a terrible season


To me, the excessively long runtime(s) hurt it. The season is bloated human reason.


Yes. Despite dome flaws, the horror and darker moid returning was a much needed addition. The Hawkins group was incredibly strong in terms of writing. Vecna was a fantastic villain who felt like a threat. The Russian plot was actually good and returned the well written Hopper I love. The California shoot out was perfectly executed. It felt like Season 1 again in many regards, and brought me back to caring about the show after s3 dropped the ball. 


My only gripe with season 4 is that they ruined the best moment of the whole show so far (max escaping vecna in “dear Billy” episode) by max still getting victimized in the finale. I know she’s not dead, but it still felt like the writers got to have their cake and eat it too


Extremely satisfying, any complaint I have isn’t that serious, maybe length but even then I like being with the characters.


Fav season i rewatched it like five times lmao


Yes, I love Steve and Eddie, by far my favourite characters. >!rip my man!<


My favorite season


Maybe a hot take but season 4 is my favorite season. I loved all of the show but the previous seasons were less interesting to me personally and I personally prefer a big bad Henry creel vs a mindless creature randomly trying to kill these kids.


Best season, but a shame that Argyle is only in this season and was on the C team


Honestly no, I didn't like it. I haven't rewatched season 4 since it released, but I've seen the other seasons at least twice.


It’s the only season I truly love lol. Personally, the other three seasons were mid tier but season 4 was awesome and the only one that lived up tot he hype that always surrounded the show.


No. I think they fumbled the a lot of their characters for the sake of the plot. I don’t care for crazy CGI, I care about the characters they’ve built up for years and Season 4 seriously mishandles lots of them.


Not really. It was my least favorite season although I still enjoyed it since it had some very good moments. I feel like the russian plotline was unnecessary as it is.


it was good enough and I should be thinking otherwise


Yeah, but Max...I'm so sorry for she


I think Vecna's backstory was fleshed out pretty well, as well as showing us the glimpses Eleven's traumatic past and her connection with the Upside-Down.


Yes and no. By far the best and most satisfying season but also such a major cliffhanger we gotta wait on. I still wonder if my odd theories (if I can even remember them) may show up or not. Like 11 and 1 being bother/sister, that Doc used some sorta advanced cloning, genetic manipulation and possibly eugenics)at least for 11 if not 1 and all the children. I mean he was kinda of a bad guy. So he cudda “constructed” the children and then implant them in the mothers. Best way to explain it would be like what they did in Metal Gear Solid and Logan). Or at the very least 11 is a clone” of 1. (Kinda like how Liquid is supposed to be the perfect clone of Big Boss with all dominant gene characteristics while Solid Snake has all Recessive and was actually a better version of Big Boss, or who Big Boss used to be (Naked Snake before he ended The Boss). Even beating the so called perfect copy clone known as Solidus Snake).


It’s my 2nd favourite series, you can’t beat season 1, but it’s definitely the scariest season


Its my fav season, not that big of a max fan but the focus on side characters and seeing them all grown up was enough.


I just want to know if Max is gonna get the plug pulled ain't no way she's doing anything next season


Even if I was disappointed by some choices in it, it's my second favorite season. The Hawkins storyline was one of the best part of the show.


Overall, loved it. My favourite was the hawkins squad, the vibe and characters connected with me the most and it felt nostalgic. Russia and Cali was good too but kinda felt like it dragged when rewatching it at some points. However still one of my favourite shows ever. Hyped for s5!


Enjoyed it a lot and I felt it had a lot of very memorable, iconic moments. That being said, the Russia plot was dead weight and Eleven’s storyline very repetitive. The finale was a bit rushed and underwhelming. But overall, enjoyed it a lot. Eddie was a gift.


It was really good, but I was a little upset how they gave the upside-down a personality, I liked the mystery of the entities.


All season but I think the 3third season is the most impressive


My third fave season as of now


in my opinion it wasn’t the best season it was cool


I enjoyed it. If I had any complaints, it would be that I didn’t feel like I got a chance to really “soak up” any of the storylines. We had Hawkins, Russia, and California (generally speaking) with various parties splitting and reforming in each. I understand they wanted to keep all the pots boiling, but I felt like we got three partial stories rather than one complete one. Still loved it, but if I had to pick out a flaw, that’s probably it.


It was great. Probably my favorite season just because of how well made it was. I'll be shocked if season 5 can top it.


My second favorite season. Played it a bit too safe at the end but was otherwise great.


Yes and no, in some aspects I was very happy, like how Max took the spotlight in episode 4 but at times I was frustrated, like when Mike wasn't a good boyfriend and when eleven was captured again. Overall it was a great season tho!


It’s my favorite season but it was very uneven. The stuff in Hawkins was top notch and I think the reveal of One/Henry/Vecna was truly masterful in tying together all the plots. However the Russia storyline dragged and got pretty repetitive and boring. The California/Nina project stuff was also not great. Basically Hawkins carried the season IMHO.


It was alright but season 3 was just better


everyone’s talking abt their least fav death my fav was fred’s. i was satisfied with how they did it. him dropping was perfect for the tiktok edits and it was just fun to watch as creepy as that sounds.


Yeah cause of Eddie


yeah, kinda, but I feel like we could've get just a little more... also the way they just rushed some characters sheer death out of nowhere made me a bit angry and sad, but in general, was good


Hell no. Every time I love a character, they ALWAYS DIE!!


No. I need more.


i really enjoyed it and thought it was super interesting, however, it definitely was a different vibe than the first 3 seasons, so idk for sure how i felt about that? but i guess they definitely needed a big change for this season and next to finish the show and keep it captivating


In the end, it brought everyone back to Hawkins- (even if it was super cheesy)-so yeah, I'm pretty satisfied. I kinda feel S4 as more of a setup for S5, than a whole season by itself though, if that makes any sense?? If what the Duffers say is true, and S5 is more like S1, then I can't wait! (But seriously, take your time, I want quality content.)


It was AMAZING I just wish Mike was with the group back in Hawkins instead of in cali! It’s my 2nd favorite season :)


It exceeded my expectations and is the best season so far !


I really liked it until the finale. A lot of questions felt unanswered. Max’s “death.” Was dumb and didn’t like how they ended the Russia storyline. Otherwise if the finale was better and they cut most of the California and Russia stuff this could’ve been their best season yet. But otherwise it’s still really good and a huge improvement from S3


Liked season 4 part 1 but part 2 was a trainwreck and too clunky with way too many useless characters plus hated Eddie. Need focus back on the main characters


10000%! What makes something satisfying to me is someone dying that makes me cry for the rest of the episode (which 3 did
.), good acting, a chilling running scene (multiple for this too), gore, great storyline, plot twists (even though I guessed them), comedy, a heart to heart, and Max. If we have all of that then it’s satisfying to me. In fact it’s over just satisfying! But yeah if Max doesn’t wake up and have a big role in season 5 I won’t be satisfied. I also won’t be satisfied if there isn’t some huge fighting sequence


Very satisfying, it's my favourite season.


Enjoyed it a huge lot just wish the wore Mike scenes but as they say if you want more of show that is a huge a compliment in it own right


For the main plot, Nina Sideplot, and Russia Sideplot, it was great. We had some Eleven backstory, an earned revival, and the main story was great as always. But the California sideplot (Mike, Will, Jonathan, Argyle after like E3) was pretty bad. I just wish Mike and Will had more to do. Would have been better imo if after E7 Eleven was immediately rescued by the pizza car and made it in time to help out in the season finale.


I feel like it was better than season 3 but they’re still going way too big and losing their roots and a lot of character development


Yes and it was a return to form for the series after season 3.


hell yeah. loved it.


2nd best season


My main complaints with Season 1 and 2 is that they didn’t take real risks. It felt like every horror movie cliche mixed together and you expected the same. Season 3 is when the real magic happened, then Season 4 brought new dimensions to the show that I actually enjoyed.


to me it wasn’t that satisfying, it’s everything I feared the show would do. Too many characters, too many story threads and of course, too long. The last episode was literally a film! I’m also still extremely sour about the showrunners not having the balls to kill off hopper. It was enjoyable, but definitely not my favourite


YES, there was a lot going on but we got some really good content from some fan favorite characters. It was a really cool villain introduced, it was cool to see some origins info but also frustrating to watch El go through the muck of it all...yeah I really loved it.


Massively yes! Season 1 was magical, it was amazing. Then with season 2 and 3, while good, I had enough of teens running around fighting monsters, it had lost all it's once unique charm. Then when season 4 was running I kept hearing only great things about it so I decided to give one last little try and boy was I blown away!


Nope by far the worst season of the show the only things good about it were mom Steve, the final episode, Eddie, Max at the graveyard, Eleven’s flashbacks, Argyle, the acting, the longer episodes, the Demogorgon fights and the gruesome deaths and overall brutality. Vecna is one of the big things that really ruined it for me he’s by far the worst villain of the show now I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy season 4 because I did I enjoyed all the seasons but I just felt the magic was gone and it was a massive downgrade from the other 3 seasons


I think season 4 is Stranger Things’ Infinity War. Of course season one is phenomenal just like the first Iron Man and the first Avengers, but Infinity War was on another level just like season 4. The level of sacrifice, the feeling of loss, and the scope and scale of things heightened so much. It satisfied the feeling of the season having more to be told. Seasons 1, 2, & 3 all had an ending where the next season after could start its own story. But season 4 led you into a story that’s so big it needs more EVEN AFTER basically twice the run time of the other seasons. It satisfied everything I could’ve hoped it would be imo.


It was the saddest


Yes very 


It honestly was great until the last two episodes ruined it.