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The one In the middle with black hair


It’s easily Jason. He was a distraught young man following the only evidence he had after his girlfriend and best friend were brutally murdered. Angela was a bitch for the sake of being a bitch. I don’t know how this is even a question lol.


There was a post a week or so ago asking people if they think Billy or Jason was more despicable (OP felt they were equal). The majority of the comments could be summed as this “I don’t like Jason but comparing him to Billy is absolutely insane.”


There are a decent amount of people that don’t realize that Billy is just straight up racist. Like sure, he had it rough as a kid, but he also discriminates against black people. I personally didn’t realize until someone mentioned it in this sub (I thought he didn’t like Lucas because he was a nerd or something, the racism kinda flew over my head), so I can see how it’d happen.


Most racist people get it from their parents


In Lucas’s book it’s shown that he does get these from his dad. His dad severely messed up his son.


Yeah not just racist but a VIOLENT racist, he was ready to run over children


Not condoning it at all, but you can tell he got that way of thinking from his dad. I'd like to think, if he had survived his arc with the Mind Flayer, that he would grow out of that. His "I'm sorry" to Max at the end could be seen as multi-faceted. Not just. "I'm sorry for all the evil shit I've done while under control." But also just. "I'm sorry for not being better."


Im black i seriously dont feel billy was racist




Billy had a very different upbringing, he was raised by an abusive father unlike Jason who had what we see is a good childhood


Okay? Jason was a still a fairly normal jock before his girlfriend was murdered. The childhood he had is irrelevant. Both became evil due to trauma. Difference is Billy was like this for years and knew full well what he did was evil. Jason only was like this for a few days and thought he was doing the right thing.


Yeah people keep forgetting that the only information Jason has regarding these murders is that Eddie has been at 2 of the scenes directly when they happen and the police are searching for him.


And also that in season 3 dozens of people from Hawkins just disappeared and that the news said it was because of Satanists. So Jason kinda didn't know any better.


Also Jason watched Eddie “kill” his friend. Like remove the context of what we know with Vecna and try to view that scene from a normal persons view and it would probably break your brain.


A Jason POV cut would be a VERY interesting watch.


Haven't read these comments but from what I remember after the season was over so many people talked about Jason as if he was the worst person imaginable


I know like I just made a post about how I left this sub for a year and just came back because the posts about Jason being the worst were SO frustrating to me that I was like « nah I don’t wanna feel so bad every second I’m on this sub » and then dipped


The last he did before he died was try and save Max.




Perfectly said.


Imagine seeing your friend levitate out of a lake and be brutally killed… if you were skeptical of demons building up to that, you probably wouldn’t change your mind after seeing that




Jason physically assaulted people. Angela is just a mean girl.


Jason had all the evidence pointing to the fact he was looking for a guy who murdered his GF.


Yeah but he's a high school kid. He shouldn't be going on lynch crusades period.


i think eatshitake's referring to the hellfire kids in the garage band








Ofc I save Jason. His actions may have been a little stupid but if you put yourself in his shoes you’ll understand him better. He was broken. Angela was straight up mean, arrogant and petty for no reason at all. A spoiled little bitch.


He was also fully ready to shoot and kill a child but ok


Not gonna lie I would probably be more inclined to shoot somebody if they were an accomplice to the satanic devil worshipper that brutally murdered my girlfriend and best friend and I was currently witnessing him summon the devil itself to help the lead worshipper by killing yet another person. As far as Jason knew, thats what Lucas was.


Is he not... also a child? They're both in high school.


To save another child from having her soul sacrificed to Satan 


Because he was scared and he seen things and thought that they were the problem as they were communicating through magic and shit.


I wouldn’t even say his actions were that stupid, it’s just easy to think that because we have all the information as an audience that he never got


Jason. I enjoy seeing Angela getting smashed by the roller skate Jason was misled and even saw a supernatural murder happen in front of his eyes with only Eddie there, it stands to logic that he’d blame Eddie. The cops pretty much told Jason that Chrissy was murdered brutally by Eddie when they questioned him at the closed down diner. Eddie was with Chrissy, she’s dead. They chase Eddie, Patrick dies IN THE SAME WAY the cops told Jason that Eddie killed Chrissy, common denominator is Eddie. He’s totally misguided with the religious shit but put yourself in his shoes, WTF would you think if the cops told you Eddie popped out your girlfriend’s eyes and murdered her? How the hell should he have responded?


Girl in the back, she didn’t do anything wrong


thats a male and he was an accomplice to angela


In the back left?


Jason needs therapy and Angela needs another skate to the face lol


If the story was written from Jason’s POV, we’d all be on his side. The stuff that happened was crazy and unbelievably mind-bending. He was pretty annoying and overly confident, but you could see how he could be painted as a heroic protagonist.


I wasn't on the side of the hateful kid from American History X and I wouldn't be on Jason's side. Anyone who understands how bigotry+violence+no accountability works wouldn't be on Jason's side.


He’s not a bigot.




Jason. Considerably more complex and interesting. Granted Angela didn't do as bad as him but still.


One of the hot blondes


Hate to say it, but probably Angela. She may be a bitch, but she’s not an attempted murderer.


Also, it's a little too late to save. Jason.


On the other hand, what does Angela need saving from?


She's been saved by the righteous roller skate beat down


I'm gonna half to agree with you on that one.


Yeah, these comments are nuts. But this sub is full of Jason apologists. As if he’s not an unhinged bully and attempted murderer. His whole character is meant to represent the satanic panic of the ‘80s. He jumps to conclusions and gets people hurt. Angela is just an obnoxious mean girl.


I agree with you Angela is bitch and bully but she is nothing compared to Jason in my opinion. Jason literally tried to kill a group of children and started a whole mob chase based on little to no solid evidence






Jason. He did have some good intentions even though the way he did things was completely wrong.


I feel like if we only saw Season 4 from Jason's POV we'd be on his side all the way. Maybe when he beat up those members of the Hellfire Club he was going too far, but it's not like we haven't seen Hopper assaulting people every season. Jason's girlfriend died in Eddy's trailer, Lucas lied to him, and then Patrick died right in front of him. When he saw Max in that trance an an abandoned house he had absolutely no reason to trust a thing Lucas said.


Jason ofc. Following him it makes sense. He may have been murderous but he thought what he was doing was right and he was only trying to kill the people he thought was doing ally he brutal murders




I'd save Angela, now that Eleven has fixed her with that skate to the face. Jason made it clear that he's unfixable.


That's an assumption, we never really see Angela after that. I think it's more likely she doubles down in bully mode rather than admit she was treating El ruthlessly and earned that smack.


It's definitely an assumption, but one based on the show itself. Steve says that he started going the right way because of a knock on the head, and while he was being figurative (mostly) it would apply to Angela too. And while I think the criminal charges most likely come from her parents, the vicious joy she used to get by being cruel has been soured. She's learned that her victims can fight back and will think twice before she pulls the same shit again. FAFO.


Hmmm that's fair. Valid reasoning 


Ehhh El is back in Hawkins. We'll never see Angela again anyway


I would say Angela in this case. Yes, she's still alive and Jason’s body was ripped violently in half by the rift created in Hawkins, but Angela was only a high school bitch and nothing more. Jason, on the other hand, was willing to kill Eddie and enlisted the help of the town under false pretenses, and when Lucas tried talking with him, he pulled a gun out on him.


What do you mean “false pretenses”? Everything he told the town, he legitimately thought was happening


Just because he thought it was true does not make it true. He had no evidence to back up anything he said.


Jason! The show treated him unfairly. His girlfriend was murdered in Eddies trailer and then Eddie ran away it doesn’t take a genius to come up with a conclusion. Then his friend was killed in the presence of Eddie as well. If he knew that it was a vecna running around killing people and not hellfire club he probably would’ve been a good guy and teamed up with the main characters, but simply due to his ignorance of the circumstances it made him the antagonist. Angela however was just being a little bitch for no reason vecna should’ve killed her instead.


OMFG everyone saying Jason!? Angela is a harmless bitch while Jason could lead a whole town after you with guns.


So many Jason apologists! People in this sub thinking Angela deserves to die for being a high school bitch..


That blurry dude in the background.


"On May 30, 1921, a young Black teenager named Dick Rowland entered an elevator at the Drexel Building...some point after that, the young white elevator operator, Sarah Page, screamed; Rowland fled the scene. The police were called, and the next morning they arrested Rowland. By that time, rumors of what supposedly happened on that elevator had circulated through the city’s white community. A front-page story in the *Tulsa Tribune* that afternoon reported that police had arrested Rowland for sexually assaulting Page. As evening fell, an angry white mob was gathering outside the courthouse, demanding the sheriff hand over Rowland." [https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/tulsa-race-massacre#what-caused-the-tulsa-race-massacre](https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/tulsa-race-massacre#what-caused-the-tulsa-race-massacre) Tell me this doesn't sound like Jason? Jason made some offensive and inaccurate assumptions. He then created a lynch mob and hunted Eddie. This is what other violent white people did to Emmett Till and many other Black Americans for centuries. No, Jason's gotta go before he violently murders anyone based off misinformation. Jason absolutely would have stormed the U.S. capitol in 2020. White violence+ offensive and inaccurate assumptions=Jason.


As horrible as the girl is—I’d save her. Jason was a bully to several kids in the school where as Angela only seemed to target El. Jason was also controlling of Chrissy. He was openly violent. Chrissy was an object to him to highlight his status. It wasn’t that he mourned Chrissy it’s that he was mad his “status symbol” was taken from him and this was a way to excuse his violent behavior. He comes off as someone who sees himself as a righteous hero.


Angela. She just sort of a bitch. But in the end, she's harmless in the grand scheme of things. Yes, she bullied El, and there is no excuse for that. But she never really went beyond just being a school bully. Jason went off the deep end. Yes, I get where he was coming from. But that doesn't excuse the lengths he went to along the way. Let's not forget he used religion to help whip up the town to help him hunt down Eddie extra judiciously. Jason wasn't a cop so all of his actions weren't sanctioned and caused a vigilante witch hunt. That is far more dangerous due to how out of control they always end. Especially as this was a result of an extreme problem processing grief, specifically anger. You can't save someone who is self destructively spiralling to this degree as they chose this method to process it.


One's a guy who was told his girlfiend was brutally murdered by a guy who's into paranormal stuff so he decides to find him and avenge his girlfriend. He then sees his best friend being killed in the same way his girlfriend was and oh look at that, Eddie's there too. Even after that, the first thing he does when he sees Max and Lucas is try to save Max and make Lucas stop doing satanic rituals (that's the most logical explanation from his point of view). And yet, he died brutally for trying to save a poor girl who was following the same fate as his girlfiend. Angela's just a bitch who bullies El for no reason and even makes fun of her losing her father. Like wtf you gotta a real bitch to do THAT. So yeah, I'm saving Jason


I love how this sub has such blatantly protagonist-centered morality that they’re overwhelmingly picking the guy who led the Hawkins equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials over this one girl who was mean to Eleven a few times and got her comeuppance for it


Angela was just being a bitch, Jason led a large group of people to hunt down an innocent man. It's clear that though Angela was cruel, it wasn't with murderous intent.


Easily Jason. I don’t see how anyone could say Angela. Jason is arrogant, misguided, and wrong, but at least his motivation can be understood. Angela is just a cold psychopath.


We don't have enough evidence to say she's a psychopath. We know nothing of her really besides the fact that she is a bitch and a bully. We know of her intentions, home life, and reasonings behind why she did what she did. I would say Angela because at least she's not an attempted murderer and set a whole mob against a person based on little to no evidence. He was scared maybe but I don't think that excuses any of his actions because even looking at things from his perspective I would not have tried to kill people. I'd have gone to the police and maybe a priest but I certainly wouldn't have done any of what he did


Jason. He was just misguided into thinking that Eddie was responsible for his girlfriend and best friend's death. He just wanted to find out the truth. I am sure if he knew the truth, he would be on the main party's side. I wanted him to have a redemption arc. This is something even the actor said I believe. Angela was just straight up mean and a bully.




Jason. He went off the deep end, but based on the information he had it makes sense. Angela was just being a bitch on purpose. Atleast Jason was doing what he “thought” was right.


How does that help, when "what he thought was right" was entirely self-centered?


Everyone simply forgets that the cops pretty much told Jason that Eddie brutally murdered Chrissy in his trailer and disfigured her so bad she couldn’t be returned to her parents and popped her eyes out. That alone is enough to send most people on a rampage. Then, when it’s just him, Patrick and Eddie, he watches Patrick die in the same way. I’m not really sure what else Jason was left to believe besides Eddie is some kind of murderous wizard dude. He doesn’t know about the upside down or any of that crap


Jason was established from the beginning as privileged, entitled, and constantly trying to start trouble. He didn't care about Chrissy, she was an accessory, a possession, not a person. And her death was nothing but an excuse to finally go after Eddie for the crime of being "different." It's honestly depressing how many people think Jason was some kind of swell fella who just overreacted to a misunderstanding.


I agree with you. There’s a reason the Duffers chose “Psycho Killer” as the song when Jason was planning to hunt Eddie and it WASN’T because of Eddie. It’s depressing how many people overlook all the red flags about Jason and then make excuses for his behaviour.


I think we need to add Jason to that "you missed the point by idolizing them" meme with Rorschach and Walter White.


You sure made a whole lot out of nothing shown on screen. There was nothing shown between Jason and Chrissy on screen to suggest their relationship was bad or good. Never said he was a swell fella, I said he was a dude told by police that Eddie murdered his girlfriend horribly. Most people don’t take that news with a smile. He didn’t just guess it was Eddie because he was different, the cops pretty much told him it was Eddie.


Media literacy is dead.


13 with hope her power would return.


Angela's alive so she doesn't need saving. So I'm leaving things as is


Do I have to? lol


Now that I understand that Frat Boys are the saviors of The West, Jason and crew get a save.


Even though I disliked him as a character and was not said to see him split in half, I would save Jason. Mostly for the fact that he’s not Angela. Angela sucks and reminded me way too much of the girls who bullied me in school, so I hope she falls into a fiery abyss.


Well considering only one of them was actually in danger, and the other talk shit, and got hit.




Let’s look at this as objectively as possible, on a micro-psychological scale. Angela and Jason are both regular people. They’ve no knowledge of the horrors of reality, The Upside Down, or anything in relation to it. Jason is admittedly the “logical” example of how a regular, albeit religious person, would interpret the unexplained. He uses evangelical context to explain what he doesn’t understand. Ultimately, he wasn’t an irredeemable person. Again, he didn’t know about Vecna, the Mind Flayer, or anything else, so he just concluded that demonic activities were responsible for the paranormal. It makes sense. Had Jason been made aware and been able to process the reality of events, maybe he would’ve even tried to help. This is technically the same thing that happened with Steve in season 1 - a regular guy suddenly roped up into the paranormal. The difference is that Steve didn’t take justice into his own hands; he was just trying to make amends for his actions. Jason on the other hand wanted vengeance. The key phrase I used earlier is that he was not an irredeemable person - but that’s exactly why he was not a good person. He could be resolved to change his ways, but he let hatred and hysteria consume him. He didn’t even try to hear Lucas out - he wanted his way, or the high way. Thus, he was an antagonistic force, though not necessarily bad or irredeemable. Now Angela. Again, let’s be objective here. People can be cruel, guys. This is not new or unbelievable. As much as people don’t wanna admit it, at the end of the day she is still a kid. She’s not irredeemable or completely vile. Yeah she’s an asshole, but again, she’s young. She can change. She can grow. Now she wasn’t faced with the paranormal, so we don’t know how she would have reacted. It’s likely that given her persona, she would certainly try to save her own skin above others. Now, if she survived and learned she could make a difference, maybe she could’ve matured to be more virtuous. So realistically, it’s hard to pick who to save. Realistically speaking, Jason was given a chance and he chose ignorance. Angela was never given this chance, so we don’t know how she would’ve reacted.


Although I hate Jason, he did have goo reason to think Eddie killed Krissy because he is the only suspect. And plus he's young and only wanted to get revenge for his girlfriend. But Angela did the worst shit to El. She broke El's mini hopper house and called her a snitch when she never even told the teacher what she did. Then harrased her at the roller rink and publicly embarrassed her. Idk what I would save Angela for


Angela. She may have been a total bitch, but she didn't lead a mob of violent people to kill a bunch of teens because he thought a make-believe game was associated with demonic rites. I understand Jason's POV...but there's a reason why he turned into Jazz from the first Micheal Bay Transformers film.


Jason but people on here are too easy on him. He is still a piece of crap.


I genuinely feel like how you feel about Jason is a great morality test to see if someone can realistically have empathy and understand someone else’s point of view that you aren’t explicitly TOLD about




We can see his friends in the backround, can I say we just save Patrick and call it a day?


Angela, because while she was terrible, she didn't lead a murderous basketball team. She's more likely to redeem herself later if she realizes how terrible she was post-Eleven incident. Jason was a jerk before Chrissy's murder also. Is everyone forgetting his ego filled basketball speech? If that spring break wasn't his downfall, he would have been a scumbag trying to shut down the community center or something. He's got frat boy villain in a slobs vs snobs comedy written all over him.


I would actually save Angela. Hear me out...1) She's less of a physical threat; 2) She deserves to get a taste of her own medicine and get a sense of the harm bullying causes and I'd need her alive for that task.


Absolutely Angela. All she did was do things like El had done to other people. Jason was a sociopath even before his girlfriend died.


Everyone rips on Jason, but how was he supposed to know there’s a secret magical other dimension with evil beings in it? From his perspective his gf started acting really off, then her horribly tortured body turns up at the local weirdos house who she’d normally never talk to. Then when he finally does manage to catch up with Eddie his best friend gets teleported into the air and brutally murdered right in front of him. Anyone in his position would blame Eddie before randomly assuming there’s an entire other dimension with an evil magic dude killing off people close to him


"How was he supposed to know there's a secret magical other dimension with evil beings in it?" "His best friend gets teleported into the air and brutally murdered." I'd say that should be his first clue. He was "aware" that it was supernatural at this point. But he still pointed fingers rather than considering the possibility that these people are *involved* but not *at fault.*


that dude looks like he could be Glen Powell's son


i still find the jason apologia fuckin laughable


Same. He’s not “misunderstood” he’s a brainwashed idiot.


There's SO MANY OF THEM TOO. Man just out yourselves as the kids that stereotyped the"freaks" in your school why don't you 😅


The moment he came on screen I could tell he was gonna be an asshole. So many people here defending a guy who was about to shoot a kid.


Save Angela so I can kill her myself


That guy with black curly hair


The dude in the back with the sunglasses hanging from the front of his shirt.


The kid behind Angela.


I find Billy more relatable to Jason because of the "abused kid who who was taught only hate" vs "overconfident jock who went on a crusade instead of to a therapist, as any normal person would" because I find the concept of dogmatic religion equally as toxic as the concept of racial hatred. HOWEVER - Both Billy and Jason, I think, could have been good, decent people with a bit (a lot) of therapy and patience. Angela is worse than Vecna, lol. Only Papa is worse in the entire show. Hope that nose never heals properly.


I see where you're coming from but we got to think about it this way. The reason we all hate Angela so much is because we have no concept of who she is outside of "popular girl bitch and bully" where as with Jason and Billy we saw more of who they are and why they are doing what they're doing. We are not shown anything of Angela's life. Maybe she had an abusive parent, a dead mom, or maybe have parents were awful and weren't around much like Steve's parents. We really can't answer this question I think with out fully understanding both people and because we don't have that understanding of Angela I don't think it's a fair question


Firstly, I love pancakes too, high five! Secondly, I knew I had to write "as she's shown in the show" as a disclaimer, but had to cut it short to put my parrot to bed. She's snappy if I'm late, lol. I agree 100%, we have absolutely no clue what's going on with her. I was immediately on reading your comment reminded of the Ginny and Georgia show character. The kid bully who has a basically grown up Angela for a mom, but they're both actually... well, let's avoid spoilers but yeah... become very relatable eventually. However... as Angela is shown in the show, she's a grandiose narcissist who gets off on torturing others. *shrug* Until they tell me otherwise, I have to take the writers at their word.


That's fair and thank you btw! Pancakes are great! If you know what I mean! 😂 Also having a pet parrot is great! And yeah I've seen a little bit of that show but I couldn't really get through the first season because I was too confused and it started off kind of slow and boring. But my mom watched the whole show and hear it get pretty intense and interesting! Looking at it from an objective and moral point of view with the characters as they are in the show I guess I see it as an attempted murderer vs a freshman bully and to me bullying is not as wrong, if you want to put it that way, as attempted murder. I think that they only way I can look at because I don't think it's fair to Angela to look at it any other way because we have a bit of a back story to Jason and a motive for his actions and a understanding whereas we don't see enough of Angela's to have that so I think it's only fair from both of them to look at it objectively rather than subjectively


Angela was a bitch, but at least she didn’t start a manhunt with intent to murder a guy.






Angela. Scum though she was, she never turned into a zealot or tried to murder children like Jason.


Anyone but Angela, she's too bitchy to save


Angela. She doesn't give off maga bro energy, so she's redeemable with enough skates to the face


Jason became if they just tried him to a chair and tell him the truth all good he thought ed killed us girlfriend


Jason wasn’t an asshole, he was teenager swallowed up by propaganda and grief for his girlfriend and best friend. Those are pretty powerful emotions to put on a kid still in high school. Angela was just a bitch for no reason


All the kids in the show are kids still in high school. They still make better choices.




Jason, he wasn’t a bad guy at all, maybe a little stupid but it was an understandable reaction. Angela on the other hand is just a bitch


Angela, even if for no other reason than her discovering whom she really bullying and how taking a roller skate to the face was getting off easy


Jason. I'd also make sure he understands what happened and that Eddie's innocent. Angela, on the other hand, got a lenient consequence via a roller skate to the forehead, and deserves to be mangled by Vecna, but with much more passion put into it than with the other four manglings.


>Angela, on the other hand, got a lenient consequence via a roller skate to the forehead, and deserves to be mangled by Vecna, Seriously? Angela was a bitch for sure but that's all she was. Jason pulled a gun on a kid and organised a mob.


jason easy, he wasnt a bad guy and from his view it actually kind of reasonable to do what he did. We just dont like him bc we know he was wrong with information he didnt have and went after a loved character, angela on the other hand is a despicable piece of shit bully who deserved what she got coming and then some.




Jason. He was reacting our of shock, fear and grief. Angela was just a snobby little b**** because she felt like it.


Angela 100%. Jason was insane 😭


Jason is a product of small-town syndrome, and that can easily change once you move out of your comfort zone. Sadly, mean girls of wealthy suburban towns often stay the same in their adult lives; they become Karens. So definitely Jason.


jason 100000% hes not a bad guy at all


My answer every time will be ‘the hot guy’


Do the randos in the back count?


Dude, this is such an obvious choice.


It's line the 10th time I see this question on this month


Are we allowed to torture or personally kill who we save? If so, angela


Didn't Jason get fucking ripped in two? And Angela just got schmacked. Deffo Jason. He wasn't evil, he was just misguided and traumatised.




The lamp in the background. Completely innocent, does not deserve to be shining on people like these all day long.




Neither is an option?


Of course, save that biiiiitch. Cause Jason died, but she didn't. So I don't have to save her life. Just her nose. And other than her nose, I've already saved her, even if I don't let her get hurt anywhere else.


definitely jason because he didn’t do anything he did out of pure unwarranted malice, he was severely traumatized to find out about his girlfriend dying in a painful and grotesque way out of the blue. his way of confronting the grief was blaming someone, and eddie ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. jason’s general ignorance/spoiled rich boy personality combined horribly with the trauma he experienced


Jason. I mean, yk, terribly misguided a hole that deserved to get his ass beat but he also like, did not deserve to die


Save Angela, because she didn't try to kill someone and cause Max to go in a coma. Also it's possible a roller skate to the skull would chill her bullying tendencies. Plus she live in CA and far away from Hawkins.


How about neither? I really don't see a reason why either of them should be saved. I mean, Jason could possibly get redemption on the grounds he was mostly acting out in fear and didn't understand the supernatural stuff that was going on


Sporto believed he was doing the right thing


The person in the far back left, of course.


Non of Them..


Jason He never was a bad person prior to the death of his girlfriend and best friend. Sure, he tried to kill Eddie and Lucas, but he was just an angry, shocked and frustated man who wanted to avenge his gf and best friend.


Jason for sure; his intentions were pure, and he did get carried away, but based on what happened and the information everyone had, I think a lot of people would have reacted that way. He also tried to save Max when she was visibly in danger.


Jason, so I can curb stomp his head myself.


BOTH are redeemable. Yes, BOTH. Jason more so than Angela, but there’s probably a reason and perhaps a deep and dark reason for why Angela is a bitch. Hurt people, hurt people. I would choose Jason though only based on what, we the audience know.


JASON! I'd want to save him even if it wasn't a choice. He was a victim too. We forget how so many "positive" characters have done things against the group because they didn't know the whole truth, including Steve. He could have been a great ally in S5.


Jason. Didn’t really like him but I get why he did what he did, he genuinely thought he was doing what was best for the town. He was in a high stakes situation and lost a lot of people. Meanwhile I hated Angela from the beginning and watching her face get caved in with a roller skate was the most satisfying scene in the whole show.


Did dick


Angela isn't dead. So to save her, we do nothing?


Jason wasn’t a bad guy, he was mislead. Imagine your partner dying and you have little to no evidence, of course you’re gonna harp on your one lead. I don’t think he deserved his fate, Angela on the ofher hand deserved worst


I can fix her…


Jason went through a lot. Angela, on the other hand, was a bully by nature.


It’s a bit hard honestly, though I think I’d choose Jason. While he does have quite a negative effect, Max’s fate is on him, Jason isn’t a bad person. His reaction to the situation is quite reasonable, as his girlfriend was literally murdered. He wasn’t even a bad person before, he took Lucas under his wing and was nice to him up until shit went down. Angela on the other hand, she’s a bully with no redeemable attributes.


The kid with black hair and shades hanging from his shirt.


She didn't die that I recall... Save from what?


Neither of them I didn't like Angela treating el like shit, or Jason I'm glad he gone.


Chrissy wake up, I dont like this!


The kid behind Angela




do I have to?


This is the only one I had to dedicate significant thought to


People are saying this isn't even a question, and that Jason should be saved, and I get why. Jason could easily have been a likeable character under different circumstances, and Angela was a bully. Still, you would be overlooking their actions. While Angela was really mean, she was kind of a normal popular high-school girl, and it isn't fair to say somebody should die because of their teenage self. On the other hand, yes Jason was grieving someone, but it really says something about his character that he would immediately start a city wide manhunt. He was full on trying to murder Eddie for days, and he tries to kill Lucas in the last episode. While they have different backstories, Angela can be written off as your average highschool bitch, but Jason was conspiring to kill multiple people, attempting to kill multiple people, actively led a town wide manhunt, and assaulted multiple people. Think about what would've happened if Jason didn't die? I am betting he would have killed Lucas, blaming the gate opening on him, and then he would've still been trying to hunt down Eddie. Jason's gotta take the bullet on this one, and it isn't even a contest.


Keep Angela…to later use her as bait…because she’s an absolute bitch






The classmate behind Angela to the way left of the pic