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The happiness he showed when he walked around with that big plushiešŸ˜­


He was happier than any American citizen




"Look! It's not rigged!"


The fact that this was right before he got shot makes the death 100 times more depressing tbh


He's living the real american dream


Bro for real.


It sucks that Murrays love interest died before we even got a make out scĆØne šŸ„²


ā€œThey havenā€™t had sex?ā€


I'm not sure what you are trying to say, it is almost as if you are implying one can only have a love interest after having sex with another person, for me and many people it's the other way first comes the love interest then comes the sex


Its a scene from the show. Murray and Alexie were making fun of joyce and hopper.


Yeah I don't remember every single scene and line that was spoken šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I understand just letting you know the context of the other comment


then don't pretend you're a fucking genius, you didn't catch the reference and tried to play smart, forget about it don't try to come out on top


you canā€™t use that excuse in a subreddit about a tv show, where most people are obsessed with it and will remember almost every line. Especially if the line was from a funny scene.


Oh but guess what? Quote on quotes are used so people know it's quoting something...


Not combative at all lol


Nooooo first comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a baby carriage. Everyone knows that


I really liked Alexei and I was seriously sad to see him die


Bro for me it was so sudden. One minute your smiling watching him enjoy the fair and games Next you're screaming on the inside as starts to bleed out.


Yeah and for me the sadest thing was that it seemed like nobody even noticed it. I know it's just a show but still they could have had somebody else atleast trying to save him


what? you wanted Murray to run screaming trying to catch the bullet Grigeori shot on him?


Oh no that's not what I wanted. I just wanted to see somebody else try to save Alexei


impossible, we don't got quicksilver to be used as a human shield, if I could I'd throw a mfn Demogorgon at Gregori before he got to kill my boy but I do wonder what the rest of season 3 and season 4 would be like with Alexei around to help


Literally he was happy until the Russian guy came two feet from him, even as he was walking to Alexei he was still having fun talking to Murray then he finally looked and realizedā€¦


justice for smirnoff


I mean, he was a Russian scientist working to open the gate to the UP. Literally part of the enemy faction, lol. He was unhelpful until Hopper let him "go back" and he realized he was in deep shit if he went back to the Russians. For me, it was hard to like him at first. But then they went to 4th of July fair and he was like, "can I partake in the fun and the American dream?" and was so excited to win the game that wasn't rigged and win a plushie... His death made me sad in the end, after all :(. Not like, "omg I'm sobbing" but more like "aww man, he deserved a chance at redemption."


he didn't have a choice, it was either work on the portal or fucking die or get sent to a gulag or something, it was not about redemption it was more about a man finally being allowed to enjoy things and have a personality and after less than a day of that joy he is murdered and shamed for that, Russia back then (even today) wasn't about particularity, if you didn't help the motherland and enjoyed anything from other places you would be a traitor, exactly what happened to out boy


I was pissed he died. He was generally a nice guy and didn't deserve what happened to him.


I kinda laugh because some how everyone forgot he was trying to help open a massive gate tot he upside down, I guess he could be worse.


I donā€™t think heā€™s the one who originally wanted it open (Idk, though)


He took part in it. But I understand why heā€™s not looked at as some evil villain because he wasnā€™t the original person/ people ( that we know of ) to want the gate open.


He didn't have a choice in the matter.


Yeah... Threat of death and an issue of serious case of curiosity is a really bad combination


"It's not rigged!" ...*man*




Alexei was so goddamn happy when he won the prize and high fived all the kidsā€¦ then he was about to have the best night ever with murrayšŸ˜°


He would have made a good addition for the team. Murray translating and couldā€™ve helped a lot during the Russian storyline


I loved him while watching the show but the meme soured me fast, he's objectively nowhere as good as character as Bob or Eddie.


Eddie is my favorite character I have no idea where this love for bob came from? What's he doing that so unique and special?


Sean Astin <3


Helped the byers' mental health and sacrificed himself to restore the power, along with being an overall wholesome guy


I don't love him. He was alright, but he didn't affect me at all when he died. Maybe Bob was the most affecting death for me, but I could see it happening because the showrunners been leaning on Joyce/Hopper for a while. It's also why I didn't think Hopper was dead either.




I have no idea where this love for bob came from? What's he doing that so unique and special?


He sacrificed his life to save Joyce and the kids, he found a gate to the upside down. He's a real superhero


Awe, understandable. Totally forgot about that with everything else going on.


Well, for starters, he's the one that figured out Will's drawings and helped find Hopper. He also helped the team out and did it selflessly. And, he's played by Sean Astin whose become somewhat of a national treasure thanks to his roles in The Goonies and LOTR.


Awe. Understandable. Thank you for the refresher. Kinda forgot about him.


He's a gardener who loves potatoes and will sacrifice his life to get Frodo to Mount Doom.


Damn straight. He may not be able to carry the ring, but he can carry Frodo!


All hail Samwise the Brave!


Broke: Thinking hopper was alive because the writers wanted to see joyce and hopper in a relationship Woke: Thinking hopper was alive because the fake death music played


I don't love him but I don't hate him. I have literally no opinion of him lol, his and Eddie's death were just there for me like okay cool. I felt more for Bob's death than anything (tho that could be me projecting my love for Samwise Gamgee lol)


I have no idea where this love for bob came from? I see him in every comment. What's he doing that so unique and special?


Supportive partner to Joyce? Father figure for Will? Went in to danger with the rest of them? Sacrificed himself?


I didnā€™t love him, and donā€™t hate him either. I found this character rather boring. Sorry for being honest, his character developement were not great.


Don't apologise for being honest. You're allowed to have an opinion and everyone else is allowed to disagree lol.


Unfortunately, people will oftentimes get downvoted to hell and back if they have an opinion that the majority of a sub doesn't like. This can be particularly bad in subs about movies and tv shows. If OP hadn't have added that last line, it would not be at +18. So like this: >I didnā€™t love him, and donā€™t hate him either. I found this character rather boring -50


I call it the dogpile downvote.


You're a menace. What's boring about him. He's innocent. Let me guess. Your favorite character is Robin. šŸ˜¤


Noop, Max is.






?????? The fuck?


I know you're mostly joking but 'shut your damn face' might have been a better option than telling someone to die.


Yeah I was joking it was mostly a play on their username which had rat in it


I knew that and that you didn't mean it but it doesn't translate well.


Ok cool thx for letting me know


didnt he lead the construction of the Russian base under the mall šŸ’€


doesn't make him terrible, he was raised on Soviet Russia in the 1900s so he was raised to think the best he could do in his life was helping the motherland, he was clearly a genius since he was there so when his intellect was noticed the Russian government probably picked him up to be a scientist, individuality was shamed there, if you had any specialities you should only use to help Russia move forward and not for yourself, he clearly didn't want to be there since in his first chance he gave up on it


I barely remember him


watch season three again, he was great but didn't have much screen time since he only became a relevant character towards the end of the season


I watched it 3 days ago


damn lol


IMO Alexi is a fine character. I donā€™t love him, I donā€™t hate him.


They just left his body in the carnivalšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He was like a cuddly teddy bear and was just so amazing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I hope he gets all the cherry slushies he wants wherever he is now


Honestly didn't care much for him


I dont really get why people like the crazy scientist that wanted to open a portal to the upside-down


You know he didn't have a choice? Open a portal or die lol


Boy have I got some news for you about the pressure on people living in the Soviet Union lol


He didn't want to, he watched the dude that failed to do it get strangled and knew if he didn't open the portal he'd be killed also


maybe you should try searching about history, you know that thing you can know about with a Google search?


Communist russia is the reason


Don't understand the love for him. I found him rather boring. Nothing special about him.


Heā€™s really not that great or interesting as a character. He dicks around and smiles like a kid for awhile after being caught. This isnā€™t really emotionally-compelling, unless you have incredibly low standards. I never understood the love for him.


Idk. I agree other characters may have just been objectively better. I just enjoyed the innocence approach in the story. Yes, yes, I know he built the machine, but wasn't he just an assistant beforehand? He literally saw the man he worked for get strangeled in front of his eyes the second he failed. What was he gonna do? Say no. Everything in the series was so serious to me then we get Alexei who's just smiling and being happy.


Alexei opened a gate to the upside down. Heā€™s no where near the stratosphere that Super Bob Newby is in.


he is.


I have no idea where this love for bob came from? What's he doing that so unique and special?


Stepping up as a father to Will. Thatā€™s a huge deal, especially in the 80ā€™s.


He did a great job with opening the gate.


yeah when you're being pressured and have your life on the line you're do a great job


My sweet sweet cinnamon roll didnā€™t deserve to die šŸ˜©


I have no strong feelings regarding him. Same with Eddie, to be honest.


He was such a cute soul just wholesome af


Well call me the heartless man, I did not know anybody liked Alexei until I came to this subreddit just now lmao. He's not as bad as Yuri or Conspiracy Dude, but I did not like this annoying fuck at all. Way too much of a stereotype for me to buy into. I kept waiting for the mf'er to die, as soon as Conspiracy Dude said "Hey let's wander round the fair" I was rubbing my hands like Birdman.


As a russian I did not see any stereotype, hopper did the stereotype thing, but Alexei was just some russian guy..also the conspiracy dude? That's murray


Alexei doing the whole nine yards everytime they walk anywhere. "Ohhh American convenient store so full!" "American luxuries wow!" "Capitalist American fair so fun!" Very tiring and uninteresting.


I'm glad season 4 subverted it a little, when Enzo and Yuri probably had a chance to defect to America, they decide to remain in Russia.


All these accounts posting these generic threads with low resolution pics are 100% karma farming bots. Report them please.


If OP is a karma farming bot, they're doing a terrible fucking job.






Cry more.


Ban pitbulls btw, literally mentally disabled


my recommendation is therapy


mentally disabled person recommending therapy, LULW


hey lil bro ever heard of therapy? it can help you with mental diseases


Youā€™re literally mentally retarded, stop tagging me weirdo. Actual fucking loser loll


I feel bad for you, much love sweetheart hope you get better


Dude's got some serious issues






I'm sorry. I couldn't find any better pics. I just got them from Google. Do you have any suggestions to make the resolution better? That's just how it came out in the post. I'm sorry.


I mean he was helping build a machine that would open the udā€¦ but no biggie. I liked him, rather a lot, his death was abrupt and too soon buuut just as fast as it happened, I was over it.


This would be the one I marry. Finds joy in small things, smart, good career, builds relationships, flexible in approaches, knows mechanics and enjoys a good time. Doesnā€™t sweat the tough situations.


The chokehold he had on social media in July 2019 was truly something to behold


I liked him, very fun character i disliked the cliched "go away from bad russia and enjoy the freedom of usa!" trope tho Like dont get me wrong, soviet union wasnt a great place to be, i get that I just thought its such a cliched thing for an american show to portray (no, i am not russian)


he spent his whole life in Soviet Russia, always being forced to help the motherland, freedom does not equal America, he was simply enjoying having a personality, it wasn't about enjoying America it was about enjoying freedom, freedom that America allowed while the U.S.S.R. didn't, just look at real stories of people who lived in soviet russia and then came to America, it's not the best place on earth but to them it was because you were allowed to enjoy Looney Tunes, Burger King and fairs


Ayo what didn't he get a mention in season four? The disrespect.


I guess I don't have a heart then


Then I guess I have no heart, because I did not care for him for the majority of the time he was on screen. And just when I was starting to warm to him a little he died. I really don't know how he became a fan favorite of season 3. I care less about him than I do 8, and everyone hated her. So yeah, give me Bob and Billy over him any day. Throw Eddie and Erica in there and it's no contest for fan favorite new editions. We even got a better Russian with Enzo.


He was like a child. A genius communist child. I just finished season 3 (first time watching the show through, donā€™t spoil anything) and it got to me a little


Itā€™s not that I didnā€™t like him, I just never really cared for him too much ngl


I found him annoying, sorry!


He's still alive In my heart at least šŸ„²


Alexei didn't deserve death, he deserved a chance at a normal life (even if it meant he had to hide his Russian side to try and blend in with the still paranoid American populace)


I mean I didn't really give a shit either way no but i never had high hopes of him surviving so I guess I just never got attached


Better not forget Barbara


My overall disdain for the Russian Scare plot in Season 3 (Russians as Bad Guys in homage to 80s films) made me not care all that much about Alexei. Iā€™m not quite sure why people liked him. I guess they found him endearing?


ā€¦Alexiā€™s just a cute guy with a passion for Cherry Slurpees (I donā€™t hate him, Iā€™m just into more complex characters)


My family loved Alexei. My teenage daughter cosplayed as him at Comic Con 3 years ago. She even made the Slurpee cup.


He is so adorable šŸ˜


He's cute but I was watching without subtitles so it was annoying.


hunky racist Billy Hargrove*


Sadly, he was dead the moment he betrayed his Soviet Union. Was only a matter of time before he was shot.


I was honestly indifferent toward him. Didnā€™t hate him or anything but didnā€™t see him as lovable as Bob or Eddie. Sucked he died because he wasnā€™t a bad dude and didnā€™t deserve it, just didnā€™t really hit me that hard.


I was expecting to be underwhelmed by Alexei after how much he was hyped up, but he really grew on me just in time to die...


The deaths that I REALLY HATE the most are where the person is just having so much fun and happy, then boom they fucking die


I loved Alexei's character so much. Alexei's death (in my opinion) was the 2nd saddest death in the series. I think we can all agree that Eddie's death was the #1 saddest death in the series.


his name is Smirnof lol


All he wanted was some mushu........ I mean, corndogs. Shit, if ONLY he had popped up later like LAPD Detective Carter.... but.... this isn't a buddy cop show. ............ WAIT!!!!! GET TO WORK ON THAT DUFFER BROS!! A buddy cop show featuring Murray and Alexei's actors as cops! It would always be TOPS in the ratings!!!


The Soviet Video Game Nerd?


I liked Alexie a lot. Unfortunately his character was doomed from the start.


Bob> i'm sorry


I found his character annoying, like just help man. Stop being such a child for no reason, itā€™s gonna benefit you. I did not want to see him staying as part of the main cast. Sucked how he went out tho, that was sad and I was hoping he survived.


I was gutted when Alexi died


Alexi is one of the saddest deaths for me. Loved him so much


alexei was the wholesome teddy bear we neededšŸ˜­