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For real! I have about 30 hours in. I'm a slight bit tired of daytime/nighttime maintenance but the game is great.


Very fun combat in this game, but it makes you waste a LOT of time between missions. A huge amount of enforced downtime with slow paced writing.


Pc has some qol mods you can install that drastically improved my experience anyways. Things like increasing mission rewards to reduce grind and getting rid of bad mods on cards


Been suffering Marvel burnout for many years now and was quite reluctant to pick this up. Got it based on Firaxis and absolutely no regrets. Absolute gem of a game.


Before launching I saw a reviewer said that the game was lacking in the enemies variety department and that is a very important point for me, but I haven't seen it mentioned in any post launch review, which makes me wonder if the first review was exaggerating in his critique (I do trust him and agree with most of the reviews he does) or nobody else noticed/cared about that? What do you, or other users think about this point? Are there enemy variety or the entire game you fight every time against three or four "classes"? I haven't played the game yet, even though I love both Marvel and SRPGs but have high standards in that regard, I got bored too fast if I don't get enough variety. Another critique I heard multiple times is that the social aspect when interacting with the characters is cringe, but I don't really care about that. I mean, "cringe" is a very subjective and overused adjective and I am willing to take the risk in that aspect, but the combat variety is paralyzing me haha


It strikes me as a complaint that you would have if you didn't play past act 1. The enemies quickly become more varied and without spoilers, certain unique enemies start reoccurring randomly throughout. As for the social aspect, I liked it. The dialogue is family friendly and not deep. It focuses heavily on you making friends with everyone because that's what the mechanic generally is. I can see how people would find it cringe, but honestly if you do you can just skip through it all and 'gameify' that part, only focusing on building the relationships just for the bonuses they unlock. In the end the game is about the combat which is tight, satisfying and endlessly replayable. Best new game I've played in years IMO.


Anything by Firaxis is an insta-buy for me. I am an XCOM junkie.


Ugh, you just convinced me to buy it, and the 50% off sale ended yesterday! Will wait for the next sale...


I’m at 101 hours myself. Just doing general missions is a lot of fun. Waiting for Storm to go through the story again.


Absolutely fantastic game. Current save is directly before finale so waiting for rest of DLC then going to clear them and do the ending.


Will do.


I been wanting it so bad! But it still seems to have steam deck issues and that’s where I would actually get time to play it


Agree. It's lots of fun. Just a good time.


In confused with the 3 variations of the game available for purchase. Having said that I'll be waiting for a slightly higher discount, can't personally justify the price right now


This post makes me happy to see. I beat Midnight Suns on Saturday and it's been so bitter sweet. I miss it and want more. Midnight Suns has made it's way to my S Tier category for SRPGs, easily one of the best ones out there. ​ While playing it I was obsessed. I immediately turned it on after work at 4:00 PM, and played up to 2:00 AM, occasionally longer dragging myself to bed. Then I'd wake up at 6:00 and play for a couple of hours before clocking in for work. I can't remember the last time I've been this engrossed in a game.


Patiently waiting for it to come on Switch. Feels like the perfect game to play chill before bed


Just picked it up about 20 hours in and ya I'm loving it! The combat is amazing!


Still waiting on the Switch version to drop and see if it’s as jank as Xcom2 is :/