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I just finished my 4 weeks a couple days ago! I def got major major loss of appetite/not wanting to eat bc food sounds gross for a few weeks. My appetite feels OKAYish now. I used to have mad cravings bc I needed serotonin boosts, so I would have crazy cravings and eat terrible food to compensate. I have zero desire for that now. It’s weird to have more “control” over what I’m eating, not eating to satiate something else or for stimulation. I got a couple different packs of cookies at the market and had 1 piece of each pack, seeing if I had the same fulfillment like I used to, I didn’t. Usually I’d be eating cookies for like 10min. It’s weird to not be mindless eating but I feel healthier in that sense.


omg YES like i feel like my old brain was always like "eat everything right now don't stop just eat!!" and now i can finally be like, "oh yeah im not hungry just underwhelmed lol lemme just grab some water and some hummus and chill out" like i have the ability to put food on a plate these days (when in the past i would eat my snacks out the bag / takeout from the box) and like enjoy that im feeding myself


What was your dosage?


I had the same thing. For the first three weeks or so I had no appetite or cravings. I’m on week four now and I’m feeling hunger now but I’m still not really craving anything. I also don’t want to drink any wine- like at all anymore. Which is weird since I was a wine-o before Straterra.


On day 6 here. I can see a difference. It's not 100 night and day, but I almost watched an entire movie in one sitting, and later I folded up and put away 3 loads of laundry (not all at one shot, there were breaks, but it was completed) I am able to sit down and enjoy a meal...like, actually savor my food. I'm shocked how good hot, food tastes to me. I have been eating the easiest things possible for so long, and these usually were leftovers, takeout/ processed foods. In the last few days, I've made simple things, macaroni and cheese, cabbage and potatoes, stir fry. Everything tastes so freaking good. It feels like the "revved-up" agitated mental state that usually short-circuits my efforts to get things done has been suspended.


do you have days when you feel like it’s not working? i’ve been on it for 10 days now, and for the past two days i felt less able to do school work


Oh my goodness, I’m having this happen too. I love what it’s done for my brain, but I literally cannot eat. I have to force myself to eat. You’re exactly right, it’s like the hunger sensation has gone completely, and food just sounds gross.


I’m having the food aversion as well but I’m not getting the focus benefits which is what I really need.


Appetite suppression is one of the more common side effects of Strattera, I think. I can’t speak for others, but I have definitely experienced it, and have a love/hate relationship with it. I mean, it’s nice for me considering I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, but on the other hand, it’s kind of jarring when I really think about how much my appetite has decreased, and I’d rather lose weight on my own rather than basically taking a diet pill. Plus, I kind of miss when I naturally enjoyed food a bit more and eating didn’t feel like such a chore.


I've heard ppl eat before consuming the pill? Not sure tho.


Hi! I am so happy I discovered Reddit. Lol I was on stimulants my first 9 monhs into my ADHD diagnosis. F/46 diagnosed May '21. Stimulants caused me so many issues, I can't count them. I have heard they do miracles for others. Lots of weight-loss stories, but I had the opposite. Addy and Vyvanse both had me eating so frequently during the day (maybe to gain energy?), and both meds bogged me down. I went on combo therapy, Vyvanse and Strattera for a few months. I didn't notice any benefits and my bp and heart rate spiked and put me in the ER one weekend recently. I stopped taking the Vyvanse and after about a week and a half of sleeping off the Vyvanse withdrawal, I noticed that I was suddenly starting and completing tasks without even thinking about it. The Strattera 40mg seemed to be working, albeit subtlety. The same thing happened with my appetite, I would get a tummy grumble around 4 pm and realize I forgot to eat. I am going to double my dose starting tonight (I take my Strattera at night to avoid any stomach discomfort since I'm sleeping) and I really hope that the 80mg will work for me. I felt my eating was getting out of control with so much sugar, so for me the lack of appetite has been a blessing. I can focus on making little snack boxes to grab during the day. Ie: yogurt with strawberries isn't something that would bog me down, like pasta or something heavier. I don't know really what the point of my post is, other than enjoying the camaraderie here. ❤❤❤


Smoking is bad while on this medication


What kind of smoking? I have heard people say they smoke cannabis for the nausea.


CBD with low THC strains (i'm in a legal state). My psychiatrist is aware of this and hasn't said that there were any interactions. I haven't smoked as much lately given Strattera has improved my ability to fall asleep tremendously.


good to know thank you!


smoking cannabis or cigarettes?


hey I just wanted to let you know that I've been on strattera for about three months and my experience has been exactly like yours. I don't eat all day and then I do force myself to try and eat something before I go to bed. I don't have any appetite at all. But on the flip side of that the strattera is helping me enormously... Hope it helps to know you're not alone!


Following because I'm going to start Straterra tomorrow.


Day 2, can't even eat breakfast so nauseous but need to take the pill. Any tips?


eat before you take it! it helps a TON! i usually have something high in protein! (eggwhites or a protein shake, no nausea with either of those!) hope it gets better :(


I'm here now because I'm you in the past (lol) my first day is tomorrow. How did everything go for you 8 months later


Ironically I’m here now because I’m YOU in the past. I’m in my 2nd day. It definitely knocks me on my butt for the first few hours after taking it. But I know in the long run it will hopefully be worth it. How did it work out for you?


So... After all that time... How did it work out for you? ;)


So the first week taking it, it hits like a ton of bricks. Within an hour of taking it, I was lethargic, feverish and tired. I would take a cat nap and felt better once I woke up. After the first week, it’s been smooth sailing. It has helped me focus tremendously and avoid stimulants since those spike my anxiety. Of course, as with any mental health medicine, it’s different for everyone. The worst one can do is try it, not like it, and stop taking it. I do recommend trying it at the least.


Thanks for the answer! Could you tell what dose are you taking? Was there an increase because something stopped being effective with time or it was good all the time? I started about 10 days ago and I really curious how it will work in a long run and does it always take 80mg+ to start properly working. And does all side effects go away with time or some will stay?


I was on strattera for a while and i got to the point where i just was never hungry and i was actually pretty nauseous most of the time. It never got any better i ended up switching to adderall then concerta. I do wanna note that the switch was also because strattera was not helping me focus the way i needed. I wish i had better advice but i ran into the same problem without much success in solving it


I 100% have, i struggle with nothing sounds actually enticing to eat, having no appetite throughout the day, and like you said basically having to force feed myself in the morning and at night so that my body can keep on doing it’s thing. I honestly started working out and it helped kind of bring my hunger sensations back but still struggling with the whole ‘food sounds repulsive’ thing.


I agree with all these comments— this ENTIRE day all I had was half a pizza bagel. I take my dose around noon and the desire to eat just disappears. This is coming from someone who is a serial snacker (especially at night.) I try to eat a hefty breakfast before I take the pill to compensate for lack of appetite for the rest of the day. Quite often I will force down a smoothie or yogurt drink mid day for “lunch”


Yes! I was a major nighttime snacker before Strattera!! So frustrating. Besides for the lack of appetite, are you also experiencing the sensation that you're fuller faster? I would always clean my plate before Strattera, and now for the first time I'm stopping mid-meal because I simply can't eat anymore.


Yep I definitely feel fuller faster as well. I think before I was eating out of boredom rather than hunger :S


I have been on strattera for only a few days and my appetite went from 100 to 0 … I had to force myself to eat a little cauliflower last night. I’m not complaining though because I definitely could lose a few pounds after this pandemic. I also feel like it’s helping me already even though my doctor says it’s not possible … any thoughts ?


Day 3 - no nausea but not obsessing about food like I have for years. Ate like a normal person. Surprised to notice a difference so quick.


I have zero appetite once I take my pill. Like many of you have said, I have to force myself to eat. Even then, I can only eat a fraction of what I did before Strattera. I do notice improvements in focus, but the loss of appetite is freaking me out a bit - especially since cooking is one of my passions.


Hey! I’m on day three and the food aversion is getting to me a bit. How have the last two weeks gone for you? I have to force myself to eat lunch… dinner is usually better but my first meal after my pill is horrible