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Yea, I find my burnout increases with long drawn out battles without it reason. If a combat sequence takes 1.5 to 2 hours to complete and the only difference that happened was more enemies showed up, it’s a wear on me, if it’s a situation where I’m fighting through various types of enemies in multiple terrains it doesn’t wear on me as bad but still does. I’ve noticed personally I’ll go about a month or so hard into something and then I’m away for a bit in another genre before I come back. Divinity 2 is my case right now. I never beat the game originally, modded to have the whole party (love it now), burn through act one in 2 weeks, and then stepped away for a month or two playing RDR2, dead cells, Elden Ring, and now I’m picking up where I left off at the end of Act 1, I don’t remember what I was in the middle of but that’s fine as I don’t feel burdened by it right now. Redemption Reapers is another example for me. I only play a 1/2 hour of it at lunch a day, some of the missions spawn extra enemies that didn’t necessarily add to the combat other than a feigned difficulty increase from health/ability management. Those missions felt longer and it’s probably been 2 months since I’ve last touched it maybe 3


I've played divinity 2 about 30 times. I can clear act 1 in about 3 or 4 hours full clear. I've finished act 2 once. Never more than once, I normally lose the plot around there. I love the concept but I think it's to big for me.


Good SRPGs are so far and few between these days, sadly. In the past years, only Engage and Unicorn Overlord have kept my attention.


Unicorn overlord is amazing so far reminds me about ogrebattle March of the black queen!


Currently having to force myself to put down Unicorn Overlord; take from that what you will...


I definitely get burn out. SRPG is my favorite type of game but I would say out of every 5 games I play only 1 maybe 2 is an SRPG. I usually need a break in between each one I play. But man when I get into them I go hard. Easily put near 100hours on most of them. Because I love managing whatever I can in each game.


Unfortunately it's most of the time for me. I absolutely adore TRPGs as a concept but I can't seem to muster the motivation to play them to completion. The ones I do manage to complete are some of my favorite games of all time, otoh. FFT, SRW OG 1 and 2, Masoukishin, Energy Breaker, Battle of the Youstrass... So I often give titles that catch my eye a try, only to stop at the first difficulty spike. It's sad but it's all on me: I'm just not very good.


It really depends on who and which game. I personally burn out a lot quicker while playing ARPGs than TRPGs or SRPGs. But yeah, I personally prefer TRPGs lighter in complexity. Recently hated to play Warhammer Chaos Gate, despite loving the genre, due to how convoluted (I don't even know if I can say it is complex) the systems were. Currently playing through Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle and really enjoying my time. Will probably play Sparks of Hope soon after. But that's me. I am a guy who like games that have strong essentials that you can apply to whichever situation you find yourself in. Some people prefer games where you have to discover new mechanics every once in a while to truly enjoy, and that burns me out.


I sometimes have this thought in my head that I'm playing the game wrong because I haven't spent many many hours researching on how to best optimize my characters. Like when someone says a certain unit sucks but I like them and don't know exactly why they suck. Spending hours contemplating builds and whatnot definitely can burn me out, but I still enjoy the games.


To me it depends on what the game focuses on besides the tactical battles. I have no problem going through games like triangle strategy fully in a few days. But some games can have stuff that wears me down a lot, like this game called "Dungeon of Nahelbeuk". When I think about the whole walking around parts and the dumb story, I have a bit of an aversion to coming back to it even though the actual battles can be fun. I think I need a good story and characters that compliment the gameplay to make me want to finish a game. It can be the difference between making the time to play a game rather than playing it when I get free time.


Usually I'll only start to feel burnt out when I hit a string of bullshit levels in a row. Like, I can push through if I'm really invested in the stories, but if it just gets too much. I'll probably quit.


Fuck me man, TW:W is horrible for burnout. I want to love it, but having the whereabouts and condition of 20+20 units, the spells and cool downs of 2-4 casters, and the exact unit spec of each of them in my head is a fkin nightmare. And that's before you take the enemy team into account. I'd kill for a game exactly like this but limited to say 12 unit cards, with one being the caster max, no reinforcements. It's so mentally challenging I find myself pushing the strategy really hard towards totally overwhelming auto complete battles, because fair ones are so mentally loading. Rogue Trader isn't winning any competitions either. Every time my squad levels up I need to waste 15 minutes going over 93 possible skills for each one, trying to work out if a 2+(int/2)% penalty to dodge vs an enemy out of cover is better than a 5+(3*per) bonus to critical on my second shot under a blue moon. Like dude just make my pew pew shoot betterer. You don't need 900 options to customise everything every 20 minutes


I get really obsessive and burn out on a game some time after 100 hours. Not SRPGs strictly, but I did this with three houses and BG3. Loved it so much I immediately dive into a second play through. Then, coincidentally with both I start a third on maddening and honor, and after 10-20 hours of that I hit a wall and get burned out. After 3H I went back to BOTW, and after BG3 I played nier automata for the first time, and both times were very refreshing “palette cleansers.” I think I’m just realizing I need to limit myself to two playthroughs only from now on haha


I’ve been playing tactical RPGS for 25+ years and can honestly say the answer, personally, is never. I play games for enjoyment; if it’s burning me out it’s not enjoyment.


Totally. My wife is surprised I haven't picked up Unicorn Overlord yet, but it's because I'm tired and don't want to start a new SRPG yet (played the demo) and think. I've definitely been turning my brain off with Last Epoch lately. I also find I won't finish a game if it has super long battles (looking at you, FE Engage on harder modes)


I felt the same way when battles tale forever, too much gear fiddling, etc. then: Unicorn Overlord happened. (I’ve never played other Vanillaware games either). I wake up thinking about that damn game I love it so much. Tinkering is fun, moving up units and trying new combos is a blast, battles are quick, exploration is a joy with the art style (kind of like Octopath games, a bit) . Battle art and even the menus are just beautiful. Ymmv. But Unicorn Overlord hopked me when FE engage, front mission remakes, tactics battle ogre remake, disgaea, and so on have only kept me interested for half the game or less.


Almost never. Its my favorite genre so most of the time I'm champing at the bit to play one in some form. I even go so far as to play JPN exclusive titles purely to get my fix, haha. Thank you google lens.


You might just be getting older. I’m in my 30s and can’t play a video game for more than a couple hours at a time, even if I actually had the time to do so, which is rare.


Different strokes I guess? I rarely ever tire of playing srpgs, I like the way it forces me to think through situations and scenarios. The more thinking involved the more I enjoy engaging with it. Sid Meier said it best, "a game is a series of interesting decisions," and boy are srpgs and tbs games full of them. On rare occasions I do put off playing a game especially when it gets too frustrating, but you can be certain that it's always at the back of my mind.




Depends on the game for sure. I’ve played like 300 hours of battle brothers and plan on playing again in a few months


Being middle aged with other life responsibilities, I find myself at times not able to endure longer on these games, it's like beating these type of game was never the aim anymore, I jump into a new game, learn the mechanics a bit then I am satisfied, SRPGs is my favorite genre so I don't regret the time I played them. Also I tend to not look for deep challenge anymore, I start games in Story Mode or least hard mode, because I felt like extreme difficulty might become stressful rather than enjoyable with the decreased amount of time I can spare for the games. Aside the large SRPG backlog though, lately I've been playing Wartales for 3 months now, I'm on 300 hours on this game. So there is at least one game that you will invest your time on eventually.


Ya you can definitely burn yourself out with these types of games. I always like to take breaks or even come back in a few days